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Briefly explain the scenario Glaucon relates in the story of the Ring of Gyges. What is the intended conclusion from this story?

Glaucon describes a shepherd who finds a ring that grants invisibility. The shepherd uses it to to immoral deeds without consequences. His point is that people act justly due to fear of punishment and that if anyone is given the chance to have that ring, they would take advantage.

What does mill mean by happiness

Having pleasures that are long-lasting and fulfilling. Favorable amounts of pleasure over pain

Be able to briefly argue for which ethical theory is superior--Kantian deontological ethics or Mill's utilitarian ethics

Kant- Kant argues that morality is based on a sense of duty and that moral principles should be applicable universally. This means that an action is morally right if it can be consistently willed as a universal law. Kantian ethics offers a set of moral absolutes, providing clear guidance on what actions are inherently right or wrong, which can be appealing for those who seek certainty and consistency in ethical decision-making. Mills- Utilitarianism, as proposed by Mill, prioritizes the greatest happiness for the greatest number. It argues that the morality of an action is determined by its consequences in terms of overall well-being and happiness. Utilitarianism aims to maximize overall happiness and social welfare, which may be seen as particularly relevant in promoting societal well-being and progress.

This guy holds to a theory where actions are evaluated in terms of their consequences, regardless of the motive


This guy uses the concept of "sanctions" to bridge the gap between seeking our own interests and seeking the interests of others


Unlike most philosophers, ___ did not attempt to originate an ethical theory but rather defended the ethical theory to which he was born


The stoic conception of God and the universe is a ____


At some time between 387 and 367 he founded a school in the district of Athens known as the Academy. This school continued to exist for more than 800 years


This guy attempts to provide a theoretical basis for the ethical claims in bis theory of the Forms, Facts about which individuals are just or unjust are determined by which souls most closely resemble the Form of justice


Aristotle subdivides virtue into ___ types


How many basic ways could one fail to exercise a virtue like courage?


Give a rough summary of Kants first formulation of the categorical imperative

Act only according to rules that you would want everyone to follow all the time. Doing things that could be fair and universal rule for everyone

He depicts the whole history of humanity from the fall or adam and eve to the Last judgment as a conflict between the "City of God" and the "City of Man"


This guy's dates are 354-430 C.E. He was a teacher of Rhetoric, became a Manichean, but converted to Christianity in 386


The life of ____ comes closest to meeting the conditions for happiness.


Cultivate an attitude of indifference toward good and bad fortune. Don't be enslaved by your body. Don't become emotionally attached to people. Happiness required complete self-discipline


There is little information about his personal history. What evidence that exists indicates that he was born in the Greek city of Hierapolis in Phrygia about 50 C.E. It is reported that as a child he was sold into slavery by his parents, and he became part of the household of a profligate Roman soldier


This guy is a pantheist, and thinks that individuals are "fragments torn from God." All people possess the ability to comprehend the divine nature, and the good life consists in living in conformity with it. The essence of God is Right Reason, so this is the essence of good.


This guy regards himself as belonging in the Socratic tradition. He'd say, "The lesson to be drawn from Socrates is that virtue and happiness don't depend on material success but on the formation of character that is true to one's essential nature, one's rationality


This guy thinks that virtue is the will governed by reason, with the result that the virtuous person seeks only those things that are within reach and avoids those things that are beyond it.


This guy would say that moral people live according to reason, and that they're self-sufficient individuals capable of disciplining their desires and remaining indifferent to life's ups and downs


This guy's philosophy developed from the teachings of Zeno, who founded the painted porch, the last of the four most famous schools of ancient Athens


For him, a human being's ultimate goal is not a constant succession of intense sensual pleasures, but is rather the state of serenity, ataraxia, characterized by "freedom from trouble in the mind and pain in the body."


He says: keep your desires at a minimum. Don't pursue artificial desires, but natural ones, that preserve bodily health and mental peace. This will lead to a freedom from pain and, ultimately, to happiness


His dates are around 342-270 B.C.E, and he taught in his famous garden


This guy holds to an account of nature whereby atoms spontaneously swerve, rather than move in a uniform downward motion. Thus, there is the possibility of freedom or indeterminacy, and thus men can influence and control the course of their lives.


This guy said that we need not fear death, "since as long as we exist, death is not with us; but when death comes, then we do not exist."


____ thinks that pleasures derived from fame and wealth are usually outweighed by the pains necessary to procure them, and that the pains consequent upon activities like feasting and drinking either cancel the pleasures or leave a balance of pain. From these considerations, the view that we should pursue "the most intense sensual pleasure of the moment" is entirely self-defeating


True of False?? Epicurus maintains that the intensity of pleasures is more important than their duration


True or False?? For Epicurus, the soul is an immaterial entity that survives the death of the body.


True or False?? For kant, things like intelligence, courage, perseverance, and self-control deserve to be called good without qualification


True or False?? Hobbes holds that some objects are good by their very nature


True or False?? Mill disagrees with Jeremy Bentham regarding, the basic role of pleasures and pains in morality: individual psychological hedonism and universal ethical hedonism


True or False?? Mill thinks that he gives a logical demonstration proving the greatest happiness principle


True or false?? Augustine says that Christians and non-Christians can display virtues like courage, temperance, and prudence


True or false?? Hobbes holds that the church should have autonomy and independence from state authority


Be able to apply both formulations of the categorical imperative to an ethical example

First Formulation (Universalizability): Maxim: "I can lie whenever it benefits me." Universalized: "Everyone can lie whenever it benefits them." Issue: Leads to a contradiction as universal lying undermines trust and promises. Second Formulation (Humanity Formula): Lying treats others as a means: Using deception as a means to an end. Violation: Disregards the inherent value and dignity of others. Kant's Stance: Lying in this case is morally impermissible as it fails to respect the humanity in others.

For plato, higher even that justice is the idea of ____

The Good

What is the beatific vision?

The vision of God that you see when you die

True of False?? For Aristotle, happiness can be impaired if you are ugly or lonely or childless.


True of False?? For Aristotle, happiness can be requires external goods like friends, riches, and power


True of False?? Mill disagrees with Jeremy Bentham that all the significant differences among pleasures are quantitative


True or False?? Augustine is the first Christian philosopher to formulate the Christian doctrines into a comprehensive worldview


True or False?? Epictetus holds to divine necessity, that God determines everything that happens


True or False?? Epicurus argues that mental pleasures are in general superior to the physical pleasures.


True or False?? For Kant, the categorical imperative is the only basis for determining our duties


True or False?? Stoicism was the most successful Greek philosophical system that was transplanted to Rome


True or false?? Hobbes holds to the psychological theory or egoism


true or false?? Augustine thinks that divine foreknowledge is compatible with human freedom


What is the utilitarian principle of ethics, the principle that should guide all of our actions? What should we seek?

Whatever brings the most happiness to the most amount of people

This guy founded the Lyceum, one of the four great schools of antiquity. He was successful as a lecturer, was a prodigious scientist and philosopher, and is reputed to have written over four hundred works


This guy studied under Plato and tutored Alexander the great


What does Aristotle say happiness consists in

contemplation and reason

Epicurus undertakes to demonstrate the groundlessness of 2 fears that troubled his contemporaries: the fear of ____ and the fear and _____

death; divine retribution

Arguing that Democritus' mechanistic account of the universe is adequate to explain all that occurs, ____ holds that it is superfluous to postulate the interference of the gods in human affairs


For Augustine, the supreme good is ____

eternal life

How does Augustine characterize/ describe evil?

evil is the absence of good

True of False?? A virtuous person, according to Epictetus, always desires and seeks to secure good fortune and external success


True or False?? Epicurus advocates a hedonism or sensual pleasure


True or False?? For Epicurus, the gods give rewards and punishments to humans, and part of the good life is receiving these rewards.


True or False?? Hobbes hold that the sovereign should be accountable to the people he serves


True or False?? Hobbes holds that unjust laws should not be obeyed


True or False?? In determining valid moral principles, Kant takes into consideration a priori reasoning and empirical data


True or False?? In opposition to Aristippus, Epicurus maintains that the intensity of pleasures is more important than heir duration in achieving happiness


True or false?? For kant, those with a good will act from inclinations like love, not duty


True or false?? For kant, those with a good will try to bring about the best consequences


Mill discusses sanctions, or motives to act morally, or sources of obligation. He discusses sanctions that are both ____ and ones that are _____

internal; external

This guy's dates are 1724-1804 C.E. He lived a routine, drab life, but he produced important works in the sciences, mathematics, epistemology, ethics, and religion


This guy's dates are 1806-1873. He had a rigorous education, a nervous breakdown, and was elected to political office


Be able to give an objection to utilitarianism.

one common objection to utilitarianism is the issue of justice and individual rights. Critics argue that utilitarianism can lead to the justification of morally questionable actions if they result in overall happiness or the greatest good for the greatest number. This objection is often rooted in concerns about the potential for utilitarianism to neglect the rights and well-being of individuals.

According to him, justice is a special sort of balance, order, or harmony among its components. In an individual person, this harmony is established and governed by reason


This guy opposed the Sophists (who were relativists) like Protagoras, and he opposed hedonism--the thesis that pleasure is the good


Hobbes says that it is through _____ ______ that the state of nature is transformed into a civil society Hobbes discusses different _____ of nature, or precepts by which peace and security may be realized between men and women

social contract; law

Mill says that the utilitarian standard for happiness is

the greatest amount of happiness for all mankind

give a rough summary of kant's second formulation of the catergorical imperative

treat people with respect and not just as a means to an end. dont or manipulate others for your own gain; instead recognize their value and treat them well

True or False?? Epictetus thinks that only our attitudes toward events are within our power, not events themselves


True or False?? For Aristotle, only a few, gifted people may attain the highest human happiness--the activity of contemplation


True or False?? For Epicurus, the PASSIVE pleasures are more fundamental that the ACTIVE pleasures, because it is through them that happiness is gained


True or False?? For kant, a good will is one that acts for the sake of duty


True or False?? For kant, acting from duty is acting from respect for the moral law


True or False?? For kant, actions that result from inclinations and desires have no moral worth


True or False?? Mill thinks that God can be a reason to obey morality


The ultimate sanction, or moral motive, must come from

within us

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