One-way ANOVA

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significant assumption checks

(p < .05) indicate that the assumption is violated

non-significant assumption checks

(p > .05) indicate that the assumption is met; greater is good

one-way independent measures ANOVA

-A statistical procedure which compares three or more means simultaneously -Tells you whether or not all group means are approximately the same

within-groups ANOVA

-AKA repeated measures -same subject participants in all conditions -tests for individual differences across conditions

Post hoc tests for unequal sample sizes

-Gabriel's (for small discrepancy in n) -Hochberg's GT2 (for large discrepancy in n)

Post hoc tests for unequal variances

-Games-Howell (can also be used with unequal n)

Post hoc tests for assumptions met and equal sample sizes

-REGWQ -Tukey's HSD

reporting the Brown-Forsythe or Welch's-F ratio

-State that the homogeneity of variance assumption is violated -report the results as usual - except that you used two decimal places for second df value. This is because the F-ratio calculations are based on adjustments being made to the df and after the adjustments, the degrees of freedom may have decimals, unlike 'normal' df which are integers

between-groups ANOVA

-different subjects in each condition -test differences between groups

Dealing with assumption violations

-if sample sizes are equal and large (df-error > 100) ANOVA is largely robust to the normality assumption being vioalted (CLT) -if small/unequal sample sizes, consider transforming data or running a Kruskal-Wallis test (nonparametric ANOVA)

Assumptions of ANOVA

-independence of observations -interval/ratio data -normality -homogeneity of variance

partial eta^2

-measure of effect size -values range from 0-1

Effect size

-null hypothesis significance testing is all or none (significant or non-significant); does not tell us how big the difference really is -effect sizes tell us the proportion of variance accounted for; can be r-squared, eta-squared or omega-squared

independent observations

-one observation tells us nothing about the other


-probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is false -ability to correctly identify a difference between groups when there truly is a difference -if power is low it means you can be less confident that your finding a real difference between groups

population normality

-scores for each condition are normally distributed around mean

one-way ANOVA vs. multiple t-tests

-t-tests can only compare two means at a time -Conducting multiple t-tests inflates the risk of committing a type I error (experimentwise or familywise alpha level): 𝛼𝐸𝑊 = 1 − (1 − 𝛼𝑇𝑊)c -ANOVA compares three or more means simultaneously, thereby keeping the type I error rate under control: 𝛼 = .05

Logic of ANOVA

-the simplest model we can fit onto a set of data is the grand mean (represents no effect/relationship) -we can fit a different model to the data that represents our hypothesis -the intercept and one or more parameters (b) describes the model -the parameters determine the shape of the model we have fitted -if the differences between group means in large enough, then the resulting model will be a better fit of the data than the grand mean -if this is the case we can infer that our model is better than not using a model

handling significant Levene's tests

-transform data -delete entire group if all score same value -ignore (ANOVA robust if group size is equal)

omega-squared effect sizes

.01= small .06= medium .14= large

eta-squared effect sizes

.01= small .09= medium .25= large

Cohen's d effect sizes

.2= small .5= medium .8= large

Rule for contrast weights

1. choose sensible comparisons: because you can only compare two chunks of variation, make sure what you are comparing makes sense 2. groups coded with positive weights will be compared against groups coded with negative weights 3. the sum of weights for comparison should equal 0 4. if a group is not involved in a comparison, assigning it a weight of zero will remove it from all calculations 5. for a given contrast, the weights assigned to the group in one chunk of variation should be equal to the no. of groups in the opposite chunk of variation

Rules for planned comparisons

1. if we have a control group this is usually because we want to compare it against other groups 2. each contrast must compare only two chunks of variation 3. once a group has been singled out for a contrast, it can't be used in another contrast 4. there should be k-1 contrasts (where k= the no. of conditions you are comparing)

Safe option for post hoc tests

Bonferroni, can be overly conservative, but is the most common used

Tukey's honestly signifcant difference (HSD)

If the pairwise comparisons show any two groups are different you can be sure this is significant even though you ran multiple tests

total sum of squares

SSt= SSm + SSr total variability between scores from the squared mean

Polynomial contrast

a contrast that tests for trends in the data; in its most basic form it looks for linear trend (ie. that the group means increase proportionately)

Model sum of squares (SSm)

a measure of the total amount of variability for which a model can account; it is the difference between the total sum of squares and the residual sum of squares

Total sum of squares (SSt)

a measure of the total variability within a set of observations; it is the total squared deviance between each observation and the overall mean of all observations in a data set

Residual sum of squares (SSr)

a measure of the variability that cannot be explained by the model fitted to the data; it is the squared deviance between the observations and the value of those observations predicted by whatever model is fitted to the data; tells us how much of the variation is caused by extraneous factors such as individual differences in weight, testosterone, etc.

repeated contrast

a non-orthogonal planned comparison that compares the mean in each condition (except the first) to the mean of the preceding condition

Deviation contrast

a non-orthogonal planned comparison that compares the mean of each group (except the first or last, depending on how the contrast is specified) to the overall mean

Difference contrast

a non-orthogonal planned comparison that compares the means of each condition to the overall mean of all previous conditions combined

Planned contrasts

a set of comparisons between group means that are constructed before any data are collected. Theory-led comparisons based on the idea of partitioning the variance created by the overall effect of group differences into gradually smaller portions of variance. Has more power than post hoc tests

Post hoc tests

a set of comparisons between group means that were not thought of before data were collected. typically involve comparing the means of all combinations of pairs of groups. To compensate for the no. of tests conducted, each test uses a strict criterion for significance. Tend to have less power than planned contrasts. Usually used for exploratory work for which no firm hypotheses were available on which to base planned contrasts

Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

a statistical procedure that uses F-ratio to test the overall fit of a linear model. In experimental research, this linear model tends to be defined in terms of group means, and the resulting ANOVA is therefore an overall test of whether group means differ

harmonic mean

a weighted version of the mean that takes into account the relationship between variance and sample size. it is calculated by summing the reciprocal of all observations, then dividing by the number of observations


an effect size measure that is the ratio of the SSm to the SSt; biased but typically measures the overall effect of an ANOVA, and effect sizes are more easily interpreted when they reflect specific comparisons (eg. the difference between two means)

In Iceland Real Nomads Hug Vultures

assumptions for ANOVA: independent observations, interval/ratio data, normality, homogeneity of variance

why do you divide MS by df?

because we are trying to extrapolate to a population, so some of the parameters within that population need to be held constant

Calculating SSr

by looking at the differences between the score obtained by a person and the mean of the group to which the person belonged. then distances between each data point and the group mean a squared and added together to give the SSr

Types of groups


mixed ANOVA

combination of between and within

Post Hoc tests

compare each mean against all others; adopts a more stringent decisionwise error rate, hence controlling the familywise error

pairwise comparisons

comparisons of pairs of means; designed to test all different combinations of the treatment groups

calculating the F-ratio

dividing the model mean squares by the residual mean squares


equated to independence in stats. means that it is perpendicular to something

What does "ANOVA is a robust test" mean?

even if the assumptions of the test are not met, the F will still be accurate

confidence intervals

expected results for which scores would fall within if we ran the analyses multiple times with different samples of the population

Residual mean squares (MSr)

gauge of the average amount of variation explained by extraneous variables (eg. unsystematic variation)

between groups variance

how much each group differs from the overall mean

within groups variance

how much each person differs from the means of that group

total variance

how much each person differs from the overall mean

trade-offs for post hoc tests

if a test is conservative (the probability of a type I error is small) then it is likely to lack statistical power (the probability of type II error rate will be high)

Quadratic trend

if the means in ordered conditions are connected with a line then a quadratic trend is shown by one change in the direction of this line (eg. the line is curved in one place); the line is U-shaped. There must be at least 3 ordered conditions

Quartic trend

if the means in ordered conditions are connected with a line then a quartic trend is shown by three changes in the direction of this line

Cubic trend

if you connected the means in ordered conditions with a line then a cubic trend is shown by two changes in the direction of this line. There must be at least 4 ordered conditions

What does the F-ratio tell us?

large F= the variability attributable to the model is larger than that due to chace if F-ratio is larger than the critical value for our desired significance test, it indicates that one or more of the treatment means are statistically significantly different from each other

grand mean

mean of an entire set of observations

Mann-Whitney U test

non parametric alternative to t-test; analyses ranks between groups; ranks always have a known distribution so that data is robust to assumption violations

Kruskal-Wallis test

nonparametric alternative to one-way independent ANOVA; follow up with Mann Whitney-U as a substitute for post-hoc testing

between groups df

number of groups -1

Type I error

occurs when we believe that there is a genuine effect in our population, when in fact there isn't

Type II error

occurs when we believe that there is no effect in the population, when in fact there is

degrees of freedom

one fewer than number of participants F(between, within)= __

Model mean squares (MSm)

represents the average amount of variation explained by the model (eg. the systematic variation)

residual variability

scores not accounted for by the model (SSr)

What doesn't the F-ratio tell us?

specifically which group means differ from which

Cohen's d

tells us the degree of separation between two distributions; mean difference/standard deviation

mean squares (average SS/ MS)

the sum of squares divided by the degrees of freedom

degrees of freedom for SSr

the total degrees of freedom minus the degrees of freedom for the model. N-k where N is the total sample size and k is no. of groups

What does it mean if Levene's test is significant?

the variances are significantly different; we need to use a corrected F-ratio (Brown-Forsythe F or Welch's F)

familywise alpha

total alpha for all comparisons. ANOVA keeps th familywise alpha at .05

within groups df

total df - between groups df

heterogeneity of variance ANOVA

use the Brown-Forsythe or Welch F ration (and their associated df and p values) instead of regular F ratio

model variability

variability between groups (SSm)

grand variance

variance within an entire set of observations


way to assess how well a regression model can predict a outcome compared to the error of that model. assess how good the model is compared to how bad it is.

degrees of freedom for SSm

will always be one less than the no. of "things" used to calculate the SS

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