Pathology Definitions
What is a disease?
An unhealthy state caused by the effects of injury
What is a Chronic Disease?
Begins slowly with signs and symptoms that are difficult to interpret.
Pathophysiology is what?
Mechanisms by which the abnormal function is expressed.
What is Pathology?
Study of changes in body structure and function as a result of disease.
What is Etiology?
The causes of disease.
What is prevalence?
The number of cases present in a given population at any one time.
What does Idiopathic mean?
Unknown Cause
Iatrogenic means?
a disease caused by medical diagnosis or treatment
What is an acute disease?
a disease that arises rapidly, that lasts for a short time.
a manifestation of disease reported by the patient.
a manifestation of disease see by an observer
collection of signs and sypmptoms
frequency of a disease over a period of time in a given population
What is the formula for incidence?
number of new cases per year/ number of person in the population
outcome of a disease is death
short term or long term disability due to disease. Think illness.
structural change in tissue or organ (change in morphology)
Pathogenesis means?
the sequence of events leading from causes to manifestations of the disease