PE: Credit Knowledge Assessment

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When does fat burning begin?

60% of your MHR MINE: 204 x .6 = 122.4

Name the five health related components of fitness, define them, and give two examples

1. BODY COMPOSITION: Refers to the proportion of body fat to lean body tissue -% Fat vs. Total Body Weight -TOTAL BODY WEIGHT: Bone, muscle, fat -FAT WEIGHT: % of wt. contributed to fat tissue -MALE VS. FEMALE: % Fat recommendation 2. FLEXIBILITY: Extent and range of motion around a joint and can help to prevent injury. 3. STRENGTH & ENDURANCE: The amount of force exerted by a group of muscles(strength) and the ability to maintain a contraction over a period of time(endurance) 4. CARDIORESPIRATORY FITNESS: The body's ability to consume and process O2, which can be improved with aerobic activities

10 Dietary Guidelines

1. Eating 3-6 meals daily -Plan meals around moderate or intense exercise -Plan snack or meal 1 to 2 hours before 2. Eat protein every meal and snack -Combine foods to compliment proteins (optimizes amino acid ratio) like legumes, grains 3. Eat fruits or vegetables every meal and snack -Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables -Eat vitamin C rich foods 4. Eat foods with fiber -Whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes 5. Eat calcium rich foods -Milk, yogurt, cheese 6. Eat healthy fats and limit less healthy fats -Includes sources of Omega-3 fats -Adjust saturated fats based on caloric requirements 7. Eat according to activity level, body type, and goals -Eat enough adequate calories to sustain energy and maintain metabolism 8. Limit refined foods -Eat whole foods whenever possible -Limit wheat bread, cereals, and other processed foods. 9. Limit cured and smoked products 10. Eat a variety of foods from each food group each day

Name 2 reasons Aerobic and Anaerobic exercises should be done when trying to control ones weight.

1. Hastens fat loss and restores muscle mass 2. Does not significantly reduce body weight without dietary changes

What are some ways to stay motivated to stick to your exercise plan?

1. Have other people exercise with you, or join a class / club / group. 2. Choose to participate in more than one activity because doing the same thing can become monotonous 3. Ease into the program and build up 4. Consider availability of facilities and the cost- Some people feel they will attend more regularly if they joined a club / hired a personal trainer. 5. Exercise at the same time each day- This helps to form a schedule and form a routine. 6. Set realistic goals that you can approach so that you are not discouraged 7. If you do not feel like working out, make yourself have a very short, light workout as it will get you ready and warmed up. 8. Share your goals with those who are close or those who are likely to ask you about your progress, and ask for their support. 9. Write your goals on paper and post them where they are in view for you to see everyday.

Name 4 reasons why 95% of all diets fail.

1. Low adherence -21% of dieters dropped out in the first 2 months, 45% had quit by the end of the year -90-95% of people who lose weight with diet gain most of the weight back within 3 to 5 years. 2. Most diets restrict your caloric intake so much that metabolism slows down. -Drastically reducing calories can slow your metabolism and hinder the weight loss process -Dieter's body becomes highly efficient at conserving calories and storing them as fat. -Lowered metabolism increases likelihood dieter regains even more weight particularly when old eating habits are resumed 3. Low calorie dieting may result in depression, which is counter productive to losing weight -Depriving yourself of food can lead to depriving yourself of social events. -May give up eating meals or eating with friends 4. Most diets don't encourage lifestyle changes. -Making temporary changes in eating habits/eating prepackaged foods from weight loss programs will facilitate weight loss. However, when you reach your goals, you will be more likely to return to old eating habits and gain weight back. 5. With very low calorie diets, weight loss is usually lean body weight 6. Exercise is not a part of the program.

What are 3 rules to remember when regarding exercise sequence?

1. Perform large muscle group exercises before small muscle group exercises. 2. Perform multiple-joint exercises before single-joint exercises 3. Perform higher intensity before lower intensity exercises.

Give 2 benefits of warming up.

1. Rehearsal of movement 2. Elevation of body temperature --Increase dissociation of oxygen from hemoglobin and myoglobin --Lowering of activation energy rates of metabolic chemical reactions --Increases muscle blood flow --Reduction in muscle viscosity --Increase sensitivity of nerve receptors --Increase speed of nervous impuplses 3. Reduces incidence and likelihood of musculoskeletal injuries 4. Supplies adequate blood flow to heart

What are 3 keys to successful goal setting?

1. Setting both behavioral and outcome goals. -BEHAVIORAL: Exercising on weekdays at 7 P.M for 30 minutes -OUTCOME: Losing 10 pounds in 2 months. 2. Understand the objectives behind your outcome goals so you can set approachable behavioral goals. 3. Focus on achieving your behavioral goals since you will have much more control in achieving this type of goal. 4. Change your behavioral goals in accordance to the achievement of your outcome goals.

What does it say about Weight Loss?

1. That when beginning an exercise program, muscle mass increases may initially outpace fat loss, resulting in a very small, temporary weight gain. 2. When exercise can be increased over time, more significant fat loss can occur. 3. Unless an exerciser is highly motivated and performs extreme volumes of activity, actual weight loss is usually only seen with particular dietary improvements.


220 - AGE = Maximum Heart Rate MINE: 204

How many calories are in one pound of fat?

3,500 calories

CALORIES/GRAM OF: Carbohydrates

4 calories per gram of carbs


4 calories per gram of protein

When does cardiovascular training benefits occur?

70% of your MHR MINE: 204 x .7 = 142.8

What qualifies as upper aerobic limit/beginning of anaerobic training?

85% of your MR MINE: 204 x .85 = 173.4


9 calories per gram of fat

How many calories are burned by one pound of muscle each day?

Approximately 30-50 calories per day. Fat is only about 3 calories per day.


Gradual increase in "work" over a period of training HOW TO APPLY: Increasing weights over time

Intensity (I)

How hard you work during your exercise. EX: Working in your target heart rate zone and focusing on a variety of intensities to stimulate different energy systems (CARDIO) EX: The exercises you do, the amount of weight you lift, and your reps/sets (STRENGTH)

Time/Duration (T)

How long you exercise EX: Goal 20-30 min continuous activity, how long you exercise will not just be dependent on your fitness level, but also your intensity. The harder you work, the shorter your workouts will be (CARDIO) EX: How long you lift weights (STRENGTH)

Frequency (F)

How often you exercise. EX: 3-5 days/week, with <3 days less improvement in VOx max & >5 days subject to injury -DURATION: Goal 20-30 min continuous activity -ELEMENTS: Warm up(5-10 min), Conditioning (20-60 min), Cool down (5-10 min)


If training ceases, strength and endurance diminishes HOW TO APPLY: Stop working out

When engaging in cardiovascular exercises, one should exercise 30+ minutes within their Target Heart Rate Zone, or 60%-85% of one's maximum heart rate.

MINE: 122.4 - 173.4

Why should you choose to engage in activities that you enjoy?

More likely to stay with an activity if it's something you enjoy/think is fun & convenient

Which weighs more, muscle or fat?


Approximately how many US adults are overweight?

OVERWEIGHT: 67% of adults 20-74 years of age OBESE: 34%

High Reps Burn More Fat Myth

PERFORMING LIGHTER WEIGHTS WITH MORE REPS DOES NOT BURN MORE FAT/TONE BETTER THAN HEAVIER WEIGHT WITH MORE REPS. Fat requires oxygen to burn. By only performing a few extra repetitions on a weight training exercise is not significant enough to burn extra fat and may in effect, burn less fat. If intensity is compromised, less fat may be burned when light weight is used with high repetitions.


Specific activities elicit specific adaptations created specific training effects HOW TO APPLY: Engaging in exercises that target one muscle.


Strength and endurance will increase only if muscles and the cardiovascular system are systematically subjected to workloads greater than those to which they are accustomed HOW TO APPLY: Pushing extra reps

Spot Reduction Myth

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SPOT REDUCTION: Fat is lost throughout the body in a pattern dependent upon genetics, sex (hormones), and age. Overall body fat must be reduced to lose fat in any particular area. The first area to get fat/last area to become lean: midsection

What are the recommended reps for novices?

TRAINING: 2-3 days/week REPS: 8-12 repetition maximum (RM)

What does "Toning with weights" say about the ability of men and women to "bulk up"?

That many people do not have to be worried about getting too big when training with weights- evidence suggests that less than 20 percent of men, and very few women, can develop large muscles, even if they wanted to, regardless of what program they follow. Bodybuilders seen on TV have trained for years and progress a certain degree of genetic aptitude, and most likely, have used steroids.


The distance traveled per unit time without regard to direction. Speed = Distance / Time EX: Sprinting

Static Strength

The force that can be held in one place (force) Static Strength = Force EX: Isometrics (A type of strength training where the joint angle and muscle length do not change during contraction) EX: Wall sit


The product of a force and the speed. Power can be expressed by the work achieved in a unit time. Power is a combination of strength and speed. Power = Force x Distance / Time EX: Olympic style weightlifting (Strength dominated power), shot put


The restoration of muscle and simultaneous decrease of fat.


The speed and direction of an entity Velocity = Speed and direction

Type (T)

The type of activity you're doing EX: Any activity that gets your heart rate up counts as cardio; running, waking, cycling, dancing, etc (CARDIO) EX: Some type of resistance (bands, dumbbells, machines, etc.) to work your muscles. (STRENGTH)


The weight that can be moved through a distance (work), or the ability of muscle to generate force against a resistance Strength = Force x Distance EX: Competitive powerlifting

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