Ocean Acidification

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How much CO2 are oceans absorbing now?

26 percent of all the carbon released as CO2 from fossil fuel burning, cement manufacture, and land-use changes over the decade 2002-2011 was absorbed by the oceans. thus on average 2.5 billion tons went into the ocean annually.

What does it mean to be a basic solution?

A basic solution has a low H+ concentration of hydrogen ions (H+)

What does it mean to be an acidic solution?

An acidic solution has a high concentration of hydrogen ions (H+)

What is ocean acidification?

As Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases it sinks to the ocean and dissolves in water creating carbonic acid which is bad for marine organisms. As CO2 increases in the atmosphere the PH decreased in the ocean and the ocean water becomes more acidic. CO2 up PH down ACID up

Why is lower pH in oceans a problem?

Because if the pH in oceans is becoming lower it means the water is becoming more acidic which causes major problems for marine organisms and ecosystems.

Why is carbonate being reduced in the oceans?

Because of Ocean Acidification. When (CO2) is absorbed by the ocean chemical reactions occur that reduce the carbonate ion concentration and lower pH, These chemical reactions are termed "ocean acidification" or "OA" for short.

What is CO2?

Carbon dioxide is one of the most important atmospheric gases that dissolve in the ocean. Some of it stays as dissolved gas, but most reacts with the water to form carbonic acid or reacts with carbonates already in the water to form bicarbonates. The main reason CO2 in the atmosphere has increased over time because of the burning of fossil fuels. OIL, NATURAL GAS, COAL

Where is the carbon that is getting into the atmosphere coming from?

FROM BOTH NATURE AND HUMAN ACTIVITY HUMAN ACTIVITY: • Burning of FOSSIL FUELS such as: Oil Natural Gas Coal •Deforestation/land use: When large areas of land is cleared by man and the trees are cut down, burned or left to decay, carbon goes into the atmosphere. Fewer trees means less photosynthesis occurs to remove CO2 from the air. NATURAL ACTIVITY • Decomposition/Decay - When plants and animals die the carbon in their body will be released into the atmosphere • ocean respiration release: Seawater contains nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. It exchanges these gases with the atmosphere to keep a balance between the ocean and the atmosphere.

How much of an increase is this compared to the past?

For the first time, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels passed a daily average of 400 parts per million. There is now more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than at any point since 2.9 million years before humans existed.

What is OH-

Hydroxide (OH-) is also known as the hydroxyl ion. When water dissociates or comes apart into its component parts it forms OH- (hydroxide ions) and H3O+ (hydronium ions).

What causes coral bleaching?

Ocean Acidification SST (SEA SURFACE TEMP)-rising temperatures sea UV radiation- over exposure to sun Physical damage-storms Pollution-oil spills Tourism-touching/damage Over fishing and trawling Salinity

what is carbon?

One of the most important elements to life on planet Earth is carbon. All living organisms have carbon as the basis for life. It is so important that animals are often called "carbon-based" life forms.

What is the Carbon Cycle?

Some carbon atoms are constantly moving around. This is because carbon atoms are used by all sorts of processes on our planet. Some of these processes put carbon into the atmosphere (air) and some take it out. The carbon cycle is often very tied in with the oxygen cycle.

How do organisms use carbonate?

The main way is via photosynthesis by phytoplankton, where carbon dioxide and sunlight are used to produce sugars and a waste product of oxygen. carbon can be used in the calcium carbonate shells of animals including corals, clams, mussels, oysters.

What is H+?

When the Hydrogen atom loses an electron all that is left is a proton. It becomes the positively charged hydrogen ion known as H+. The H+ hydrogen ion is the basis of the pH scale.

How does the symbiotic relationship between Coral and zooplankton create coral Bleaching?

Zooplankton lives inside the coral structures zooplankton provides coral with O2, glucose and gives the coral it's color. heat stress and OA interferes with the zooplankton ability to convert sunlight to food and it releases a ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) This ROS damages the coral DNA and the coral kicks the Zooplankton out. Without the zooplankton living in the coral structure-- the coral turns white. The zooplankton can come back to the coral once the heat stress and OA are fixed.

what is carbonate?

a salt formed by a reaction between CO2 and H2O.

How will the loss of Coral Reef impact coastal communities?

an economic disaster loss of $$ made from tourism-tourists wouldn't come to scuba dive Fishing industries would lose main source of income if coral reef habits disappeared. Then fish species would disappear. It would leave the shoreline open to damage and erosion.

Why is the CO2 increasing in the atmosphere?

because humans are burning a lot more fossil fuels than ever before. Fossil fuels are the main source of CO2 in the atmosphere. The Oceans, absorb the most CO2 on the earth.

What is pOH?

is a measure of hydroxide ion (OH-) concentration in a solution. pOH is a measure of the alkalinity (not acidic) of a solution.

How will loss of coral reefs impact other organisms in the ocean?

organisms would lose their habitats No place to reproduce No place to feed Expose them to predators Species would eventually die out or have to move

What is pH?

pH = Potential of Hydrogen pH indicates whether a solution is acidic The measurement of the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a solution. If the concentration of H+ ions is 10−1 , the pH is 1, and the pOH is 13. The H+ concentration is much higher than the OH− concentration, which makes the substance acidic.

What is pH

pH of water is the measure of how acidic or basic water is. The scale is from 0 to 14, 7 is the neutral point (pure water). If the pH is closer to 0, that water is more acidic. If it is closer to 14, the more basic it is.

Name 5 organisms with shells that live in the ocean?

shell fish: clams, mussels, oysters, corals, zooplankton, sea urchins


the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to create foods from carbon dioxide and water.

Why are coral reefs important?

•Provide habitats for marine life •Provides protection from land and ocean erosion • Medicines are made from coral

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