ORGB exam 3

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Groups Address Three Issues

1. Interpersonal : matters of trust (key issue in any company), personal comfort, & security 2. Task : mission / purpose of group, methods the group employs, & outcomes expected of the group 3. Authority: decisions about who's in charge, how power/influence are managed / who has the right to tell who to do what

Group Form / develop in four stages

1. Mutual acceptance 2. decision making 3. motivation & commitment 4. control & sanctions

Stress response

1. Release of chemical messengers 2. activation of sympathetic nervous & endocrine system 3. Trigger of mind-body changes that prepare a person for fight or flight

Reflective listening Emphasizes a rational / considerate response :

conversations focus must always remain on the ideas & emotions of the speaker to effectively respond to them.


o Emphasize individual leadership, personal accountability, & exclusive work projects two or more people with common interests, objectives, & continuing interaction.

"The New Team Environment"

o empowerment through collaboration rather than self-reliance & competition i.e. more empowered workforce in the industrial sectors of the American economy. o Teams must bring together members with different specialties & knowledge to work on complex problems. improves team performance & psychological well being


- Workaholism : an imbalanced preoccupation with work at the expense of home & personal life satisfaction

Homeostatic / Medical Approach

- aka "emergency response" / "militaristic response" - stress occurs when deep emotions or environmental demands upset our homeostasis - Walter Cannon was interested in the role the sympathetic nervous system in activating a person under stressful conditions

Work Demands : TASK DEMANDS

- change : - lack of control : may be caused by the inability to influence how quickly things get done, or make decisions that influence work outcomes - career progress : (or lack of) - new technologies : technostress is when someone fears smart machines will replace them -temporal pressure

Cost of Organizational Distress : Participation problems

- dysfunctional turnover : when you loose a valuable employee -functional turnover : benefits the org. by creating new opportunities for new members, ideas, & fresh approaches

Yerkes-Dodson Law

- indicates stress leads to improved performance up to an optimum point (mid-range of YDL), beyond that point stress has a detrimental effect on performance. - stress response invokes heightened strength & physical force for limited periods of exertion / physiological well behind reduces stress & contributes positively to job performance - stressful actives i.e weight training / flexibility training can help an individual's ability to manage stressful demands / situations

organizational stress / behavioral costing guidelines

- results in low morale, dissatisfaction, breakdowns in communication, & disruption of working relationships -BCG : specify the direct costs of organizational distress

Work Demands: ROLE DEMANDS

- role conflict : inconsistent or incompatible expectations - inter-role conflict : caused by opposing expectations related to two separator roles assumed by the same individual, i.e. being an employee & a parent... you have a deadline in the morning, but your child gets sick & you have to take them to the hospital -intra-role conflict : caused by opposing expectations related to a single role i.e. manager pushes for employees to produce very fast & high-quality work - person-role conflict : caused by expectation that employees are to behave in ways that violate personal values, beliefs -role-ambiguity - confusion a person experiences in relation to the expectations of others - results of role stress varies by country, not by demographic or organizational factors

Cognitive Appraisal (personal interpretation) Approach

- stress is a result of person-environment interaction, emphasizing an individual's cognitive appraisal in classifying persons or events as stressful or not - hinderance stressors : block goal achievement -threat stressors : pose immediate personal harm / loss -problem focused coping : focuses managing the stressor i.e. students studying for an exam -emotion focused coping : focuses managing the response i.e. those who evaluate themselves positively & consider themselves under control of their own emotions

Individual differences in Stress-Strain Relationship : Gender

- stress is a strength in women - women = likely to experience sexual harassment, long-term & disabling health problems - men = likely to abuse alcohol, more vulnerable to fatal health problems at early age

Individual Prevention : Primary / Secondary / Tertiary

Primary : learned optimism (positive thinking vs. pessimism = negative thinking), time management, & leisure time activities Secondary : physical activities, relaxation, diet Territory : opening up & professional help

One Way Communication

a person sends a message toanother person with no feedback, question, or interaction following. i.e. instructions or directions often less accurate especially for complex tasks that require clarification for completion.

Individual differences in Stress-Strain Relationship : Personality Hardiness - transformational coping

a personality characterized by commitment (to org), control (ability to influence the processes & outcomes of events that lead to the experience of activities as personal choices), & challenge (response to change is opportunity to personal development) = resistant to distress not hardy : alienation, powerlessness, threat - TC : way of managing stressful events by changing them into less subjectively stressful events i.e. dealing with the challenges head on Regressive coping : passive avoidance of events & decreased interaction with environment i.e. avoiding problems


ability of a medium to convey meaning to a receiver i.e. F2F is the richest medium, but email is preferred method of workplace communication

distress = strain

adverse psychological, physical, behavioral, & organizational consequences that may arise as a result of stressful events

Five Stage Model of Group Development : Step 3 NORMING

agreement & consensus, clear roles & responsibilities, facilitation Roles / responsibilities become clear & are accepted Group focus changes from interpersonal relations to decision making / task accomplishment Insignificant decisions are delegated to individuals or small teams Larger decisions are discussed / decided by entire group

Non-verbal Communication

all elements of communication that don't involve words or language (2/3 of our message's meaning is in nonverbal communication) o Influenced by psychological & physiological processes • Particular meaning of non-verbal cue relies on its sender, receiver, culture & environment in which the cue occurs

Two Way Communication

an interactive form of communication in which there is an exchange of thoughts, feelings, or both. Problem solving & decision making


can enhance performance & new ways of thinking Team members defer (postpone) more often to members with task-related diversity i.e. education & tenure, for their expertise & perceived contributions to task performance. Men & women in gender balanced groups have higher job satisfaction than homogenous groups

Five Stage Model of Group Development : Step 4 PERFORMING

clear vision / purpose, focus on goal achievement, delegation Group is strategically aware of mission & purpose Group doesn't need, but may ask for assistance from leader in personal / interpersonal development Disagreements are resolved positively with necessary changes to structure & processes attended to by the team.

Integrated Involvement

closeness achieved through tasks & activities o Results = enjoyment in work, social identity & self-definition, being valued in ones skills & abilities, opportunities for power/influence o Failure to meet needs = may result in social isolation o Based more on behavior / activity o Contributes to social psychological health / well-being

Individual differences in Stress-Strain Relationship : Type- A Behavior

competitiveness, time urgency, social status insecurity, aggression, hostility, & quest for achievements - Type A in a Type B org. or vise-versa = stressful

Five Stage Model of Group Development : Step 2 STORMING

conflict, increased clarity of purpose, power struggles, & Coaching Struggles, cliques, && factions (state of conflict) begin to surface Clarity of purpose increases = uncertainties still exist Members begin to judge one another in regards to trustworthiness, emotional comfort, & evaluative acceptance Group leader's coaching style is key Supervisor's ability to control own emotions is important during this phase

Cost of Organizational Distress : Performance Decrements

costs resulting from poor quality or low quality production, grievances, & unscheduled machine downtime

Cost of Organizational Distress : Compensation Award

court awards for job distress


data thats been interpreted, analyzed & has meaning to the user

Reflective listening Emphasizes personal elements

demonstrates empathy & concern for the communicator as a person, not as an object

Psychological Intimacy

emotional & psychological closeness to other team / group members o Failure to meet needs = feelings of emotional isolation & loneliness o Based more on emotion

Burn out

equals emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, & reduced perceptions of personal accomplishment

Four Approaches to Stress

1. homeostatic / medical approach 2. cognitive appraisal approach 3. person-environment 4. psychoanalytic approach

Psychophysiology of Stress : When the body is preparing to fight or flee ...

1. redirects blood to brain & large-muscle groups 2. increase alertness through improved vision, hearing, & other sensory processes 3. releases glucose (blood sugar) & fatty acids into the blood stream to sustain the body during stressful events 4. suppresses the immune system as well as restorative & emergent processes (i.e. digestion)

Individual Prevention : GP method of TIME MANAGEMENT

1. set goals that are challenging, yet obtainable 2. prioritize goals in terms of their relative importance 3. plan for goal attainment through specific tasks, activities, scheduling, & delegation 4. praise oneself for specific achievements along the way

Psychoanalytic approach

Ego-deal (the embodiment of a person's perfect self) and self-image (how a person views themselves negatively & positively) are two elements of personality that interact to cause stress.

Formal Groups

Official / Assigned o Project task forces, boards of directors, & temporary committees come together to perform specific tasks o i.e. accounting team, football team

Individual Prevention : POSITIVE THINKING & Positive Organizational Behavior

Optimistic people avoid distress by framing difficult times in life as temporary, limited in scope, & unavoidable POB : learned optimism, confidence / self-efficacy, hope, subjective well-being / happiness, emotional intelligence

Information Communication Technology (ICT)

extensive category of new developments in interpersonal communication that allow fast, even immediate, access to info. o Email, teleconferencing, & wifi o Depreciate the richness of personal interaction o May increase a person to be rude & needlessly argue o Non-verbal cues we rely on to decipher a message are absent • Communication via technology equalizes participation

Organizational Stress Prevention : ROLE NEGOTIATION

goal : allow individuals to modify their work roles, during such points of confusion & conflict become opportunities for clarification & resolution

Organizational Stress Prevention : GOAL SETTING

goal : increase task motivation while reducing role conflict & ambiguity

Organizational Stress Prevention : JOB REDESIGN

goal is to increase worker's control, which reduces distress & strain without reducing productivity Objective : increase job decision latitude or reduce uncertainty & increase predictably in the work place

Individual differences in Stress-Strain Relationship : self-reliance : counterdependence & over dependence

healthy, secure, interdependent pattern of behavior related to how people form & maintain supportive attachments with others counter dependence : unhealthy, insecure pattern of behavior that leads to separation in relationships with other people * exhibit fearless, aggressive, & active response to challenges - but aren't actually self-reliant over dependence : unhealthy, insecure pattern that leads to preoccupied attempts to achieve security through relationships * exhibit desperate, preoccupied attempt to achieve a sense of security through relationships

stress-related medical illness / behavioral problems

heart disease, stroke, backaches, peptic ulcers, & headaches - conflicts with workmates, neighbors, or other nonintimiates contribute for about 80% of our bad moods

Interpersonal Diversity

indicated by different needs for inclusion, control of people / events, & affirmation from others. Successful interpersonal relationships are made when group members are emotionally intelligent

Organizational Stress Prevention : SOCIAL SUPPORT SYSTEM

interpersonal communication is key to unlocking social support for preventive stress management

Group Cohesion

interpersonal glue that makes members of a group stick together o Enhance job satisfaction for members & improve organizational productivity. o Highly cohesive groups = able to manage their membership better than work groups with low cohesion Study results: increased job complexity & task autonomy lead to increased group cohesiveness = better performance Study Results: when theres a fit between group's values & those of the organization, groups will report more cohesion & exhibit higher levels of Organizational Citizenship Behavior(OCB) 9-3 Social Loafing:

Team Work

joint action by a team of people in which individual interests are subordinated to team unity. *subordinated = less important.. in team work, our individual interest are less important when part of a team... i.e. we are subordinating our interests while going to college bec we have a higher purpose

Five Stage Model of Group Development : Step 1 FORMING

little agreement, unclear purpose, Guidance & direction Roles / responsibility are heavily on the leader to answer questions about purpose, external relationships, & objectives Moving from this stage = members feel like theyre a part of a team Leaders should encourage members to get to know each other rather than focusing on task performance

Communicative Disease

loneliness & social isolation resulting from the absence of heartfelt communication in relationships o Cure : reengage in thoughtful, heartwarming convo with friends & loved ones. o Balance between head & heart is achieved when a person displays positive emotional competence & can maintain a healthy internal conversation between thoughts & emotions

Defensive Communication

messages that are aggressive, malevolent, passive, or withdrawn o Results in injured feelings, communication barriers, alienation in working relationships, destructive & retaliatory behavior, nonproductive efforts, & problem solving failures o Defensive reactions i.e. counterattack & sheepish withdrawal derail communication. evokes defensive communication

Non-defensive communication

messages that are assertive, direct, & powerful. o Positive & productive basis for asserting & defending oneself against aggression without further damaging oneself against aggression without further damaging the communication process

Eye Contact

nonverbal behavior that may promote openness in communication between two people. Moderate eye contact = openness & affirmation without causing intimidation Periodic aversion of eyes = privacy & control, even in intense / interpersonal communication.

Our Brain on Human Contact

o According to Harvard Medical School our brains respond differently when we interact w/ people F2F rather than virtually. o The brain contains mirror neurons, which help the brain mirror other's behavior, which results in feelings of familiarity that the brain doesn't register when communicating by telephone or e-mail. o During F2F conversations, our brain tucks away info about who we are & what we feel so that it is easily accessible during future interactions. o Its best to meet face to face first, then communicate via telephone.

person-environment fit approach

the idea that confusing / conflicting expectations of a person in a social role create stress for that person good fit : when a person's skills & abilities match a clearly defined, consistent set of role expectations


the unconscious preparation to fight or flee a person experiences when faced with a demand


the words, their pronunciations, & the methods of combining them used & understood by a group of people. o Culture & situation dictate the specific language utilized in the message


uninterpreted / unanalyzed elements of a message


• communication & behavior that respect the integrity & dignity of the individual o Civil communication & behavior carry the potential to avoid hurt feelings, prevent harm & damage to working relationships o Is not avoiding difficult / complicated work place issues those need to addressed & confronted. o How to make a more civil work place = bring difficult issues out in the open, write things down before speaking, set enforcement guidelines for incivility, & be consistent in guidelines


• discourteous communication & rude behavior that are disrespectful, hurtful, or injurious o Often called bullies, jerks, creeps, tyrants, tormentors, despots, backstabbers, egomaniac, etc. o Consequences of incivility depend on it's source, ethnic & cultural values. o Most incivility originates with superiors & those in powerful positions within the organization (often tolerated, even though it leads to decline in satisfaction with supervisor) o Can trigger perception that being treated unfairly at work & may lead to depression. o Swearing = "incivil", but can actually help bring people together i.e. swearing during stress can be a stress reliever & isn't actually aimed at anyone

Weak Organ Hypothesis aka Achilles' Heel Phenomenon

suggests a person breaks down at their weakest point


the evoking of a shared or common meaning in another person

Poly-phasic Activity (Multi-tasking)

advantage : get more done, but only to a certain point. New technology makes people less patient in face to face conversations


Japanese for "Death by over-work"

Communication Skills found in Effective Managers

• Expressiveness : express thoughts, ideas, & feelings openly & aren't afraid to voice opinions in meetings o Usually extroverted • Empathy & sensitivity : emotionally intelligent & sensitive to feelings, self-image, & psychological defenses of their employees. They know how & when to communicate with employees to maximize psychological health. • Persuasiveness : encourage results earnestly instead of manipulating • Informative Managing Style : keep employees well informed by appropriately & selectively disseminating info. o Failing to effectively filter info may lead to info overload or a lack of sufficient info for task accomplishment. o Good supervisors = transparent by communicating openly & honestly with team

Social loafing

• Failure of a group member to contribute personal time, effort, thoughts, or other resources to group aka Free loader • Rational response to feelings of inequity / situations in which individual efforts are hard to observe. Avoid by holding all employees accountable for specific input, an individual is less likely to be a free loader bec their contribution (or lack of) will be noticed by everyone

Paralanguage consists of variations in speech i.e. loudness, tempo, tone, duration, laughing, or crying

• Female high pitched voice = dumb blonde • Rapid, loud speech = nervous • Interruptions i.e. "mmm" or "okay" = may be used to speed up speaker so they can talk

Facial & eye behavior are used to communicate an emotional state, reveal behavior intentions, & cue the receiver.

• Unintended facial movements can undermine the illusion of truthfulness, especially in stressful situations • Culture, environment, & specific actors must be taken into consideration when interpreting smiles, frowns, raised eyebrows, & other expressions • Eye contact & facial expressions are an easy way to express honesty & positive emotion

Interpersonal Communication

• between two or more people in an organization o Important building / sustaining human relationships at work o Central to health & well-being both at home & at the job o Reading, listening, managing / interpreting information, serving clients = necessary interpersonal communication skills for necessary success in the workplace

Reflective listening

• carefully listening to a message & immediately repeating it back to the speaker o Emotional self-control & empathy are key emotional competencies in good reflective listening o Nonverbal behaviors are important in reflective listening o Helps clarify the intended message & correct inaccuracies / misunderstandings o Better enables the listener to comprehend the communicator's meaning, reduce perceptual distortions, & overcome interpersonal barriers that lead to communication failures.

Barriers To Communication

: factors that distort, disrupt, or even halt successful communication o 20% of all barriers to communcaition can be prevented or solvedby communication guidelines o Gender differences men & women tend to have different conversation styles Women prefer f2f, men are comfortable conversing sitting side by side Men-women convo = cross-cultural communication. o Cultural Diversity habitual patterns of interaction can obstruct communication in any given culture When a person from one culture views people from another culture through the lens of a stereotype, she discounts the individual differences that exist within that foreign culture. o Language created across disciplines & professional boundaries by technical terminology Though acronyms & jargon are helpful, they may confuse / derail attempts to understanding from those unfamiliar with profession.

Norms of Behavior

: the standards a work group uses to evaluate the behavior of members o Written / verbal / implicit or explicit o As long as members understand, norms are effective in behavior o Morality Norms are more important than Competence Norms when making decisions about improve the status of one's work group o Performance norms are among the most important group norms from the org's perspective i.e. when working away from team, we still display comformity to group o Can contribute to members working for mutual benefit = results in better team performance. o Norms that create awareness of & help regulate emotions are critical to groups' effectiveness

Communicator Receiver Perceptual Screens

C : person sending a message R : person accepting the message PS : window through which one interacts with others, influences the quality, accuracy, & clarity of communication o Built upon the sender & reciever's individual attributes i.e. age, gender, values, beliefs, past experiences, cultural influences, & individual needs

Message component

Conceptual : messages content i.e. words, ideas, symbols, concepts chosen to relay in message Emotional : message's affect that enriches / clarifies the message i.e. intensity, demeanor, gestures of communicator

Personal integrity is a product of emotional competence & a stable balance of head & heart.

Develop P.I. by coaching an executive in developing their capacity to talk through challenging issues (personally & professionally)


Emotional toxins : i.e. sexual harassment & poor leadership Emotional dissonance : he conflict between experienced emotions and emotions expressed to conform to display rules.

Defensive Tactics

Subversive actions that Employ Defensive Communication • power plays : tactics used to control & manipulate others o restricting the choices of employees, enforcing either/or conditions, intentially ignoring / insulting others, bullying, & displaying overt aggression o underlying dynamic = domination & control o aggressor attempts to gain upper hand by making victim feel inferior & vulnerable to control • Labeling : used to portray another person as abnormal or deficient o "paranoid", "retarded", "insane" have clinical meaning that's discarded in defensive labeling o similar to labeling publicaly raising doubts about a person's abilities, values, sexual orientation, or other personal aspects breeds confusion & uncertainty, but lacks the specificity & clarity of labeling • Disseminating (spread/disperse) misleading information selective presentation of information intentially designed to produce an inaccurate impression in the listener's mind. o If info can't be altered, defensive individuals may simply blame others for their own wrong doing. • Hostile Jokes : jokes made at the dispense of others are destructive to self-esteem & workplace communication

Informal Groups

Unofficial / Emergent o Evolve in the work setting to gratify a variety of member needs not met by formal groups o i.e. people who like sports, who like shopping, who like books

Seating Dynamics

art of seating people in certain positions according to their purpose in communication. To encourage cooperation seat the adjoining party beside oneself, facing the same direction To facilitate direct & open communication seat the other party across a corner of one's desk or in another place where he will be at right angles allows for honest disclosure To take competitive stand with someone position person directly across from oneself.

Territorial Space

bands of concentric space radiating outward from the body (aka comfort zones) o Varies around the world o Zone a - Intimate space : spouses, significant others, family, & others that you have an intimate relationship with o Zone b - Personal distance : friends o Zone c -Social distance : business associates & acquaintances o Zone d - Public distance : strangers

Reflective listening necessitates four levels of verbal response

o Affirming contact : "I see", "okay", "Yes, I understand" Purpose to communicate attentiveness, no necessarily agree. Reassuring to a speaker in the early stages of expression & even more when there's anxiety or discomfort. o Paraphrase the expressed : receiver may paraphrase the expressed thoughts & feelings of the speaker. Useful bec it tells the speaker what the receiver heard & what the reciever's thoughts & feelings are about what he heard. Verbal response - enables speaker & receiver to build greater empathy, openness, & acceptance into their relationship while ensuring the accuracy of the communication process o Clarify the implicit : thoughts / feelings not clearly or fully expressed - along with their explicitly expressed message If your boss says "you seem particularly stressed.. were you worried about the client's response?" o Reflect core feelings : look beyond explicit / implicit messages to understand the speaker's core feelings i.e. speaker's deepest / important emotions, beliefs, & values. Exercise caution : the speaker may not want to talk about it - evaluate your relationship with the speaker to decide whether you have established a relationship that you can ask such questions

(Work) Team

o Emphasize shared leadership, mutual accountability, & collective work projects group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common mission, performance goals, & approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable • Useful in performing work that's complicated, fragmented, and/or voluminous than one person can handle. • Individual limitations can be overcome through teamwork & collaboration.

Two kinds of Defensiveness

o Subordinate characterized by passive or submissive behavior "you are right, I am wrong" people with low self-esteem or at low levels of organization may be prone to this those who are subordinately defensive don't adequately assert their thoughts & feelings their input is likely to get lost even if its critical to organziation's performance. Passive-aggressive behavior starts as subordinate defensiveness o Dominant characterized by overtly aggressive & domineering behavior "I am right, you are wrong" people with low self-esteem, in higher positions, or egotistical

Gateways to Communication

openings that break down communication barriers o Awareness & recognition of communication barriers are the first steps in opening the gateways. o Gender differences become aware & appreciate gender-specific differences. Actively seek clarification of a person's meaning rather than interpret the meaning o Cultural Diversity increase cultural awareness & sensitivity Develop strategies for understanding / interacting members of other cultures o Language use simple, direct, declarative language. Speak in brief sentences & employ terms or words already used by one's audience.

Preventative stress management

organizational philosophy according to which people & organization should take joint responsibility for promoting health & preventing distress & strain

emotional contagion

our capacity to feel for someone else in pain ; the more stressed we are, the less we feel for strangers. the less stressed we are, the more we feel for strangers


person / event that triggers response

Workplace Tele-pressure

pressure employees feel when they perceive asynchronous communication methods as having the same requirements for response time as synchronous communication methods have.


provides time to identify & isolate the listener's personal responses & exclude them from the dialogue From spearker's perspective : silence may be useful in moments of thought or confusion about how to express difficult ideas or feelings From listener's perspective : can use brief periods of silence to gather thoughts / feelings from those of the speaker

Rust out

psychological distress caused by lack of challenge, inspiration, or opportunity on the job

Reflective listening Emphasizes feelings communicated in the message

receiver must pay special attention to the feeling component as she repeats the message

Territory Prevention

stage in PMS designed to heal individual / org. symptoms of distress & strain

Secondary Prevention

stage in PSM designed to alter / modify the individual / org response to a demand / stressor

Primary Prevention

stage in PSM designed to reduce, modify, or eliminate the demand or stressor causing the stress


steady state of badly functioning & equilibrium


stress audits : provide companies w a detailed list of possible workplace stressors identification & alleviation of overlooked stress factors can save a company money & boost productivity


study of an individual's perception & use of space o Circumference of personal space tends to be larger in cultures with cool climates i.e. USA o Circumference of personal space tends to be smaller in cultures with warm climates i.e. India, South America


study of the body movement & posture o Rubbing one's hands together = anticipation o Balled fists = stress o Drumming fingers, pacing = nervousness

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