Olympic Final

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Why does it hurt athletes to try to deny (true) accusations? What usually happens if an athlete tells truth right away?

- Athletes typically first deny the accusations in hope that they can maintain their reputation -Maintaining a lie makes it harder to restore their brand-image going forward -When athletes get caught, then deny the accusations, the drawn out process of lying makes them appear much worse than just a cheater -People have a hard time admitting that they have done something wrong ¤ This only becomes heightened when people are use to fame and celebrity -The bigger the star, the more they have to lose ¤ The potential loss of their brand image is a serious concern - first reaction is typically to do everything maintain that image

What were they looking for in the new design?

-"Consideration of Japaneseness" was an explicit part of the criteria for selecting the replacement -Incorporates wooden beams and other natural touches to reflect traditional Japanese design -Will be smaller and cheaper, but will still accommodate 80,000 fans ¤ Wanted a less glitzy stadium that reflected Japan's modest, cultural ideals

What happened with Tokyo's Olympic stadium plans? Why did the original design get scraped?

-"Giant bicycle helmet" was denounced as a poor fit for the area and Japan ¤ A mostly low-rise neighborhood and the leafy grounds of a Shinto shrine -Cost estimates were getting out of control -After months of controversy, officials scrapped initial stadium design ¤ Process embarrassed the government and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

How should host cities view their relationship to the Olympic Games?

-"The Games must be at the service of the city, the city must not be at the service of the Games, because the Games are temporary and the cities are permanent." - Jose Miguel Abad, CEO Barcelona OCOG

In what ways were they a failure?

-2008 Olympics produce roughly $3 billion in revenue (more than anticipated), but it will take Beijing decades of increased revenue to break even -venues have hardly been touched since the Games, waste of money -People still believe: ¤ Beijing is not environmentally friendly or clean ¤ Beijing is overpopulated with traffic problems ¤ The Chinese government is not transparent or trustworthy ¤ Social justice issues persist in China

Why is it important for the IOC to avoid being caught in a systemic scandal? How can it affect sponsorship?

-Any scandals related to IOC members or other Olympic members can hurt the Olympic brand -The Olympic brand is dependent upon being perceived as holding the highest standards of excellence, integrity, and fairness -Systemic scandals are the most damaging to sports brand

How can athlete scandals actually help the Olympics?

-Athlete scandals can actually result in huge ratings boost -Unfolding stories create viewer interest ¤ People love celebrity gossip -Harding/Kerrigan scandal captivated audiences and increased interest in Kerrigan's Olympic performance

Why is Barcelona the model of hosting success? What did they do right?

-Barcelona created iconic Olympic facilities -Serve as symbols that communicate the allure and prestige of the city -Old industrial area was revitalized and transformed into the Olympic Village with the intention of being integrated post-Olympics (4500 new flats, Offices and businesses, Hotels, Museums) -Beaches were cleaned up -Old parks were renovated and new ones built -Barcelona has witnessed enormous economic growth and dramatically increased global recognition -Is now the 4th most visited European city after London, Paris, and Rome ¤ Number of tourist went from 1.7 million before the games, 4 million 10 years later, and over 7 million 20 years later

What were Beijing objectives in hosting the 2008 Games? Why did Beijing spend $40 billion?

-Beijing wanted to use the Olympics to position itself as: ¤ Modern, global city ¤ Famous and historical cultural city ¤ Livable city ¤ Great host of the Olympics -Wanted to show the world that a new China had emerged and was capable of producing the most impressive Olympics ever -Spent almost $40 billion dollars hosting the Games: on infrastructure, impressive facilities, opening ceremony

What does the host city bidding process look like? How much did it end up costing Chicago to submit an Olympic bid?

-Bidding process begins 9 years before Games ¤ Multiple stages of evaluation ¤ Cities pay large sums of money to be considered ¤ Hosting requires massive investment -Cities file a formal application that includes a series of questions designed to understand their ability to successfully host an Olympics -Cities who receive favorable reviews then become host city candidates Chicago's bid: $35-$45 million in financing for bid

What are the different options for Olympic venues?

-Build some new venues -Build venues that can be used for something else (e.g.,the Water Cube) -Use pre-existing facilities ¤ May want to renovate facilities -Create temporary facilities ¤ Temporary venues - venues that can be quickly constructed and later removed, leaving no trace of the sporting event

What is city branding?

-City branding: an attempt to strategically communicate a city's competitive advantages -A city has an "identity," which is established over the long course of urban development -A city's brand is socially constructed and depends upon consumer perception

How can the Olympic Village be used long term?

-Construct an Olympic Village that can later be used as part of the city ¤ Renovate run-down area within the city ¤ Create new space outside of the heart of the city -Opportunity for new condos/apartments, businesses, restaurants, bars, etc.

What are the potential benefits of hosting? How can hosting help improve a city's infrastructure?

-Economic benefits: -Short-term benefits ¤ Ticket sales ¤ Money from sponsors and advertising ¤ Increased employment immediately leading up to and during the Games (venues, local businesses) ¤ Increased tourism dollars ¤ Stimulus to construction industry -Olympic games act as a catalyst for changes to a city that would never otherwise occur in such a short timeframe -Can yield important, decades-long benefits: ¤ Upgrading and developing more efficient utilities ¤ Improved transportation ¤ Enhanced local services

What happened during pairs skating in Salt Lake City? How did the IOC respond?

-French judge admitted to having been pressured by the French skating president to score the Russian team higher -IOC took quick and decisive action -Awarded gold to Canadian pair -Judge was suspended, French skating president was forced to resign -International Skating Union changed the scoring system in 2004, so judges' scores would be anonymous

How do athlete scandals hurt the Olympics? Under what circumstances are they likely to be particularly damaging to a sport's brand?

-Global attention means that inappropriate, insensitive, or offensive words or actions will result in media firestorm -Athlete scandals can take away attention from positive Olympic stories -Crisis and scandal can overshadow Olympic pillars and devalue the brand

What are global cities? How are they related to globalization?

-Global cities are cities who play a significant role in the global economy -A city whose socio-economic actions have a direct effect on global affairs

How did the IOC and USOC respond?

-IOC either reprimanded officials or forced them to resign, based on their level of involvement -IOC banned visits by individual IOC members to candidate cities ¤ Special IOC Commission now visits host city candidates -Made numerous changes to Olympic Charter -Established new ethics commission

What does the IOC look for in a host city?

-IOC tries to promote continental equality ¤ Prefers the Games move from continent to continent in line with global Olympic vision -IOC favor bids with ambitious plans that mirror the increasing scope of the Games ¤ Want cities that can serve as symbols of the positive virtues of the Olympics -Proposals need to demonstrate that a city is capable of hosting the Games and can make the necessary venue, infrastructure, organizational and hospitality improvements -Need to demonstrate that the budget is financially viable

When is it worth it for a company to continue sponsoring an athlete caught in a scandal? When should they distance themselves?

-In cases of individual transgressions, the exception proves the rule -Focusing on athletes that don't maintain integrity, honesty, excellence, etc., reinforces the assumption that other athletes do hold these values and ideals -As long as these events remain scare and novel, shouldn't hurt the Olympic brand too much -When athletes contradict this, sponsors may be faced with a dilemma -If a sponsor is heavily invested in an athlete, it may be worth maintaining sponsorship -If the athlete develops a negative reputation, it can negatively affect the sponsor -Sponsors need to distance themselves from athletes if it appears their reputation cannot be restored

Why are the athlete stories so important to the Olympics? Why are narratives important?

-Interest in Olympics brand is driven by interest in athletes, their history, stories, and achievements -Marketable athletes often have compelling backstories (e.g., personal sacrifice and challenges) -Narratives help people feel connected to athletes

Characteristics of a global city

-International financial services and institutions -Headquarters of multinational corporations -Centers of global media and communications networks -Centers of innovation in business, economics, culture, and politics -High-quality educational institutions, renowned universities

In what ways were the 2008 Games a success for Beijing?

-Logistically, services, ceremonies, events, safety, accommodations, and venues were all successfully managed -At the time, Beijing 2008 Olympics were the most watched sports event in history -Sold 96% of Olympic tickets - highest ever -Made lasting infrastructure and environmental improvements ¤ Air quality was improved during Games

What role does media play in shaping perceptions of athletes?

-Media stories capture attention and shape audience perceptions of athletes -People typically only know athletes through media depictions (vicarious experience) -Cultural meanings of celebrity athletes are constructed in the media -Media coverage can enhances a celebrity's reputation and glorify their personality traits -Many athletes become celebrities, gaining reputations not just for their athletic accomplishments, but for their personal traits and even quirks as well -Can make athletes into celebs which can generate millions of dollars

Why should the IOC be more concerned about the long term success of host cities?

-Negative press, conclusions about dangers of hosting following Rio came rapidly -Cities are becoming more skeptical of hosting ¤ Only Paris and LA were left in bid for 2024 Games -IOC needs more emphasis on long-term success of cities to maintain global interest

What are Tokyo's branding goals for the 2020 Games?

-Olympic plans coincide with Tokyo's preexisting urban planning strategy ¤ Revitalize the city center ¤ Expand green spaces in the city ¤ Improve interface between the city and its waterfront

How do scandals affect an athlete's brand?

-Olympics have had numerous challenges and scandals throughout history -These crises can threaten athlete, sponsor, and Olympic brands ¤ Political backlash, cheating, bribery, etc. -Athletes can come under scrutiny for personal misconduct, use of PEDs, or simply poor performance -When they are involved in crisis or scandal, it can threaten that image

Why was Rio 2016 considered such a failure?

-Rio 2016 legacy will be unfulfilled promises and abandonment following Olympics -Many of the facilities that were promised to be turned into public sporting areas and schools have been left abandoned -Housing hasn't been transformed to help the poor -Water is still polluted -Overwhelming debt and no way to recoup

Why do you need a long-term plan?

-So that the investment of the Olympics will be worth it -Ideally, hosting will: ¤ Boost the economy ¤ Reposition the city in the global tourism market ¤ Promote urban revitalization ¤ Revamp transportation and service infrastructures ¤ Establish a network of high-grade facilities that could serve as the basis for future bids ¤ Boast the moral of residents

How has the IOC limited damage during recent scandals? What happened during the Salt Lake City bidding process?

-So, the Salt Lake Olympic Committee (SLOC) bought the 2002 Games - bribed IOC officials with over $3 million in gifts and money ¤ family vacations, plastic surgery, ski vacations, college tuition, Super Bowl tickets, prostitutes -Four separate investigative committees ¤ Lots of finger pointing and spreading of blame -IOC knew it needed to make a decisive, public statement ¤ Needed to maintain Olympic brand -IOC needed to not only appear apologetic and sincere, needed to restore public confidence that these issues would never occur again ¤ Adopted 50 reform measures

Why do companies want to sponsor Olympic athletes? When is sponsorship most likely to be effective?

-Sponsoring an athlete allows companies who are not Olympic sponsors to associate with the Games -Indirect ambush marketing-alluding to the event without direct references or trademarks -Companies sponsor athletes because they hope the positive qualities of that athlete will be associated with the company ¤ A fan of the athlete becomes a fan of the company -Celebrity sponsorship is likely to be effective if (1) the celebrity has a positive image (2)the image is related to the brand

What are some of the potential defining characteristics a city can use?

-Successful city branding needs to be distinctive -Highlight the defining characteristics of the city ¤ Appearance ¤ History ¤ Culture/people ¤ Quality of life ¤ Prestige ¤ Economy

Why be a host city?

-The reasons a city hosts the Olympics are similar to why companies sponsor the Games ¤ Economic gain ¤ Infrastructure, urban investments ¤ Global branding ¤ Increased global awareness, tourism ¤ Increased national pride

How do their infrastructure plans mirror these branding goals?

-Three core concepts ¤ Passing on legacy for the future ¤ Striving for your personal best ¤ Accepting one another -Infinity Zones: ¤ "Heritage Zone" includes iconic venues used in 1964 Games ¤ "Tokyo Bay Zone" represents innovative urban development and the exciting future of the city -The two zones form an 'infinity' symbol with the Olympic village located where the zones intersect -Hydrogen town (futuristic)

Where do the Olympic cities discussed in class (including Madrid) rank compared to other global cities? (Alpha Global Cities)

-Tier I: New York, London -Tier II: Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, Dubai, Beijing, Paris -Tier III: Chicago, Mumbai, Moscow, Los Angeles, Toronto, Madrid, Mexico City, Milan, Seoul, Sydney, Brussels, Amsterdam -Tier IV: San Francisco, Buenos Aires, Washington D.C., Miami, Barcelona, Dublin, Stockholm, Lisbon, Melbourne, Bogota, Vienna

What type of cities are best suited to host the Summer Olympics?

-To host the Olympic Summer Games, should be either: -an alpha global city -a beta global city aspiring to be an alpha global city -Being awarded the Olympic Games is one of the most significant prizes in the contest between world's leading cities for prestige and investment -City competition is driven by (1) money/power ambitions (2) self-esteem

How can it help improve their global brand?

-With 4 billion viewers worldwide, host cities can increase attention, raise awareness, and improve international reputation -Opportunity to shape how the world sees and thinks about the city -Can portray an updated, modern image to the world

What are the risks of hosting? Why can being on the global stage backfire?

Example: -Montreal 1976--$1.2 billion shortfall ¤ Hurt city finances for 20 years -Confused goals, poor financial and logistical management, over-ambitious buildings ¤ Stadium was technical and financial disaster ¤ New expensive and remote international airport outside of the city which closed 30 years later -Can make people think poorly of your country

What is globalization?

Globalization: worldwide integration and development -Increasing international exchange of money, products, world views, ideas, and culture -Cities become less confined by national boundaries

Why is it important to be pragmatic when deciding whether to put in a hosting bid?

Pragmatism: -Ambitions to be the best city are commendable, but the decision to host the Olympics needs to be based on a practical evaluation of the potential risks and rewards -Need to consider: ¤ Short and long-term economic impact ¤ Urban investment ¤ Global branding ¤ National pride

What factors have caused globalization?

Some of reasons for globalization include: -Increased transportation efficiency and reach -Increased ease of global communication due to proliferation of the Internet and social media -Money - international trade, ambitious global corporations, global financial systems

What are different types of infrastructure investments a city can make when hosting the Olympics?

¤ Revitalizing the heart of the city ¤ Expanding the city ¤ Integrating the city ¤ Connecting to areas outside the city

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