PD 102 Test

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Proactive defined:

Proactivity as human beings we are responsible for our own lives

Habit 4; Habit 4 "Think Win/Win" differs from the 1st three habits in that they were focused on what Dr. Covey calls "Private Victories", on setting personal goals and priorities. The next three Habits are about "_____ ______", how we can effectively interact with others.

Public Victories

The truly effective person has the humility and reverence to recognize his own?

perceptual limitations and to realize the rich resources available through interaction with the hearts and minds of other people.

Habit 3 is the exercise of _________toward becoming ______ centered.

independent will principle

Habit 5 is right in the middle of your circle of ______. You can always seek first to understand.


The ability to make and keep commitments and promises is at the heart of our Circle of?


When we open ourselves up to the influence of others, we gain new?

insights and facilitate the generation of new options.

Most highly dependent people are trying to succeed in an?

interdependent reality.

The degree to which we have developed our independent will is measured by our?

personal integrity.

The most effective way to begin with the end in mind is to develop a?

personal mission statement.

The Physical Dimension Involves caring effectively for our ?

physical bodies.

Many people don't realize that the real strength of any relationship is having?

points of view.

Renewal in any dimension increases our ability to ?

live at least one of the Seven Habits.

Improvement in one habit synergistically increases our ability to?

live the rest.

Understand consequences and?


Restraining forces are often?

negative, emotional, illogical, unconscious, and social/psychological.

Three areas are necessary:

o Endurance comes from aerobic exercise o Flexibility comes through stretching o Strength comes from muscle resistance exercises.

The essence of making effective presentations:

o Ethos -- your personal credibility. o Pathos -- the empathic side. o Logos -- the logic.

The key to empathic listening is to genuinely seek the?

welfare of the individual to whom you are listening.

The middle level of communication is respectful communication --

where fairly mature people communicate.

•The key to the ability to change is a changeless sense of...

who you are, what you are about, and what you value.

Habit 5 is the first step in the process of?


What are the six types of human interaction:

win/win win/lose lose/win lose/lose win win/win or no deal

Only 10 percent of our communication is represented by the ______, another 30 percent by our _____, and 60 percent by ______.

words we say sounds body language

Delegation: Increasing P and PC Stewardship delegation involves expectations in five areas:

• Desired results • Guidelines • Resources • Accountability • Consequences

Becoming a Quadrant II Manager:(4)

• Identify roles • Select goals • Schedule • Adapt

Four Dimensions of Renewal:

• Physical • Spiritual • Mental • Social

Because we listen autobiographically (from the perspective of our own paradigms), we tend to respond in one of four ways:

o We evaluate o We probe o We advise o We interpret

When another person speaks, we are usually 'listening' at one of four levels:

o ignoring o pretending o selective listening o attentive listening

To achieve synergy in business requires that people become

open and authentic.

A personal mission statement enables us to have an understanding of our?

our purpose which we can review frequently.

Once you have a sense of mission, you have the essence of your _______; the vision and values which direct your life, the basic direction from which you set your goals.

own proactivity

Empathic listening enables us to turn transactional opportunities into _________ opportunities.


• Habit 2 is based on the principle that all things are created?


If you want to interact effectively with me, to influence me, you first need to?

understand me.

Quadrant 2; Urgent matters are usually ____, they insist on ____, they are easy and ____ to do. Important matters contribute to our _____. Effective people stay out of Quadrants ___ and ___. Quadrant__ is the heart of effective personal management.

visible action easy fun mission 3, 4 2

3) Lose/Win

This is a common scenario with inexperienced reps. A rep desperate to make a sale allows a client to bully them into discounting a program to the point where the publisher loses money on the transaction. The advertiser "wins" while the "publication" loses. The rep is working very hard for a small return on their effort and a publication that permits this to happen will soon find itself in financial difficulties. While the advertiser will realize gains in the short term, they will soon have to find a new way to advertise.

1) Win/Win

This is the ideal interaction. A good example would be selling an effective advertising program to a customer at a price that allows the publisher to recoup their costs and make a reasonable profit. Everyone gets what they want from the transaction, the advertiser gets the customers they need to grow their business and achieve their goals and the publisher gets the revenue needed to accomplish his/ her objectives. Since both parties get what they want from the transaction they are likely to maintain the relationship to the continuing benefit of both parties.

5) Win

This paradigm is the attitude of the totally self-centered individual. I don't care if you win or lose as long as I win. A good example of this is the sales person who joins a firm and rapidly rises to the top of the sales ranking. They work hard but their total focus is on what they can personally gain. They neglect customer service, care nothing about developing good programs and are not above "bending the truth" to land a sale. Invariably, the "Win" rep will have a spectacular but very short career. They hurt their clients and their companies and in the long run will gain less than if they had built a career on a solid foundation of customer service and honesty.

When you can present your own ideas clearly, specifically, visually and in the context of the paradigms of your audience, you significantly increase the ?

credibility of your ideas.

• Our lives need to be centered on correct principles --

deep, fundamental truths, classic truths, generic common denominators.

The lowest level of communication coming out of low trust situations is characterized by?

defensiveness, protectiveness, and legalistic language which covers all the bases and spells out qualifiers and escape clauses in the event things go sour.

Habits 1, 2, and 3 are about breaking our ______ on outside circumstances. Habits 4, 5 and 6 build on this foundation of ______ to move to the next level.

dependence independence

Seeking the third alternative is a major paradigm shift from the?

dichotomous either/or mentality.

Often people get into managing with _____, setting and achieving goals before they have even?

efficiency clarified values

You have to build the skills of _____ listening on a base of character that inspires?

empathetic openness and trust

As long as responses are logical, we are at liberty to ask questions and give counsel. The moment responses become emotional,_____ ______ is necessary.

empathic listening

Very few of us ever practice the highest form of listening --

empathic listening.

We may be busy, we may be efficient, but we will only be effective if we begin with the?

end in mind.

Habit 2; To begin with the end in mind is to begin with the image of the...

end of your life as the frame of reference by which everything else is measured.

Proactivity is based on the _______ of self-awareness.


• As a principle centered person, you try to stand apart from the emotions of situations and from other factors to?

evaluate options.

Reactive people are driven by

feelings, circumstances, conditions, the environment.

There is a _____creation to every part of our lives.


• Most endeavors that fail, fail with the _____creation.


Habit 2 is based on principles of personal leadership, which means that leadership is the ____ creation. Management is the _____ creation.

first second

Effective management is putting?

first things first

The truly mature person sees the "glass ___ full." They believe that the world is a rich place and that by using the power of the human intellect that everyone can?

half achieve their goals.In every interaction they seek benefits for all involved. If this can not be achieved the truly mature person will walk away.

Distinguish between _____ and ____.

have's be's

Dr. Covey defines maturity as the?

"balance between courage and consideration"

What are the seven habits?

1. Be Proactive (Principles of Personal Vision) 2. Begin with the End in Mind (Principles of Personal Leadership) 3. Put First Things First (Principles of Personal Management) 4. Think Win/Win (Principles of Interpersonal Leadership) 5. Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood (Principles of Empathic Communication) 6. Synergize (Principles of Creative Communication) 7. Sharpen the Saw (Principles of Balanced Self-Renewal)

Habit 7; Habit 7 is taking the time to sharpen the saw. This is definitely a Quadrant __activity.


2) Win/Lose

A sales rep sells a program to a client that the rep knows will not serve the needs of the customer. In this case, the rep wins and earns their commission but the customer gains nothing for their investment. In this scenario, the advertiser loses on the transaction and will move their ad dollars to another media as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

Win/Win is rooted in a worldview that Dr. Covey has dubbed the "_____ _______." This simply means that "there is enough to go around for everyone." That for me to win...you?

Abundance Mentality don't have to lose


An inner awareness of right and wrong.

Force Field Analysis:

Any current level of performance or being is a state of equilibrium between the driving forces that encourage upward movement and the restraining forces that discourage it.

Between what and what does man have the freedom to choose?

Between stimulus and response.

Problems fall in one of three areas:

Direct Control Indirect Control No Control

Habit 3; Habit 3 is what creation?

Habit 3 is the second or physical creation.

4) Lose/Lose

In this interaction neither party benefits. Usually this occurs when egos get in the way of an agreement. It is the attitude that "If I can't have my way, no one will get their way!" A good example would be if two reps were in consideration for a management position. The party who did not get the position goes out of his/her way to undermine the new manager and to disrupt every meeting. The new manager obviously loses because their job is made more difficult but the disappointed rep also loses. Their pettiness causes them to lose esteem within the company and in the eyes of their co-workers virtually eliminating any chance to earn future promotions. This situation can be exacerbated if both parties seek a Lose/Lose outcome. If, in our example, the new manager replied in kind to his rival, he would lose the respect of his/her team.

Proactive people focus their efforts in the Circle of ______. Reactive people focus their efforts in the Circle of ______.

Influence Concern

Changing our habits, changing our methods of influence and changing the way we see our no control problems are all within our Circle of?


Integrity is the value we place on?


HABIT ONE; What does self-awareness enable us to do?

Self-awareness enables us to stand apart and examine the way we see ourselves. It is our map of the basic nature of mankind.

The Daily Private Victory is the key to the development of the?

Seven Habits and it is completely within your Circle of Influence.

Independent will:

The ability to act based on self-awareness.


The ability to create in our minds beyond our present reality.

Habit 6; Synergy:

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

6) Win/Win or No Deal

While Win/Win is the ideal situation, sometimes it is impossible to achieve in the real world. If two parties cannot agree on a course of action that benefits both, it is better to agree to disagree and part ways. Failing to do this will result in one, and most likely both, parties becoming unhappy in the long run. An example of this would be an account that for good reasons can not get their materials to the rep before deadline causing their ads to be rushed and often incorrect. In this case, the client is dissatisfied with their ads and the rep has to do a great deal of work, only to have the revenue adjusted off. If they can find a way to correct the situation, moving the deadline or expediting the copy, and establish a Win/Win relationship, they should do so. If the situation can not be improved, they should decide that "No Deal" is the best option.

The spiritual dimension is your?

core, your center, your commitment to your value system.

They are?

a mental or first creation a physical or second creation

Courage is about?

about asserting yourself, about getting your own way.

While this might be admirable, people who do this become martyrs and are seldom truly happy. A truly mature person will assert their right to?

achieve their goals in life but recognize the rights of others to do the same.

Dr. Covey says that the "most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we ___."


The self-renewal process must include?

balanced renewal in all four dimensions of our lives. This is true for organizations as well as for individuals.

Once we have established our independence we can choose to be interdependent -

capable of building rich, enduring, highly productive relationships with other people.

Proactive people are driven by

carefully considered, selected and internalized values.

Habit 5; What is the most important skill in life?


Driving forces generally are?

positive, reasonable, logical, conscious, and economic.

Direct control:

problems involving our own behavior.

Indirect control:

problems involving the behavior of others.

No control:

problems we can do nothing about, e.g., our past.

Taking the initiative does not mean being pushy, obnoxious, or aggressive. It does mean

recognizing our responsibility to make things happen.

The Social Dimension; This area of our lives is primarily developed in our? We can help script others as?

relationships with others. principle-centered, value-based, independent, worthwhile individuals.

Reading good literature on a regular basis is a good way to?

renew your mind. Keeping a journal of our thoughts, experiences, and insights is also

Most people listen with the intent to?


Win/Win thinkers are _____ people.They hold equal _____ for themselves and for others.They seek to make every human interaction a ___ and _____ experience. They build mutually beneficial relationships that allow them to accomplish?

respectable respects rich rewarding accomplish much more than they ever could alone.

Management is doing things ____, leadership is doing?

right the right things

We are either the _____ creation of our own proactive creation, or we are the _____ creation of other people's agendas, of circumstances, or of past habits.

second second

• Whatever is at the center of our life will be the source of our?

security, guidance, wisdom, and power.

The language of logic is different from the language of?

sentiment and emotion.

Synergy is possible in the classroom when the group collectively agrees to?

subordinate old scripts and to write a new one.

The highest level of communication is

synergistic (win/win) communication.

Valuing the differences is the essence of...


A Quadrant II organizer will meet six criteria:

•Coherence. Harmony, unity, and integrity between vision and mission, priorities and plans, and desires and discipline. •Balance. Success in the various roles of our life. •Quadrant II Focus. Organize your life on a weekly basis. Schedule your priorities don't prioritize what's on your schedule. •A "People" Dimension. Focus on people not just the schedule. •Flexibility. The planning tool should be tailored to you. •Portability. You should be able to carry your tool with you.

Diagnose Before You Prescribe:

•Diagnose before you prescribe is a correct principle in many areas of life. •It is the mark of all true professionals •The amateur salesman sells products, the professional salesman sells solutions to needs and problems.

What are the three theories of determinism:

•Genetic determinism holds that you inherit your personal tendencies and character. •Psychic determinism holds that your upbringing and childhood experiences mold you. •Environmental determinism holds that environmental factors are responsible.

Habit 1 is based on: Habit 2 is based on:

•Habit 1 is based on imagination, conscience, independent will, and self awareness. •Habit 2 is based on imagination and conscience.

Four Generations of Time Management:

•Notes and checklists •Calendars and appointment books •Prioritization, clarifying values, comparing the relative of worth of activities •Preserving and enhancing relationships and accomplishing results

Advances of the Fourth Generation:(5)

•Principle centered •Conscience directed •Defines your unique mission •Helps balance your life by identifying roles •Greater context through weekly organizing

Daily Private Victory:

•Sharpening the saw in the first three dimensions. •Spend one hour a day in activities in these areas.

List alternative centers of life:(9)

•Spouse centeredness Family centeredness •Money centeredness •Work centeredness •Possession centeredness •Pleasure centeredness •Friend/enemy centeredness •Church centeredness •Self centeredness

The only place to get time for Quadrant II in the beginning is Quadrants III and IV. If you were to fault yourself in one of three areas, which would it be? (3)

•The inability to prioritize •The inability or desire to organize around those priorities. •The lack of discipline to execute around them.


•You don't have to take insults personally. •You can sidestep negative energy. •You can look for the good in others. •You can express ideas, feelings, and experiences in a way that will encourage others to be open also.

Two additional endowments enable us to expand our proactivity and to exercise personal leadership in our lives:

•imagination allows to visualize our potential •conscience allows us to develop our talents within the context of principles and personal guidelines.

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