OCE 15+16

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How do bat stars move?

They have hundreds of tube feet that run along the undersides of their arms

What is an adaptation for organisms living in the upper intertidal zone?

They must be adapted for being out of water for extended periods of time

Hermit crabs are commonly found inhabitants of tide pools


Coral reefs contain 25% of all known marine species


The oceans have absorbed the majority of the increased heat in the atmosphere


Intertidal zonation across a sediment-covered shore is best seen when the shore is gently sloping


The supratidal zone of the rocky shore is the area between the highest high tide and the lowest low tide


What related tidepool organism uses a similar predator-escape response?


Match the term or phrase with the best descriptor. chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)


What is a key assumption behind the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)?

Rich countries should care about what happens in poor countries

What do bat stars eat?

They eat detritus, dead and decaying organic material, and seaweed.

In the spray zone, what is one common adaptation that marine organisms typically exhibit?

They have hard shells that prevent organisms from drying out.

Match the organism with the appropriate zone. sea anemone

low tide zone

In which region of the tidepools are kelp crabs most often found?

lower intertidal

Match the organism with the appropriate habitat. sand dollar

sandy beaches

What family do kelp crabs belong to?

spider crab family

The nudibranch Navanax is a type of __________

sea slug

Over the past 30 years, Earth's average surface temperature has risen by:


Along a rocky shore, the spray zone is indicated by the number:


How long is the most important eccentricity cycle for Earth's orbit?

100,000 years

How long is the cycle of precession for Earth's orbit?

26,000 years

If the USA adopted and maintained a policy of minimal control of CO2 emissions, what level would we expect its emissions to be in 2020?

2716 MMT

How much of the Sun's incoming radiation is scattered or reflected back to space before any heating effect is felt on Earth?


Since 1750, the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has increased by more than:


How long is the cycle of obliquity for Earth's orbit?

41,000 years

How much of the Sun's incoming radiation is absorbed by Earth's surface?


The area on a rocky shore inhabited by organisms adapted to withstand wave energy for the majority of the tidal cycle is indicated by the number


Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Please identify the word and/or phrase that does NOT fit the pattern. Enter only the letter of the answer (caps, no period, and not the full entry) in the field below.

A. anthropogenic CO2 inputs

Which of the following arguments could be made for NOT adopting an aggressive control strategy worldwide?

All of the above.

Hazards associated with sea level rise include all the following except :

All the above are correct

Variations in Earth's orbit that influence long-term climate changes include:

All the above are correct.

Which of the following climate types is likely to experience the most warming?


Which of the following is the best statement regarding the graph of atmospheric CO2 concentrations?

Atmospheric CO2 concentrations have increased by more than 15% over the past 50 years

What would happen to Earth's atmospheric temperature if the amount of incoming shortwave radiation from the Sun decreased and was less than the longwave radiation lost to space?

Atmospheric temperature would decrease

What would happen to Earth's atmospheric temperature if the amount of shortwave radiation reflected at Earth's surface increased significantly?

Atmospheric temperature would decrease.

What would happen to Earth's atmospheric temperature if the amount of outgoing longwave radiation decreased so that it was less than incoming shortwave radiation from the Sun?

Atmospheric temperature would increase

What would happen to Earth's atmospheric temperature if the amount of shortwave radiation reflected by clouds decreased significantly?

Atmospheric temperature would increase

What would happen to Earth's atmospheric temperature if the amount of incoming shortwave radiation from the Sun was the same as the longwave radiation lost to space?

Atmospheric temperature would remain the same.

The areas of desertification overlap the most with which climate type?


Why is it rare to find a lobster in a tidepool?

Because they normally live along the bottom, further offshore in kelp forests.

Which of the following actions could be used to support "Target 3" of the Millennium Development Goals, to promote gender equality?

Build a primary school for young girls

How does a sea anemone feed?

By entrapping prey items in its stinging tentacles

Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words or phrases. Please identify the word and/or phrase that does NOT fit the pattern. Enter only the letter of the answer (caps, no period, and not the full entry) in the field below

C. hermit crab

Why do farmers in poor countries often have trouble making a profit?

Cheap imports

What is one of the critical ingredients that could transform life in slums?

Clean water

How has aid from wealthy countries to poor countries changed in recent years?

Countries have given less and less in foreign aid

Which area is not addressed by the Millennium Development Goals?


Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Please identify the word and/or phrase that does NOT fit the pattern. Enter only the letter of the answer (caps, no period, and not the full entry) in the field below

E. tectonic uplifting

What is the worst global health disaster ever?


.Match the term or phrase with the best descriptor. IPCC

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

When you visit a tidepool and put your finger into a sea anemone, it grabs onto your finger. What is really happening?

It activates stinging barbs that inject neurotoxin into your skin.

What predator-escape response does the sea hare exhibit?

It emits a stringy purple ink

How does Navanax obtain its food items?

It follows the chemical trace of a sea slug or snail and then eats it whole

How has the global "War on Terror" affected the focus of wealthy countries?

It has caused a shift from development to defense.

What adaptation does the wavy turban snail use for camouflage so that predators can't easily see it?

It has various types of algae and tubeworms growing on its shell

Why do different bat stars have colors that range from orange to mottled purple?

It helps them to camouflage with the varied colors found in tidepools.

What happens in the video when the wavy turban's muscular foot is touched?

It retracts its foot into its shell

What happens when a lobster gets too big for its exoskeleton (hard outer shell)?

It slips out of its hard shell and grows a new, larger one.

What does the lobster shown in this video use for defense? It uses its spines all over its hard shell, including the spines on its antennae.

It uses its spines all over its hard shell, including the spines on its antennae.

What does the wavy turban snail use its operculum for?

It uses the operculum to seal off the opening to its shell once it has retracted inside.

The subtidal rocky bottom zone along temperate shorelines is dominated by:


What is one of the best ways to recognize a rip current as viewed from above?

Look for turbid water caused by suspended sediment within the rip current.

As sea ice melts and becomes liquid water, __________ heat is then absorbed from the Sun, creating warmer surface waters.


The symbiotic relationship between the coral animals and the zooxanthellae is an example of _________.


. Arctic sea ice reached a historic minimum in 2012 that was approximately __________ the size of the long-term average recorded during 1979-2000.


What is another name for the ozone layer?


Using proxy data, scientists have compiled a detailed record of Earth's climate over the recent geologic past. This science is called _________.


The zone ocean where sound can travel extremely long distances is called the:

SOFAR channel

What is the purpose of the shells and rocks that are attached to a sea anemone's body?

Shells and rocks prevent the sea anemone from drying out during low tide.

To which of the following animals are acorn barnacles closely related?


The most important limiting factor in rocky intertidal communities is:


Which set of statements is correct?

The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon. Human activity has increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the past 250 years

How does the inclination of Earth's axis change over the course of a year?

The inclination of Earth's axis does not change.

What would happen to the oxygen atoms in ozone if the ozone layer were completely destroyed by ultraviolet radiation?

The oxygen atoms would be bound together in pairs

In the lower intertidal zone, what is one common adaptation that marine organisms typically exhibit?

They are well camouflaged so that they can blend in and hide from predators during low tide

What adaptation gives brittle stars their name?

They can detach their arms to avoid a predator.

Which of the following is the best statement regarding the graph of atmospheric CO2 and surface temperature changes over the past 50 years?

This data is consistent with the hypothesis that increased atmospheric concentrations of CO2 may be causing an increase in average surface temperatures.

Some of the more common fauna of sediment-covered shores include bivalve mollusks, annelid worms, and crustaceans


How is ozone formed in the stratosphere?

Ultraviolet radiation breaks apart molecules made up of paired oxygen atoms. Individual oxygen atoms bond with paired oxygen molecules to form ozone

How does ultraviolet radiation cause ozone depletion?

Ultraviolet radiation breaks down CFC, a molecule containing chlorine. Chlorine then breaks one oxygen atom away from ozone, leaving behind a paired oxygen molecule

How do rip currents form?

Water builds up at the beach face and then moves away from shore in narrow currents

In general, what is the difference between the energy that comes into Earth from the Sun and the energy that Earth emits back to space?


As a citizen scientist you have been selected to participate in a once-in-a-lifetime journey to ride along in a deep-sea submersible to explore life in the bathypelagic zone of the ocean. As you descend you anticipate nothing but abyssal plains, but what you see instead is an oasis of life dominated by the tubeworm Riftia! Later you learn that the results of the biological survey reveal that even though this community has 1,000 times more biomass than surrounding deep-sea habitats, the overall diversity is very low. Considering these results, the deep-sea community you visited was __________. a. a black smoker releasing water at a temperature near 400 ∘ C

a black smoker releasing water at a temperature near 400 ∘ C

How long does it take for a brittle star to regrow an arm?

a couple of weeks

What is a sea anemone -- a vicious predatory toxic animal -- carefully disguised as?

a harmless flower

What is ozone?

a molecule made up of three oxygen atoms

In which sediment-covered shoreline would you find the greatest concentration of subsurface-dissolved oxygen

a steeply sloping beach face composed of cobble stone

What does a gooseneck barnacle use to attach to a rock?

a strong stalk

Match the organism with the appropriate zone. Pisaster (sea star)

low tide zone

Of the following adaptations, which apply to life in intertidal environments?

a. A thick exterior or exoskeleton helps prevent creatures from drying out. b. A thick exterior or exoskeleton helps protect creatures from being crushed. c. Many intertidal organisms have adaptations to cope with strong wave activity. d. Some organisms can survive for long periods of time out of water.

Which of the following explains why these climates are nevertheless found along the continental margins of the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans?

a. Atmospheric circulation primarily occurs from west to east. These regions are more eastern; therefore, they are impacted by circulation from the west. b. The continental bodies on which these zones are found are too large for the whole land mass to be affected by the ocean.

Which of the following characteristics of Earth's relationship to the Sun explains the existence of Earth's seasons?

a. Earth's axis is tilted relative to its orbital plane. b. Earth's axis always points in the same direction relative to the stars. c. Earth orbits around the Sun, completing one orbit each year. d. Earth spins on its axis, completing one rotation each day

Of the following statements about the greenhouse effect and global warming, which is/are true?

a. Global warming will likely result in a rise in sea level due to melting glaciers and thermal expansion of warm ocean waters. b. Global warming will likely result in more prolonged droughts. c. Global warming will likely result in more rainfall. d. Global warming will likely result in more intense tropical storms.

Polar and subarctic climates generally have small precipitation totals. However, these climates are classified as humid rather than dry. Which of the following explains this apparent paradox?

a. In these climates, the net precipitation is greater than the evaporation, even though there is little precipitation. b. In cold climates, the low temperatures mean there is little evaporation.

When are the Sun's rays perpendicular to Earth's surface at the equator?

a. September Equinox b. March Equinox

When do all locations on Earth experience equal lengths of day and night?

a. September Equinox b. March Equinox

Your roommate, who has not studied climate, says, "I thought the greenhouse effect was a bad thing. Isn't it what's causing global warming?" Which of the following statements might you use to help your roommate understand the true nature of the greenhouse effect?

a. Some gases, like carbon dioxide and water vapor, "trap" the heat radiated by Earth, causing warming. b. When there are more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect is stronger.

Of the following statements about coral reefs, which is/are true?

a. The biomass of coral reefs is composed mostly of algae. b. Most coral reefs exist in nutrient-poor waters, so corals have symbiotic algae in their tissues that provide them with food. c. Reef corals need warm, tropical waters.

Of the following statements about organisms in rocky intertidal zones, which is/are true?

a. The low tide zone holds the greatest number of soft-bodied organisms and marine algae. b. The spray zone is where organisms with shells are mostly found. c. Mussel beds are a common feature of the middle tide zone.

Which of the following are ways in which the climate system is affected by the biosphere?

a. Trees take up carbon dioxide from the environment and release oxygen. b. Methane, a greenhouse gas, is released from the digestive system of cattle.

In a conversation with a friend, he expresses skepticism about global warning. When you inquire about his reasons, he responds by saying that the weather in that area has been the coolest he can remember. Using the information you have learned, what information could you offer to encourage your friend to reevaluate his position?

a. Weather and climate are different. Cooler weather does not mean the global climate is also cooler. b. "Global warming" means that the average global temperature is increasing. It doesn't mean that temperatures everywhere are hotter.

Of the following environments, which support(s) chemosynthesis?

a. along the mid-ocean ridge associated with black smokers b. along subduction zones where methane from decomposition of organic material in folded sedimentary rocks trickles from the sea floor c. in areas where high-salinity waters percolate from the sea floor d. at hydrocarbon seeps that emit methane

Of the following, which are examples of climate feedback loops?

a. heat uptake by the oceans b. the addition of water vapor into the atmosphere c. the shading effect from air pollution d. the role of clouds at different altitudes e. the presence of fine atmospheric particles called aerosols

Global engineering (geoengineering) proposals to reduce Earth's greenhouse effect include

a. removing human-caused greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and disposing of them somewhere else. b. reducing the amount of sunlight reaching Earth

What are the main factors that contribute to the documented global rise in sea level?

a. thermal expansion of ocean water as it warms b. an increase in the amount of water in the ocean from the melting of ice on land

How is energy transferred from Earth's surface to Earth's atmosphere?

a. through convection b. through conduction c. through the greenhouse effect d. through latent heat in water vapor

Of the following natural factors, which have caused past climate changes on Earth?

a. variations in Earth's orbit b. volcanic eruptions c. the movement of Earth's tectonic plates d. changes in solar energy

How large can kelp crabs get?

about the size of a small dinner plate

The world's oceans play a role in reducing global warming by:

absorbing surplus heat energy

Sewage discharge and fertilizer runoff is detrimental to coral growth because it increases the:

amount of inorganic nutrients in the water that stimulates excessive algal growth

The scientific consensus is that global warming has led to __________.

an increase in oxygen-depleted dead zones

What did local Natives use the wavy turban snail's operculum for?

as money

Where does the length of day remain the same throughout the year?

at the equator

One of the main ways in which octopuses avoid predators is to __________

blend in with the color and texture of the surrounding environment

Two dominant organisms of the rocky shore found high on the rocks of the intertidal zone are:

buckshot barnacles and limpets.

The most successful adaptation for living on a sediment-covered shore is

burrowing into the sediment

What does a blue mussel (California mussel) use to attach to a rock?

byssus threads

What is precession in Earth's orbit?

change in the orientation of Earth's axis

Match the term or phrase with the best descriptor. sunspots

changes in solar energy

Which of the following atmospheric constituents has the GREATEST ability to absorb heat on a per-mole basis?

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

Which of the following could be a direct result of the cycles of eccentricity, obliquity, and precession on Earth?

climate change

The fourth IPCC Report of 2007 concluded that _________.

climate change models can mimic present-day conditions only if human emissions are taken into account

The minimum area of Arctic sea ice cover has been __________ as air and water temperatures have been __________ over the past several decades.

decreasing; increasing

According to the video, what is the best economic investment poor countries can make?

educate and empower women

All the following are parts of Earth's climate system except the:


Arctic sea ice naturally __________ during the dark, cold winters and __________ during the spring and summer.

expands; contracts

A decrease in cloud cover due to a higher moisture content in the atmosphere is an example of a positive-feedback loop.


Greenhouse gases are compounds in the Earth's atmosphere that dissipate heat


Sea surface temperatures have remained unchanged during the past 50 years


There is a significant positive correlation between sunspot activity and recent changes in mean global temperature.


Volcanic eruptions have no impact on global climate patterns; they only affect local climate


Recent worldwide sea level rise can be attributed to all of the following except the:

geological uplifting of ocean basins

Some organisms living in the high water portion of the intertidal zone cannot survive in the supralittoral zone because they:

have planktonic larval forms

Match the organism with the appropriate zone. Littorina (periwinkle snail)

high tide zone, supratidal zone

Climate models and observations to date indicate that the oceans will warm the most in _________.

high-latitude areas

These organisms are inhabitants of a/an:

hydrocarbon seep.

The areas that are at very high risk of desertification are most commonly associated with which range of annual average precipitation?

less than 19 inches

How much of the Sun's ultraviolet radiation reaches Earth's surface?

little of the ultraviolet radiation

Which of the following economic activities most closely coincides with the areas at risk of future drought?

livestock ranching

The loss of color (coral bleaching) in coral reef organisms can be a result of:

loss of zooxanthellae.

The common annelid found in a sandy beach environment is the


What do sea hares eat?

marine algae

Domestic cattle production and rice agriculture release relatively large amounts of which gas into the atmosphere?

methane (CH4)

What intertidal zone do sea anemones typically inhabit?

middle intertidal

Match the organism with the appropriate zone. Mytilus (mussels)

middle tide zone

Match the organism with the appropriate zone. hermit crab

middle tide zone, tide pool

Organic matter decomposes most slowly in _____

mud flats

The relationship between the protistan zooxanthellae and the polyps of reef-building corals is best described as a/an

mutualistic symbiosis

The term nudibranch means _________

naked gills

An increase in cloud cover and a corresponding decrease in absorption of solar radiation is an example of a

negative-feedback loop

Assuming that increasing CO2 concentrations are directly linked to increased surface temperatures, which scenario should result in a reduction of temperatures to below their 1960-1990 averages by 2040?

none of the scenarios

The distribution of benthic biomass is related to:

primary productivity.

Match the term or phrase with the best descriptor. greenhouse effect

process that influences the temperature of Earth's surface and atmosphere

In general, which two factors determine the overall temperature of Earth's atmosphere?

radiation coming into and radiation going out of Earth's atmosphere

Concerned individuals can reduce their personal contribution to greenhouse gas emissions by doing all the following except :

reducing the area covered by pavement or structures (houses, garages, pools, decks, etc.) in urban and suburban areas.

Only some shortwave radiation from the Sun reaches Earth's surface. What is the leading cause of this radiation loss?

reflection by clouds

The organism posing the greatest threat to the kelp forest is the ____

sea urchin

What is another name for the brittle star?

serpent star

Benthic animals inhabiting the rocky intertidal environment consist mostly of _________.

sessile animals, nektobenthos, and very few infauna

In a tidepools area such as that shown in the video, what is the correct order of intertidal zones, going from the base of the coastal cliffs into deeper water?

spray zone, upper intertidal zone, middle intertidal zone, lower intertidal zone

Match the term or phrase with the best descriptor. paleoclimatology

study of ancient climates

Match the organism with the appropriate habitat. kelp

subtidal rocky bottoms

Imagine that you are caught in a rip current in the ocean. The best thing for you to do so that you won't drown is to __________.

swim sideways to the current before attempting to come ashore

The oceans' "biological pump" _________.

takes carbon from the photic zone and stores it in deep ocean water and seafloor sediments

All of the following are true of corals except

the distribution of reef-building corals is greater in the tropics

What is the primary obstacle to alleviating world hunger?

the drive to do so

What is obliquity in Earth's orbit?

the inclination of Earth's axis

What is eccentricity in Earth's orbit?

the shape of Earth's orbit

What is the December solstice?

the time of the year when Earth's geographic North Pole is leaning most directly away from the Sun

What is the June solstice?

the time of the year when Earth's geographic North Pole is leaning most directly toward the Sun

Global warming is _________________.

the warming of Earth's atmosphere caused by the production of greenhouse gases due to human activity

The reason that these tidepool organisms are called "sea hares" is because _________

they have long projections off their head that resemble the ears of a bunny rabbit

What do mussels, gooseneck barnacles, and acorn barnacles all eat?

tiny microscopic marine organisms that live in seawater

Carbon dioxide (CO2) has the greatest relative contribution to increasing the greenhouse effect compared to other anthropogenically produced greenhouse gases


Coral reefs contain more algal biomass than animal biomass.


If all greenhouse gas emissions by humans were reduced to zero, Earth is still projected to keep warming for the foreseeable future


Kelps with air bladders are common along the western and northwestern Pacific coasts of the United States.


Melting ice on land and thermal expansion of water are two of the most important factors causing sea level rise


One characteristic of hydrothermal vent communities is the unusually large size of organisms such as tubeworms and clams.


The Crown of Thorns sea star may be increasingly more common because its predators are fish species belonging to populations that have dramatically decreased due to overfishing.


The Earth's climate system involves the exchange of heat and water among the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, biosphere, and cryosphere


The concentration of methane (natural gas) exhibits the greatest current rate of increase compared to other greenhouse gases


The temperature of the ocean water has a significant effect on species diversity of benthic communities.


he fourth IPCC report on international climate change (2007) confirmed that human activity has produced climate change beginning in the mid-20th century


What is the common name of the octopus that is found in Southern California tidepools?

two-spotted octopus

Recent studies indicate that the deep biosphere, an environment that exists within the seafloor itself, may account for up to _________ of Earth's total bacterial biomass.


All of the following are associated with hypersaline seeps except:

very high temperature

What natural cause of climate change is most similar to the major anthropogenic source?

volcanic eruptions

The atmospheric component that naturally contributes to the majority of greenhouse warming on Earth is:

water vapor

Of the following atmospheric gases, only _________ is an important greenhouse gas.

water vapor (H2O)

Which three gases are most important on Earth for inhibiting the release of longwave radiation back into space?

water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane

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