PHI2010 Final

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Kant's Second Question

Ethics: How ought people act? Metaethics: (metaphysics of ethics) What are obligations? Applied ethics: Applying ethical theories to specific moral problems/controversies that we find especially pressing Politicial philosophy: What is justice? What right do people have?

Cartesian Dualism

Descartes's view that all of reality could ultimately be reduced to mind and matter.

Consider this claim: You think there's no fact about what you're doing until you make up your mind. But that's not so. The decision you're going to make is the only one you could. Because of the way the world was and the laws of nature, what you'll decide has been destined since well before you were born. Which theory agrees with this?


Mary thought experiment

Did Mary learn something new upon seeing red for the first time? Did she expect red to appear the way it did based on her scientific knowledge?

In her famous letter to Descartes, Princess of Bohemia Elisabeth von Wittelsbach raises a major problem for dualism. What's that problem?

Dualism claims that the mind is not spatial, so there is no explanation for how events in space can cause changes in the mind (or vice-versa).

A compatibilist about free-will believes that ...

Even if the universe is determined, people are "free" in the sense that it's still true that they're responsible for what they do.

Aquinas addresses the Argument from Explanatory Irrelevance. What is his reply?

Everything in the world can be explained without reference to the existence of a perfect God. If x isn't needed in our explanations, then we have no reason to think x exists.

According to Hobbes, the right to property is absolute (i.e., always wrong to curtail).


According to Singer, you are morally permitted to spend most of your savings on satisfying your own interests.


Aquinas believes there is an infinite chain of causes stretching forever backward in time.


For Bentham, the unique, elevated intellectual pleasure of thinking through and fine-tuning a precise philosophical inference, even when it's a minor feeling, is more valuable than intense, long-lasting sexual pleasure without romantic attachment.


Kant states that the categorical imperative is only a general guideline for action. Sometimes, there are legitimate reasons to ignore it.


Kantianism is a form of consequentialism.


Plato argues that there are no facts about right and wrong.


Descartes claims that all of your ideas are caused by things they represent. For this reason, he thinks, the very fact that you have an idea of God means that he really exists

False (idea of God is special)

Socrates wrote the Euthyphro to exemplify his method and personality to the world prior to his execution

False, Plato wrote it, Socrates never wrote anything

Select the conclusion of the Ontological Argument.

God exists.

According to Descartes, God's existence implies that Descartes' belief that there's an outside world has to be right. What's Descartes' argument for this?

God is omnibenevolent, and hence not at all cruel. It would be cruel if God let Descartes be deceived about very fundamental, obvious things like the existence of a world outside of himself.

According to Anselm, the fact that you have an idea of God makes it the case that God really exists in the world outside your mind. What's Anselm's reasoning?

God must exist outside the mind, since the idea is of a greatest possible thing and to exist in the mind is a limitation on greatness.

No free will & Determinism

Hard determinism


Hard determinism and Libertarianism

subjective idealism

The view that only ideas and mind exist and that there are no substances, matter, or material objects. In particular, the philosophy of Bishop Berkeley.

In the Phaedo, Plato argues that the soul is likely immortal, as divine things are immortal, and we already know the soul resembles the divine. What's one feature that the soul and divine things share?

They lead and govern by nature.

You cannot know that chairs are both in space and not in space. Why not? (Select ONE.)

This belief is never true.

Philosophers must assume This question rests on a false assumption. Philosophers aren't required to assume any of these things. ; otherwise, whatever they're doing isn't philosophy.

This question rests on a false assumption. Philosophers aren't required to assume any of these things.

Consider the following scenario. Bill is a bartender at a bar. Bill is the only bartender on duty, and will be the only one on duty until it closes for the night. His friend Ted is a patron at the bar on this night. Bill knows that Ted is a moderate drinker, with one exception: if Ted has even one sip of tequila, he'll proceed to drink large amounts of the stuff until he loses consciousness, endangering Ted's health, safety, and relationships. Bill's bar isn't the best stocked, and often runs out of particular kinds of liquor. However, the bar is currently well-stocked with tequila (which Bill knows), though none of the bottles are visible to the public. Ted asks Bill, "Do you have any tequila?" Concerned with Ted's well-being, Bill replies, "Sorry, man, we're fresh out." According to Kant, Bill's reply was morally wrong.


Hobbes believes that it doesn't matter what particular form the government takes so long as it enacts just policies


Mill argues that legal discrimination against women is detrimental to society at large, not just women.


Which ONE of the following, according to Kant, is always morally impermissible?

Violate the categorical imperative.

1st meditation

What do I know for sure? (skepticism) Foundationalism. Knowledge has a foundation, that everything rests on. This "support" is justification

We discussed two different ways the question, "What is a mind?," could be understood. What are they? (Select TWO.)

What do minds do? What are minds made of?

What does Gaunilo's "Most Perfect Island" objection try to show about the Ontological Argument?

What does Gaunilo's "Most Perfect Island" objection try to show about the Ontological Argument?

Aristotle disagrees with Kant about many things. One is the way to express the primary question of ethics. According to Aristotle, the primary question ethics should seek to answer is...

What is the good life?

What is the fundamental question of normative ethics (according to most ethicists)?

What ought we do?

Indicate EACH of the following philosophers who are moral realists.

Wolf Kant Bentham

Assume Peter Singer is correct. Which of the following describes the extent of our obligations to prevent death from lack of basic necessities in the developing world?

You are obligated to give up until the point that you would sacrifice something of comparable moral importance by giving.

Which ONE of the following describes the extent of our obligations to prevent death from lack of basic needs in the developing world, if Peter Singer's "Famine, Affluence, and Morality" is correct?

You are obligated to give up until the point that you would sacrifice something of comparable moral importance by giving.


a branch of philosophy that investigates the ultimate nature of reality

Nietzsche claims that human values derive from

a complex set of psychological, social, and historical forces

If you have a moral duty to save those dying in disasters, then you have a(n) moral ______ to do so.


Fill in the blank: if God knew how to make the best world possible and had the power to do so, but simply didn't, then he would not be ___________. (Select ONE.)


According to Kant, if two actions are consistent with the categorical imperative, then both are...


For Aristotle, the _______ is the sage, possessor of perfect practical rationality and worthy of emulation.



preoccupation with physical comforts and things

According to Wolf, the Rational Saint would NOT have the ability to...

pursue aesthetic and intellectual experiences for their own sake.

All the theories about free will agree that anyone with free will, whatever exactly free will is, has the special ability to be impotent for what they do.


______ is a biological category, while ________ is a personal, psychological, and/or social category.

sex gender

According to Susan Wolf, one who leads an ideal human life...

should generally do the right thing, but need not always.

Descartes and Zeno agree that...

space is infinitely divisible.


study of knowledge

According to Edmund Gettier's influential paper, justified true belief is not ______________ for knowledge. (select ONE)


If the truth of p is enough to make q true, then p is _____(i)_____ for q. If the truth of p has to be in place for q to be true, then p is ______(ii)______ for q.

sufficient; necessary

Many people think "philosophy" is just coming up with views on things. But philosophers actually attempt to come up with views on things that are...

supported by reasons.


the action of dividing or splitting something into two or more parts.

According to David Armstrong's functionalism, which TWO of these could be states of mind?

the arrangement of chips and electrical charge in a robot a group of neurons

Something in the early discussion in the Republic deeply angers the character Thrasymachus. He reacts with an extended criticism of it. What is it?

the assumption that there are facts about what's right and wrong that aren't just determined by a contest of wills.

According to Nietzsche, the widespread belief that humans are all equally morally valuable emerges from...

the attempts of weaker parties to put constraints on how the strong behave.

According to utilitarianism...

the consequences of actions determine whether they are right or wrong.


the doctrine that reality is ultimately made up of only one essence

Which of these is a quale? (Note: "qualia" is the plural form of "quale.")

the ear-shattering noise emanating from the guitars at a thrash metal show

Primary Attributes

the essential attributes of God's nature

What does the Aristotelian virtue ethicist characteristically reject?

the existence of informative, strict moral rules

Meaning of "ontology" in philosophical discourse?

the full enumeration of types of things existing

For Bentham, which of the following features of pleasure and pain are morally relevant?

the intensity the duration

If determinism is true, which TWO things determine all outcomes?

the laws of nature the state of the world prior to the outcome


the phenomenal aspect of mental states (consciousness)

Aristotelian virtues (in ethics) are...

the positive character traits that mark out good people.

Dualism (Descartes)

the presumption that mind and body are two distinct entities that interact


the process or result of joining two or more things together to form a single entity.

Hume thinks the idea of "infinity" properly applies to which of the following?

the series of integers


the study of being

How did Aristotle define "metaphysics"?

the study of being as such

Epistemic Skepticism

the view that humans cannot know anything, or that human knowledge is much, much more limited than normally supposed

Russell discusses the relative amounts of justice and injustice we can see in the world. He thinks the best conclusion we can draw from them is that...

the world as a whole contains much more injustice than justice.

General Metaphysics

theory of what there is and what the basic categories are

If Edmund Gettier's argument in "Is Knowledge Justified True Belief?" is right, then...

there are ways you can know that p other than having a justified true belief that p.

Casual Adequacy Principle (CAP)

there has to be as much reality in the cause as in the effect

According to Descartes' Causal Adequacy Principle...

there must be more reality in a cause than its effect.

what do libertarians and hard determinists have in common

they believe free will and determinism are incompatible

Both socrates and Euthyphro agree the gods love what they do because

those things are worthy of being loved

Which TWO of the following are among Plato's goals in The Republic?

to describe the ideal city to show that justice is not just a matter of power

What is Descartes' goal in the Meditations?

to investigate the nature of the mind and its ideas to demonstrate that the Scholastic intellectual system is fundamentally misguided to provide novel arguments for the existence of God and the immortality of the soul to demonstrate that limited human beings can be legitimately certain of some truths

Aristotle and Wolf believe that agents are obligated to respect the interests of others for their own sake, not just because it might be in the obligated person's interest to do so.


The Gettier cases involve people with justified true beliefs (JTB)



variable for proposition. Must be true or false

Kant says that we must treat others as moral equals to ourselves because...

we take our own ends to be valuable because we're beings with rational ends, which other people are, too.

Consider Frank Jackson's Mary case. If Jackson is right, which of these facts is impossible for Mary to know before she leaves her confinement?

what it feels like to see the purple of the twilight


what mental states are (thoughts). theory of what the mind is

Plato and George Berkeley are both idealists, but they strongly disagree with one another. What do they disagree about? You Answered

whether ideas are just properties and creations of the mind

subject idealism is a form of


Formal reality differs from subjective reality in

not having reality merely "for you"

There's a crucial difference between Hobbes' and Locke's conceptions of the state of nature. What is it?

Conditions in Locke's state of nature are more endurable, so it's rational for people to agree to a state only if protects more than mere security.

According to Locke, which of the following events might lead a person to no longer be the same person, strictly speaking, as they were before?

Delta experiences complete amnesia at age 34, remembers nothing from her previous life, and never recovers the memories.

What's the English translation of Descartes' claim, "cotigo ergo sum"

"I think, therefore, I am"

Which TWO are John Rawls' principles of justice?

1) Each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive basic liberty compatible with a similar liberty for others. 2) Social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they are both (a) reasonably expected to be to everyone's advantage¸ and (b) attached to positions and offices open to all.

Kant's Three Questions

1) What can I know? 2) What ought I do? 3) What may I hope for?

Socrates points to two problems with Euthyphro's thesis about piety. What are they?

1. It would imply that the gods aren't right for loving what they love. Clearly, though, they do have good reason for loving what they do 2. It basically just defines "piety" as the quality of being pious, which reveals nothing about what piety really is

Leibniz's Law

A and B are identical to each other only if they have all properties in common

A prominent solution to the Gettier problem that philosophers have proposed (and that we've addressed) is...

A believer actually isn't really justified in believing that p if her reasoning behind p is based on a false "lemma" (assumption or premise).

real distinction

A can exist without B and Vice Versa

Which one of the following is definitely an instance of mind-body interaction?

A man gazes at a USB cable to determine if it would be tasty.


A philosophical and theological system, associated with Thomas Aquinas, devised to reconcile Aristotelian philosophy and Roman Catholic theology in the thirteenth century.

According to Rawls, governments must be...

According to Rawls, governments must be...

Select the option that is NOT one of Kant's formulations of the categorical imperative.

Act always so that you maximize the general welfare.

No free will or determinism

Action Skepties (Impossibilism)

Descartes thinks that one of these possibilities, if it can't be ruled out, means we can't know there's a world outside of ourselves. Select that possibility.

All experience could be the product of a dream.

What is the Argument from Design?

An argument that this world must have been created by a god of infinite wisdom and power, as, otherwise, the world would not have the orderliness and lawfulness that we know it to have.

Select the Medieval philosopher


Which philosopher did NOT reject the Ontological Argument?


Which ONE of the following claims is made in the Argument from Design?

Anything with the harmony or complexity of the natural world must be the product of intention.

The Ancient philosopher who influenced Aquinas most was ______


Consider the following argument. Anything with representational content is immaterial. Therefore, the human mind is immaterial. Which ONE of the following, if true, would refute this argument?

Books have representational content.

Zeno argues that Achilles cannot pass the Tortoise. Why not?

Both Achilles and the tortoise are in continuous motion. Whenever Achilles reaches a point where the tortoise was, the tortoise has moved beyond it

Free will & determinism


Descartes makes more assumptions when combatting the Evil Demon possibility than he lets on. Select one such secret assumption.

Descartes can know what his ideas represent their objects as being.

Select the option that best describes Aquinas' attitude toward the Ontological Argument.

He rejected it. It tries to demonstrate that God exists simply on the basis of the concept of God. But we can only figure out whether our concepts of things correspond to what's really there by observing evidence for those things in reality.

Descartes claims he's legitimately certain that "I think, therefore I am" is true. What's his reasoning behind this?

He's directly conscious that he's thinking. There are thoughts only if there are thinkers that think them. Hence he must exist.

A libertarian about free will believes that...

Humans are responsible for what they do because they, not the laws of nature and prior states of the universe, determine what they will do.

Gettier Cases

Hypothetical (or actual) cases in which a person has justified true belief that P but does not know/have knowledge that P

Locke's Memory Theory of Personal Identity

I am my memories and my memories are the result of my experiences

2nd meditation

I think therefore I am (cotigo ergo sum). Clear and distinct perception (you cant distinguish it from other thoughts) -----> if you understand, it you know it to be true

Consider the following argument. Either I'm out of money or my paycheck just came in. The bank sent no word of any deposit, so I'm broke. select the argument's conclusion:

I'm broke

Ship of Theseus

If a ship has all of its planks replaced, is the same ship?

What is the conclusion of Aquinas' Argument from Cause?

If there are contingent beings, then there must be necessary beings responsible for their existence.

In his Modal Argument, Aquinas makes which two important claims?

If there were ever a time where nothing existed, nothing would exist right now. Every contingent entity has, is currently, or will not exist at some point

Which one of the following is a premise in Descartes' Argument from Primary Attributes?

If x and y differ in primary attributes, then they are different substances.

Achilles and the Tortoise

In a race, the quickest runner can never overtake the slowest, since the pursuer must first reach the point whence the pursued started, so the slower must always hold a lead.

Clear and Distinct Perception

In the Principles, Descartes says that a 'clear' perception is one that is present and manifest to the attentive mind and that a 'distinct' perception is one that is so separated from all other perceptions that it contains absolutely nothing except what is clear.

Which of the following claims is a false description of Hobbes' State of Nature?

Individuals can cooperate with one another with reasonable expectation of positive outcomes.

Kant calls his fundamental moral rule the categorical imperative. Why "categorical"?

It applies categorically, to all actions. There are no exceptions

According to moral relativism, a judgment about right or wrong is only true...

It depends upon the type of relativism.

which of these is a necessary feature of the mind, according to Descartes?

It doesn't exist in space

At one point in the Euthyphro, Euthyphro claims that piety is the quality of being loved by the gods for having piety. What's the problem with this analysis of piety?

It essentially just defines piety as the quality of being pious, which is trivial and unenlightening.

Which of these is an objection to gender internalism we discussed?

It implies that some very young girls are a different gender from adult women, as the former aren't cognitively sophisticated enough to have a sense or feeling of their own gender status.

Which of the following is a premise from the Ontological Argument? (It's probably the argument's most famous premise.)

It is greater to exist in reality and the mind than just to exist in the mind.

How does Jackson's Mary thought experiment support dualism?

It shows that Mary would still have something left to learn even if she already knew everything about the physical world, so something about the world isn't physical

What problem with Euthyphro's understanding of piety does Socrates point out?

It winds up saying only that piety is the quality of being pious.

In his Dialogues, what does Hume contend about the proposition, "God is infinite"?

It's basically nonsense, since our notion of "infinity" doesn't coherently apply to things like power and knowledge.

Which ONE of the following is a strict moral rule?

Killing ought not be peformed.

Free will & No determinism


Kant's First Question

Metaphysics: what's this world? what is being? Epistemology: What is knowledge? How should one believe? Philosophy of mind: What is the mind? What is thought? How is the mind related to the material world?

What is the conclusion of Descartes' argument from Primary Attributes?

Mind and matter are fundamentally different types of things

Cartesian Dualism

Mind and matter are made of different things (Descartes)

Which of these is an objection to Cartesian dualism?

Minds and bodies causally interact all the time. This would be impossible if they weren't the same thing on some level, so they must, on some level, be the same kind of thing.

Monism vs. Dualism

Monism is the belief that ultimately the mind and the brain are the same thing, whereas dualists believe that the mind and the brain are separate

Which ONE of the following is ruled out by Jackson's epiphenomenalism?

My experience of the blueness of a marker leads me to select it to write on the board.

According to all versions of utilitarianism we discussed, the right action is one that

maximizes net utility.

Consider the following case: Harry just bought a new, fancy smartphone. But Harry is rich, and does not feel very much pleasure from the goods he buys with his vast sums. Ruth desperately wants a new smartphone; she believes that a new phone will let her reconnect with old friends, effectively plan her day, and supply hours and hours of auditory entertainment, all of which would increase her pleasure and decrease her pain. (Assume her belief is correct.) Ruth is also a talented thief, and can easily steal the phone from Harry without getting caught. If she does steal the phone, the world would contain more pleasure and less pain than if she does not (as she stands to benefit greatly from the phone, and Harry's pleasure and pain aren't affected very much by having or lacking said phone). According to the error theorist, would Ruth be morally wrong for stealing the phone?


Is Descartes an epistemic skeptic?

No, because God is perfect, and a perfect being would not allow him to err in judgments that he clearly and distinctly perceives to be true.

According to the egoist, which of these claims are true? (Mark ALL that apply.)

Not enough contextual information is provided to determine whether these are true.

Locke's theory of identity rules out...

Parfit's view on identity the bodily theory of identity that one can keep one's identity even if one experiences complete amnesia of one's prior life

Locke claims that "person" is a forensic notion. What does he mean by this?

Personhood has its essential use in figuring out who or what is praiseworthy or blameworthy.

What is Derek Parfit trying to prove with his fusion cases?

Persons A and B can survive as person C, even though C is neither A nor B.

Kant's Third Question

Philosophy of religion: is there a god? gods?

Which philosopher wrote the commentary provided by Thrasymachus?


Select the philosopher that was born last.


Classical Analysis of Knowledge

S knows P if and only if... 1) P is true (T) 2) S believes P (B) 3) S is justified in being P (J)

Select the case that, like the cases in Gettier's article, supports his thesis about knowledge.

Sasha read in a very reliable news source that his senator is in Guyana. In fact, the Senator's office lied to the news source, trying to keep secret that the senator is going to Brazil. But when Sasha read the paper and formed the belief, the senator was waiting in Guyana to board a plane to Brazil.

Which option correctly recounts Plato's Argument from Recollection?

Since we can't have learned concepts from experience, we must have learned them before we started to experience, so it's likely that we learned them as things that preexisted the body (and can thus likely exist after its death, as well).

Big three philosophers

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

We discussed that Plato is an objective idealist. How does this Platonic theory differ from subjective idealism?

Subjective idealists believe that ideas are features of products of minds, while objective idealists believe that the world, minds, included, is the way it is because of ideas.

Consider Peter Singer's use of the drowning child case in "Famine, Affluence, and Morality." What does he intend it to show? Correct Answer

That if everyone gave a relatively minor amount of money to charity, then the burden on each of us would be relatively small.

What is the difference between atheism and agonisticism? (They've each been defined in different ways in public discourse, but our definition tries to be as precise and accurate as possible.)

The atheist believes that God does not exist, while the agnostic neither believes that God exists nor believes that God does not exist.

Consider the following argument. Either I'm out of money or my paycheck just came in. The bank sent no word of any deposit, so I'm broke. Select a premise in this argument:

The bank sent no word of any deposit

Consider the expected utilities of the following scenarios. Parties are deliberating from the veil of ignorance about which scenario to prefer. Each letter corresponds to a group of citizens; there are the same number of citizens in each group. The units correspond to the expected utility points to be allotted to each group. Scenario 1: Group A: 50. Group B: 20. Group C: 10. Scenario 2: Group A: 50. Group B: 25. Group C: 5. According to Rawls, which of the scenarios would the deliberators behind the veil choose, and why?

The deliberators would prefer Scenario 1, as it minimizes the difference in utility between B and C.

3rd meditation

The existence of God (theres an idea of God)

John Stuart Mill argues that (it's at least very likely that) the pleasure of learning a number of interesting new facts outweighs the pleasure of a good massage. What's his reasoning for this?

The first pleasure is much more cognitively sophisticated than the second.

Euthyphro claims (at one point) that things are pious because the gods love them. What is Socrates' objection to this claim?

The gods' decision about what to love would be arbitrary, which is absurd

Descartes observes that he has an idea of God. He thinks this idea must have been put in his head by God. Why so?

The idea has such perfect content that the only thing that could have made it would be just as perfect---God.

Descartes distinguishes between the formal reality and the presentational reality of a representation. Which ONE of the following correctly describes the formal being of a sentence in a novel?

The ink marks on the page.

Utilitarians in general believe that right and wrong is a matter of how good bad actions are for things with sakes. What does the classical utilitarian add to this?

The only intrinsically good and bad things in the world are emotions.

Hobbes says that you are permitted to resist the state's attempts to commit violence against you. Why?

The state forces you back into the State of Nature when it does so, restoring your right to use violence for any reason.


mind and body are one

Consider the following case. Jordan has an overtly feminine physical appearance. Jordan's style of dress is not particularly masculine or feminine. Many of Jordan's behaviors are typical of a person socialized as a woman. But as an adult, Jordan has never felt comfortable expressly identifying as a woman. Instead, Jordan privately feels like a man. For example, Jordan's internal monologue uses "he" or "him" in thoughts about Jordan, and Jordan often wishes Jordan found it more comfortable to exhibit more masculine behavior. According to gender internalism, Jordan is probably ...

a man

According to the bodily theory of identity, a person is...

a particular physical organism.

Which service does Rawls think it's obligatory for governments to provide?

a police force robust welfare programs equality of opportunity for high-level social and economic positions free and fair elections

Hume says that we could legitimately use empirical findings to support the existence of God only if we had the ability to observe all corners of the universe for traces of a heavenly realm , which we do not have.

a precise-enough understanding of God's nature to determine what kind of world he'd be likely to make

Laplace's Demon

a sufficiently powerful intelligence, if it knew the initial condition of the physical universe and the laws governing it, would be able to predict every subsequent state of the universe

According to the social contract theories of justice, a just state is one that...

acts according to what the governed would rationally agree to in devising the state.

Subjective idealism

all material things are really just sensory ideas

Descartes' theory of mind and the conclusion of Jackson's Mary thought experiment both say that...

an essential feature of the mind is not a part of the physical universe.

According to the functionalist, the mind is...

any system with the components that exhibit enough mental behavior.

In the Gettier cases, thinkers have true beliefs. These beliefs...

are justified, but do not seem like knowledge.

Socrates refutes Euthyphro's primary claim using argument by dilemma .

argument by dilemma

Argument by dilemma

as a positive argument, the claim that there are two, and only two, possible courses of action; both are bad, but the one I recommend is less bad than its alternative (or, both are good but the one I recommend is better than its alternative).

Say someone wants to explain how the perfect, Abrahamic God defended by Anselm, Aquinas, and others created an imperfect universe. This person says: Well, the solution to the problem is simple. Imagine how complex any little portion of the universe is. To make all that fit together in the one, best possible way would require an unfathomable amount of knowledge. God just doesn't quite have that. The problem with this argument is that the Abrahamic God is supposed to...

be omniscient.

According to functionalism, what's the essence of being a mental state? That is, what's both needed and enough for being one?

characteristically having a function within a mental system

Descartes believes that the foundation of all knowledge is

clear and distinct perception

Derek Parfit likens the identities of persons to those of...(select TWO).

countries and corporations

Aristotle says that the function of human beings is to pursue whatever benefits the strongest party. .

develop their positive, distinctively human capacities

The Euthyphro is one of Plato's Socratic _________. Most of Plato's works are _________, as well.



everything is fundamentally material. (physicalism)


everything is mental

Descartes believes clear and distinct perceptions are careful visual perceptions made in conditions of good lighting, calm, and sobriety.


Socrates was Plato's most brilliant student, and was executed for his willingness to question everything. As tribute, Plato put his own views in his dialogues in Socrates' mouth.


Which TWO options are standard English translations for Plato's Greek term, "eidos"?

form idea

Socrates argues that the possessor of the Ring of Gyges...

harms themselves far more than someone who accepts maltreatment for their just behavior.

Assume the world outside of you is an illusion, what could you still know?

if everything in category 1 is in category 2, and nothing in 2 is in 3, then nothing in 1 is in 3.

For Kant, immoral actions are ...


At one point in the Euthyphro, Euthyphro claims that piety is the quality of being loved by the gods for having piety. What's the problem with this analysis of piety?

it essentially just defines piety as quality of being pious, which is trivial and unenlightening

Select the common objection to the bodily theory of identity

it's at least conceivable that people could switch bodies, or a person could come to occupy a different body from their normal one

In the Meno, Socrates suggests that knowledge is distinctive because it is "tied down" to the truth. What component of the classical definition corresponds to this "tie"?


Complete this thought: properly-executed arguments from analogy

make their conclusions more probable than otherwise.

Complete this thought: properly-executed arguments from analogy...

make their conclusions more probable than otherwise.

If Descartes' version of dualism is true, which of these are not? (Mark ALL that apply.)

materialism monism idealsim

If subject idealism is true, which of the following must be false?

materialism and dualism

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