Nutrition Final Exam Review

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Desirable blood pressure


High-risk LDL cholesterol


What is the recommended minimum amount of time for washing hands with warm water and soap before preparing or eating food?

20 seconds

High-risk fasting triglycerides


High-risk total blood cholesterol

240 and above

Usually, what is the first sign of preeclampsia?

A large weight gain over a short time

A High kcalorie/ High protein diet is best used for what type of patient or condition?

AIDS, burns, malnutrition

Untreated gastroesophageal reflux increases the risk for the more serious condition known as _____________.

Barrett's esophagus

Infants fed honey or corn syrup are at increased risk for what?


Name a negative feature of potassium supplements?

Can cause toxicity Hyperchalimia

Nutrition therapy for a person with respiratory failure includes:

Careful attention to providing enough, but not too much, energy

Enlarged thyroid is associated with deficiency or toxicity of what nutrient?


Spoon shaped nails is associated with what deficiency?

Iron and Protein

What is a common source of lead poisoning in infants?

Contaminated water used to make infant formula

Corkscrew hair/Menkes disease is associated with deficiency or toxicity of what nutrient?


Diabetes Mellitus

Decrease carbs & Eliminate high sugar drinks

COPD or Asthma

Decrease carbs & Increase fat


Decrease fat, additional MCT oil


Decrease fiber & Increase clear liquid

Crohn's Disease

Decrease fiber / lactose & Increase kcal

A person with a fasting blood glucose concentration of 129 mg/dL and a Hemoglobin A1C of 6.7 would be classified as ______________.


Jane is visiting with her doctor during her 2nd trimester of pregnancy and has just revealed her strange cravings. The doctor declared that Jane is experiencing pica, which is causing her intense craving for ________


List some of the more common signs of malnutrition in children.

Dull brittle hair, swollen gums, sore smooth tongue

A mechanically altered diet is best used for what type of patient or condition?

Dysphagia or difficulty swallowing

One of the critical steps in treatment of HIV infection is to encourage what?

Encourage food safety due to risk of food borne illness

When carbohydrate is not available to provide energy for the brain, as in starvation, the body produces ketone bodies from:

Fatty acid fragments

Mottled teeth is associated with deficiency or toxicity of what nutrient?

Fluoride toxicity

Among all the vitamins, which is believed to be most vulnerable to interactions with drugs?


Aspirin & antacids interact with what nutrient?


What supplement can mask B-12 deficiency symptoms?


What happens if folate is given for anemia, when B-12 is needed?

Folate masks B-12 deficiency which can affect nerves

A clear liquid diet is best used for what type of patient or condition?

For prep for bowel surgery, acute G.I. distrubances

Desirable HDL cholesterol

Greater than 60

A Low-Sodium diet is best used for what type of patient or condition?

Helps lower blood pressure or prevent edema

The DASH diet plan was devised to prevent what?


Losing too much sodium & drinking too much water most likely puts an ultra-endurance athlete at risk for what?


Abnormally low blood sodium concentration is known specifically as __________________________.


Trans fatty acids (trans fats) are considered detrimental due to the fact that they affect cholesterol. How?

Increase LDL cholesterol & lower HDL


Increase fiber / fluids

Cystic Fibrosis

Increase sodium / calories

In a person who has previously maintained good glycemic control, hyperglycemia can be precipitated by:

Infections of Illness

Which of the following is a characteristic of iron deficiency in children?

It affects brain function before anemia sets in

What is the primary function of insulin?

It lowers blood glucose levels

Sarcopenia refers to what?

Loss of muscle mass/strength

Generally speaking, from which of the following foods are complete proteins derived?

Meats, fish, and poultry

Pellagra/skin lesions may be caused by deficiency or toxicity of what nutrient?


Which B vitamin acts more like a drug in large doses (via supplement) and may cause liver injury?


In critical care patients, energy (kcalorie) needs may be higher than normal due to what possible factors?

Open wounds or burns

What is the vitamin precursor that may cause skin yellowing?


Which of these dietary substances may help to protect against cancer?

compounds in fruits and vegetables

What food is responsible for the most life-threatening allergic reactions in people (anaphylactic shock)?


During pregnancy, the combination of high blood pressure and protein in the urine signals:


Regarding dietary carbohydrate, a patient with diabetes should be most concerned about:

consuming the correct proportion of sugars, starches, and fiber in meals

Jennifer has just had a baby. When she brings Thomas home, she regales you with the details of her hospital stay. She mentions that shortly after the birth, Thomas received an intramuscular injection of vitamin K, and she wondered why this was done, as it made him cry. How do you explain this?

Prevented possible bleeding events

A person diagnosed with milk allergy would be sensitive to the milk's ____________.


Pitting edema/bilateral is associated with deficiency or toxicity of what nutrient?

Protein deficiency

Which dietary adjustment may be helpful for women with gestational diabetes?

Restricting carbohydrate to about 30 grams at breakfast

A malnourished, acutely ill patient has just begun to eat after days without significant amounts of food. Which of the following blood test results would change most quickly as the patient's nutrition and health status improves?

Retinol-binding protein

What is the most likely side effect for a person who regularly consumes large quantities of carrots or carrot juice?

Skin yellowing

Dietary recommendations for patients with the nephrotic syndrome include:

Sodium restriction

With respect to protein intake, patients with hepatic encephalopathy should:

Spread protein intake evenly throughout the day

Tachycardia is associated with what deficiency?


The Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome may be treated with supplements of what?


Distorted taste/dysgeusia is associated with what deficiency?


Treatment for all kidney stones include:

a fluid intake that produces at least 2 liters of urine daily

Nigh blindness is associated with what deficiency?

Vitamin A

Which vitamin is present only in foods of animal origin?

Vitamin B-12

Bleeding gums is associated with what deficiency?

Vitamin C

Scurvy may be caused by deficiency or toxicity of what nutrient?

Vitamin C

Splinter hemorrhages on nails is associated with deficiency or toxicity of what nutrient?

Vitamin C

A deficiency due to antibiotic therapy may be caused by deficiency or toxicity of what nutrient?

Vitamin K

Which of the following vitamins are fat soluble?

Vitamins A, D, E, K

A person with celiac disease must avoid products containing:

Wheat, barley, and rye

Bile is:

an emulsifier made by the liver that prepares fats and oils for digestion

A fiber-rich diet may help to prevent or control:

diabetes, heart disease, and constipation

Three symptoms of lead toxicity are:

diarrhea, irritability, and fatigue

A low-fiber diet may be recommended:

during the acute phases of some intestinal disorders

Good sources of vitamin D include:

eggs, fortified milk, and sunlight

Some examples of foods with hidden solid fats are:

fried foods, sauces, dips, and lunch meats

Two causes of obesity in humans are:

genetics and physical inactivity

High-risk blood pressure

greater than 140/90

Because of their central role in health care, nurses are well positioned for:

identifying patients at risk for malnutrition

Chronic gastritis may increase risk of:

iron and vitamin B12 deficiencies

Alcohol is not a nutrient because:

it does not contribute to the body's growth or repair

Desirable LDL cholesterol

less than 100

Desirable fasting triglycerides

less than 150

Desirable total blood cholesterol

less than 200

High-risk HDL cholesterol

less than 40

Patients with mild hypertriglyceridemia may improve their triglyceride levels by:

limiting intakes of refined carbohydrates

Foods high in iron that help prevent or treat anemia include:

meat and dark green, leafy vegetables

What is a safe rate of weight loss on a long-term basis for most overweight people?

1/2 pound to 2 pounds a week

The nurse teaches a newly diagnosed diabetic patient to treat an episode of hypoglycemia by doing what?

15 jelly beans or 1/2 cup of juice

For malnourished and underweight people, protein and energy-dense snacks include:

scrambled eggs and peanut butter on wheat toast

Refeeding syndrome is associated with dangerous fluctuations in:

serum electrolytes

Two situations in which a person may experience fluid and electrolyte imbalances are:

vomiting and burns

Hepatitis patients should primary avoid what?


Wernicke Korsakoff Syndrome is linked to overuse or abuse of what substance?


The nurse is planning for the nutritional needs of a patient with acute pancreatitis. The nurse understands that ____________________ should be done initially.

All oral fluids & foods should be withheld (NPO)

NPO or "non per os" is an order not to give a patient what?

Anything at all food, drink, medication

An effective dietary strategy for the treatment of GERD is to ______________.

Avoid caffeine & alcohol

Which of the following is the most important goal for both medical and nutrition therapy for diabetes?

Blood Glucose Control

In what chief capacity does vitamin K function?

Blood clotting

Which nutrient produces the most carbon dioxide during metabolism causing it to be more difficult to breathe if you have COPD?


The nutrient that has the greatest influence on blood glucose levels is _________________.


Dietary treatment, including restriction of sodium, alcohol, and fluids is most likely used for what condition?

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

Kidney Stones

Decrease oxalate & Increase protein / fluids


Decrease potassium / fruits & veggies

Nephrotic syndrome

Decrease protein / sodium

What would be the most effective method to control blood cholesterol levels?

Decrease saturated fat & trans fat and replace it with unsaturated fat

What can be done to decrease triglyceride levels in the blood?

Decrease simple sugars, fat, and alcohol intake


Decrease sodium & Eliminate alcohol

Myocardial Infarction

Decrease sodium & Eliminate saturated and trans fats

CHF (Congestive Heart Failure)

Decrease sodium / fluids


Decrease sodium / fluids

CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease)

Decrease sodium / protein

A person with dysphagia has ___________ _______________________.

Difficulty Swallowing

During times of critical illness, plasma proteins leak out of the blood vessels, attract water, fluid accumulates and causes swelling known as what?


GERD (reflux)

Eliminate / decrease spicy, caffeine, chocolate

Fatty Liver/Cirrhosis

Eliminate alcohol & Decrease fat


Eliminate alcohol & Decrease sugar / fat


Eliminate alcohol / energy drinks

PKU (phenylketonuria)

Eliminate aspiratane / phenylalanine

Celiac Disease

Eliminate gluten / lactose

Research has shown that the risk for neural tube defects is lowered by taking supplements of what?


A Hispanic pregnant woman is visiting the community clinic for her first prenatal visit. She has a family history of diabetes, she is obese, and her last baby weighed 9 pounds, 8 ounces. The nurse realizes that she is at risk for what?

Gestational Diabetes

When blood glucose concentration falls, what pancreatic hormone is secreted to stimulate release of stored glucose?


What provides nearly all of the energy the human brain uses daily?


Patients with celiac disease must avoid foods that contain what?


The leading cause of death in the US associated with diet is ______________.

Heart Disease

Iron overload is also known as what?


What is the most important strategy for an underweight person who wishes who wishes to achieve a healthy body weight?

High calorie diet & regular exercise

Nutrition therapy for COPD includes what main goals?

Correcting malnutrition with higher calories from fat and lower from carbohydrate

A woman with a severe iodine deficiency during pregnancy may give birth to a child with what?


Who would be the most appropriate person to consult regarding medical nutrition therapy?

Registered dietitian

___________ is a characteristic sign of hypoglycemia.


Which group of symptoms is characteristic of the metabolic syndrome?

Hyperglycemia, abdominal obesity, reduced high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels HDL


Increased pureed

Which of the following is the most likely side effect of a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet?

Increased thirst due to water weight loss

Patients with celiac disease & Crohn's disease often cannot tolerate what (besides gluten)?


The nurse is reinforcing the dietitian's instructions for a postgastrectomy diet. The nurse realizes the client understands his diet when he states that he should do what?

Limit amount of sweets, cola, honey, and jam

Ben is worried that his family history of heart disease and his BMI of 28 are putting him at very high risk for developing cardiovascular disease. What would a clinician advise Ben to help lower his risk?

Lose weight, this can lower both blood cholesterol and blood pressure

The best overall diet for protection against heart disease appears to be ____________________________________.

Mediterranean Diet

What is a symptom of potassium deficiency?

Muscle weakness & arythmias

What term identifies the characteristic tingling sensations and reddening of the skin after ingesting a pharmacologic does of nicotinic acid?

Niacin Flush

A bone fracture might be the first clue that someone might have what "silent disease"?


Some of the health risks associated with being underweight include what?

Osteoporosis & Bone fractures

The first dietary objective in the treatment of anorexia nervosa is to do what?

Stop further weight loss

What is the name given to the ingestion of nonnutritive substances?


The frequent urination common in diabetes is known as _____________


Mr. Wilson's laboratory reports indicate hyperkalemia. His intake of ____________ should be restricted.


Jared Joiner is a 56-year-old male who is 5'9" tall and weighs 204 pounds. Mr. Joiner has been feeling particularly fatigued lately and decided to make an appointment with his physician for a check-up. The results of his laboratory tests include a fasting blood glucose level of 121 mg/dL. Mr. Joiner's blood glucose level meets the criteria for a diagnosis of what?


What is the name of the condition characterized by high blood pressure, edema, and protein in the urine of a pregnant woman?


A major reason why people must have sufficient carbohydrate and fat in the diet is to prevent what?

Prevent the breakdown of body protein for energy

Lactose Intolerance

eliminate dairy / lactose

Nutrient deficiencies, decreased mineral absorption, bloating & gastrointestinal (g.i.) obstruction can happen if you take in too much _____________.


After being diagnosed with hyperglycemia, Mr. Joiner returns 4 months later to his physician for a follow-up appointment. He has lost 10 pounds, but his fasting blood glucose level is now 131 mg/dL. Mr. Joiner's prediabetes has progressed to ________________________________.

Type 2 Diabetes

Irreversible nerve damage has been reported in people taking large doses of vitamin

Vitamin B6

Which of the following vitamins is known to deactivate histamine, a substance that causes nasal congestion?

Vitamin C

Deficiency of which of the following minerals is associated with retarded growth and sexual development in children?



increase - fiber, fluids, prunes

The excessive thirst common in diabetes is known as ________________


What may result from excessive intakes of vitamin D by adults?

Mineralizations of kidneys

What is the best approach to weight loss?

Reduce calories & Increase activity

The nurse recognizes that the most appropriate diet therapy for a client with cirrhosis provides what?

Adequate energy & Adequate protein

Major proteins in the blood that protect against bacteria and other disease agents are called:


Enternal nutrition provides nutrients using what?

GI tract (digestive tract)

A Fat-Restricted diet is best used for what type of patient or condition?

Malabsorption, diseases of the liver, pancreas, or gallbladder

Foods permitted on the clear liquid diet include all of the following except:


What might be a contraindication for tube feeding?

Severe G.I bleeding

Jenny has just learned that she is one month pregnant (1st trimester). She has been looking forward to all the ice cream, chips and cakes she has seen women on TV and in the movies eating when they are pregnant. What is the most appropriate advice for Jenny?

She does not have increased energy needs in the 1st trimester and should not indulge herself.

which of the following does not contribute to dehydration risk in older adults?

Total body water increases with age

Which of the following health risks is not associated with being overweight?

Type 1 diabetes

Three good food sources of calcium are:

milk, sardines, and broccoli

Why shouldn't vitamin E supplements be taken for at least one week before surgery?

Acts as a blood thinner and can lead to excessive bleeding

What is the primary function of potassium?

Acts as principal intracellular electrolyte & Keeps the heartbeat steady

A person with chronic diarrhea is at risk for what?


Mr. Purcell is an elderly gentleman who complains of frequent constipation. To deal with this problem, the nurse tells Mr. Purcell to do what?

Drink plenty of fluids

The nurse is working with a client who recently suffered from a stroke. The client complains of painful swallowing, nasal regurgitation during swallowing, and coughing during meals. The nurse recognizes these as symptoms of what?


Goiter is caused primarily by a deficiency of what?


What nutrient is responsible for causing the most accidental ingestion deaths in children?


Kati, a 19 year old female, arrived at the ER with a head injury and multiple broken bones. She is currently in a coma. When she arrived in the ER, the most immediate nutrition concern was what?

Restoring fluid & Electrolyte balance

A COPD patient who complains of abdominal discomfort and dyspnea may benefit from what type of meals?

Small frequent meals

Name the four classic risk factors for CHD

Smoking, high LDL, high blood pressure, diabetes


decrease - fiber / fluids

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