Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Lighting fixture shall be wired with a fixture flexible cord with cross sectional area NOT less than ____.

0.75 mm^2

The minimum clearance of service drop over sidewalks.

10 ft

Using Aluminum or copper clad aluminum conductors, the minimum size of service entrance conductors shall be ____.

14.0 mm^2

A 2.0 mm^2 TW copper has an ampacity equal to ____.


A 20-ampere rated branch circuit with the 3.5 mm^2 wire supplying a duplex receptacle can be loaded to a maximum of ____ amperes


What is the maximum load of 20A circuit breaker protecting branch circuit that supplies continuous load?


What is the maximum permitted load of a 20A branch circuit serving continuous load?


The branch circuit load for continuous duty receptacles shall be calculated at ____ VA per receptacle.


In estimating the loading of a branch circuit, what loading shall be used for each receptacle?

180 volt-ampere

The minimum size of conductors to be used for lighting purposes is _____.

2.0 mm^2

A 3.5 mm^2 TW copper has an ampacity equal to ____.


What is the nominal supply voltage specified by the Philippine Electrical Code for residential home?

230 volts ac

The unit for a dwelling unit expressed in watts per square meter shall be _____.

24 watts

Where receptacles are connected to a 30 A branch circuit, the maximum allowable cord and plug connected load shall not be more than ____.


For office buildings, a general lighting load of _____ VA/m^2 shall be used


A continuous electrical load is one where the maximum current is expected to continue for a minimum duration of time What is this minimum duration of time?

3 hours

A 5.5 mm^2 TW copper has an ampacity equal to ____.


What is the maximum operating temperature type of TW conductor?

60 deg celcius

What is the maximum operating temperature of type THW and THWN conductor?

75 deg celcius

In no case shall the grounding conductor be smaller than _____ copper

8.0 mm^2

Service entrance using copper conductors shall have sufficient capacity and shall NOT be smaller than____.

8.0 mm^2

Using copper the minimum service entrance conductors shall be _____.

8.0 mm^2

The total load on overcurrent device located in a panelboard shall NOT exceed a certain percentage of its rating. What is this percentage?


A 15A or 20A branch circuit shall be permitted to supply lighting units and other utilization devices. The rating of any one cord and plug connected appliance shall NOT exceed a certain percentage of the branch circuit rating. What is this percentage?


What is the maximum operating temperature type of THHN conductor

90 deg celcius

A(n) ____ is connected in series with the load


A synthetic non-flammable insulating medium which, when decomposed by electric arcs, produces predominantly non-flammable gases mixture is known as ______.


Who shall make the final decision in the interpretation of controversial provisions of the Philippine Electrical Code?

Board of Electrical Engineering

No electrical installation, alteration and or addition shall be connected or re-connected to any power supply or any other sources of electrical energy without ______.

Certificate of final electrical inspection

_____ is not a force that moves electrons


The Ohm's law formula demonstrates that current is ____ proportional to the voltage and _____ proportional to the resistance.

Directly, Inversely

All conductors have resistance that opposes the flow of electrons. SOme materials have more resistance than others. ____ has the lowest resistance, and ____ is more resistant than copper.

Gold, Silver

The equipment grounding conductor of a branch circuit shall be identified by a continuous ____ color.


Because of the dangers associated with the open neutral (grounded conductor), the continuity of the ____ conductor cannot be dependent on the receptacle.


If the contact resistance of a connection increases and the current remains the same, the voltage drop across the connection will ____


Varying duty is defined as ______.

Operation at loads, and for intervals of time, both of which may be subject to wide variation.

_____ is not an insulator


Conductance is the property of metal that permits current to flow. The best conductors, in order of conductivity, are:

Silver, Copper, Gold, Aluminum

Which of the following does the Code recognize as a device?


To cut rigid metal conduits, an electrician should do one of the following. Which one is this?

Use a hack saw and ream the ends

Operation of loads and for interval of time, both of which maybe subject to wide variations.

Varying duty

The ____ is the pressure that force one ampere of electrons a one ohm resistor.


Generator is rated in _____


Which of the following colors identifies the grounded conductor of a branch circuit


Capable of being removed or exposed without damaging the building structure or finish, or not permanently closed in by the structure or finish of the building defines_____.

accessible (wiring methods)

The opposition to current flow due in an alternating current circuit is call ____ and is often represented by the letter "z"


Each dwelling-unit shall have a feeder load consisting of _____ VA for the 20-ampere laundry circuit.


For each small appliance branch circuit, the feeder load shall be _____ per 20A circuit.

1,500 VA

To provide for small appliance load in a dwelling unit, the feeder should be computed at ____.

1,500 watts

Appliance outlets installed in a dwelling unit for specific appliances, such as laundry equipment, shall be installed within ____ of the intended location of the appliances.

1,800 mm

In every kitchen, family room, dining room, living room, parlor, library, bedroom or similar rooms or area of dwelling units, receptacle outlets shall be installed so that no point along the floor line in any wall space is more than measured horizontally from an outlet in that space.

1,800 rpm

The branch circuit rating shall NOT be less than ____ percent of the non-continuous load


For non-dwelling receptacle loads, the demand factor for the first 10 KVA or less shall be _____.


The rating of the branch circuit serving a continuous loads shall NOT exceed ____ percent of the continuous load.


The primary winding of a step down transformer shall be protected on the primary side by an overcurrent device rated NOT more than a certain percentage of the primary current. Which is this percentage?


What is the maximum load of a 15A circuit breaker protecting a branch circuit that supplies a continuous load?


Sizes of building wires manufactured in the Philippines are standardized in square millimeters. What is the area of copper conductor, which is next larger than 8 square millimeters?

14 mm^2

A dwelling unit having a floor area not. more than 50 sqm shall be permitted to have a single 20-Am, 2 Wire branch circuit provided the total shall NOT exceed _____.

3,680 VA

Where circuit breakers are used to protect the primary side of a transformer over 600 V nominal, their continuous current rating shall NOT exceed _____ of the rated primary current.


The allowable ampacities of conductors rated from 0 to 2,000 volts, 60°C to 90°C and not more than three of them (16 kg) in raceway, cable or earth is based on an ambient temperature of _____.


Ceiling fans that do not exceed ____ pounds in weight, with or without accessories, must be supported by outlet boxes identified for such use and supported in accordance with sections....


What is the maximum number of overcurrent devices of a lighting and appliance branch circuit panel board shall be installed in any cabinet or cut out box?


What is the maximum number of overcurrent devices of a lighting and appliance panel board that shall be installed in a cabinet?

48 devices

The branch circuit load for drying equipment is the larger of either the VA rating of the nameplate or ____.

5,000 VA

Infrared lamps for industrial heating appliances shall have overcurrent protection not exceeding amperes


Branch circuits larger than _____ shall supply only non-lighting loads.


A laundry outlet must be within feet of laundry (washing machine).

6 feet

Insulated grounded conductor of 14mm2 or smaller shall be identified by a continuous white outer finish long its entire length or another color which is ____.

Natural gray

The smallest size conductor permitted for branch circuits, feeders, and services for residential, commercial and industrial locations is _____.

No. 14 copper and No. 12 Aluminum

Operation of equipment in excess of normal, full load rating or of a conductor in excess of rated ampacity.


The _____ shall not be less than the non-continuous load plus 125% of the continuous load.

branch circuit rating

A conductor encased within material of composition or thickness that is not recognized by the code is called _____.


A unit of an electrical system which is intended to carry but not utilize electric energy


Where the individual open conductors enter a building or other structure through tubes, _____ shall be formed on the conductors before they are enter the tubes.

drip loops

So constructed or protected that dust will interfere with its successful operation is called _____.


The case or housing of apparatus or the fence of the surrounding an installations to prevent accidental contact of person to energized parts is called ____.


An outlet box should be fastened to a concrete wall by the use of ____.

expansion bolts

An overload may be caused by a short circuit or ground fault


All circuit conductors between the service equipment or the generator switchboard of an isolated plant, and the final branch circuit overcurrent device.


The 2009 PEC defined ____ as all conductors between a source of power from a battery, a solar voltaic system, generator, transformer, or converter winding, and the final branch circuit overcurrent


The circuit conductors between the service entrance equipment or isolated generating plant and the branch circuit overload device or devices


A device intended for the protection of personnel that functions to de-energize a circuit within an established period of time when a current to ground exceeds some predetermined value less than the required to operate the overcurrent protection device of the supply circuit is a(n) ____.

ground fault circuit interrupter

Connected to earth or th some conducting body that serves in place of the earth is called ____.


A system or circuit conductor that is intentionally ground is a (n) _____. This conductor is often a neutral conductor in the field, and it is identified with the color white or gray.

grounded conductor

Recognized as suitable for the specific purpose, function, use, environment and application.


The highest current at rated voltage that a device is intended to interrupt under standar test conditions is the _____.

interrupting rating

Splices and taps shall be made only in ____

junction boxes

Transformer is rated in _____.


The connection between the grounded (neutral) conductor and the equipment grounding conductor at the service is - accomplished with the use of a ____ jumper.

main bonding

A(n) ____ is a point on a wiring system where current is taken to supply equipment that uses electricity.


An electric circuit consists of the _______.

power source, conductors, load

Something constructed, protected or treated so a to prevent rain from interfering with the successful operation of the apparatus under specified test conditions is defined as____.


To double the current of a circuit when the voltage remains constant, the resistance (R) must be _____.

reduced by half

Overhead service conductors from the last pole or other aerial support to and including the splices if any are called____ conductors.

service drop

The underground service conductors between the street main, including any risers at pole or other structure or from transformers and the first point of connection to the service entrance conductors.

service lateral

Inside the power source, electrons travel from the positive terminal to the negative terminal. (true or false)


A minimum of ____20 A small appliance branch circuits is required for receptacle outlets in kitchen, dining room, breakfast room, pantry, or similar dining areas


Service drop conductors and service entrance conductors shall be arranged so that _____ will not enter service raceway or equipment


Something constructed so that moisture will not enter the enclosure under specific test conditions is called _____.


Light fixtures suspended from the ceiling by chains should be wired so that the _____.

wires do not support the fixture

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