OSCM 1-5

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!


If one customer spends 5 minutes taking out $20 from an ATM and another spends 2 minutes taking out $20 from the same ATM then there is variability in customer ___________.


If process capacity is 100 units per hour and customers desire 80 units per hour, then the process is _____________ constrained.

Stays the same

If processing time increases, then the capacity at a resource with a single employee ______.


If the capacity of a resource with a single employee increased then the processing time must have ___________.


If the capacity of a resource with a single employee increased, then the processing time must have ___________.


If the cycle time for a process goes down then the time to finish X units starting with empty inventory buffers will _________.


If the utilization of the bottleneck is less than 100% then the process is _______________ constrained.


If, on average, 10 customers arrive per hour to a store, then ___________ customers must depart per hour.

It will decrease

Imagine a capacity constrained, single resource process with multiple employees working at the single resource. If the number of employees increases then what will happen to the cycle time for the process?


Flow rate and _______ are identical

Flow, Time

Flow rate is measured in "__________ units per unit of ____________."


Flow units waiting in the process without being worked on are often referred to as buffer __________.


For a given level of costs, the higher the revenue the ______ the profits.


For a process that is _____________ constrained the bottleneck resource will have 100% utilization.


From Little's Law we see that if cycle time increases while flow time stayed the same then inventory must ______.


From Little's Law we see that if inventory stays the same but flow time increases then cycle time must ________.


In a machine-paced line, each step ______ at the same rate.

Flow Units

In a process flow diagram, triangles are used to represent ________ waiting in a system.


If a hospital administrator wanted to know how many patient beds an emergency room would usually need what process metric would he/she need?

Flow Rate

If a store manager wanted to know how many customers arrived at his/her store each hour, which process metric would he/she need?

Go down

If a supply chain manager can reduce Inventory while keeping the Flow Rate constant, what does Little's Law predict will happen to Flow Time?


If a university president wanted to know how many students graduated from their university each year, which process metric would he/she need?


If an accountant wanted to know how much money is typically tied up in a process, which process metric would he/she need?


If an employee is tired one day and takes longer than normal to serve a customer, it shows that ______ can be a variability in supply.

It will go up

If cycle time goes up what will happen to lead time?

It will go down

If cycle time stays constant but inventory goes down what will happen to lead time?

It will go down

If inventory goes up but flow time stays constant what will happen to cycle time?

Efficient Frontier

The set of firms in an industry that are not Pareto Dominated. In other words, firms that are on the efficient frontier and have no firms in the industry to their upper right(are better on all dimensions)


The size of a cell phone is an example of a _______ attribute.


The three sources of inefficiency are also called the three __________ inhibitors.


The time through an empty machined-paced process is determined by ______ the # of stations by the cycle time.


The utilization of a non-bottleneck resource _________ be greater than that of the bottleneck.

Fit Attribute

Those where customer tastes may vary.


To increase the capacity of a process one must increase the capacity of the resource that is the ____________.

Increase the capacity of the bottleneck resource regardless of where it is located in the process

To increase the capacity of a process, one should __________.


Understanding how customers derive utility from products and services is the primary function of ____________.

Customers buy products that maximize their ___________.



Utilization ___________ be greater than 100%

Does not

Waste _______ add value to the customer.


What flow unit do you think would enable you to measure the most activities in a restaurant process?


When 25 customers arrive between 8 am and 9 am and 10 arrive between 9 am and 10 am we are experiencing _____________ in demand.

Pareto Dominated

When a firm's competitors perform equally or better on all attributes of the customer's utility function.


When organizations make a trade-off they focus on meeting one dimension of ______________ utility in favor of another.


When the flow rate is less than the capacity the process is referred to as ____________ constrained.

Cars per day

Which could be an appropriate unit for a demand rate?

Seconds/Customer Minutes/Burger

Which could be an appropriate unit for a processing time?


Which metric is most difficult to calculate directly?


You manage the finances for a restaurant. Which flow unit would you be most interested in?

Track, measure

You should choose a flow unit based upon what you want to _______________ and __________________.


______________ are the things in a business that help transform input into output.

Process Analysis

_______________ _____________ identifies and analyzes all the activities involved in serving one unit of demand or, put differently, in providing one unit of supply.


Stock on hand is sometimes defined as the amount of goods a company has at a particular time. It is a synonym for which process metric?

The goal of operations management is to match what with what?

Supply with Demand


The ____________ time of a resource is how long that particular resource takes to complete one flow unit.

Firm Capability

The dimension of the customer's utility function it is able to satisfy


The earlier the patient arrives for the same departure time the ______ the flow time.

Should Not

The flow rate for a process _____________ ___________ be greater than the demand rate

Moves through

The flow unit is the basic unit that ________ a process.


The inability of an operation to quickly and cheaply change in response to new information.


The longer the average flow time, the _______ the average inventory level.


The more you have to wait the ______ the inconvenience component.


The nearer the location the ______ the inconvenience component.

Consumption Utility

A measure of how much you like a product or service, ignoring the effects of price and of the inconvenience associated with acquiring the product

Flow Time

A plant manager wants to know how long it will take to manufacture a single unit of a product to fill an order. What process metric does he/she need?

Equal to

A process can have capacity that is _________ the capacity of a bottleneck.

Both where a flow unit is processed and where it is held in inventory.

A process flow diagram indicates


A process flow diagram is a graphical way to _______ the process.


A process matrix is _____________.


A process metric is something that we can measure that informs us about the ____________ and capability of a process.

Key questions the manager of a process should ask.

-How can we make the process better? -Is the process performing well?


A firm on the efficient frontier cannot ___________ be dominated.


A firm that is Pareto dominated by all of its competitors is ______.


A(n) ____________ resource is a supplier of the downstream portion of a process.


An appropriate unit for capacity of a resource is _______.


An appropriate unit for capacity of a resource is _______.

Burgers/Second Customers/Minute

An appropriate unit for throughput is ______.

Inputs Outputs Movement of People

Arrows in a process flow diagram can indicate...


As cycle time increases, the time to make Q units __________.


Companies employ individuals to manage acquiring the ____________ needed to serve customers.

It will stay the same

Consider a process with two resources where the first has capacity of 2 customers/minute and the second has capacity of 1.5 customers/minute. If the processing time at the first resource goes down then what will happen to the capacity of the process?


Customers with different preferences for the same type of good are in different ____________ segments.


Demand is driven by the __________ utility of the product or service, its price, and the associated inconvenience for customers.


Determining customers wants and preferences is the primary function of ____________.


Economic theory suggests that a consumer's choice of a good or service is based on where he or she expects to achieve the highest ___________.


Economists often refer to the inconvenience component as ___________ costs.


Inventory is a mismatch between supply and __________.


Inventory is the number of __________ units within the process.

Flow Time

Little's Law states that Inventory = Flow Rate × ______________ ______________


Organizations can improve their business by making trade-offs among the dimensions of ___________.


Organizations often trade off responsiveness with __________.


Price includes the ____________ cost of owning the product or receiving the service.


Process ____________ determines the maximum flow rate a process can provide per unit of time.


Process analysis ______ be used with both manufacturing and service businesses.


Process scope defines the set of ________ included in the process.


Processes that are demand constrained _______ have bottlenecks.


Represents resources in a process flow diagram

Input, Output

Resources help the flow units to move from being a unit of ________ to a unit of ________.

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