Oedipus Vocab Words

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(adj.) trifling, insignificant; mean, despicable; inferior, trashy The man acted in paltry towards the heckler. paltry is like pitiable


(v) to pay back; to give a reward; (n) a payment for loss, service, or injury. There was a recompense for finding the lost kitty. recompense sounds like compass


(v.) to look upon with scorn; to refuse scornfully; (n.) a feeling of contempt The king acted disdainfully Disdain sounds like restrain


a decline to a lower condition, quality, or level The trees started to degrade once winter hit. Degradation sounds like declamation


a thing that causes disgust or hatred Racism is a complete abomination. abomination is like discrimination


an outcast The pariah never spoke often. pariah is like reject


an unfortunate or unhappy person The wretch lived in a house covered in moss. Wretch sounds like witch


beginning; origin The genesis of Batman involved the death of his parents. Genesis sounds like generic


bold and without shame The king was brazen towards the people's views. Brazen sounds like raisin


careful, cautious The suspect was circumspect in his answers. circumspect sounds like circumference


complete or perfect in the highest degree The potion had to be consummate in every way possible Consummate sounds like "consume it"


deceived or misled The man had a deluded image of himself due to his body dysmorphia deluded is like deceived


deprived of; made unhappy through a loss The mother felt bereft after her child went on a trip. bereft is like it left


descendant The child was the descendant of the throne Scion sounds like scone


determined in advance The preordained supply of food was brought as promised. Preordained is like preordered


doubt or uneasiness as to what is right or proper The scruple went on for several days. scruple is like truthful


evil fame or reputation The king was infamous for his actions. infamy sounds like in pity.


express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions. The officer was rebuked towards the criminal. Rebuked is like revoked


fastened or made firm The contraption was riveted into place. riveted is like repaired


growing without check, running wild The rampant driver didn't see the stop sign. rampant is like wanton


ill will or evil intentions The king showed malevolence in his actions malevolence sounds like male violence


irreverence; lack of respect for God The king acted impiety. Impiety sounds like Impatient


muscular strength The man used brawn to pull the rocks out. brawn is like brute.


of, relating to, or befitting a son or daughter The throne of the king was filial of the son once he died. filial is like heir


prone to act in a hasty manner; impudent The cat was brash towards the mouse. Brash sounds like Crash


radiant, splendorous The effulgent sun shun brightly effulgent sounds like erupted


recklessness The driver acted in wantonness. wanton is like rampant


remorse, regret The parent had compunction in neglecting her child. compunction sounds like punctuation


rude and disrespectful behavior The child showed insolence to his teacher. insolence sounds like innocence


superior skill or ability The prowess of the young boy showed great promise prowess sounds like promise


to destroy or kill a large part of The town was decimated by the wildfire. decimated sounds like animated


to mourn The kid was in lament after his parent's death. lament is like repent


to produce, cause, or bring about The mother engendered 4 lovely children. engendered sounds like endangered


to produce; to make happen The mother had to beget her 4 children. beget is like bring to life


unyielding; firm in opinion The horse was adament not to move adament sounds like "a statement"


wholly unharmed, not injured Despite falling, the king was unscathed unscathed sounds like landscape

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