Our Created Moon- Ch 2

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What are three popular older theories about the origin of the earth?

1. Fission or splitting off of material from earth 2. Capture of an external moon by the earth's gravity 3. Condensation of nebulous gas and dust at the same time

What are problems with the capture theory?

1. It isn't really explaining the origin of the moon. 2. if the moon arrived intact, there's no explanation for the slowing of the moon to enter a permanent earth orbit 3. no other moons have been observed originating like this 4. the high circular orbit of the moon is not the orbit it would have to be if this theory explained the moon's origins

What are two problems with the nebular theory?

1. The precise balance needed to build up of solid matter 2. the assumption that a nebular contraction will occur in the first place

What are the main problems with the collision theory?

1. The question of how a ring of debris would form the moon 2. the Roche limit 3. the low probability of celestial objects colliding 4. How does this explain the dozens of other moons in the solar system?

What are four main reasons that the fission theory could NOT explain the origin of the moon?

1. rotation time of the earth would need to be 10x more than it currently is 2. the moon's composition materials are different than those of earth 3. the moon's orbit doesn't match what it should if this theory were viable 4. it could not have survived intact within the Roche limit

What is the age of other planets, moons, and the sun according to secular scientists?

4.6 billion years old

What is the age of the moon according to secular science?

4.6 billion years old

How do scientists calculate long ages?

Based on radiisotope studies of moon rocks and meteorites

How does the Roche limit and the increasing distance between the earth and moon impact the possible age of the earth?

By knowning that the moon moves 1-2 inches (4 cm) away from the earth each year, it shows that the moon would have been too close to the earth in the distant past (4.6 billion years)

What do the letters in Newton's law of gravitational force equation represent? F = Gm 1 m 2 / r 2

F = the force between two masses or objects G = the gravitational constant ( 6.67 x 10 -11 newton meters squared per kilogram squared (N x m 2 x kg -2 ). m1 = first mass m2= second mass r2 = distance between the centers of the masses


Hebrew word translated "day"

When did Crator Bruno form?

It was witnessed forming in AD 1178 from a probable impact.

Due to tidal effects, which way is the moon spiraling in relation to the earth?

Slowly outward

What is the one known account of the moon's formation that fits all the known facts?

The account in the biblical book of Genesis

What is the most popular lunar origin theory today?

The collision or giant impact theory

What do creation scientists refer to as "young earth?" What two factors do they use to determine this age?

The earth and universe are around 6000 years old. Skepticism of radioisotope dating results (i.e. Mount St. Helens) and the record of biblical history

What tangible evidence was there for an effect on the moon that occured with the Apollo 12 moon landing?

The moon vibrated for 55 minutes.

What is meant by the term "influx?"

The rate of dust fall on the moon

What is Heat Death?

The theory of galaxies throughout the universe merging into black holes and becoming very cold and dark, with no available energy

Why does the moon have an ever-growing layer of dust on its surface?

There are no weather elements to move the dust around.

How do nebular clouds become stable?

They need to be compressed externally until inward gravity becomes the dominate force

Why was the moon created on the fourth day of the creation week?

To demonstrate that the Creator is greater than His creation and he alone should be worshipped, not His creation.

What are TLPs?

Transient lunar phenomena, such as local color changes, glowing clouds, bright spots, streaks of light, mists, quake activity


a growth of the earth and its moon from dust and gas occuring side by side in space


a large Mars-sized space object said by some evolutionists to have collided with earth and formed the moon

Roche limit

breakup of moon occurs within about 2.44 plaentary radii of its host planet

ex nihilo

from no previously existing matter (literally, out of nothing)

radioisotope dating method

involves chemical analysis to determine the ratios of parent and daughter atoms in a sample

Why are TLPs a surprise to secular scientists?

secular scientists believe activities on the moon stopped around 3 billion years ago, yet TLPs show that geological acitivity on the moon still occurs.

What is lunar recession and what force on earth impacts it?

the moon's spiraling outward movement from the earth each year, increasing the earth-moon separation slightly (1-2 inches/year); tidal forces

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