Parts of a Tree for Thursday's Quiz

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!


A mutualistic association of plant roots and fungus


Active xylem that transports water and nutrients

What can be determined by a growth ring?

Age (when tree was cut down at a certain height) and growing conditions

Inner bark

Also known as Phloem


Also known as Xylem, Living Cells Area in plants that surrounds heartwood and is active in fluid transport up the tree


An angiosperm that has only one seed leaf.


An angiosperm that has two seed leaves


Darker in color and provides support to tree, Dead Cells


Living vascular tissue that carries sugar and organic substances from the leaves in the canopy down to the roots for storage

Order of layers - outside in

Outer bark, phloem, cambium, xylem, heartwood, pith

Order of layers - inside out

Pith, heartwood, xylem, cambium, phloem, outer bark

Leaf Vein

Small tubes in plant leaves that carry water from the stems into each leaf


The process of counting tree rings to determine the age of a tree and overall events in a specific ecosystem over time

Leaf Petiole

The stalk of a leaf. It connects the blade to the tree itself


The thinnest layer, Layer of actively Dividing Cells A layer of cells in a plant that produces new phloem to the outside and new xylem to the inside. It can be anywhere from 1-3 cells thick. It leads to secondary growth (diameter).

Secondary Growth

When Trees gain with by lateral meristems dividing and the cambium dividing to increase diameter

Primary Growth

When trees grow upwards and downwards due to meristematic tissue (terminal meristem) dividing. Height is a result


center; soft part of stem or a tree. It is found within the heartwood.

Summer Wood (Late)

darker, denser portion of a growth ring

Increment Borer

device used to take core samples from trees to determine age or detect problems.

Tree Cookie

horizontal section of a tree which shows tree rings Cross sections of tree trunks that illustrate how trees grow

Outer Bark

inactive phloem that protects the tree. It is a tree's first line of defense and can be compared to our skin

Leaf Blade

large broad part of the leaf

Spring Wood (Early)

lighter colored portion of a growth ring

Inner Bark

phloem; transports food downward in a tree.

Tap Roots

primary root found in some plants that grows longer and thicker than the other roots.

Tree core

small diameter straw shaped sample of a tree


vascular tissue that carries water and nutrients upward from the roots to every part of a plant. It will move toward the center and eventually become heartwood. Sapwood is lighter in color and living, while heartwood is darker in color and non living. Both of these make up xylem

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