Online Services - Example Websites

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WordPress, Twitter, Tumbler

Blogs (communication)

Messenger, WhatsApp, iMessage

Instant Messaging (communication)

BBC Sport, Sky Sports, ESPN

Live Sports Updates (Real-time Information)

Garmin, Tom Tom

Live Traffic Updates (GPS) (Real-time Information)

Airport Arrivals and Departures

Live Travel Updates (Real-time Information)


Live news updates (Real-time Information),

Live weather reports/forecasting (Real-time Information)

Microsoft Updates, iTunes, Steam,

Download Services

Kindle, iBooks

Electronic Publishing (Commerce)

Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, Hotmail, iCloud

Email (communication), parking fines, driving tests, Tax payments


HSBC, NatWest, FirstDirect

Online Banking (Commerce)

DropBox, Google Drive, OneDrive

Online Data Storage (Cloud Storage)

Coursera, Cisco Networking Academy, W3Schools

Online Learning/training (Education),, Live365

Online Radio (Entertainment)

Amazon, Play, Zappos

Online Shopping (Commerce)

Twitch, Xbox Live, Playstation Network

Social Gaming (Entertainment)

Facebook, bebo, LinkedIn, MySpace

Social Networking (communication)

Spotify, LastFM, Apple Music

Streaming Music (Entertainment)

YouTube, Vimeo, NetFlix

Streaming Video (Entertainment)

BBC iPlayer, All4, SkyGo

TV (Entertainment)

Moodle, Blackboard, MyLearning

Virtual Learning Environments (VLE)

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