PE: Chapter 1

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Four Components of health related fitness

-Cardio-respiratory endurance, -muscular fitness -muscular flexibility -body composition


-The desire and will to do something -comes from within but triggered by external factors

6 Components of skill related fitness

-agility -balance -coordination -power -reaction time -speed

physical activity

-bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles -requires energy -produces progressive health benefits.

Muscular Fitness

-includes muscular strength and muscular endurance -the ability of the muscles to generate force.

7 Stages of Change

-pre-contemplation stage -contemplation stage -preparation stage -action stage -relapse stage -maintenance stage -termination/adoption stage


-type of physical activity -planned, structured, and repetitive movements -repetitive bodily movement to improve or maintain components of physical activity.

Minutes of Activity Adults should do a Week

150 min of moderate intensity 75 min of vigorous intensity

Minutes of Activity a Child should everyday

60 (1 hour) or more of physical activity

Average life expectancy for males


average life expectancy for females


cardiorespiratory endurance

Ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to supply oxygen to the cells to meet the demands of prolonged physical activity.

Moderate Physical Activity

Activity that requires an energy expenditure of 150 calories per day, or 1000 calories per week


An activity similar to jogging that causes rapid breathing and substantial increase in heat rate.


Because of country is in an unhealthy state regarding trends such as obesity and inactivity, scientist believe our lifespan will decrease by _________ years.

Physical Fitness

Can be classified into health related and skill related fitness.

Number one leading cause of death In US

Cardiovascular disease and cancer

Risk Factors

Characteristics that predict the chances for developing a certain disease.

Sedentary Death Syndrome (SeDS)

Deaths that are attributed to a lack of regular physical activity; second greatest threat to public health.


Defined as the equivalent of a brisk walk that noticeably increases the heart rate.

Hypokinetic Diseases

Diseases related to lack of physical activity


During the action and maintenance stages, continuous behavior ____________ increases awareness of the destroyer outcome.


Energy expended doing everyday activities not related to exercise.

skill related fitness

Enhances overall quality of life by helping people cope more effectively in emergency situations


For every "yes" on this questionnaire, seek a physicians approval before engaging in an exercise program.

What do chronic diseases include?

Hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, chronic low back pain, and obesity.

chronic diseases

Illnesses that develop ans last over a long time.


Integration of the nervous system and the muscular system to produce correct, graceful, and harmonious body movements.

What does MET stand for?

Metabolic Equivalent

What does MIA stand for?

Moderate-intensity aerobics physical activity

What does NEAT stand for?

Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis


Of the study of epidemic diseases.


Part of the brain that is activated by events that are rewarding, exciting, unexpected, and intense as well as cues from the environment that are associated with those events.

Termination/Adoption Stage

Person eliminated an undesirable behavior or maintained a positive behavior for more than 5 years.

action stage

Person is actively changing a negative behavior or adopting a new, healthy behavior.

maintenance stage

Person maintains behavioral change for up to 5 years

behavior modification

Process used to permanently change negative behaviors in favor of positive behaviors that will lead to better health and well being.


Represents the rate of energy expenditure while sitting quietly at rest.

prefrontal cortex

Responsible for reminding us of who we are and of long term goals we've created.


Simple act of being aware of thoughts and choices is a powerful tool. Person should not feel that having an urge means that they have to act on it.

Relapse Stage

Slipping or falling back into unhealthy behaviors or failing to maintain healthy behaviors.

Leading cause of preventable death in US


What does SMART stand for?

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely

Two components of Power

Speed and force


The ability to change body position and direction quickly and efficiently.


The ability to maintain the body in equilibrium.


The ability to produce maximum force in the shortest time.


The ability to propel the body or a part of the body rapidly from one point to another.

muscular flexibility

The achievable range of motion at a joint or group of joints without causing injury.

body composition

The amount of lean body mass and adipose tissue (fat mass) in the human body.


The constant and deliberate effort to stay healthy and achieve the highest potential for well-being.

locus of control

The extent to which a person believes he or she can influence the external environment.

reaction time

The time required to initiate a response to a given stimulus.

General Health Recommendation

To do 30 minutes of physical activity a minimum of 5 days.


Ultimate aim toward which effort is directed.

What does VIA stand for?

Vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity

Physical activity readiness questionnaire

What does PRQ stand for?

-quality of life -economic progress

a wellness way of life with a focus on disease prevention boosts ...

helping relationships

people who act as a support system for changing the unwanted, unhealthy behavior

contemplation stage

person is considering making a change in the next 6 months

preparation stage

stage of change in which people are getting ready to make a change within the coming month

precontemplation stage

stage of change in which people are unwilling to change their behavior

life expectancy

the number of years a person can expect to live based on the person's birth year.

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