OB chapter 14, OB- Chapter 15, OB Chapter 13, management chapter 12, Management Chapter 11, Management Chapter 10, Management chapter 9, Management Chapter 8, Management chapter 6, Management chapter 5, Management chapter 4, Chapter 2

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Forming (stage 1)

"Ice breaking" stage -members are likely to be uncertain and anxious about such things as their roles, the people in charge, and the group's goals. -mutual trust is low, and there is a good deal of holding back to see who takes charge and how.


"a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more persons"

Bernard Bass concluded

"leaders manage and mangers lead, but the two activities are not synonymous" -managers typically perform functions associated with planning, investigating, organizing, and control -charge with implementing the vision and strategic plan. -leaders deal with the interpersonal aspects of a manger's job. -inspire others, provide emotional support, and try to get employees to really around a common goal. -create a vision and strategic plan for the organization.

Conflict as journey

"let's search for common ground and all learn something useful"

scientific management- Fredrick Taylor

"that kind of management which conducts a business or affairs by standards established by facts or truths gained through systematic observation, experiment, or reasoning. "

employee engagement

"the harnessing of organization members' selves to their work roles; -people employ and express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during role performance. *urgency *being focused *intensity *enthusiasm

Organizational culture

"the set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments. SHARED CONCEPT LEARNED OVER TIME INFLUENCES OUR BEHAVIOR AT WORK IMPACTS OUTCOMES AT MULTIPLE LEVELS

organizational design

"the structures of accountability and responsibility used to develop and implement strategies, and the human resource practices and information and business processes that activate those structures. " -organizations are more effective or successful when their structure supports the execution of corporate strategies

Conflict as war

"we shot down that idea"

Outputs (equity theory)

"what do I perceive that i'm getting out of my job?" -pay bonuses -medical benefits -challenging assignments -job security -promotions -status symbols -recognition -participating in important decisions

conflict as opportunity

"what will it take to resolve this disagreement?"

electronic brainstorming

(brainwriting) allows participants to submit their ideas and alternatives over a computer network

Team adaptive capacity

(ex.adaptability) is important to meet changing demands and to effectively transition members in and out. -is fostered by individuals who are motivated both to achieve an accurate view of the world (vs. enthocentric or self-centered view) and to work effectively with others to achieve outcomes.

Consensus (People)

(personal factors) internal- low (environmental factors) external -high

Negativity Bias

(something is salient when it stands out from its context) people tend to find negative information more salient that positive information. This leads to the negativity bias

High employee engagement

- 12% higher customer satisfaction/loyalty - 18 % more productivity - 12 % greater profitability

What affects the motivation of an organization?

- Reports on the organization's culture -announcements of new training programs -news on key managers -updates to human resource programs and policies -announcements of new rewards of working for the company

managerial implications for transformational leadership

- The establishment of a positive vision of the future- inspirational motivation- should be considered a first step at applying transformational leadership -the best leaders are not just transformational -transformational leadership affects outcomes at the individual, group, and organizational levels -transformational leadership works virtually -transformational leaders can be ethical or unethical

concept of evidence based decision making stems from

- a process of conscientiously using the best available data and evidence when making managerial decisions 1. the desire to avoid the decision-making biases discussed previously 2. research done on evidence-based medicine

Ways to increase employee commitment

- hiring people whose personal values align with the organizations -make sure that management does not breach its psychological contracts -explicitly and conscientiously enhance the level of trust throughout the organization

Problems for employers resulting from social media can be prevented or reduced by developing a policy that:

- states the consequences for noncompliance of social media usage -describes the purposes for which social media can be used -describes who, how, and when social media can be used

How to reduce cognitive dissonance

-change your attitude or behavior -belittle the importance of the inconsistent behavior -find consonant elements that outweigh the dissonant ones

the forms of power associated with one's job or position in an organization

-coercive power -reward power -legitimate power

Research on individual and group goal setting agree that

-commitment to the goals will achieve better outcomes -goals are more effective if they are clearly understood -challenging but achievable goals are motivating and associated with better results

Herzberg worked with a continuum for satisfaction and another for dissatisfaction. In practice, managers:

-conceptualize a single continuum -not separate the job context from the job content -remove some dissatisfying factors as the first step toward improving satisfaction overall

social media can contribute to the productivity of companies of all sizes and industries by

-connecting in real time and over distances with many stakeholders -connecting sources of knowledge across oganizations, offices, and time zones -expanding to include outsiders in problem-solving

consequences of conflict at work

-consequences -avoiding work-related evens -quitting -terminations -project failures -that it is time consuming

relationship oriented behaviors

-consideration -empowerment -servant- leadership

person factors that drive creative performance

-creativity requires motivation and domain-relevant knowledge -motivation to apply knowledge -capabilities to create new ideas, new products, and solutions -innovative cognitive style -self-efficacy -willingness to tolerate ambiguity -proactive personality

Effective coaching

-developmental -has specific performance goals -typically involves considerable self-reflection, self assessment, and feedback

Inputs (equity theory)

-education/training -skills -creativity -seniority -age -personality traits -effort expended -experience -personal appearance

Leadership Effectiveness in the Path-goal theory model (resulting effectiveness)

-employee motivation -employee satisfaction -employee performance -leader acceptance -work-unit performance

rank the ways evidence can be used in the decision process (least risky on top)

-evidence is used to make the decision -evidence is used to inform the decision -evidence is used to support the decision

LMX theory

-expectations must be clear -diversity must be embraced -initiatives to improve poor LMX are critical

Male Perspective of communication

-expected to communicate more aggressively -interrupt others more than women -hide their emotions because they have an inherent desire to possess features attractive to females -see conversations as negotiations in which people try to achieve and maintain the upperhand -maintain independence and avoid failure

positive/negative interpersonal attributes

-extraversion (+) -agreeableness (+) -communication skills (+) -Emotional intelligence (+) -narcissism (-) -machiavellianism (-) -psychopathy (-)


-firms looking to escape silos through horizontal integration -increasingly used by international organizations -combines a vertical structure with an equally strong horizontal overlay PROS -lines of formal authority along two dimensions such as: functional/product or product/region, can allow organization to work more cohesively CONS -management can sometimes fail to provide adequate processes to ensure it success -because some employees report to two bosses simultaneously, there is the potential for conflict if the managers fail to coordinate

A devil's advocate decision program

-produces more potential solutions and made better recommendations for a case problem -it develops analytical skills and emotional intelligence 1. A proposed course of action is generated. 2. A devil's advocate (individual or group) is assigned to criticize the proposal. 3 .The critique is presented to key decision makers. 4. Any additional information relevant to the issues is gathered 5. The decision to adopt, modify, or discontinue the proposed course of action is taken. 6. The decision is monitored.

career functions of mentoring

-protection -coaching -exposure and visibility -challenging assignments -sponsorship

McClelland's theory- how to motivate an employee with high need for achievement

-providing a lot of positive feedback -assigning challenging but achievable projects

employers can support employee's achievement by:

-providing timely and task-specific feedback -provide needed training

Email benefits

-reduced costs of distributing information -increased teamwork -reduced paper costs -increased flexibility

The use of self-managed teams in organizations requires changes:

-revolutionary changes in management philosophy, structure, staffing, and training purposes , and reward systems. -systems of authority

bases of power that result in compliance

-reward, coercive, and negative legitimate power

psychosocial functions of mentoring

-role modeling -acceptance and confirmation -counseling -friendship

top-down approach

-scientific management -job enlargement -job rotation -job enrichment -job characteristics model

executives and high level managers are able to get more accurate feedback about their own performance if they:

-separate feedback from the performance review process -seek it by creating an open, honest environment -collect feedback ananymously

reduce the likelihood of escalation of commitment bias

-set minimum targets for performance, and have decision makers compare their performance against these targets -regularly rotate managers in key positions throughout a project -encourage decision makers to become less ego-involved with a project -make decision makers aware of the costs of persistence

reward system

-should attract and motivate talented people -should foster personal growth and development and keep talented people from leaving

what factors determine span of control

-skill level -organizational culture -managerial responsibilities -organizational size


-small firms, large governmental firms and divisions of large firms. -groups people according to the business functions they perform, for example, manufacturing, marketing, and finance PROS -clear roles and responsibilities CONS -coordination and communication across functional silos can be an issue -most companies use dotted line or other informal mes=ans to combat this potential limitation

disadvantages of group decision making

-social pressure -a few people dominate -goal displacement -group think

some tips for sparking creativity

-solving problems when you're groggy -daydreaming -putting effort into it

Fundamental characteristics of action plans include:

-specific time limits -focusing on results -being specific about what will be achieved

suggestions for decision makers in order to make better decisions

-studying a greater number of potential solutions -slowing down when making decisions -evaluating a broader set of alternatives

lies (tactic in negotiation)

-subject matter for lies can include limits, alternatives, the negotiator's intent, authority to bargain, other commitments, acceptability of the opponents offers, time pressures, and available resources.

considerations leading to open boundary structures (hollow, modular, virtual) as the contingency design

-suitable partners they trust -efficiency is very important -organization can identify functions, processes, or product components to outsource profitability -trusted business partners are available -expertise does not need to be in house -a need to focus on a core business only -no need for direct or formal authority over others

environmental factors in the Path-goal theory model (specifics of situation)

-task structure -work group dynamics

Effective Team Size

-teams range from 2 to 25 members -effective teams typically have fewer than 10 members -suggestion is to limit a team to 9 or fewer members -coordinating with more people becomes too difficult- if not counter productive -we are asked not to fixate on any particular team size -team size should be determined by the requirements of the task at hand

the issues to consider when assessing effective leadership

-the content of the evaluation -the rater's perspective -the level of the evaluation

Attribution Theory

-the founder was Fritz Heiner people infer causes for observed behavior Casual attributions- suspected or inferred causes of behavior -managers should remember that other attributional biases may lead managers to take inappropriate actions

five elements drive organizational culture

-the founders values -the industry and business environment -the national culture -the organization's vision and strategies -the behavior of leaders

Weakening the opponent (tactic in negotiation)

-the negotiator here may cut off or eliminate some of the opponent's alternatives, blame the opponent for his own actions, use personally abrasive statements to or about the opponent, or undermine the opponent's alliances

strengthening one's own position (tactic in negotiation)

-this tactic includes building one's own resources, including expertise, finances, and alliances. It also includes presentations of persuasive rationales to the opponent or third parties (ex. the public, the media) or getting mandates for one's position.

steps one must take to become a better follower

-understand your boss -conduct gap analysis about your understanding of self and boss -understand your own style, needs, goals, expectations, strengths, and weaknesses

take aways from path-goal theory

-use more than one style of leadership -help employees achieve their goals -modify your leadership style to fit various employee and environmental characteristics

conditions that make pay for performance effective include:

-using multiple measures of performance -calibrated performance measures that ensure accuracy -paying top performers a lot higher than other employees

undesirable behavior can be reduced by:

-using punishment -ignoring it

Email Drawbacks

-wasted time and effort -information overload -increased costs to organize, store, and monitor -neglect of other media

important takeaways from trait theory -having a "global mindset" is an important trait -traits impact leader effectiveness -it can be important to hiring and promotion decisions

-we can no longer afford to ignore the implications of leadership traits. -cognitive abilities, interpersonal skills, business skills, strategic skills (attempt to cultivate and avoid if you want to assume a leadership role in the future) -organizations may want to include personality and trait assessments in their selection and promotion processes -developing a "global mind-set" increasingly is becoming a positive task-oriented trait.


-firms seeking to improve internal coordination to create better value -teams or workgroups, either temporary or permanent, are created to improve collaboration and work on common projects -focus on work processes PROS -rapid communication and reduction in cycle time of work done -greater flexibility -faster organizational learning -improved responsiveness to customers CONS -potential conflicts between processes and non-process functions -non-process parts of the organization could suffer neglect -fewer opportunities for functional specialization

some managers believe that personal friendships on the job:

-foster increased productivity -reduce productivity

generic effectiveness criteria

-goal accomplishment -internal processes -strategic constituencies satisfaction -resource acquisition

How Cisco increase employee commitment

-great pay -Flextime (consists of giving employees flexible hours that allow people to come and go at different times, as long as they work the normal number of hours) -employees called into military service -continue with full benefits for themselves and family - receive additional pay to make up difference between Cisco pay and military pay -employees called onto jury receive full pay while in jury for up to three months

advantages of group decision making

-greater commitment to a decision - a greater pool of knowledge -better understanding of the reasons for a decision

Perceived Stress is negatively related to

-has a strong, negative relationship to job satisfaction -employee management

Important takeaways from trait theory include:

-having a "global mindset" is an important trait -it can be important to hiring and promotion decisions -traits impact leader effectiveness

Legitimate power

-managers who claim compliance primarily because of their formal authority to make decisions -what most people think of as authority and is anchored to one's formal position POSITIVE -focuses constructively on job performance NEGATIVE -tends to be threatening and demeaning to those being influenced. - or build power holder's ego

what things have a positive impact on creative performance behaviors

-meaningful work -positive relationships with supervisors and coworkers -informational feedback -spatial configuration of work settings

social media has costs that inclue

-multi tasking -abuses such as playing games on company time

people perceive organizational politics as

-negatively related to job satisfaction -negatively related to organizational commitment -positively related to job stress


-occurs when receivers receive a message -it is the process of interpreting and making sese of a message

Change in tactics

-parties often move from "light tactics" (ex. persuasive arguments, promises, and efforts to please the other side) to "heavy tactics" (ex. threats, power plays, and violence)

Leader behaviors in the Path-goal theory model (general behaviors)

-path-goal clarifying -achievement oriented -work facilitation -supportive -interaction facilitation -group-oriented decision making -representation and networking -value based

how companies are responding to challenges in diversity

-paying attention to sexual orientation -responding to changing customer demographics

Person Factors that contribute to employee engagement

-positive or optimistic personalities -proactive personality -conscientiousness

Herzberg's two factor theory

-positive recognition to reinforce performance increases intrinsic motivation -it is harder to motivate someone who is dissatisfied with pay or working conditions -building motivators into a job is the core of job design


-when it is feasible for multiple vendors to join up and function -the company assembles product parts, components, or modules provided by external contractors (outsourcing) PROS -potential for cost savings -faster responsiveness -competence beyond one's boundary -ability to switch vendors for best fit and product improvement CONS -not all products amenable to chunking into modules -poorly specified interfaces can hinder modules and hamper assembly -laggards can hold up innovations that occurs concurrently across a chain of collaborators

Job Dimensions in the JDI tool developed at Cornell University

-work -pay -promotions -coworkers -supervision

avoiding or reducing work-family conflict is possible if -family and spouses support sharing domestic responsibilies -employers have a family- supportive philosophy

-work-family balance begins at home -An employer's family-supportive philosophy is more important than specific programs -the importance of work-family balance varies across generations

Reina Model (for restoring trust when it has been compromised)

1. Acknowledge what caused trust to be compromised 2. allow feelings and emotions to be discussed, constructively. 3. Get and give support to others in the process 4. Reframe the experience and shift from being a victim to taking a look at options and choices 5. Take responsibility. Ask "What did I do or not do that caused this to happen?" 6. Forgive yourself and others 7. Let go and move on

Influential model of cooperative conflict (desired outcomes)

1. Agreement 2. Stronger Relationships 3. Learning

Stereotype four step process

1. Categorization -categorize people into groups according to criteria (ex. gender, age, race, occupation, etc.) 2. Inferences -we infer that all people within a particular category possess the same traits or characteristics <ex. women are nurturing, older people have more job-related accidents, etc..> 3. Expectations -we form them of others and interpret their behavior according to our stereotypes 4. Maintenance maintain them by: -overestimating the frequency of stereotypic behaviors exhibited by others -incorrectly explaining expected and unexpected behaviors -differentiating minority individuals from ourselves

what defines a good leader?

1. assigning specific tasks to group member 2. telling others that they had done well 3. setting specific goals for the group 4. letting other group members make decisions 5. trying to get the group to work as a team 6. maintaining definite standards of performance

motivation of employee engagement

1. career opportunities 2. managing performance 3. organization reputation 4. communication 5. recognition

techniques for preventing group think

1. each member of the group should be assigned the role of critical evaluator 2. top-level executives should not use policy committees to rubber-stamp decisions that have already been made 3. different groups with diferent leaders should explore the same policy questions. 4. managers should encourage subgroup debates and bring in outside experts to introduce fresh perspectives 5. someone should be given the role of devil's advocate when discussing major alternatives. This person tries to uncover every conceivable negative factor 6. Once a consensus has been reaches, everyone should be encouraged to rethink his/her position to check for flaws -appoint a devil's advocate

the richest mediums of communication

1. face-to-face conversation -provides immediate feedback and allows for the observation of body language and tone of voice, facial expressions 2. telephone calls 3. emails

Implement Situational theory

1. identify important outcomes 2. identify relevant leadership behaviors 3. Identify situational conditions 4. Match leadership to the conditions at hand. 5. Determine how to make the match

truths about culture change

1. leaders are the architects and developers of organizational culture 2. changing culture starts with targeting one of the three levels of organizational culture- observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic underlying assumptions. 3. consider how closely the current culture aligns with the organization's vision and strategic plan.

Workplace attitudes to track

1. organizational commitment -likely continuation of their employment with the organization -greater motivation toward pursuing organizational goals and decisions 2. employee engagement 3. perceived organizational support -the extent to which employees believe their organization values their contributions and genuinely cares about their well-being 4. Job satisfaction

5 lessons

1. organizational culture is related to measures of organizational effectiveness 2. employees are more satisfied and committed to organizations with clan cultures 3. innovation and quality can be increased by building characteristics associated with can, adhocracy, and market cultures into the organization. 4. An organization's financial performance (growth in profit and growth in revenue) is not strongly related to organizational culture. 5. companies with market cultures tend to have more positive organizational outcomes.

4 functions of organizational culture

1. organizational identity 2. collective commitment 3. social system stability 4. sense-making device

three common sources of feedback

1. others 2. task 3. self

Level 1: Observable Artifacts

ARTIFACTS -consist of the physical manifestation of an organization's culture examples -acronyms -manner of dress -awards -myths and stories told about the organization -published lists of values -observable rituals and ceremonies -special parking spaces -decorations

***Outcomes of Job Satisfaction

ATTITUDES -motivation -Job involvement **-withdrawal cognitions (an individual's overall thooughts and feelings about quitting) -perceived stress BEHAVIOR -job performance **-organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) (Individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization - voluntary, and help work groups and the organization to effectively achieve goals. ) <ex. constuctive statements, personal interest in the work of others, suggestions for improvement, respect for the spirit as well as the letter of housekeeping rules, care for organizational property and punctuality and attendance well beyond standard or enforceable levels, etc.> -increased organizational commitment, job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior, and task performance -lower turnover **-counterproductive work behavior (CWB) (Behavior that harms other employees, the organization as a whole, organizational stakeholders such as customers and shareholders) <ex. bullying, theft, gossiping, backstabbing, drug and alcohol use, destorying organizational property, violence, purposely doing bad or incorrect work, surfing the Internet for personal use, excessive socializing, tardiness, sabotage, and secual harassment> -turnover

Performing (stage 4)

Activity during this vital stage is focused on solving task problems, as contributors get their work done without hampering others. -are mature task groups that have a common commitment and collaborate to achieve their purpose

Social Media Utilization rates

Age and percent using social media 13-18 : 81% 19-29: 89% 30-49: 78 % 50-64: 60% 65+ : 43%


An individual's ability to read, write, and speak English, compute and solve problems at levels of proficiency necessary to function on the job and in society, to achieve one's goals, and develop one's knowledge and potential

Workplace Attitudes

An outcome of various OB-related processes, including leadership -attitudes that have resulted from the interaction of various individual, group, and organizational processes.

Determinants of Intention

Attitude toward the behavior -the degree to which a person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation or appraisal of the behavior in question Subjective norm -a social factor representing the perceived social pressure for or against the behavior Perceived behavioral control -the perceived ease or difficulty of performing the behavior, assumed to reflect past experience and anticipated obstacles

Desired Outcomes

Attract Motivate Retain Develop Engage

Level3: basic underlying assumptions

BASIC UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS organizational values that have become so taken for granted over time that they become assumptions that guide organizational behavior -deep-seated beliefs -highly resistant to change SUSTAINABILITY a company's ability to make a profit without sacrificing the resources of its people, the community, and the planet. -being green

Integrated Model of Leadership (PG.441)

BEHAVIORS -task-oriented -relationship-oriented -passive -transformational WHAT THINGS GO INTO LEADER BEHAVIORS -demographics -knowledge and skills -task oriented traits -interpersonal attributes LEADER BEHAVIORS TURN INTO LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS -situational factors come before leadership effetiveness

The 3 Cs of effective teams

Charters and strategies Composition Capacity

3 Cs of team players (the "charge cover" or the bare minimum to be considered a team player)

Committed Collaborative Competent

Reinforcing the brand (social media)

Contacting and informing customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders of the value of your products.

Function 2:

Culture Facilitates collective commitment <ex. is exemplified when Southwest Airlines employees all deliver customer service with warmth, friendliness, and individual pride>

Function 3:

Culture promotes social system stability -the extent to which the work environment is perceived as positive and reinforcing, and the extent to which conflict and change are effectively managed.

Function 1:

Culture provides employees with an organizational Identity

Function 4:

Culture shapes behaviors by helping members make sense of their surroundings -helps employees understand why the organization does what it does and how it intends to accomplish long-term goals

The stages in the evolution of sharing power from domination to delegation (with least empowerment at top)

DOMINATION Authoritarian power- manager/leader imposes decisions CONSULTATION Influence sharing- manager/leader consults followers when making decisions PARTICIPATION power sharing- manager/leader and followers jointly make decisions. DELEGATION power distribution- followers granted authority to make decisions

Norming (stage 3)

Groups that make it through stage 2 generally do so because a respected member, other than the leader, challenges the group to resolve it's power struggles so something can be accomplished -Group cohesiveness: the "we feeling" that binds members of a group together, is the principal by-product

three types of potential followers from research

HELPERS -show deference to and comply with the leadership INDEPENDENTS -distance themselves from the leadership and show less compliance REBELS -show divergence from the leader and are least compliant


HOW LONG that activity is the focus of one's attention


Historically, management theorists downplayed the environment in exchange for the closed system approach characterized by highly disciplined military units

Values and Motives in Schwartz's Theory (Self- Enhancement)

POWER -social status and prestige, control or dominance over people and resources (social power, authority, wealth) ACHIEVEMENT -personal success through demonstrating competence according to social standards (successful, capable, ambitious, influential) HEDONISM -pleasure and sensuous gratification for oneself (pleasure, enjoying life)

Types of Innovation

PRODUCT INNOVATION -a change in the appearance or the performance of a product or a service or the creation of a new one PROCESS INNOVATION -a change in the way a product or a service is conceived, manufactured, or distributed CORE INNOVATIONS -targeted at existing customers and rely on optimizing existing products/services for existing customers TRANSFORMATION INNOVATIONS -targeted at creating new markets and customers and rely on developing breakthroughs and inventing things that don't currently exist

pros and cons of using intuition

PROS -it can speed up the decision-making process, which is valuable when you are under time constraints -it is useful when resources are limited -can be used along with rational decision making CONS -intuition is subect to the same types of biases associated with rational decision making -decision maker may have difficulty convincing others that the intuitive decision makes sense -a good idea may be ignored

representation and networking

Presenting the work group in a positive light to others; maintaining positive relationships with influential others; participating in organizational social functions and ceremonies; doing unconditional favors for others.


Resolving disputes; facilitating communication; encouraging the sharing of minority opinions; emphasizing collaboration and teamwork; encouraging close relationships among employees.

Distribution Criteria

Results Behaviors and Actions Nonperformance factors

Values and Motives in Schwartz's Theory (Openness to Change)

SELF DIRECTION -independent thought and action, choosing, creating, exploring (creativity, freedom, independent, curious, choosing own goals) STIMULATION -excitement, novelty, and challenge in life (daring, a varied life, an exciting life) HEDONISM -pleasure and sensuous gratification for oneself (pleasure, enjoying life)

Communication Process

SENDER -person who wants to communicate information MESSAGE - information RECEIVER -the person or group for whom the message is intended MEDIUM - method of communicating the message NOISE -interference with the message

Effective Performance Management Steps

STEP 1: DEFINE THE PROBLEM set goals and communicate performance expectations STEP 2: MONITOR & EVALUATE PERFORMANCE measure and evaluate progress and outcomes STEP 3: REVIEW PERFORMANCE deliver feedback and coaching STEP 4: PROVIDE CONSEQUENCES administer valued rewards and appropriate punishment

Goal setting process


Avoiding conflict makes it grow -act early to resolve a conflict or it is likely to grow





Smoothing it over by minimizing differences to please the other party

social perception: a social information processing model

Stage 1: Selective Attention / Comprehension Stage 2: Encoding and Simplification Stage 3: Storage and Retention Stage 4: Retrieval and response

Contrast Effects (Perceptual Error)

To evaluate people or objects by comparing them with characteristics of recently observed people or objects <ex. Rating an employee as average, from a comparison of the employee's performance with the notable performance of a few top performers>

Recency Effects (Perceptual Error)

To rely on most recent information. If the recent information is negative, the person or object is evaluated negatively.


Translating thoughts into a code or language that can be understood by others. -foundation of the message -communication begins when a sender encodes an idea or thought.


Two or more freely acting individuals who -share norms -share goals -have a common identity

Values and Motives in Schwartz's Theory (Self-Transcendence) -- have social value

UNIVERSALISM -understanding, appreciation, tolerance, and protection of the welfare of all people and of nature (broadminded, wisdom, social justice, equality, a world at peace, a world of beauty, unity with nature, protecting the environment) BENEVOLENCE -preservation and enhancement of the welfare of people with whom one is in frequent personal contact (helpful, honest, forgiving, loyal, responsible)


WHAT an individual is attending to at a given time

group influence

Weaves individuals into the group's social fabric by: -communicating and enforcing both role expectations and norms

Team building

a catchall term for a host of technique aimed at improving the internal functioning of work groups -teambuilding workshops strive for greater cooperation, better communication, and less dyfunctional conflict


a cognitive process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings


a customized process between two or more people with the intent of enhancing learning and motivating change -individualized and customized form of PM

traditional network

a few strong ties between an employee and developers from one social system

Receptive developmental network

a few weak ties from one social system


a focus on increased service to others rather than oneself -listening -empathy -healing -awareness -persuasion -conceptualization -foresight -stewardship -commitment to the growth of people -building community


a force that binds an individual to a course of action of relevance to one or more targets <ex. an individual can be committed to his or her job, family, girl- or boyfriend, faith, friends, career, organization, and/or a variety of professional associations>


a form of interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance, devotion, and enthusiasm.


a give-and-take decision-making process involving two or more parties with different preferences.

Organization Chart

a graphic representation of formal authority and division of labor relationships -family tree-like pattern of boxes and lines posted on workplace walls. FOUR BASIC DIMENSIONS OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE -hierarchy of authority (who reports to whom) -division of labor -spans of control -line and staff positions

Decision Tree

a graphical representation of the process underlying decisions 1. Is the proposed action legal? 2. Does the proposed action maximize shareholder value? 3. Is the proposed action ethical? 4. Would it be ethical not to take the proposed action?

decision- tree

a graphical representation of the process underlying decisions and shows the consequences of making various choices. -used to aid in decision making

Delphi technique

a group process that anonymously generates ideas or judgments from physically dispersed experts -used when face to face discussions are impractical, when disagreements and conflict are likely to impair communication -useful when certain individuals may dominate the group

leadership prototype

a mental representation of the traits and behaviors that people believe are possessed by leaders

equity theory

a model of motivation that explains how people strive for fairness and justice in social exchanges or give-and-take relationships. -based on the cognitive dissonance theory (people are motivated to maintain consistency between their beliefs and their behavior) -uses our perceptions of inputs, outputs, and comparisons of ratios to others <compares how well you are doing to how well others are doing in similar jobs. Instead of focusing just on what you get out of the job (outputs) or what you put into the job (inputs), equity theory looks at the ratio between your ratio (of outputs to inputs) to the ratio of others>


a neutral third party acts as a conduit between disputing parties


a number of objects that are considered equivalent are said to be placed in these categories in our memory -categories are generally designated by names. ex. dogs, animal, etc..

Peer Review

a panel of trustworthy coworkers who remain objective hear both sides and offer recommendations

communication competence

a performance-based index of an individual's abilities to effectively use communication behaviors in a given context


a person who has a self-centered perspective, feelings of superiority, and a drive for personal power and glory

Linguistic Style

a person's characteristic speaking pattern -how we communicate what we mean but also interpret others' meaning and evaluate one another as people -direct or indirectness -pacing and pausing -word choice -the use of jokes, figures of speech, stories, questions, and apologies


a set of expected behaviors for a particular position

group role

a set of expected behaviors for members of the group as a whole

Performance management (PM)

a set of processes and managerial behaviors that involve defining, monitoring, measuring, evaluating, and providing consequences for performance expectations - a continual process

Psychological safety climate

a shared belief held by team members that the team is a safe place for interpersonal risk taking and captures a 'sense of confidence that the team will not embarrass, reject, or punish someone for speaking up'

simple -rational model

a simple context is stable, with clear cause- and -effect relationships, so the best answer can be agreed upon


a situation in which there are possibilities to do things that lead to results that exceed goals and expectations


a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.

Diversity Climate

a subcomponent of an organization's overall climate -the employees' aggregate "perceptions about the organization's diversity-related formal structure characteristics and informal values"

continuous reinforcement schedule (CRF)

a target behavior is rewarded every time it occurs <ex. getting paid every time you made a sale> -desired behavior is sale..... reinforcement is the payment


a technique used by groups to improve creativity during the decision making process -a common technique used by both individuals and groups to generate potential solutions -helps groups generate ideas by silently and individually writing them down and sharing them


a trusted person hears grievances confidentially and tries to arrange a solution


abstract ideals that guide one's thinking and behavior across all situations. -relatively stable across time and situations -encompass concepts, principles, or activities for which people are willing to work hard. -strongly influenced by our religious or spiritual beliefs, the values of our parents, experiences during childhood, and events occurring throughout the communities and societies in which we live.


according to Ajzen, someone's intention to engage in a given behavior is a strong predictor of that behavior


according to Ciadlidini's research on influencing people, the six principles he found should be used in combination

changing the task boundries

after the scope, nature, or number of tasks one takes on


allows employees to do all or some of their work from home, using advanced telecommunications technology and Internet tools to send work electronically from home to office, and vice versa -roughly 24 percent of US workforce telecommutes for at least part of the job -on average, telecommuters work 6 hours per week from home -studies confirm telecommuting enhances productivity and retention, and decreases absenteeism -enhanced productivity

changing the relational nature of one's job

alter the quantity or quality of the relationships one has at work

integrative negotiation

an agreement can be found that is better for both parties than what they would have reached through distributive negotiation

affirmative action

an artificial intervention aimed at giving management a chance to correct an imbalance, injustice, mistake, or outright discrimination that occurred in the past

inherent morality (symptoms of groupthink)

an assumption groups are prey to that encourages the group to ignore ethical implications


an attitude, opinion, feeling, or action- shared by two or more people- that guides behavior


an attitude, opinion, feeling, or action- shared by two or more people-that guides behavior -help create order -allow groups to function more efficiently (prevents groups from having to progress through the development process each and every time they meet) -shared phenomena and they apply to the group, team, or organizational level

invulnerability (symptoms of groupthink)

an illusion that breeds excessive optimism and risk taking


an individual's combined explicit knowledge (info that can easiliy be put to words) and tactic knowledge (information gained through experience that is difficult to express and formalize) regarding and ovject, prson, situation, or decision opportunity

Psychological contracts

an individual's perception about the terms and conditions of a reciprocal exchange between him- or herself and another party <ex. represents an employee's beliefs about what he or she is entitled to receive in return for what he or she provides to the organization. >


an individual's set of beliefs about the characteristics or attributes of a group -used during encoding <ex. engineers are good at math. >


an informal group bound together by the active pursuit of a single issue -they have fluid membership -they may or may not coincide with formal organization groups -when the issue is resolved, they disband -temporary in duration

line and staff organization

an organization that has managers with decision making authority and specialists who provide technical advice and recommendations STAFF PERSONNEL -do background research and provide technical advice and recommendations to their line managers LINE MANAGERS -generally have the authority to make decisions for their units

Impression Management

any attempt to control or manipulate the images related to a person, organization, or idea. -speech -behavior -appearance

nonverbal communication

any message sent or received independent of the written or spoken word 65 - 95 percent of every conversation is interpreted through nonverbal communication

Implicit cognition

any thoughts of beliefs that are automatically activated from memory without our conscious awareness <ex. in an interview, you wear perfume, and it reminds the interviewer of someone they know that wears that>

SMART (acronym)

applied to goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results oriented, and time bound

Decision Support Systems (DSS)

are "computer- based interactive systems that help decision makers to use data and models to solve unstructured problems."

soft tactics

are friendlier than and not as coercive -rational persuasion -inspirational appeals -consultation -ingratiation -personal appeals


are important and effective to the extent that they restore trust

Employees in the United States who are suffering from psychological disorders

are protected by law from workplace discrimination

mechanistic organizations

are rigid bureaucracies with strict rules, narrowly defined tasks, and top-down communication -would have hierarchical culture -orderliness expected to produce reliability and consistency in internal processes-- resulting in higher efficiency, quality, and timeliness.

transformational innovations

are targeted at creating new markets and customers and rely on developing breakthroughs and inventing things that don't currently exisit

Adhere to standards of justice

are the outcomes and processes to get them perceived as fair?

personality conflict

as interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike or disagreement -what makes managers most uncomfortable is building relationships with people they dislike


assessing leadership effectiveness entails consideration of three issues, the content of the evaluation, the level of the evaluation, and the rater's perspective.

Formal Group

assigned by organizations or their managers to accomplish specific goals -organizational and individual -ex. work group, team, committee, task force

Self-Determination Theory

assumes that three innate needs influence our behavior and well being --- competence, autonomy, and relatedness -longer lasting and has a more positive effect then extrinsic competence- I feel knowledgeable and capable of completing a goal Autonomy- I need to feel independent and able to influence my environment relatedness needs- I want to be connected with others and belong to a group

trait approach

attempting to identify personality characteristics or interpersonal attributes that can be used to differentiate leaders from followers

how are attitudes in work place settings?

attitudes are positively related to performance and negatively related to absenteeism and turnover

access-and-legitimacy perspective

based in recognition that the organization's markets and constituencies are culturally diverse -customer satisfaction and employee productivity were higher when the racio-ethnic compostition of customers matched that of store employees

The perceptual model of communication

based on the belief that a receiver creates the meaning of a message in his or her mind. -means that the same message can be interpreted differently by different people.

structural empowerment

based on transferring authority and responsibilities from management to employees -efforts by managers to change traditional top-down, command-and-control, centralized management practices

Step 5: Put it together

be prepared -get valuable feedback -focus on framing and substance of your journey

Operant Behavior (Skinner)

behavior that is learned when one "operates on" the environment to produce desired consequences. Response-stimulus (R-S) model operant conditioning- reinforce something with a reward when they do the target behavior (starving birds but giving them food when they exhibit the behavior you want them to exhibit)

law of effect (Edward L. Thorndike)

behavior with favorable consequences tends to be repeated, while behavior with unfavorable consequences tends to disappear <ex. rats with the lever that let them escape>


believe in the cause and often go above and beyond to assure its success

Schwartz Value Theory

believes that values are motivational in that they "represent broad goals that apply across contexts and time" -values are relatively stable and can influence behavior outside of our awareness <ex. valuing achievement will likely result in your studying hard to get an A in class. -could drive you to compete against friends in a weekly golf game.>

get a feel for your batting average

benchmark your intuitions; get a sense for how reliable your hunches are; ask yourself how your intuitive judgement might be improved

successful diversity training in organizations

the educational component -prepare non-traditional managers for increasingly responsible posts -help traditional managers overcome their prejudice in thinking about and interacting with people who are of a different sex or ethnicity The enforcement component -"puts teeth in diversity goals and encourages behavior change" The exposure component -exposes people to others with different backgrounds and characteristics --- "adds a more personal approach


the exchange of information between a sender and a receiver, and the inference (perception) of meaning between the individuals involved. -it is a process and takes place between two or more people.

tolerance for ambiguity

the extent to which a person has a high need for structure and control in his or her life

value orientation

the extent to which an individual focuses on either task and technical concerns or people and social concerns when making decisions

Nondisclosure (tactic in negotiation)

the failure to correct misperceptions or conceal the negotiator's own position or circumstance such as a conflict of interest -includes partial disclosure of facts, failure to disclose a hidden fact, failure to correct the opponents' misperceptions or ignorance, and concealment of the negotiator's own position or circumstances

Group cohesiveness

the feeling that binds group members together

distributive negotiation

the fixed pie approach where one person wins at the expense of the other

idealized influence

the goal to instill pride, respect, and pride with employees

bounded rationality

the idea that decision makers are restricted by a variety of constraints when making decisions -nonrational model

Implicit leadership theory

the idea that people have beliefs about how leaders should behave and what they should do for their followers

Hard tactics

the involve more overt pressure -exchange -coalition -pressure -legitimating tactics

job enrichment

the job design method that offers an employee the opportunity to experience achievement, recognition, and stimulating work through vertical loading

creative outcome effectiveness

the joint novelty and usefulness of a product or service as judged by others


the management practice that enhances employee performance, well-being, and positive attitudes

pay for performance

the monetary incentives that link a portion of pay directly to results or accomplishments

contact hypothesis

the more members of different groups interact, the less intergroup conflict they will experience -naive and limited -reduce prejudice -prejudice also reduced contact

added-value negotiation (AVN)

the negotiation parties cooperatively develop mutiple deal packages while building a productive long-term relationship 1. Clarify Interests 2. Identify Options 3. Design alternative deal packages 4. Select a deal 5. Perfect the deal


the package of stable traits and characteristics that create a unique identity


the phenomenon that occurs when people who are members of a cohesive in-group so strive for unanimity that they fail to realistically appraise alternative courses of action

Job Crafting

the physical and cognitive changes individuals make in the task or relational boundaries of their work -employees are expected to define and create their own job boundaries


the physical cromponent of listening

generational differences

the population is getting older but continues to hold onto jobs while younger people are working too (you can have several generations at the same job)

organizational socialization

the process by which people learn the values, norms, and required behaviors which permit them to participate as a member of the organization


the process of actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages. -requires cognitive attention and information processing.


the process of becoming consciously aware of something or someone


the process of forming and maintaining intensive and lasting developmental relationships between a variety of developers and a junior person


the process of producing "new and useful ideas concerning products, services, processes, and procedures"


the process of weakening behavior through either the contingent presentation of something displeasing or the contingent withdrawl of something positive


the quality of decision may be enhanced, in the sense that they follow more logically from all available knowledge and expertise

Developmental relationship strength

the quality of relationships among the individual and those involved in his or her developmental network


the receiver expresses a reaction to the sender's message <ex. when the phone cuts out and you say.. are you there? ... yes I am>


the reciprocal belief that another person will consider the effects of his intentions and behaviors on you


the sense of "we-ness" that overrides individual differences and motives in a group

contingency theory

the situational theory based on the premise that a leader's effectiveness is contingent on the extent to which a leader's style fits or matches characteristics of the situation at hand

Position Power

the source of influence is associated with a particular job or position within an organization -legitimate -reward -coercive

social loafing

the tendency for individual effort to decline as group size increases reasons for it: -being uninterested in the task -not liking one or more team members

availability bias

the tendency to base decisions on information that is recent and easily recalled from memory

escalation of commitment bias

the tendency to stick to an ineffective course of action when it is unlikely that the bad situation can be reversed

leader-member exchange (LMX)

the theory based on the assumption that leaders develop unique one to one relationships with each of the people reporting to them

path-goal theory

the theory that holds that leader behaviors are effective when employees view them as a source of satisfaction or as paying the way to future satisfaction -reducing roadblocks that interfere with goal accomplishment -providing the guidance and support needed by employees -linking meaningful rewards to goal accomplishment

devil's advocacy

the tool for creating programmed conflict that appoints a member of the group as a critic

inspirational motivation

the use of charisma to establish an attractive vision of the future, using emotional arguments, and exhibiting optimism and enthusiasm

enacted values

the values that employees actually exhibit based on their observations and what occurs on a daily basis

non-cash motivators

there has been a trend toward this since the great recession -praise from immediate managers -leadership attention (ex. one on one conversations with leaders) -a chance to lead projects or task forces

complicated -the rational model

there is a clear relationship between cause and effect, but some people may not see it, and more than one solution may be effecive

complex -intution

there is one right answer, but many unknowns obscure cause-and-effect relationships -decision makers experiment, test, and probe

surface-level characteristics

those that are quickly apparent to interactants, such as race, gender, and age

deep level characteristics

those that take time to emerge in interactions, such as attitudes, opinions, and values -these are under our control

Dysfunctional conflict

threatens an organization's interests -highlights the important role of management, and your own actions, in determining whether conflict is more or less positive

monitoring performance Measures

timeliness quality quantity financial metrics (profits, returns, and other relevant accounting financial outcomes)

Halo (Perceptual Error)

to form an overall impression about a person or object and then use that impression to bias ratings about same <ex. rating an employee positively across all dimensions of performance becuase the employee is so likeable>

open up the closet

to what extent do you experience intuition; trust your feelings ; counts on intuitive judgments ; suppress hunches; covertly rely upon gut feel?

transformational leaders

transforms followers to pursue organizational goals over self-interests.


understanding that some cultures reflect opposing core values is important to a firm's success and its ability to compete

use imagery

use imagery rather than words; literally visualize potential future scenarios that take your gut feelings into account

Recruiting talent (social media)

use such services as LinkedIn to identify and engage job canidates

Glass Ceiling

used to represent an invisible but absolute barrier or solid roadblock that prevents women from advancing to higher-level positions <ex. the pay gap between men and women>

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

uses faster, more user-friendly methods of dispute resolution, instead of traditional, adversarial approaches (ex. unilateral decision making or litigation) -more user friendly, constructive, and lower cost method of handling conflicts between managers and employers

Social Media

uses web based and mobile technologies to generate interactive dialogue with members of a network.

Expert Power

valued knowledge or information gives an individual expert power over those who need such knowledge or information

Phase 2: Encounter

values, skills, and attitudes start to shift as the new recruit discovers what the organization is truly like -managing lifestyle-versus-work conflicts -managing intergroup role conflicts -seeking role definition and clarity -becoming familiar with task and group dynamics

Personal Values Vs. Personal Attitudes

values: represent global beliefs that influence behavior across all situations -affects behavior variously attitudes: relate only to behavior directed toward specific objects, persons, or situations -targeted specifically -affects behavior via intentions


we use it to interpret and evaluate our environment, using schemata and cognitive categories. -also helps us organize and remember information -also helps us to simplify what might be a bewildering range of inputs. -make the world more manageable

opportunistic network

weak ties with multiple developers from different social systems


weakening a behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced <Ex. getting rid of a former BF/GF by refusing to return phone calls or texts, unfriending them on facebook> -pretty much what will happen to your house plants if you stop watering them

Motivating factors

what makes an employee satisfied -including achievement, recognition, characteristics of the work, responsibility, and advancement- cause a person to move from a state of no satisfaction to satisfaction

he used transactional leadership

when Stephen Greer, found of Hartwell, installed controls for things like accounting procedures, inventory audits and reference checks for new hires in order to prevent fraud


when all members of a group either agree with a decision or are able to support it

anchoring bias

when decision makers are influence by the first information they receive even if it is irrelevant


when employees understand why the firm does what it does and how it intends to accomplish its long term goals, the culture is said to be helping members make sense of their surroundings

effectiveness Criteria

when mangers identify and seek the input of stakeholders, the information enable managers to develop the appropriate combination of effectiveness criteria.


when one "party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party"

Servant leadership

when people feel supported, they tend to reciprocate with increased effort aimed at collective performance. -expected to be effective because of it's focus on premise


when someone reacts to an attempt to influence them by doing just the bare minimum to get by

work-family conflict

when the demands from work and family domains are mutually incompatible - can be social and cognitive


when there is a difference between what is desired and the actual situation

boundaryless organization

where managers have largely succeeded in braking down barriers between internal levels, job functions and departments, as well as reducing external barriers between the association (organization) and those with whom it does business -primarily communicate with email, phone, and other virtual methods

goal displacement

winning an argument with a rival over shadows the primary goal of trying to solve the problem -the primary goal is overridden by a secondary goal

Remember your reputation

winning at all costs can have significant future costs

virtual teams

work together over time and distance via electronic media to combine effort and achieve common goals -it is more difficult to establish team cohesion, work satisfaction, trust, cooperative behavior, and commitment to team goals

Pay attention to input values as a person factor

yields positive outcomes such as -low turnover -higher retention -increased employee engagement -better customer satisfaction

positive feedback

you recall it more accurately than negative feedback -negative feedback can be motivational

Talk tentataively

you're telling a story, not stating facts. Facts first, then add the impact on you via your story


zappos spends 7-10 hours potential hires over four separate occasions in order to ensure that it recruits and selects people who fit into its culture

The Dialectic Method

calls for managers to foster a structured debate of opposing viewpoints prior to making a decision -skilled training -develops critical thinking skills -is useful in reality testing 1. A proposed course of action is generated 2. Assumptions underlying the proposal are identified 3. A conflicting counter-proposal is generated based on different assumptions 4. Advocates of each position present and debate the merits of their proposals before key decision makers 5. the decision to adopt either position or some other position (ex. a compromise) is taken 6. The Decision is monitored

Inaccurate Performance Appraisals

can come from faulty schemata about good versus poor performance

Dynamic/Chaotic -intuition and evidence-based

cause and effect relationships change so fast that no pattern emerges -act to establish order and find areas where it is possible to identify patterns

stereotyped views of oppostion (symptoms of groupthink)

cause group to underestimate opponents

Cognitive Crafting

changing one's perception of the existing tasks and relationships in a job


choosing a solution that meets some minimum qualification, one that is "good enough" -resolved problems by producing solutions that are satisfactory as opposed to optimal

Path- goal - clarifying behaviors

clarifying employees' performance goals; providing guidance on how employees can complete tasks; clarifying performance standards and expectations; use of positive and negative rewards contingent on performance.

Transactional leadership

clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing followers the positive and negative rewards contingent on performance

Referent Power

comes into play when one's personal characteristics and social relationships become the reason for compliance

Functional Conflict

commonly referred to in management circles as constructive or cooperative conflict -is characterized by consultative interactions, focus on the Issues, mutual respect, and useful give and take. -in such situations people feel comfortable disagreeing and presenting opposing views. -positively outcomes frequently result

Manage Outcome expectations

compare expected outcomes. Recognize your own zone of possible agreement, ZOPA, and watch for the others

programmed conflict

conflict that raises different opinions regardless of the personal feelings of the managers -devil advocacy and dialectic method

Employer Productivity

connect in real time and over distances with many key stakeholders -include: employees, customers (past, current, and future), communities, suppliers, prospective talent, former employees(sources of future talent) , and many others Connect sources of knowledge across the organization, offices, and time zones. -realizing the potential of employee diversity and enhancing productivity Expand and open the traditional boundaries to involve outsiders in problem solving

the key to successful innovations is

connecting to the customer


establishing a vision, displaying passion for it, and supporting its accomplishment; demonstrating self-confidence; communicating high-performance expectations and confidence in others' abilities to meet their goals; giving frequent positive feedback.

Framing Bias

example: customers prefer meat that is sold as 8% lean instead of 15% fat

Informal Group

exists when the members' overriding purpose of getting together is friendship or a common interest

assumptions behind nonrational models of decision making are that

explain how managers actually make decisions (nonrational models of decision making) -decision making is uncertain -decision makers do not possess complete information -managers struggle to make optimal decisions

Clarify what is confidential

explain what information can and cannot be shared online and provide an approval process

explain what is considered illegal

explain what information is proprietary, trademarked, and copyrighted.

Rational model of decision making

explains how managers should make decisions. -it assumes that managers are completely objective and possess complete information when making decisions. -- with excellent logic and optimize the organization's best interest.

organic organizations

flexible networks of multi-talented individuals who perform a variety of tasks -use horizontal designs or those that open boundaries between organizations


flexible scheduling- either work is expected to be completed (ex. deadlines) or during which particular hours of the day (ex. 10-5 or anytime today) you can work outside of the traditional 9-5 schedule

process theories of motivation

focus on explaining the process by which internal factors and environmental characteristics influence employee motivation -more dynamic then content theories

Content theories of motivation

focus on identifying internal factors such as needs ans satisfaction that energize employee motivation -"that underlie the direction, intensity, and persistence of behavior or thought" -mcgregor's theories -maslows -acquired needs theory -self-determination theory -herzberg's

maintenance roles

foster supportive and constructive interpersonal relationships -keep group together


give and take, especially between peers or when they have opposite goals

Self Managed Teams

groups of workers who are given administrative oversight for their task domains -employees act as their own supervisor Involves: -delegated activities such as: planning, scheduling, monitoring, and staffing

hierarchy culture

has an internal focus, which produces a more formalized and structures work environment, and values stability and control over flexibility. -timeliness, efficiency, quality, safety, reliability

market culture

have a strong external focus and value stability and control -competition -want to deliver results and achieve goals

adhocracy culture

have an external focus and value flexibility

clan culture

have an internal focus and value flexibility rather than stability and control -ex. family business- trust, respect

onboarding programs

help employees to integrate, assimilate, and transition to new jobs by making them familiar with corporate policies, procedures, culture, and politics by clarifying work-role expectations and responsibilities

decision making style

how an individual perceives and comprehends stimuli and the general manner in which he or she chooses to respond to such information -styles vary in two different dimensions: value orientation and tolerance for ambiguity

knowing your hot buttons

identifying ahead of time what can throw you off balance in a negotiation

build commitment to goals

identifying key obstacles and sources of support


if made public, it discourages the decider from acting on suspect considerations (such as personal advancement or avoiding bureaucratic embarrassment) and therefore encourages more responsible decisions


if mangers want innovation, they must dedicate resources to its development

Reward Power

if they can obtain compliance by promising or granting rewards -pay for performance -positive reinforcement


ignores the other party's needs by relying on formal authority to force the solution

Research from the last two decades shows that the use of self-managed teams:

improves work-life quality and customer service

distorted perception of reality

in-group members exaggerate the differences between their group and others

Hygiene Factors

include company policy and administration, technical supervision, salary, Interpersonal relations with one's supervisor, and working conditions- cause a person to move from a state of no dissatisfaction to dissatisfaction

external influences

individual differences that we have a greater ability to control <ex. where you live today, your religious affiliation, whether you are married and have children, and your work experiences>

360- degree feedback

individuals compare perceptions of their own performance with behaviorally specific (and usually anonymous) performance information from their manager, subordinates, and peers.

Herzberg's proposal

individuals will experience the absence of job dissatisfaction when they have no grievances about hygiene factors

outline consequences for violations

inform employees that they are responsible for what they post, on the job, behavior, and when they are representing the company


information about (individual or collective) performance shared with those in a position to improve the situation


innovation can not be systemized

don't mix up your I's

instinct, insight, and intuition

Organizational Politics

intentional act of influence to enhance or protect the self-interest of individuals or groups that are not endorsed or aligned with those of those organization

Consistency (time)

internal- high external- low

Distinctiveness (tasks)

internal- low external- high

intellectual stimulation

involves behaviors that encourage employees to question the status quo and to seek innovative and creative solutions to organizational problems. -aims to encourage employee creativity, innovation, and problem solving

learning goal

involves enhancing your knowledge or skill

realistic job preview

involves giving recruits a realistic idea of what lies ahead by presenting both positive and negative aspects of the job -because employees with unrealistic expectations are more likely to quit their jobs -helps aid employees in their expectations of a job

Job enlargement/horizontal loading

involves putting more variety into a worker's job by combining specialized tasks of comparable difficulty

Intermittent Reinforcement

involves reinforcement of some but not all instances of a target behavior Variable Ratio and Variable Interval -produce the strongest behavior that is most resistant to extinction Continuous and Fixed -the least likely to have the desired effects over time"that underlie the direction, intensity, and persistence of behavior or thought

Media Richness

involves the capacity of a given communication medium to convey information and promote understanding 1. Feedback 2. Channel 3. Type of communication 4. Language source

Effective Feedback

is only information- it is not an evaluation -ensures that manager and employee s are in sync and agree on the standards and expectations of the work to be performed -provide a road map to success -exchange information about the status and quality of work products

Organizational citizenship behavior

is significantly related to both individual and organizational level outcomes

Perceived organizational support--- The norm of reciprocity

obliges the return of favorable treatment -this is why we are more likely to reciprocate with hard work and dedication when our employer treats us favorably -must be voluntary


occurs when an activity fails to deliver its expected results or outcomes

Intrinsic motivation

occurs when an individual is "turned on to one's work because of the positive internal feelings that are generated by doing well -we receive intrinsic rewards such as positive emotions, satisfaction, and self-praise


occurs when companies nonemployees to contribute to particular goals and manage the process via the internet

Psychological empowerment

occurs when employees feel a sense of: MEANING - belief that your work values and goals align with those of your manager, team, or employer COMPETENCE-personal evaluation of your ability to do your job. SELF-DETERMINATION- sense that you have control over your work and its outcomes IMPACT AT WORK-feeling that your efforts make a difference and affect the organization

hindsight bias

occurs when knowledge of previous outcomes influences decisions about the probability of future occurrences


occurs when people perceive that they are being attacked or threatened -turns to defensive listening and destructive behaviors -shutting own -passive agressive -standing behind rules or policies -creating a diversion -counter attacking


occurs when specialists from different areas are put on the same team

Role Model desired behavior

produce good work yourself and recognize others who do the same. This will increase the subjective norm about doing high-quality work. -create positive intention toward doing the work **role modeling desired behaviors is an effective way to impact the intentions of others and increase subjective norms about doing work

National Labor Relations Act

prohibits companies from stopping the rank-and-file employees (i.e. people paid by the hour) from discussing salary and benefit packages outside of work time- also social media. for supervisors and managers-- you can legally prevent them from discussing pay but you should keep this in mind -restrict your conversations to people you trust -don't brag about your pay -understand your company's policy on the matter

Motivator-hygiene theory

proposes that job satisfaction and dissatisfaction arise from two different sets of factors- satisfaction comes from motivating factors and dissatisfaction from hygiene factors

situational theories

proposes that the effectiveness of a particular style of leader behavior depends on the situation

rationalization (symptoms of groupthink)

protects personal or "pet" ideas and assumptions

competing values framework (CVF)

provides a practical way for managers to understand, measure, and change organizational cullture

Job design/job redesign/ work design

refers to any set of activities that involve the alteration of specific jobs or interdependent systems of jobs with the intent of improving the quality of employees job experience and their on-the-job productivity

Span of control

refers to the number of people reporting directly to a given manager -----Managers should consider 4 factors when determining spans of control---- -organizational style -skill level -organizational culture -managerial responsibilities

Goal specificity

refers to the quantifability of a goal

fundamental attribution bias

reflects one's tendency to attribute another person's behavior to his or her personal characteristics, as opposed to situational factors -causes perceivers to ignore important environmental factors that often significantly affect behavior. -> this leads to inaccurate assessments of performance, which in turn foster inappropriate responses to poor performance.

Job satisfaction

reflects the extent to which an individual likes his or her job -is an affective or emotional response toward various facets of one's job -has a negative association with negative behaviors like CWB and turnover -is not a unitary concept (a person can be relatively satisfied with one aspect of his or her job and dissatisfied with one or more other aspects)

minority dissent

reflects the extent to which group members feel comfortable disagreeing with other group members -experience job satisfaction -relate positively to group participation

Psychological Safety

reflects the extent to which people feel safe to express their ideas and beliefs without fear of negative consequences

Organizational justice

reflects the extent to which people perceive that they are treated fairly at work.

Person-organization fit (PO)

reflects the extent to which your personality and values match the climate and culture in an organization -associated with more positive work attitudes and task performance and lower intentions to quit and stress

distributive justice

reflects the perceived fairness of how resources and rewards are distributed or allocated

Diversity of developmental relationships

reflects the variety of people within the network an individual uses for developmental assistance

interactional justice

relates to the "quality of the interpersonal treatment people receive when procedures are implemented" -focuses on whether or not people believe they are treated fairly when decisions are implemented - that they are respected and told the truth

automated experiences

represent a choice that is based on a familiar situation and a partially subconscious application of previously learned information related to that situation


represent our feelings or opinions about people, places, and objects, and range from positive to negative. -they impact our behavior <ex. you are more likely to select chocolate ice cream over vanilla if you are more positively disposed toward chocolate>

Seeds of innovation

represent the staring points for organizational innovation 1 . Hard work in a specific direction 2. Hard work with direction change 3. curiosity and experimentation 4. wealth and money 5. necessity 6. combination of seeds

Laissez-faire leadership (passive leadership)

represents a general failure to take responsibility for leading -avoiding conflict -failing to give performance feedback -failing to address issues associated with bullying -being so hands-off that employees have little idea about what they should be doing

holistic hunch

represents a judgment that is based on a subconscious integration of information stored in memory -choosing to make a decision because it just feels right


represents a long-term goal that describes "what" an organization wants to become


represents anything that interferes with the transmission and understanding of the message <ex. poor hearing that interferes with understanding of a message>


represents employees' shared perceptions of policies, practices, and procedures.

initiating structure

represents leader behaviors that organize and define what group members should be doing to maximize output


represents the multitude of individual differences and similarities that exist among people

Cognitive Dissonance (psychological tension)

represents the psychological discomfort a person experiences when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions (ideas, beliefs, values, or emotions)

Empowerment Outputs

research has shown that empowerment is important because it positively influences performance for individuals and organizations


research revels that innovation is positively associated with adhocracy and clan cultures

situational theories

researchers have found that there can be unintended negative consequences when managers use this approach with members from a team

limitations under which managers make decisions

result in acquiring manageable rather than optimal amounts of information

Extrinsic motivation

results from the potential or actual receipt of extrinsic rewards. (ex. recognition, money, or a promotional represent a "payoff" received from others for performing a particular task) <ex. receiving a bonus when you achieve a goal>


routine tasks in an organization do not require direct supervision and so wide spans of controls are more likely to be founds

closed system

said to be self-sufficient entity "closed" to surrounding environment

In social information processing theory, a particular category builds on a schema.

schema- represents a person's mental picture or summary of a particular event or type of stimulus

elicit good feedback

seek feedback on your intuitive judgments; build confidence in your gut feel; create a learning environment in which you can develop better intuitive awareness

Mindguards (symptoms of groupthink)

self-appointed protectors against adverse information

organizational dimensions

seniority, job title and function, and work location

Achievement-oriented behaviors

setting challenging goals; emphasizing excellence; demonstrating confidence in employees abilities.

conflict states

shared perceptions among members of a team about the intensity of disagreement over either tasks (ex. goals, ideas, and performance strategies) or relationships (ex. personality clashes and interpersonal styles)

Supportive behaviors

showing concern for the well-being and needs of employees; being friendly and approachable; treating employees as equals

Illusion of unanimity (symptoms of groupthink)

silence of members interpreted to mean consent

Issues move from specific to general

small and specific concerns often become more vague or general and can evolve into a general disliking or intolerance of the other party -conflicts widens from narrow and specific concerns to broader ones and even general intolerance of the other party

personal power

sources of influence that you possess independent of your position or job -expert -referent

Unity of Command principle

specifies that each employee should report to only one manager


stable physical and mental characteristics that form an individual's identity

share your facs

start with the least controversial elements that support what you want

Acquired Needs Theory- McClelland late 1940s

states the three ACQUIRED needs - achievement, affiliation, and power - are key drivers of employee behavior. - each of the needs can be used to motivate employees -one need often predominates over the others -uses term "acquired needs" because he believes that we are not born with our needs; rather we learn or acquire needs as we go about living our lives


statistic measurements of populations and their qualities over time -ex. Age, race, gender, income)

self-censorship (symptoms of groupthink)

stifles critical debate

negative reinforcement

strengthening a desired behavior by removing a displeasing consequence

eye contact

strong non verbal clue -asians are taught to avoid eye contact

entrepreneurial network

strong ties among several developers coming from different social systems


successful followers recognize conflict and enhance success

overconfidence bias

takes place because we are optimistic based on overestimates of what we are able to do

ask for others facts and stories

talk "with", not "at" others. Create dialog, don't be accusatory. Use "I" instead of "you"

performance goal

targets a specific end result

flex space

telecommuting- when policy enable employees to do their work from different locations besides the office (ex. coffee shops, home, or the beach)

play devil's advocate

test out intuitive judgments; raise objections to them; generate counterarguments; probe how robust gut feel is when challenged


the AMOUNT of effort being invested in the activity

Coercive Power

the ability to make threats of punishment and deliver actual punishment gives an individual coercive power


the ability to marshal human, informational, and other resources to get something done.

behavioral styles approach

the attempt to identify the unique behaviors displayed by effective leaders

judgemental heuritstics

the cognitive shortcuts or biases we use to simplify the process of making decisions

Person-environment fit (PE)

the compatibility between an individual and a work environment that occurs when their characteristics are well matched

strategic constituencies satisfaction

the demands and expectations of key interest groups are at least minimally satisfied strategic constituency- any group of individuals who have some stake int he organization

need for achievement

the desire to excel, overcome obstacles, solve problems, and rival and surpass others

need for power

the desire to influence, coach, teach, or encourage others to achieve positive side- institutional power (the need to organize others to achieve organizational goals) negative face of power- personal power (the need to manipulate and control others for self-gratification)

need for affliction

the desire to maintain social relationships, to be liked, and to join groups

implications of social networking systems

- you should foster a broad developmental network because the number and quality of your contacts will influence your career success -look to the consistency or congruence between your career goals and the type of developmental network at your disposal -a developer's willingness to provide career and psychosocial assistance depends on w=the protégé/protegee's ability and potential and the quality of the interpersonal relationship -become proficient at using social networking tools such as Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook -Develop a mentoring plan -incorporate mentoring into the organization's leadership development programs

Model of Organizational Socialization


typical characteristics of transformational leaders

--extraverted -agreeable -proactive -less neurotic -higher emotional intelligence

How to Build Effective Teams Quickly

-Break the Ice (learn peoples skills and abilities) -Don't reinvent the wheel -Communicate a purpose and a plan -Play to strengths

Managing E-Mail

-Do not assume e-mail is confidential -be professional and courteous -avoid sloppiness -don't use email for volatile or complex issues -keep messages brief and clear -save people time -be careful with attachments


-Exploring new markets by partnering with other firms or rapidly deploying a new business model -one whose members are geographically apart, usually with e-mail and other forms of information technology, yet which generally appears to customers as a single, unified organization with a real physical location PROS -ability to respond nimbly to market opportunity -provide product extension or one-stop-shop service -low exit costs CONS -requires high level of communication to avoid redundancy -wide distribution of employees can undermine trust and coordination -likely fails to promote strong employee loyalty or organizational identification

Men and Woman - do they display the same leadership traits?

-Men and women were seen as displaying more task and social leadership, respectively -women used a more democratic or participative style than men, and men used a more autocratic and directive style than women. -men and women were equally assertive. -women executives, when rated by their peers, managers, and direct reports, scored higher than their male counterparts on a variety of effectiveness criteria.

Managing up

-Providing your boss with upper feedback

considerations when making decisions about organizational design- getting the right fit

-Strategy and goals -technology -size -human resources

considerations leading to a divisional structure as the contingency design

-a need to respond more quickly to customer need -managers can make decision that affect several functions at once -the firm can afford to duplicate functions -need to increase employee focus on customer and product

Perceived Stress is positively related to

-absenteeism -turnover -coronary heart disease -viral infections

Female Perspective of communication

-according to social role theory, females and males learn ways of speaking while growing up. -girls learn conversational skills and habits that focus on rapport and relationships -view communication as a network of connections in which conversations are negotiations for closeness. -leads women to seek and give confirmation and support more so than men

Exit interviews provide:

-accurate information about why employees leave -guidance on what an organization does well -guidance on what an organization needs to improves

Deception (tactic in negotiation)

-acts and statements may include promises or threats, excessive initial demands, careless misstatements of facts, or asking for concessions not wanted

Puffery (tactic in negotiation)

-amoung the items that can be puffed up are the value of one's payoffs to the opponent, the negotiator's own alternatives, the costs of what one is giving up or is prepared to yield, importance of issues, and attributes of the products or services.

The reasons people often avoid conflict are that they fear

-anger -failure -rejection -damage to or loss of relationships -being seen as selfish -saying the wrong things -hurting someone else -getting what you want

considerations leading to a matrix structure as the contingency design

-balanced demands from functional and product managers is acceptable -excellent commitment and collaboration among managers is present -superior communication exists -a need for both functional and divisional capabilities


-be in different -be passive aggressive -actively resist to the extent of purposefully undermining you or even sabotaging your efforts

Task or Project Goals

-best for jobs that are dynamic, but in which nearer-term activities and milestones can be defined -similar to SMART goals ex. complete your portion of the team project by Tuesday

Objective Goals

-best for jobs with clear and readily measured outcomes -measure what matters, not just what can be measured ex. sales quotas, productions rates, error rates

conclusions about organic an mechanistic organizations

-bureaucracies beget greater bureaucracy -each is appropriate depending on environment -communication patterns follow structure -one is not superior to the other

why PM can be unsuccesful

-can be impractical- they don't fit the situation and don't motivate the appropriate behaviors and outcomes -disconnect between the elements in your review and what you actually do day-to-day in your job. -focusing on one part of the process

Behavioral Goals

-can be used in most jobs -most relevant for knowledge work ex. treat others with professionalism and respect, communicate clearly

outcomes associated with organizational culture

-can drive employee attitudes -performance -organizational effectiveness

the benefits of functional design

-can save money by grouping people together -pride in the specialty for employees -maintaining quality standards


-heavy price competition and pressure to cut costs -network structure. is designed around a central core of key functions and outsources other functions to other companies or individuals who can do them cheaper or faster. PROS -lower cost of entry and overhead -access to best sources of specialization and technology -market discipline that leads to supplier competition and innovation -potential for further cost reduction and quality improvement CONS -loss or decrease of in-house skills, internal capacity to innovate, control oversupply -costs of transitioning to hollow state -higher monitoring to align incentives -competitive threat of being supplanted by suppliers

ingroup exchange

-high LMX relationships are characterized by a partnership of reciprocal influence, mutual trust, respect, and liking and a sense of common fates. -become more social over time.

internal processes influenced by organizational culture

-human resource practices -policies -procedures

know types of rewards others value in an organization helps you

-identify employers with whom you fit -motivate others using rewards they value

Research has shown that social media contribute to employee productivity by:

-improving performance and retention -increasing job satisfaction -creating more creativity and collaboration

common causes of conflict

-inadequate communication -unclear job boundaries -interdependent tasks

maximization (tactic in negotiation)

-includes demanding the opponent make concessions that result in the negotiator's gain and the opponent's equal or greater loss. Also entails converting a win- win situation into win-lose.

information exploitation (tactic in negotiation)

-information provided by the opponent can be used to exploit his weaknesses, close off his alternatives, generate demands against him, or weaken his alliances.

types of task-oriented leadership

-initating structure -transactional leadership

positive task oriented traits

-intelligence -conscientiousness -open to experience -emotional stability

considerations leading to a horizontal structure as the contingency design

-intent to foster knowledge sharing -cross functional teams planned to be implemented -specialization is less important than ability to respond to changing customer needs -a need to improve coordination and communiation

emotional intelligence

-is an input to transformational leadership -has a small, positive, and significant association with leadership effectiveness.

it is important to use two way communication and follow up after disciplinary acts because

-it is perceived differently based on the sex of the person delivering it -it is perceived differently based on the cultural characteristics of the person delivering it. -it is affected by the supervisor's use of apologies and explanations

elements of structural empowerment that are inputs to pyschological empowerment

-job characteristics -practices -policies

Personal factors that moderate the effectiveness of the core job characteristics

-knowledge and skills -the strength of an individual's need to grow -context satisfactions such as pay and co-workers


-large firms with separate divisions built on different technologies, geographies, or different bases of customers -manager is responsible for the performance of each of these functions -employees are segregated into organizational groups based on similar products or services, customers or clients, or geographic regions PROS -clear roles and responsibilities -workers in each division an have more product focus, accountability, and flexibility than in a functional structure CONS -coordination and communication across divisional silos can be an issue

how leaders can create psychological empowerment

-lead for meaningfulness -lead for competence -lead for progress

takeaways from the behavioral styles theory of leadership

-leader behavior is more important than leader traits when it comes to effectiveness -leader behaviors can be systematically improved and developed -there is no one best style of leadership

high control example

-leader member relations- good. -task structure: high -position power: weak

low control example

-leader-member relations: poor -task structure: low -position power: weak

key takeaways from Fiedler's model (look at this model)

-leadership effectiveness goes beyond traits and behaviors -firms

Guard against loafing

-limit group size -assure equity of effort to mitigate the possibility that a member can say "everyone else is goofing off, so why shouldn't I?" -hold people accountable -Hybrid rewards - those that include team and individual components (hold members accountable both as individuals and as a team)

Employee characteristics in the Path-goal theory model (specifics of situation)

-locus of control -task ability -need for achievement -experience -need for clarity

bad things that social media can cause

-loss of employment or business -social stigma -embarrassment and stress -lost job or business opportunities -legal action

directive decision style

-low tolerance for ambiguity -oriented toward task and technical concerns when making decisions -efficient, logical, practical, and systematic in their approach to solving problems -action oriented -decisive -like to focus on facts -tend to be autocratic, exercise power and control, and focus on the short run

three key decision making blunders

-making poor allocation of resources to study alternatives -rushing to judgment -selecting readily available solutions

characteristics of an effective apology

1. acknowledgement of wrongdoing 2. acceptance of responsibility 3. expression of regret 4. promise that the offense will not be repeated

Edgar Schein outlined 12 of the most potent mechanisms for changing organizational culture

1. Formal Statements -organizational philosophy, mission, vision, values, and materials used for recruiting, selection, and socialization: represent observable artifacts 2. The design of physical space, work environments, and buildings 3. Slogans, language, acronyms, and sayings 4. Deliberate role modeling, training programs, teaching, and coaching by others. 5. Explicit rewards, status symbols, and promotion criteria -strongest ones 6. stories, legends, or myths about key people and events 7. organizational activities, processes, or outcomes 8. leadership reactions to critical incidents and organizational crises. 9. rites and rituals -represent the planned and unplanned activities and ceremonies that are used to celebrate important events or achievements. 10. The workflow and organizational structure -hierarchical structures are more likely to embed an orientation toward control and authority than flatter ones. 11. organizational systems and procedures 12. organizational goals and criteria throughout the employee cycle.

TED Five-Step Protocol for Effective Presentations (technology, education, design)

1. Frame your story. 2. Plan your delivery 3. Develop your stage presence. 4. Plan your multimedia 5. put it together

Overcoming turnover problem

1. Hire people who "fit" within the organization's culture. 2. spend time fostering employee. Engaged employees are less likely to quit. 3. Provide effective onboarding 4. Recognize and reward high performers because they are more likely to quit than average performers

Preparing and organization's crisis plan

1. How information is to be gathered 2. how to formulate a response 3. who will deliver the message, and via which media channels 4. Don't minimize a given problem. No matter how small it is in the company's eyes, it is a big deal to somebody else. 5. Be understanding and empathetic.

Rational Decision Making Process

1. Identify the problem or opportunity 2. Generate alternative solutions 3. Evaluate alternatives and select a solution 4. Implement and evaluate the solution chosen.

Barriers to successful diversity programs at work (pg. 132)

1. Inaccurate stereotypes and prejudice -manifests itself in the belief that differences are viewed as weaknesses. In turn, this promotes the view that diversity hiring will mean sacrificing competence and quality. 2. Ethnocentrism -the feeling that one's cultural rules and norms are superior or more appropriate than the rules and norms of another culture 3. Poor Career Planning -lack of opportunities for diverse employees to get the type of work assignments that qualify them for senior management positions 4. A negative Diverse Climate 5. An unsupportive and hostile working environment for diverse employees -sexual, racial, and age harassment are common examples of hostile work environments 6. Lack of political savvy on the part of diverse employees -women or people of color get excluded and may not not how to "play the game" to get promoted 7. Difficulty in balancing career and family issues -raising children-hard to work weekends or evenings or travel with a family -household chores 8. Fears of reverse discrimination -people feel that one person's gain is another's loss * 9. Diversity is not seen as an organizational priority -complaints and negative attitudes. -employees may complain about the time, energy, and resources devoted to diversity that could have been spent doing "real work" * 10. The need to revamp the organization's performance appraisal and reward system -success will be based on a new set of criteria * 11. Resistance to change

Framework of Options (by R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr.)- can be used to address any type of diversity issue

1. Include/ Exclude -increase or decrease the number of diverse people at all levels of the organization 2. Deny -deny that difference exist--- success is solely determined by merit and performance 3. Assimilate -people learn to fit in or become like the dominant group -orientation programs -policy and procedure manuals 4. Suppress -differences are squelched or discouraged when using this approach. -telling or reinforcing others to quit whining and complaining about issues "you've go to pay your dues" 5. Isolate -maintains current way of doing things by setting the diverse person off to the side. -so then they can't influence organizational change 6. Tolerate -acknowledging differences but not valuing or accepting them. 7. Build Relationships -good relationships can overcome differences -acceptance and understanding 8. Foster Mutual Adaptation -people are willing to adapt or change their views for the sake of crating positive relationships with others.

Why managers care about motivation

1. JOIN THE ORGANIZATION -they want to motivate high-quality job applicants to come work for them 2.STAY WITH THE ORGANIZATION -managers want to motivate talented employees to remain with the company in good times and bad. (high performers are more likely to leave) 3. BE ENGAGED AT WORK -only 60% of the global workforce is engaged while at work -competitiveness is crucial.. so managers need to motivate 4. PERFORM ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR (OCBs) -represent behaviors that go beyond the official duties or requirements of one's job. - positively relate to other outcomes 5.HELP OTHERS -collaboration and cooperation -motivate employees to help others in pursuit or organizational goals.

Common uses of PM (making employee related decisions such as pay raises, guiding employee training and development, clarifying expectations for advancement)

1. MAKE EMPLOYEE-RELATED DECISIONS -justify a pay raise, promotion, and new assignments -can generate documentation that could help justify termination and reduce the chances of wrongful dismissal lawsuit 2. GUIDE EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT -identifying your strengths and weaknesses -highlighting your training and development needs 3.SEND STRONG SIGNALS TO EMPLOYEES -what they are supposed to do -how to advance their careers within a given organization

creative performance behaviors

1. Problem formulation/definition 2. Preparation/information gathering 3. Idea generation 4. Idea evaluation/validation

Communciation Process

1. SENDER encodes message, selects medium (ex. cell phone) 2.MESSAGE is transmitted through a medium (ex. text message) 3. RECEIVER decodes message and decides that feedback is needed 4. RECEIVER sends feedback through a medium (ex. text message) NOISE- any interfernce

Two sub components associated with network diversity

1. The number of different people the person is networked with 2. The various social systems from which the networked relationships stem (ex. employer, school, family, community, professional associations, and religious affiliations)

Key components of organizational reward systems

1. Types of rewards 2. Distribution criteria 3. desired outcomes

Retaining and valuing skills and expertise in aging workforce

1. provide challenging work assignments that make a difference to the firm. 2. five the employee considerable autonomy and latitude in completing a task 3. provide equal access to training and learning opportunities when it comes to new technology 4. provide frequent recognition for skills, experience, and wisdom gained over the years 5. provide mentoring opportunities whereby older workers can pass on accumulated knowledge to younger employees 6. ensure that older workers receive sensitive, high-quality supervision 7. design a work environment that is both stimulating and fun

Step 2: Plan your delivery

1. read it from a script (ineffective) 2. Use bullet lists that outline what will be covered in each section and guide both the presenter and audience -know content for each point and how you want to transition from one to the next 3. Memorize everything you wish to say and REHEARSE -only if your audience is expected to simply sit and listen

3 key decision making blunders

1. rushing to judgement 2. selecting readily available ideas or solutions 3. Making poor allocation of resources to study alternative solutions

confirmation bias

1. the decision maker subconsciously decides something even before investigating why it is the right decision 2. seeks information that supports purchasing this particular phone while discounting information that does not -information is sought that confirms the already made decision and discounts information that does not -a deicions is made before investigating it

resources needed to support innovation

1. the necessary human capital 2. the right organizational culture and climate 3. the appropriate resources 4. the required structure and processes

supporting forces for innovation

1. the necessary human capitial 2. the right organizational culture and climate 3. the appropriate resources 4. the required structure and processes.

Uncertainty Triggers Political Actions

1. unclear objectives 2. vague performance measures 3. Ill-defined decision processes 4. strong individual or group competition 5. any type of change

Traditionalists (generation)

1925-1945 -great depression, world war 2, korean war, cold war era, rise of suburbs

Baby Boomers (generation)

1946-1964 -vietnam war, watergate, assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, women's rights, Kent State killings, first man on the moon


1965-1979 -MTV, AIDS epidemic, Gulf War, fall of Berlin Wall, Oklahoma City bombing, 1987 stock market crash, Bill Clinton- Monica Lewinsky scandal

Milennials / Gen Ys (generation)

1980 - 2001 -September 11th attack, Google, Columbine High school shootings, Enron and other corporate scandals, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Hurricane Katrina, financial crisis of 2008 and high unemployment

Gen 2020 (generation)

2002- Social Media, election of Barrack Obama, financial crisis of 2008 and high unemployment

results of effective performance management

50% less turnover 10-30% higher customer satisfaction ratings 40% higher employee commitment double the net profits


A third party informally urges parties to deal directly and constructively with each other


A trained 3rd party neutral actively guides the disputing parties to explore innovative non-binding solutions

Listening styles

ACTIVE -motivated, give full attention, and participate INVOLVED -reflect what is said and partially participate PASSIVE -assume the speaker is responsible for the information DETACHED -body language includes lack of eye contact, slouching, and inattention

Effective Virtual Team Participation and Management


Three components of Attitudes *Affective, cognitive, behavioral

AFFECTIVE * "I feel" - contains feelings or emotions one has about a given object or situation <ex. How do you feel about people who talk on their cell phones in restaurants?-- if you feel annoyed or angry, you are experiencing negative affects towards those people> COGNITIVE * "I believe" - reflects the beliefs or ideas one has about an object or situation <ex. what do you think about people who talk on cell phones in restaurants? - your ideas about such behaviors represents the cognitive component of your attitude toward them> BEHAVIORAL * "I Intend" - how one intends or expects to act toward someone or something <ex. how would you intend to respond to someone talking on a cell phone during dinner at a restaurant if this individual were sitting in close proximity to you and your guest?>

Phase 1: Anticipatory Socialization

ANTICIPATORY SOCIALIZATION -occurs before an individual actually joins an organization REALISTIC JOB PREVIEW -anticipating realities about the organization and the new job -anticipating the organization's needs for one's skills and abilities -anticipating the organization's sensitivity to one's needs and values

Leniency (Perceptual Error)

To consistently evaluate other people or objects in an extremely positive fashion <ex. rating an employee high on all dimensions of performance regardless of actual performance>

Political Tactics

BUILDING A NETWORK OF USEFUL CONTACTS -cultivating a support network both inside and outside the organization USING "KEY PLAYERS" TO SUPPORT INITIATIVES -getting prior support for a decision or issue. building others' commitment via participation MAKING FRIENDS WITH POWER BROKERS -teaming up with powerful people who can get results BENDING THE RULES TO FIT THE SITUATION -interpreting or (not) enforcing rules to serve your own interests SELF-PROMOTION -blowing your own horn, but not doing the same for others' accomplishments CREATING A FAVORABLE IMAGE (IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT) -dressing for success. Adhering to organizational norms and drawing attention to one's successes and influence. Taking credit for other's accomplishments PRAISING OTHERS (INGRATIATION) -making influential people feel good ("brown nosing") ATTACKING OR BLAMING OTHERS -used to avoid or minimize association with failure. Reactive when scapegoating is involved. Proactive when goal is to reduce competition for limited resources USING INFORMATION AS A POLITICAL TOOL -involves the purposeful withholding or distortion of information. Obscuring an unfavorable situation by overwhelming superiors with information

Be careful about blocking access to social media

Banning it can damage employee morale and loyalty. -which could lead to greater losses in productivity. -could alienate younger employees -fairnesss - you can't have it one way - suggests a lack of trust

Different approaches to decision making

CENTRALIZED DECISION MAKING -occurs when key decisions are made by top management DECENTRALIZED DECISION MAKING -occurs when important decisions are made by middle and lower-level managers -generally, centralized organizations are more tightly controlled while decentralized organizations are more adaptive to changing situations

Phase 3: Change and acquisition

CHANGE AND ACQUISITION Recruit masters skills and roles and adjusts to the work group's values and norms -competing role demands are resolved -critical tasks are mastered -group norms and values are internalized

To evaluate whether team building exercises have been effective, those who design them should:

CLEAR OBJECTIVES -identify which outcomes are most relevant for a particular team, such as increased sales, customer satisfaction, etc... VALIDATION -confirming that team building efforts actually link to the desired changes in behavior and attitudes PERFORMANCE INFORMATION what data are needed to track the previous two elements and how will they be obtained?

What Leaders need

COGNITIVE ABILITIES -to identify problems and causes for rapidly changing situations. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS -to influence and persuade others. BUSINESS SKILLS -to maximize the use of organizational assets. STRATEGIC SKILLS -to craft an organization's mission, vision, strategies, and implementation plans.

Practical Ways to Build Trust

COMMUNICATION -keeping team members informed by providing information on policies and giving accurate feedback SUPPORT -being available and approachable. Provide help, advice, coaching, and support for team members' ideas. RESPECT -demonstrating respect by delegating responsibilities FAIRNESS -Be quick to give credit and recognition to those who deserve it. PREDICTABILITY -being predictable and consistent, keeping promises COMPETENECE Enhance your credibility by demonstrating good business sense, technical ability, and professionalism.

Using Self Determination Theory to motivate employees

COMPETENCE -managers can provide tangible resources, time, contacts, and coaching to improve employee competence AUTONOMY -managers can empower employees and delegate meaningful assignments and tasks to enhance feelings of autonomy -need to develop trust with the employees so they feel that their boss will back them up when they make decisions - or use technology to minimize travel RELATEDNESS -use fun and camaraderie to foster relatedness

Values and Motives in Schwartz's Theory ( Conservation)

CONFORMITY -restraint of actions, inclinations, and impulses likely to upset or harm others and violate social expectations or norms ( politeness, obedient, self-discipline, honoring parents and elders) TRADITION -respect, commitment, and acceptance of the customs and ideas that traditional culture or religion provides the self (humble, accepting my portion in life, devout, respect for tradition, moderate) SECURITY -safety, harmony, and stability of society, of relationships, and of self (family security, national security, social order, cleanliness, reciprocation of favors)

Three Forms of Trust

CONTRACTUAL TRUST Trust of character. Do people do what they say they are going to do? Do managers and employees make clear what they expect of one another? COMMUNICATION TRUST trust of disclosure. how well do people share information and tell the truth? COMPETENCE TRUST Trust of capability. How effectively do people meet or perform their responsibilities and acknowledge other people's skills and abilities?

Common Team work Competencies

CONTRIBUTES TO THE TEAM'S WORK -completed work in a timely manner -came to meetings prepared -did complete and accurate work CONSTRUCTIVELY INTERACTS WITH TEAM MEMBERS -communicated effectively -listened to teammates -accepted feedback KEEPS TEAM ON TRACK -helped team plan and organize work -stayed aware of team members' progress -provided constructive feedback EXPECTS QUALITY WORK -expected team to succeed -cared that the team produced quality work POSSESSES RELEVANT KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES (KSAs ) FOR TEAM RESPONSIBILITIES -possessed necessary KSAs to contribute meaningfully to the team -applied knowledge and skill to fill in as needed for other members' roles

Conscious coordination Aspect

COORDINATION OF EFFORT -achieved through formulation and enforcement of policies, rules, and regulations ALIGNED GOALS -start from the development of a companywide strategic plan. DIVISION OF LABOR -occurs when the common goal is pursued by individuals performing separate but related tasks -at each successively lower level of the organization jobs become more specialized- basic premise of division of labor HIERARCHY OF AUTHORITY -the chain of command, is a control mechanism dedicated to making sure the right people do the right things at the right time. -unity of command principle -shows chain of command and official communication network

crowd or organization vs. group

CROWD or ORGANIZATION -the size of a group is limited by the possibilities of mutual interaction and mutual awareness -they do not interact and do not percieve themselves to be a group even if they are aware of each other -not all aware of each other and do not all interact with each other

Decision Making

entails identifying and choosing alternative solutions that lead to a desired state of affairs

application of socialization research -stresses of a new environment can be reduced for employees -effective on boarding results in higher retention -socialization can reinforce ethical behaviors

EFFECTIVE ONBOARDING PROGRAMS -increased retention, productivity, and rates of task completion for new hires. SOCIALIZATION TACTICS -to reinforce a culture that promotes ethical behavior. HELP NEW HIRES INTEGRATE WITHIN THE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE -overcome the stress associated with working in a new environment SUPPORT FOR STAGE MODELS IS MIZED -use a contingency approach -things are different for different people at different times PAY ATTENTION TO SOCIALIZATION OF DIVERSE EMPLOYEES

Maintenance roles

ENCOURAGER fosters group solidarity by accepting and praising various points of view HARMONIZER mediates conflict through reconciliation or humor COMPROMISER helps resolve conflict by meeting others "halfway" GATEKEEPER encourages all group members to participate STANDARD SETTER evaluates the quality of group processes COMMENTATOR records and comments on groups processes/dynamics FOLLOWER serves as a passive audience

Level 2: Espoused Values

ESPOUSED VALUES -the explicitly stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization ENACTED VALUES -represent the values and norms that actually are exhibited or converted into employee behavior.

pitfalls in understanding empowerment that lead to resistance

Empowerment is not a zero-sum game where one person's gain is another's loss -sharing power, via empowerment, is a means for increasing your own power -not recognizing it is a matter of degree

Types of memory

Event Memory -specific events Semantic Memory -general knowledge about the world, as kind of mental dictionary of concepts. ex. good leader- emotional(happy), associated traits(outgoing), physical (tall) , behavior (works hard) Person memory -categorizes about a single individual or groups of people

3 key elements of Vroom's theory

Expectancy Instrumentality Valence (positive or negative value people place on outcomes)

Types of Rewards

Extrinsic- financial and non financial Intrinsic - meaningfulness and achievement

***Schwartz Bipolar Dimensions

FIRST BIPOLAR DIMENSION Self-Enhancement -concern for the welfare and interests of others (universalism, benevolence) Self-Transcendence -pursuit of one's own interests and relative success and dominance over others (power, achievement) SECOND BIPOLAR DIMENSION Openness to Change -Independence of thought, action, and feelings and readiness for change (self-direction, stimulation) Conservation -order, self-restriction, preservation of the past, and resistance to change (security, conformity, tradition)

reinforcement schedule

FIXED RATIO piece rate pay, bonuses ties to the sale of a fixed number of units VARIABLE RATIO slot machines that pay after a variable number of pulls; lotteries that pay after a variable number of tickets sold FIXED INTERVAL paychecks (every two weeks or once a month), annual bonuses, and probationary periods VARIABLE INTERVAL random supervisor "pats on the back", spot rewards, random audits (ex. financial), random drug tests of athletes and employees, pop quizzes

how LMX relationships are formed

FOLLOWER CHARACTERISTICS -possessing competence -positive personalities -agreeableness -conscientiousness -extraversion LEADER CHARACTERISTICS -positive LMX -extraverted INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP VARIABLES -trust each other -perceive themselves as similar in terms of interests (both like sports or action movies), values (both value honesty), and attitudes (both want work-life balance) -like each other

** read more about this (264-266) Rank Tuckman's five stage model of group development


Sharing knowledge (social media)

Facilitate the collection and dissemination of skills and abilities inside and outside of the organization.

low leader-member relationships result in out-group exchanges that are characterized by:

Focus on the economic exchange between leaders and followers. -more formal and revolves around specifically negotiating the relationship between performance and pay -does not create a sense of mutual trust, respect, or common fate.

Edwin Locke and Gary Latham's Theory of Goal Setting

Goals that are specific and difficult lead to higher performance than general goals like "do your best" or "improve performance" - This is why it is essential to set specific, difficult goals Certain conditions are necessary for goal setting to work. -people must have ability and resources needed to achieve the goal, and they need to be committed to the goal Performance feedback and participation in deciding how to achieve goals are necessary but not sufficient for goal setting to work -only when they lead employees to set and commit to a specific, difficult goal. Goal achievement leads to job satisfaction, which in turn reinforces employees to set and commit to even higher levels of performance. - goal setting sets in motion a positive cycle of upward performance

transformational model of leadership

INDIVIDUAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS -traits -life experiences -organizational culture LEADER BEHAVIOR -inspirational motivation -idealized influence -individualized consideration -intellectual stimulation EFFECTS ON FOLLOWERS AND WORK GROUPS -increased self-efficacy and collective self-efficacy -increased identification with the leader and work group members -increased perceptions of psychological empowerment and perceived organizational support -increased positive affect -increased perceptions of task meaningfulness -increased perceptions of organizational justice -increased trust and liking with the leader -increased perceptions of positive climates and work group processes OUTCOMES -increased individual group, and organizational performance -positive work attitudes -increased individual and group creativity/innovation -reduced stress and turnover -increased organizational citizenship behavior -increased customer service -positive perceptions of leader effectiveness

Purposes for leader apologies and their desired outcomes

INDIVIDUAL- leader offended other outcome -encourage followers to forgive and forget INSTITUTION- follower offended another organizational member. outcome- restore functioning within the group or organization when one member offends another member(s). INTERGROUP- follower offended external party. outcome- repair relations with an external group that perceived harm by a member of the group's leadership MORAL-genuine regret for wrongdoing outcome- request for forgiveness and redemption for regrettable (in)action.

group task role

INITIATOR -suggests new goals or ideas INFORMATION SEEKER/GIVER -clarifies key issues OPINION SEEKER/GIVER -clarifies pertinent values ELABORATOR -promotes greater understanding through examples or exploration of implications COORDINATOR -pulls together ideas and suggestions ORIENTER -keeps group headed toward its stated goal(s) EVALUATOR -tests group's accomplishments with various criteria such as logic and practicality ENERGIZER prods group to move along or to accomplish more PROCEDURAL TECHNICIAN -performs routine duties (ex. handing out materials or rearranging seats) RECORDER -performs a "group memory" function by documenting discussion and outcomes


Is any form of socially harmful behavior and it includes such actions as: -aggression interpersonal deviance -social undermining -interactional injustice -harassment -abusive supervision -bullying 98% of employees said they have experienced it. 50% said they had been treated rudely in the last week

Environmental characteristics that contribute to employees engagement levels

Job Characteristics -the motivating potential of the tasks we complete at work <ex people are engaged when their work contains variety and when they receive timely feedback> Leadership <people are more engaged when their manager is charismatic and when a positive, trusting relationship exists between managers and employees..> Stressors -environmental characteristics that cause stress <engagement is higher when employees are not confronted with a lot of stressors>

A group becomes a team when: (characteristics of a team)

LEADERSHIP becomes a shared activity ACCOUNTABILITY shifts from strictly individual to both individual and collective PURPOSE the group develops it's own purpose or mission PROBLEM SOLVING becomes a way of life, not a part-time activity EFFECTIVENESS is measured by the group's collective outcomes and products

Principles of Persuasion

LIKING -use informal conversations to learn about others and do sincere and timely praise and recognition RECIPROCITY -both good and bad deeds will be repaid in kind SOCIAL PROOF -role model and peer pressure are powerful tools CONSISTENCY -get a personal commitment AUTHORITY -people respect credible experts SCARCITY -people wants items and information that are hard to get


LMX is associated with indivdual-level behavioral outcomes like performance, turnover, and organizational citizenship.

How management can boost job satisfaction

NEED FULFILLMENT -understand and meet employee's needs MET EXPECTATIONS -meet expectations of employees about what they will receive from the job VALUE ATTAINMENT -structure the job and its rewards to match employee values (job allows for fulfillment of an individual's important values) EQUITY -monitor employee's perceptions of fairness and interact with them so they feel fairly treated DISPOSITIONAL/ GENETIC COMPONENTS -hire employees with an appropriate dispostion <the fact that at work some coworkers remain satisfied in situations where others always seem dissatisfied is the idea behind dispostition/genetic components>

Levels of Political Action in Organizations

NETWORK LEVEL -cooperative pursuit of general self-interests COALITION LEVEL -cooperative pursuit of group interests in specific issues INDIVIDUAL LEVEL -individual pursuit of general self-interests

4 types of diversity

ORGANIZATIONAL DIMENSIONS/ FUNCTIONAL LEVEL -seniority, work location, division/department/unity/group, union affiliation, work content/field, management status, functional level/classification EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS -geographic location, income, personal habits, recreational habits, religion, educational background, work experience, appearance, parental status, marital status INTERNAL DIMENSIONS -age, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, ethnicity, race PERSONALITY

Effective listenign

PARAPHRASE AND SUMMARIZE -repeat back what you just heard someone say SUMMARIZE integrate or consolidate an entire conversation BE MINDFUL stay in the moment. don't try to anticipate what will be said next or what you will say SHOW RESPECT don't interrupt. Give the speaker the opportunity to explain his/her ideas

Characteristics of High Performing Teams

PARTICIPATIVE LEADERSHIP creating interdependency by empowering, freeing up, and serving others SHARED RESPONSIBILITY establishing an environment in which all team members feel as responsible as the manager for the performance of the work unit ALIGNED ON PURPOSE having a sense of common purpose about why the team exists and the function it serves HIGH COMMUNICATION creating a climate of trust and open, honest communication FUTURE FOCUSED seeing change as an opportunity for growth FOCUSED ON TASK keeping meetings focused on results CREATIVE TALENTS applying individual talents and creativity RAPID RESPONSE identifying and acting on opportunities

Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory: Five level of Needs

States that motivation is a function of five basic needs: physcolgical, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization SELF ACTUALIZATION -desire for self-fulfillment- to become the best one is capable of becoming ESTEEM -need for reputation, prestige, and recognition from others. Also includes need for self-confidence and strength LOVE -the desire to be loved and to love. Includes the needs for affection and belonging. SAFETY -consists of the need to be safe from physical and psychological harm PHYSIOLOGICAL -most basic need. entails having enough food, air, and water to survive.

effectiveness criteria guidelines

THE GOAL ACCOMPLISHMENT APPROACH -is appropriate when goals are clear, consensual, time-bounded, measurable THE INTERNAL PROCESSES APPROACH -is appropriate when organizational performance is strongly influences by specific processes (ex. cross-functional teamwork) THE STRATEGIC CONSTITUENCIES APPROACH -is appropriate when powerful stakeholders can significantly benefit or harm the organization THE RESOURCE ACQUISITION APPROACH -is appropriate when inputs have a traceable effect on results or output

McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y

THEORY X A pessimistic view of employees: that they dislike work, must be monitored, and can only be motivated with rewards and punishment. ("carrots and sticks") -felt this was the typical perspective of managers THEORY Y A modern and positive set of assumptions about people at work: that they are self-engaged, committed, responsible, and creative. -McGragor formulated this theory (his own) to help managers break with the negative tradition of theory x <ex. a study of leaders in six top IT firms showed that Theory Y Behaviors positively influenced virtual team members' trust, cooperation, and technology adaptation.

Era of business development to the resulting organizational form

TRADITIONAL -mid 1800s through 1970s -self contained within organization's boundaries -Functional, Divisional, Matrix -vertical hierarchy -attempts to define clear departmental boundaries and reporting relationships -standardized functions HORIZONTAL -1980s -Team- and process-oriented -Horizontal -work hard to flatten hierarchy and organize people around specific segments of the workflow -attempts to dissolve departmental boundaries and reporting relationships as much as possible OPEN -since mid-1990s -opened beyond organization's boundaries -Hollow, Modular, Virtual -relies on leveraging technology and structural flexibility to maximize potential value through outsourcing and external collaboration

model of intuition

TWO PROCESSES 1. automatic, involuntary, and mostly effortless 2. controlled, voluntary, and effortful

goal accomplishment

The organization achieves its stated goals

resource acquisition

The organization acquires the resources it needs -a firm is considered effective if it can gain the necessary factors of production. This effectiveness measure is called the resource acquisition

internal processes

The organization functions smoothly with a minimum of internal strain -what the organization must excel at to effectively meet its financial objectives and customers' expectations 1. innovation 2. customer service and satisfaction 3. operational excellence 4. being a good corporate citizen


The psychological processes "that underlie the direction, intensity, and persistence of behavior or thought" -explains why we do the things we do -is inferred by one's behavior or from the results associated with behavior

Herbert Simon

The researcher who won a Nobel Prize in 1978 for demonstrating that the rational decision making model is unrealistic

Communcation processes cont

The steps in the communication process begin with the sender encoding a message and the receiver sending feedback


The two most opposed cultures are the clan culture with emphasis on internal focus and flexibility and the market culture which emphasizes an external focus with structure and control

Adjourning (stage 5)

The work is done; it is time to move on to other things. The return to independence can be eased by rituals celebrating "the end" and "new beginnings"

Step 1 :Frame your Story

Think of your presentation as a journey and decide where you want to start and end -consider what your audience already knows about your subject, start there, and quickly explain why it matters to you or why it should matter to them -include only the most relevant details or points and try to bring them to life with examples -pick best points and dive ddeper on those

Storming (stage 2)

This is a time of testing. Individuals test the leader's policies and assumptions as they try to determine how they fit into the power structure -subgroups take shape, and subtle forms of rebellion, such as procrastination occur

Know who you are

Those whose personalities have high levels of agreeableness are better at integrative negotiations

Central Tendency (Perceptual Error)

To avoid all extreme judgments and rate people and objects as average or neutral <ex. rating an employee as average on all dimensions of performance regardless of actual performance>

Influence Tactics

conscious efforts to affect and change a specific behavior in others RATIONAL PERSUASION -trying to convince someone with reason, logic, or facts INSPIRATIONAL APPEALS -trying to build enthusiasm by appealing to others' emotions, ideals, or values. CONSULTATION -getting others to participate in planning, making decisions, and changes INGRATIATION -getting someone in a good mood prior to making a request; being friendly and helpful and using praise, flattery, or humor. A particular form of ingratiation is "brown nosing" PERSONAL APPEALS -referring to friendship and loyalty when making a request EXCHANGE -making explicit or implied promises and trading favors COALITION TACTICS -getting others to support your efforts to persuade someone PRESSURE -demanding compliance or using intimidation or threats. LEGITIMATING TACTICS -basing a request on one's authority or right, organizational rules or policies, or explicit/implied support from superiors.

Skinner's operant theory

control behavior by responding to a target behavior in one of four ways: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, extinction -contingent- there is a purposeful if-then linkage between the target behavior and the consequence


cooperatively identify the problem, generate and weigh alternatives, select a solution

capture and validate

create the inner state to give your intuitive mind the freedom to roam; capture your creative intuitions; log them before they are censored by rational analysis

representative bias

decision making heuristic used when people estimate the probability of an event occurring based on impressions about similar occurrences


defined as "a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal."

procedural justice

defined as the perceived fairness of the process and procedures used to make allocation decisions

Team performance strategies

deliberate plans that outline what exactly the team is to do, such as goal setting and defining particular member soles, tasks, and responsibilities

open system

depends on constant interaction with the environment for survival.

selecting a medium

depends on factors -nature of the message -its intended purpose -the type of audience -proximity to the audience -time horizon for disseminating the message -personal preferences

Team charters

describe how a team will operate, such as processes for sharing information and decision making (teamwork) developing one early in the development process with help the team to succeed in: -the decision making process -how the team will share information -how the team will operate

tell your story

describe how you've arrived where you are and what you'd like to see change and why

Team composition

describes the collection of jobs, personalities, knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience of team members

social media policy

describes the who, how, when, for what purposes, and consequences for noncompliance of social media usage

Crucial Conversations

discussions between two or more people where 1. stakes are high 2. opinions vary 3. emotions run strong <ex. ending a relationship, talking to a coworker or classmate who behaves offensively, giving the boss or professor feedback, critiquing a classmate or colleague's work>


disputing parties agree to accept the decision of a trained, neutral arbitrator in a formal, court like setting

Step 3: Develop your stage presence

don't move too much or too little


draw on, interpret, and integrate categorical information stored in long-term memory

conflict reduction

eliminating specific negative interactions such as name calling

Employee attitude surveys

employers can measure levels of met expectations with these

Task Roles

enable the work group to define, clarify, and pursue a common purpose -keep the group on track

total rewards

encompass not only compensation and benefits, but also personal and professional growth opportunities, and a motivating work environment that includes recognition, job design, and work-life bablance COMPENSATION base pay, merit pay, incentives, promotions, and pay increases BENEFITS health and wellness, paid time off, and retirement PERSONAL GROWTH training, career development, and performance management

individualized consideration

entails behaviors associated with providing support, encouragement, empowerment, and coaching to employees. -leaders must pay special attention to the needs of their followers and search for ways to help people develop and grow

Hackman and Oldham's Job Characteristic Model

is to promote high intrinsic motivation by designing jobs that possess the five core job characteristics -Skill variety -Task Identity (when a person works on a product or project from beginning to end and sees a tangible result) -Task Significance (the extent to which the job affects the lives of other people within or outside the organization) -Autonomy (Extent to which the job enables an individual to experience freedom, independence, and discretion in both scheduling and determining the procedures used in completing the job.) -Feedback (the extent to which an individual receives direct and clear information about how effectively he or she is performing the job)

idiosyncratic deals

job design terms that individuals negotiate for themselves involving schedule flexibility, career development, or other adjustments -goal is to increase employee intrinsic motivation, increase employee productivity

Step 4: Plan your multimedia

keep it simple and don't let it distract the audience

Respondent Behavior (Skinner)

labeled unlearned reflexes or stimulus- response (S-R) connections <ex. shedding tears while peeling onions or reflexively withdrawing one's hand from a hot stove>


leader behavior associated with creating mutual respect or trust with a focus on a concern for group members' needs and desires


leadership behavior associated with creating mutual respect or trust with a focus on a concern for group members' needs and desires

Peer pressure (symptoms of groupthink)

loyalty of dissenters is questioned

Encourage testing

make it safe for others to share their opposing views, find a mutual purpose.

social media strategy

make this so you can promote your product to your customers -recruiting talent -knowledge sharing -reinforcing the brand


makes the reasoning behind a decision transparent and available to scrutiny


making a decision that doesn't evaluate the validity of judgments that come to mind on their own -represents judgements, insights, or decisions that "come to mind on their own, without explicit awareness of the evoking cues and of course without explicit evaluation of the validity of these cues"

to improve employee retention through motivation

management can provide information and implement policies that underscore the value of staying at the firm.

Equity Theory

managers must interact with employees and monitor their perceptions of fair treatment

Managing diversity

managing diversity is more than its legal, social, or moral dimension -managing diversity five the organization the ability to grow and maintain a business in an increasingly competitive marketplace

monitoring performance

measuring, tracking, or otherwise verifying progress and ultimate performance -use info gathered through monitoring to identify problems (and successes) and opportunities to enhance performance during the pursuit of a goal, and your final outcomes

conflict processes

members' interactions aimed at working through task and interpersonal disagreements

Number of Issues Grow

more and more issues that bother each party are raised and included in the conflict

number of parties grows

more people and groups are drawn into the conflict

Why is motivation important?

motivation is the fuel that drives results and performance

Consider the other person's outcome

negotiate for your own interests but be aware of whether the other party is satisfied

learning organization

on e that proactively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge and that changes its behavior on the basis of new knowledge and insights STEP 1- INFORMATION ACQUISITION -scanning- the process through which an organization obtains information from internal and external sources STEP 2: INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION -the processes or systems that people, groups, or organizational units use to share information among themselves. STEP 3: INFORMATION INTERPRETATION -making sense of the information that organizations have acquired and distributed. STEP 4: KNOWLEDGE INTEGRATION -when information is integrated across different sources -leads to shared understanding STEP 5:ORGANIZATIONAL MEMORY -represents the combined process of "encoding, storing, and retrieving the lessons learned from an organization's history, despite the turnover of personnel."


one lesson from the competing values framework is that innovation and quality can be increased by building characteristics associated with these cultures: -adhocracy -market -clan

self-serving bias

one's tendency to take more personal responsibility for success than for failure -attribute their success to internal factors (high ability or hard work) -their failures to uncontrollable external factors (tough job, bad luck, unproductive coworkers, or an unsympathetic boss)

Create safe channels for employees to voice concerns

open lines of communication employees can use without retailiation


organizational structure and processes play an important role and are a prime contributor to innovation

contingency approach to the organization design

organizations tend to be more effective when they are structured to fit the demands of the situation -one of the first design considerations is whether the organization would flourish with centralized or decentralized decision making

strategic plan

outlines an organization's long-term goals and the actions necessary to achieve those goals

goals change

parties change their focus from "doing well" or resolution to wi`nning and even hurting the other party


passive withdrawl from the problem and suppression of the issue

Expectancy Theory - Victor Vroom

people are motivated to behave in ways that produce desired combinations of expected outcomes -can be used to predict behavior in any situation in which a choice between two or more alternatives must be made. <ex. whether to quit or stay at a job. Whether to exert substantial or minimal effort at a task; whether major in management, CS, accounting, marketing, etc...>


people who are highly political runt he risk of appearing self-serving and losing their credibility

anaytical decision style

people who have a high tolerance for ambiguity and focus on asks and technical concerns

conceptual decision style

people who have a high tolerance for ambiguity and focus on people and the social aspects of a work situation

behavioral decision style

people who have a low tolerance for ambiguity and focus strongly on people and the social aspects of a work situation


physlological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior -can be strong or weak and influenced by enviornmental factors

work-facilitation behaviors

planning, scheduling, organizing, and coordinating work; providing mentoring, coaching, counseling, and feedback to assist employees in developing their skills; eliminating roadblocks; providing resources; empowering employees to take actions and make decisions

Group-oriented decision making

posing problems rather than solutions to the work group; encouraging group members to participate in decision making; providing necessary information to the group for analysis; involving knowledgeable employees in decision making.

bases of power that foster commitment

positive legitimate power, expert power, and referent power

Body Esteem

positivity with which one holds their body image

positive reinforcement

process of strengthening a behavior by contingently presenting something pleasing <ex. rewarding employees who have perfect attendance records with a check for $100>

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