OB Exam #3 Study Guide
What steps can organizations take to become more trustworthy?
Person-based Organization-based
Is personality driven by nature or by nurture? How can we tell?
affected significantly by genetic factors.
In what three sources is trust rooted? Or in other words, what dimensions can be used to describe how trustworthy an authority is?
disposition-based, cognition-based, or affect-based. Trustworthiness is judged along three dimensions: competence, character, and benevolence.
How does trust affect job performance and organizational commitment?
emphasizing corporate social responsibility, a perspective that acknowledges that the responsibility of a business encompasses the economic, legal, ethical, and citizenship expectations of society.
What are Hofstede's dimensions of cultural values?
individualism-collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity-femininity, and short-term vs. long-term orientation.
What is emotional intelligence?
self-awareness, other awareness, emotion regulation, and use of emotions.
What is personality, and how can it be distinguished from ability?
structures and propensities inside a person that explain his or her characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior. Ability explains what people can do.
What is ability, and where do individual differences in ability come from?
the relatively stable capabilities of people to perform a particular range of different but related activities. Cognitive- General mental ability Emotional- Use of emotions
What steps can organizations take to hire people with high levels of cognitive ability?
use cognitive ability tests to hire applicants with high levels of general mental ability. One of the most commonly used tests is the Wonderlic Personnel Test.
What are the various types of cognitive ability?
verbal ability, quantitative ability, reasoning ability, spatial ability, and perceptual ability.
What are the "Big Five?"
Conscientiousness:(Dependable, responsible achievement oriented, persistent) Agreeableness: (Trusting, good natured, cooperative, softhearted) Extraversion: (outgoing, talkative, sociable, assertive) Neuroticism: (relaxed, secure, unworried) Openness to experience: (Intellectual imaginative, curious, broadminded, CREATIVE?)
How does cognitive ability affect job performance and organizational commitment?
General mental ability
What is CSR? What is your view on CSR? Can it be utilized as a competitive advantage for company success?
Organizations have an obligation to do what is right, just, and fair and to avoid harm.
What are ethics?
Standards of conduct that indicate how one should behave based on moral duties and virtues arising from principles about right and wrong
How does personality affect job performance and organizational commitment?
Thought process on the job