Old Testament

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Job's lament in chapter 3 introduces __________ cycles of dialogue that occupy chapters 4-27.


The prophet Isaiah lived in the _________ century BC


all the following were contributors to the book of proverbs except for?


The book of Daniel is written in Hebrew and has a large section written in ________.


David wrote all 150 of the Psalms true or false?


What is the name of the prophet who lives out the drama of an unfaithful wife in his own life?


Both the Septuagint and Jewish tradition ascribe authorship of Lamentations to ______________.


The prophet Zephaniah was a contemporary of the prophet ________________.


Which prophet tells the people they will live in exile for 70 years?


Psalms which contain poetic; woeful cries of pain and anguish are called what?

Lament Psalms

The NT Gospel of _________ opens with an allusion to Malachi 3:1 and Isaiah 40:3.


If one takes the traditional interpretation and dates the composition of Ecclesiastes to 965-928, then the author of the book would be?


Ezra and Nehemiah came from the Persian city of ______________.


The "signet ring" figure likely refers to:


The first four chapters of Lamentations are set as a literary ______.


Nehemiah was a priest and a scribe t or f


Though Daniel and his friends reside in a pagan nation the surrounding culture appears to be accepting toward Israelite religion t or f


Though Jeremiah is called to deliver a difficult message he seems to have been able to carry out his duty as a prophet without any substantial personal struggles t or f


the book of psalms is divided into how many smaller books?


The reversal of Haman's intentions is a literary device known as:


what is the standard structural feature of wisdom literature?


Nehemiah undertook an initiative to do what in Jerusalem?

rebuild the walls around Jerusalem

The most important messianic prophecies are found in the?

servant songs

The Prophets make three major indictments or charges against Israel/Judah. Two of these are idolatry and religious ritualism. What is the third indictment?

social injustice

Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament both in terms of position in the canon according to English/Latin tradition t or f


The ministry of Ezra and Nehemiah take place in the mid to late 5th century BC t or f


Ezekiel is told not to mourn for the death of his ____.


Which ancient empire destroyed Israel in 722 BC?


Who was the king that needed the "writing on the wall" interpreted for him?


Which of these men is not one of the three friends mentioned at the beginning of the book of Job?


Literally, Ecclesiastes makes use of all of the following except for?


What psalms are sung after God has redeemed the writer form a troubling time?


A majority of prophetic literature deals with future events T or F


a majority of wisdom literature is poetry true or false?


How many kingdoms are featured in the visions of Daniel chapters 2 and 7?


The book of Lamentations mourns the fall of Jerusalem in ______________.

587/586 BC

The northern kingdom (Israel) is destroyed by the Assyrians in which year

722 BC

The book of Jonah concerns the judgment of the city of Nineveh, the capital of ____________.


Which ancient empire destroyed Judah in 587 BC?


Jeremiah's scribe was _____________.


Micah 5:2 gives the expectation of a messianic ruler from:


the primary character of which wisdom book is called "The Teacher?"


In Exodus 3-4 God calls Moses to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt. Discuss each of his objections and how God responds to his objections.

In Exodus chapter three and four it gives the story of Moses having an encounter with God through the burning bush. God has spoken clearly to Moses that he will be the one to bring the Israelites out of their bondage and slavery to Egypt and gives Moses instruction on just how to do so. However, at this point Moses is far removed from Egypt. He has been exiled for quite some time and has no authority and no leverage to get Pharaoh to agree to let the Israelites go. God shares that He will be the one to harden Pharaoh's heart to the point where he will let them go, God shares with Moses that there will be plagues that He will bring that will fall upon the Egyptian people.

Discuss how the events in Acts 2:1-13 work as a reversal of Genesis 11:1-9.

In Genesis 11:1-9 The Bible tells a story of a nation of people who came together to be of one accord. They wanted everyone that was to be a part of this nation to speak the same language. They decided to build a tower and call it the Tower of Babel. They would be known as the people of Babel. When God saw what they were doing He was outraged. God immediately scattered the people of Babel across the earth. God not only scattered the people themselves but their language as well. This created confusion among the people and they were sent out across the world with different languages in tow that could not be understood by other tribes or nations.

which psalms are those psalms interested in both a human and divine king?


In Exodus 3-4 God calls Moses to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt. Discuss each of his objections and how God responds to his objections.

Moses again comes back to God with an objection that he cannot show his face in Egypt, that he is not welcome there and will be exiled out once again when Pharaoh finds out that he is there. God responds to Moses that he has taken care of everything ahead of him that if he will obey what He is asking of him He will make a way. God shares with Moses that He will be their guide with fire by night and with a cloud covering by day. He will sustain them on their journey.

In Exodus 3-4 God calls Moses to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt. Discuss each of his objections and how God responds to his objections.

Moses comes again with an objection that he is not able to speak correctly because of his speech impediment. He tells God that he is not the right person to be sent because of this. God rejects this and tells Moses that if he will speak the words He gives him there will be no lack of understanding in his speech, that he will be able to speak clearly and concisely. God gives Moses no room for discounting himself. For every objection Moses brings to Him God has an intricate detailed plan for. God assures Moses that He has been the one to call him and that He will sustain him through its fruition.

All of the following people are an author of one or more psalms except for? Nathan, Asaph, The sons of Korah, or Moses?


Habakkuk 2:4b, "But the righteous will live by faith," is quoted by ____in the New Testament.


The setting of the book of Esther is the ______ Empire in the mid-fifth century BC.


In the Hebrew Bible the title of the book of Psalms is Tehillim which means what?


The book of Esther is read annually at the Jewish festival of ________________.


The Mordecai and Haman conflict appears to conclude the even earlier conflict between:

Saul and Agag

In this essay give an overview of the four books that comprise the Wisdom Books of the Old Testament. How do these books work together to present a complete picture of wise, godly living?

Song of Songs is a book that teaches us of the importance of intimacy the way God intended it and how being wise with the choices we make, and the people we give our love and lives to matters. It gives us a guideline for experiencing all God has for us within the sanctity of marriage. God shows us the story of a man and woman falling in love, getting married and their journey together after. This book speaks of the relationship we also have with God and the intimacy that he longs to have with us. Song of Songs teaches us to use wisdom to keep our hearts and minds pure for the Lord until he brings us together. Ultimately all of these books have the same underlying idea. That wisdom is something God wants for all of us and that it should be something we seek after and practice daily.

In this essay give an overview of the four books that comprise the Wisdom Books of the Old Testament. How do these books work together to present a complete picture of wise, godly living?

The book of Proverbs is wisdom literature that deals with the fear or reverence of the Lord. We see that Wisdom talked about in Proverbs is not just a virtue but a literal woman speaking to a group of men. This makes up the first part of the book, the second is a collection of proverbs that give us a guide to living a life of wisdom. Proverbs explains right and wrong and the outcomes that go along with those decisions. Proverbs show us, as men and women of God, how we are to conduct ourselves and the blessings that follow living a life that is pleasing and glorifying to God. Ecclesiastes is an autobiography of sorts that relates wisdom from the life of the narrator or "the teacher". However, there is another author who speaks over the words of the narrator. The teacher speaks of the meaninglessness of life and how there is no real rhyme or reason for anything we do in this life, that we should do as we please because we are going to die anyway. The teacher tells us to throw caution to the wind and do what makes us happy or fulfilled in the moment. However, the second narrator comes in and shares that living a life of wisdom is better than living a meaningless life. The Narrator explains that someday God is coming back and bringing judgment to all people, but that if we live our lives in a healthy reverent fear of the Lord we will have nothing to fear. The narrator explains that wisdom and fear of the Lord go hand in hand.

In this essay give an overview of the four books that comprise the Wisdom Books of the Old Testament. How do these books work together to present a complete picture of wise, godly living?

The four wisdom books of the Bible are, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs. In each individual book there are different stories that comprise why it is important to have and practice wisdom and the blessings that follow it. Starting with the book of Job we see a man who is being tempted and tried by the accuser (satan) under God's supervision. Job loses everything, his wife, children, home, livelihood and more. However, he never curses God and never walks away from Him. Job does wonder why God is doing this though. Wisdom is knowing how to handle the difficult parts and situations of life and Job is in need of a solution or end to his suffering. Unfortunately for Job, his friends try to come up with their own ideas and solutions as to why Job is going through what he is going through. His friends lack the wisdom needed to understand why. God ultimately shows himself to be the only one source of true wisdom. Job submits to God and to the fact that he will never know the reason for his suffering. Job is blessed tenfold with everything that he lost. Job shows us that trusting in God's wisdom is the path that leads to blessing.

Discuss how the events in Acts 2:1-13 work as a reversal of Genesis 11:1-9.

The reversal of what God does when He scatters these tribes comes into play in Acts 2:1-13. In this passage it reveals the night of the upper room experience of the disciples. At this point in time Jesus has been crucified, resurrected, and ascended up into Heaven, leaving the disciples with the mission of spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth. Jesus gives a message of encouragement to His disciples that God will give them the power and authority they need to carry out this mission soon enough. He encourages them to be patient. This very encouragement comes to pass when the Holy Spirit comes upon the disciples.

which of the following is an imperative stressed by the wisdom books?


The book of Jonah ends with:

a question from God

Which two kings of Judah feature prominently in the book of Isaiah?

ahaz and hezekiah

Joel 2 expects the Spirit of Yahweh to be poured out on:

all men and women

When Jonah sees that God has relented from destroying Nineveh because of their repentance he is _____________.


Amos' prophecies were delivered to Israel at _____________, a site of syncretistic worship.


what is the primary goal of wisdom literature?


Which of the following prophets is not considered a minor prophet?


In Zechariah, the messiah is described as one who will ride into Jerusalem on a ________.


The "place names" in the book of Job suggest that he may have been a(n)


all of the following are key ideas from the book of Ecclesiastes except for?

enjoyment in life will never come

After Job is vindicated God explains to Job that he had to suffer to bring God glory true or false


Because of internal evidence scholars have determined that Mordecai was the author of Esther t or f


Because of its taboo nature Proverbs avoids the issue of sexuality. (True or False)


God affirms the retribution theology of Job and his friends true or false


Haggai was possibly a member of the royal household t or f


Hezekiah and Josiah are considered some of the worst kings of Judah t or f


Isaiah chapters 36-39 feature four sons whose names were given prophetic significance t or f


Job's friends give him sound advice and Job follows their suggestions true or false


Obadiah is concerned with social justice and the spiritual sickness, which is at the root of people's mistreatment of the poor t or f


Song of songs depicts human love as logical and rational true or false?


The Babylonians conquer the northern kingdom, Israel, in 586 B.C. t or f


The background of Isaiah son of Amoz is the invasion of Israel by the Neo-Babylonian Empire t or f


The designation Major Prophets is given to the prophetic books, which Christians should spend more time studying true or false


The message of Proverbs hinges on the belief that wisdom cannot be taught but must only be experienced true or false


The ministry of Ezekiel took place in Jerusalem after the return from exile t or f


The power and truth of the book of Job depends on whether it was written by one person at one time or many people over a period of time true or false


The purpose of the book of Ezekiel was to promote the rebuilding of the temple t or f


The second point of the prophetic message calls the people of God to repentance T or F


a modern day parallel for the lament psalm is pop music true or false?


according to Ecclesiastes wisdom is the source of ultimate meaning in life true or false


out of the 150 psalms about one quarter are attributed to David true or false?


the book of Ecclesiastes is wholly pessimistic true or false


Proverbs 1-9 seems to be the instruction from a _____ to his ___.

father to his son

The book of Lamentations is comprised of five poems, three of which are ___________, opening with the customary wail "how?"

funeral dirges

Immanuel is the name of the child born of a virgin, whose name means ___________.

god with us

The opening oracle of Malachi refers to Yahweh's love of Jacob and _____ of Esau.


The main question of the book of Habakkuk is, ____________________?

how can those who are wicked go unpunished

Song of Songs is a celebration of what basic human relationship?

husband and wife

What is the reason why a group of people rebel against King Rehoboam?

increased the forced labor of Israelites

The book of Habakkuk is organized around several __________ by the prophet.


Hosea 2 was used by Matthew in order to show how _____________ fulfilled the prophecy of a child returning from Egypt.


One of the major themes identified in Malachi is _________________.

marriage and divorce

Which biblical covenant forms the foundation of the prophetic message?


In the _______ covenant of Jeremiah 31 God's law will be written on the heart, not etched on stone tablets.


Ezekiel was a ______________ by training.


Which of these is not a major theme in the book of Job?

proper temple worship

Most simply stated, the retribution principle is that: If a person is righteous, he will ________ and if a person is wicked, he will _________.

prosper and suffer

A major theme in the book of Amos is ________________.

social justice

The writer of Ecclesiastes is known as what?

the "preacher"

Originally the "Minor Prophets" were all placed on one scroll. What was that scroll called?

the book of the 12

Joel's main concern throughout the book was to address______________, a time of destruction and judgment.

the day of the lord

Jeremiah functioned as a prophet during which crisis in Israel's history?

the fall of Jerusalem

Which of the following is not a type of literary form found in Ezekiel

third person narrative

Daniel has both court narrative and apocalyptic prophecy genres t or f


Micah's message was that the people were guilty of injustice t or f


Prophetic literature is deeply emotional T or F


The Assyrians had a reputation in the Old Testament for incredible cruelty t or f


The Suffering Servant Songs are taken up by NT writers and applied to Christ t or f


The book of Joel is quoted by Peter in the book of Acts in his message on the day of Pentecost t or f


The final section of Nahum contains a dirge suggesting the reasons for God's action against Nineveh t or f


The group we normally refer to as the prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc...) came to prominence during the monarchy t or f


The material of the book is arranged to highlight the trustworthiness of the covenant God t or f


The prophet Jonah preaches directly to the Assyrians in Nineveh t or f


The prophets Daniel and Ezekiel are both part of the population of Judah that is taken into exile in Babylon t or f


The third point of the prophetic messages promises hope to God's people t or f


Zephaniah was possibly a member of the royal household t or f


praise lament and thanksgiving are the three major genres in the Psalter?


song of solomon illustrates to God's people how wonderful love between a man and a woman can be true or false?


the basic historical context of the proverbs is that of an agrarian society true or false


the book of proverbs can be considered an anthology of wisdom true or false


the wisdom books flow out of the theology of the OT true or false?


two major themes that reverberate through psalms are law and messiah true or false?


How many major sections/scenarios is the book of Isaiah divided into?


One of the biggest controversies surrounding the book of Isaiah is in relation to its?


Proverbs 31:10-31 is an acrostic poem extolling the virtues of the ideal?


Ezra and Nehemiah came to Jerusalem during the reign of King ________________.

Artaxerxes 1

The book of Obadiah pronounces divine judgment on what nation?


the major genres of the psalms include all of the following except?


Along with being a prophet, Zechariah was also a ________________ .


Each category of psalm has typical characteristics and a fairly consistent format by which it can be identified true or false?


Hosea's message was delivered prior to Assyria's destruction of the northern kingdom in 722 BC t or f


Jeremiah deals with the issue of God's judgment of nations due to generations of compounded sin t or f


Job believes God is unjust to allow him to suffer because he is blameless true or false


Lamentations illustrates the retributive aspect of human suffering; at least some suffering is brought on as punishment t or f


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