OB fetal environment & maternal complications

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absence or reversal of diastolic flow in the umbilical artery is considered irregular and is associated with an increased incidence of ___________ and _____________.

IUGR, oligohydramnios

clinically, chorioangiomas are commonly asymptomatic but may produce an elevation in


a definitive placenta may not be identified sonographically until after ________ weeks


the placenta should be evaluated for placenta previa after ________ weeks with an empty bladder using transabdominal approach


women are screened for diabetes at the end of the second trimester, around _______ weeks gestation


the cervical length should measure at least


the thickness of the placenta should not excess


the normal postpartum uterus returns to its nongravid size ________ weeks after delivery


RPOC is typically treated with


most common location of chorioangioma is

adjacent to umbilical cord insertion site at the placenta

those who have an increased risk of preeclampsia include

advanced maternal age, diabetic, gestational trophoblastic disease

an _____________ cyst is a mass that may be noted in the umbilical cord adjacent to the umbilical vessels


hydrops may also be defined as


marginal placenta is also called


a _____________ hematoma may result from a C section. This mass can appear anechoic, although it most likely will appear as a complex mass greater than 2 cm located adjacent to scar between lower uterine segment & posterior bladder wall.

bladder flap

the treatment of an incompetent cervix is a ______________


painless dilation of the cervix in the second or early third trimester

cervical incompetence

most common placental tumor


the ________________, the portion derived from the blastocyst and containing the chorionic villi, is the fetal contribution to the placenta

chorion frondosum

the placenta consist of three parts

chorionic plate, placental substance, basal plate

abnormally shaped placenta caused by the membranes inserting inward from the edge of the placenta, producing a curled-up placental contour


placenta covers the internal os completely

complete previa

the placenta consists of approximately 10-30 _________________, which are groups or lobes of chorionic villi


among the TORCH infections which is listed as the most common?


the ______________ , the maternal contribution of the placenta, is the endometrium beneath the developing placenta.

decidua basalis

normally, the S/D ratio will ______________ with advancing gestation


immune hydrops is associated with

erythroblastosis fetalis and Rh isoimmunization

one major function of the placenta is to act as an ______________ organ for the fetus, performing imperative exchanges of waste products and gases with valuable nutrients and oxygen from the mother


___________ of the cervix is a result of the premature opening of the internal os and the subsequent bulging of the membranes into the dilated cervix


the placenta produces _______ which maintains the corpus luteum of the ovary


the most common tumor of the umbilical cord, although rare


preeclampsia is defined as the presence of pregnancy induced ______________ accompanied by ___________.

hypertension, proteinuria

and elevated S/D ratio is associated with _____________ placental resistance and an increase in the risk of perinatal mortality and morbidity


placental edge extends into the lower uterine segment but ends more than 2 cm away from the internal os

low-lying previa

___________ cord insertion is at the edge of the placenta


_______________ abruption, often referred to as a subchorionic hemorrhage, lies at the edge of the placenta and is the most common placental hemorrhage identified with sonography


placenta lies at the edge of the internal os

marginal previa

maternal ___________ syndrome is a rare disorder in which the mother suffers from edema and fluid buildup similar to her hydropic fetus


placenta previa is discovered more often in women with:

multiparity, advanced maternal age, previous abortion, prior c section

occasionally, the umbilical cord may be seen encircling the fetal neck. This is termed _________________

nucal cord

placenta partially covers the internal os

partial previa

adherence of the placenta to the myometrium

placenta accreta

invasion of the placenta within the myometrium

placenta increta

penetration of the placenta through the serosa and possibly into adjacent organs

placenta percreta

________________ is the premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall before the birth of the fetus, thus causing hemorrhage.

placental abruption (abruptio placentae)

when the placenta covers the internal is of the cervix

placental previa

the placenta effectively becomes the means of ___________ for the fetus


the prevention of immune hydrops caused by Rh sensitization is the administration of ____________, at approximately ________ weeks

rhogam, 28

the two most commonly performed cerclage techniques are the

shirodkar, mcdonald

most common abnormality of the umbilical cord

single umbilical artery (two vessel cord)

sonographic appearance of hemangioma of umbilical cord

solid hyperechoic mass near placenta cord insertion

additional smaller lobe of located separate from the main segment of the placenta

succenturiate lobe

amniotic sheets, linear bands of scar tissue within the uterus. Seen with ashermann syndrome


TORCH acronym is: _______________. Group of infections that can cross the placenta and influence the development of the fetus

toxoplasmosis, other infections, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus

the __________________, enters the fetal abdomen and carry deoxygenated blood from the fetus to the placenta.

umbilical arteries

the ________________, carries oxygenated blood from the placenta to the fetus, enters the fetal abdomen and proceeds cephalad to connect to the left portal vein within the liver.

umbilical vein

placenta previa is a common cause of painless ____________ in the 2nd & 3rd trimesteres

vaginal bleeding

the complication of fetal vessels resting over the internal os of the cervix is referred to as ________________. These vessels are prone to rupture as the cervix dilates.

vasa previa

______________ cord insertion denotes the insertion of the umbilical cord into the membranes beyond the placental edge. (often seen in association with vasa previa)


vasa previa is often associated with __________________ and possibly a ________________.

velamentous cord insertion, succenturiate lobe

Pools of maternal blood noted within the placental substance are referred to as:

venous lakes (maternal lakes, placental lakes)

vessels of the umbilical cord are surrounding by gelatinous material called _____________

wharton jelly

the cord develops from the fusion of

yolk stalk and vitelline duct

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