Philosophy Final MSMU

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How many elements are there in the one human soul?


By how many ways does Aquinas prove God's existence?


How many kinds of constitutions are there?


What is not worth living, according to Socrates?

According to Socrates, the unexamined life is not worth living for a human being.

What is the mean between self-deprecating and boastfulness?


Someone who acts:1. with knowledge2. with rational choice of the actions for their own sake3. with unshakeable character is said to be


What does Aristotle think the relationship is between nature and art?

Art imitates nature.

Who wrote this? [A life of contemplation] is superior to one that is simply human, because someone lives thus, not in so far as he is a human being, but in so far as there is some divine element within him. And the activity of this divine element is as much superior to that in accordance with the other kind of virtue as the element is superior to the compound. If the intellect, then, is something divine compared with the human being, the life in accordance with it will also be divine compared with human life. But we ought not to listen to those who exhort us, because we are human, to think of human things, or because we are mortal, to think of mortal things. We ought rather to take on immortality as much as possible, and do all that we can to live in accordance with the highest element within us; for even if its bulk is small, in its power and value it far exceeds everything. It would seem, too, to constitute each person, since it is his authoritative and better element; it would be odd, then if he were to choose not his own life, but something else's.


If one wants to grow in virtue, they should do

As the virtuous person would do.

What is the mean between a boor and clownishness?


Why is ethics not for the youth?

Because he lacks experience and has the tendency to follow his passions.

What does Socrates think about fear of death?

Being afraid of death is equivalent to thinking one is wise when one is not. For, to fear death, one thinks that one knows that death is a bad thing, even though it may be a good thing.

By what two ways do the things that exist, exist?

By Nature, By some other cause

How does Socrates try and disprove that Cephalus' definition of justice (speaking the truth and paying debts) is inadequate?

By using the example of borrowing an axe from an insane friend. Should we really give it back to them?

The reason(s) that Socrates is not afraid of death is/are:

D. Death is either becoming nothing and so is the best of sleep or death is a change of state to a blessed realm wherein one will be with the other dead, talk with them, and examine them—and that is inconceivable happiness.

By what means do we prove the existence of God?


Does Aquinas think it would be advantageous or disadvantageous if the truth about Divine things were left to human reason alone?


What animal is philosophical according to Socrates?

Dogs are philosophical because they judge someone to be either friend or foe based on knowledge or its lack.

If Socrates does not fear death, what does he fear (or want to avoid)?

Doing anything unjust or impious

In the beginning of the Euthyphro, what kind of knowledge does Euthyphro claim to have?

Euthyphro claims to have exact knowledge of divine things.

What is the first objection to proving God's existence?


What is the relation between our intellect and faith?

Faith perfects our intellect.

What is the relation between human reason and the truth of faith?

Faith seeking understanding

A fact is a claim that someone has proven to be true.


A premise can be reliable even if one of the five justification methods can easily show the premise to be false.


All normative statements are merely expressions of individual opinion.


All of the facts about a given topic are relevant to any argument pertaining to that topic.


An argument, in the academic sense of the word, is a verbal fight.


Any successful heart surgeon is educated enough to count as an authority on how climate change affects animals in Alaska.


Arguments always include indicator words.


Critical thinking involves finding reasons for the beliefs you have, but not changing which beliefs you have.


Every fallacious argument contains a kernel of truth.


If you can't communicate with the author of an argument, it is impossible to find the hidden premises of his or her argument because you can never know exactly what he or she meant to say.


Normative premises are always true.


Regardless of the topic, an argument's premises need to give us absolute certainty in order to convince us that they're strong enough to support the conclusion.


True or False: All truths about God wholly surpass natural reason.


True or False: Aristotle says that it is a sacred duty to prefer one's friends to the truth.


True or False: Artificial products have in themselves the source of their own production.


When arguing for a particular claim, we are simply asserting that other people ought to believe our claim.


When someone commits a fallacy in his or her argument, that is a good reason to dismiss the entire argument immediately.


You can only use one method of justification when proving the basis for a belief.


By the end of the Euthyphro, Euthyphro gives a satisfactory definition of piety.

False, Euthyphro fails to satisfactorily define piety

What are the Four Causes?

Final cause, Material cause, Efficient cause, Formal cause

How does nature work?

For the sake of something

Which of the four causes coincide?

Formal and Final

To be just is what kind of good?

Good for its own sake and for the sake of its consequences

What is happiness?

Happiness is activity of the soul in accordance with reason and virtue over a complete and self-sufficient life.

What kind of man was Socrates?

He was the best, the wisest, and the most upright of men.

What does Socrates argues constitutes human wisdom?

Human wisdom is not thinking I know what I don't know.

What does the term according to nature mean?

It is applied to the things that exist by nature which act in virtue of what they are.

What is the tyrants life like?

It is full of loose-living, squandering money, stealing, murder, and all sorts of evils.

According to Polemarchus, how does Simonides define justice?

Justice is to give to each what is owed to him.

Ultimately, what does Thrasymachus argue that justice is?

Justice is whatever the stronger defines it as. It is what is advantageous for the stronger. Justice is what is advantageous for the established rule.

What kind of justification is Socrates alluding to when he says: "They also spoke to you at that age when you would most readily believe them, when some of you were children or young boys. Thus they simply won their case by default, as there was no defense." (18c)

Justification by authority

Match the four causes appropriately for the given object: a tea cup

Material cause: Bone China (fine procelain), Formal cause: The kind of of cup that holds tea-tea-cup-ness, Efficent cause: The Lenox Company and its employees, Final Cause: To hold tea well and beatifully

Match the Four causes appropriately for the given object A Human Being

Material cause: Sperm and Egg- and then all of the elements that were substantially changed in the human body, Formal cause: Human Rational soul, Efficient cause: Mom and Dad, Final cause: Happiness-the perfection of human nature

Is the existence of God self-evident to us?


Does Aristotle think that ethics is a science with perfect clarity?

No; ethics has limited clarity because of the nature of the subject matter.

What are the two kinds of contemplation?

One is contemplation of God in his essence, immediately (not mediated through a creature), One is through creatures (a mediated contemplation).

What science will be the human good?

Political science

What role does reasoning/evidence play in the Euthyphro?

Socrates desires that Euthyphro demonstrate his knowledge of piety using reasoning as evidence.

What is the significance of place according to Socrates in the Apology (see 28c-29a)?

Socrates thinks that accepting where one has been placed and doing the task given in that place, even unto death, is the way to fulfillment.

How does Socrates relate to the old, as represented by Cephalus?

Socrates thinks we should learn from them, since they have traveled the road of life longer than we have.

What or whom will they bury when Socrates dies?

Socrates' body

Pick 2 answers. Each thing that has a nature (has an innate principle of motion and rest), is a(n)

Subject, substance

Our intellect can know about God through the senses

That He is

What is the first pattern that poets will have to follow?

That gods are the cause of all things.

How may God be seen in His essence?

The Divine Essence will be both the object and the medium of vision.

Who is the tyrant a child of?

The democratic man.

What is the form?

The form is the cause in the sense of "that for the sake of which."

What is the good?

The good is that at which everything aims.

Who is happiest?

The just man/woman

What are the objects of choice?

The noble, the useful, and the pleasant.

What is the primary error that Socrates finds in those with whom he dialogues, those who are supposedly wise?

The primary error is that they think themselves wise about things they do not know.

What is the law of non-contradiction?

The same thing can do or undergo opposite things; not, at any, rate, in the same respect, in relation to the same thing, at the same time.

Who experiences the most pleasures?

The soul in whom reason/philosophy rules the spirited and appetitive.

What is the relationship between the whole and its parts?

The whole is not reducible to the sum of its parts.

Just as the Divine intellect is highest, is one, and treats all things, so to

Theology is highest, is one, and treats all things.

What are the two characteristics of the science of Theology?

Theology uses all of the other sciences for its own sake, Theology commands all the other sciences.

What distinguishes things of Nature from products of art?

Things that exist by nature contain within themselves a principle of motion and rest. Whereas, things produced by some other cause (art) have no innate impulse to change.

How is Thrasymachus described when he first enters the scene?

Thrasymachus is said to be crouched up like a wild beast.

What is the virtue of a juror?

To consider and apply his/her mind to that which is just.

Why was Socrates going to Piraeus?

To say a prayer to the goddess and see how they would manage the inaugural festival.

What is the virtue of an orator?

To tell the truth.

A "mere opinion" is a belief that the believer does not have good reasons for.


A conclusion can be used to form the premise of a new argument.


A premise can be judged to be reliable if it can be justified by definition, perception, testimony, authority, or reasoning.


A reliable premise is one that is reasonable for the audience to believe.


Arguments for normative statements must contain at least one premise about what is good or bad (or right or wrong).


Aristotle says that happiness seems to depend on leisure because we work to have leisure and wage war to live in peace.


Descriptive statements can be untrue.


Justification by definition is most useful in mathematics and logic, as opposed to disciplines like biology or political science.


Socrates concludes that A real tyrant is really a slave to the worst sorts of fawning and slavery, and a flatterer of the worst kind of people. He is so far from satisfying his appetites in any way that he is in the greatest need of most things and truly poor--as is apparent if one knows how to look at a whole soul. He is full of fear throughout his life and overflowing with convulsions and pains, if in fact his condition is like that of the city he rules.


The difference between an opinion and knowledge has to do with the quality of one's reasons for making a claim.


There are cases where justification by testimony is not possible because the people giving testimony might not be telling the truth.


To critique a person's argument based on that person's personal qualities is to commit an ad hominem fallacy.


True or False Aristotle says As we have said, then, the person who is to be good must be nobly brought up and habituated, and then spend his life engaged in good pursuits and do nothing bad whether involuntarily or voluntarily. And this would happen when people lived in accordance with a kind of intellect and a correct system with power over them.


True or False, Aquinas says that "that which acquires perfect goodness by many aids and activities is more noble than that which acquires an imperfect goodness through fewer means, or by itself, as the Philosopher says in On the Heavens 12. Thus is man, who is made to participate in divine glory itself, compared to other creatures."


True or False: Nature is the end, or 'that for the sake of which.'


True or False: 'Nature' is the immediate material substratum of things which have in themselves a principle of motion or change.


True or False: 'Nature' is the shape or form of things which have in themselves a source of motion.


True or False: 'Nature' is the shape or form which is specified in the definition of the thing.


True or False: According to Cephalus, wealth is most useful because it helps man to be just: to speak the truth and to not owe anything to anyone, man or god.


True or False: All are compelled to assent to natural reason.


True or False: Aquinas says that faith presupposes natural knowledge, even as grace presupposes nature, and perfection supposes something that can be perfected.


True or False: Aristotle says that "Nature is a cause that operates for a purpose."


True or False: Aristotle, a pagan philosopher, says that happiness is either from the gods or is the most godlike good.


True or False: Socrates argues that not only do the objects of knowledge owe their being known to the good, but their existence and being are also due to it; although the good is not being, but something yet beyond being, superior to it in rank and power.


True or False: Socrates says that a tyrannical soul will also least do what it wishes--I am talking about the soul as a whole--and will be full of disorder and regret, since it is always forcibly driven by a gadfly.


True or False: Socrates says, "I don't prefer anything, if it isn't true."


True or False: Socrates uses the law of non-contradiction to demonstrate Euthyphro's conception of piety and impiety is inadequate. Hint: Plato's rendering of the Law of Non-Contradiction states that "the same thing cannot do or undergo opposite things; not, at any rate, in the same respect, in relation to the same thing, at the same time."


True or False: According to Socrates, nothing bad can happen to a good man, whether in life or in death nor are the gods unconcerned about his troubles.


True or False: Aristotle says that what is in accordance with nature is by nature as noble as it can be, and so is what is in accordance with skill and every other cause, especially that in accordance with the best cause. To entrust what is greatest and most noble to chance would be quite inappropriate.


We can and should use reasoning to decide which normative statements to believe.


When analyzing an argument, it is okay to ignore irrelevant statements if you are sure they are irrelevant.


When lawyers ask jurors to "stick to the facts," they are really asking the jurors to put their unjustified opinions aside.


True or False? Thrasymachus says, "So you see, Socrates, injustice, if it is on a large enough scale, is stronger, freer, and more masterful than justice."

True, 334c

How many senses does 'nature' have?

Two: the form and the matter.

What kind of state is virtue?

Virtue is a state involving rational choice, consisting in a mean relative to us and determined by reason--the reason, that is, by reference to which the practically wise person would determine it.

What are the two kinds of virtue regarding the human soul? PICK 2

Virtues of the Intellect, Virtues of Character

What does everyone seek?

What is actually good

Why does Cephalus leave?

Why does Cephalus leave?

Is the existence of God self-evident in itself?


What is the first powerful evidence Euthyphro gives for why prosecuting his father is pious?

Zeus treated his father Cronus by imprisoning him because his father committed injustice.

Knowledge is

a belief that is true and justified

An opinion is

a belief that may or may not be true

An argument is

a chain of reasoning made up of statements

To what does Socrates liken himself?

a gadlfy

By what kind of demonstration can we prove the existence of God?

a posteriori, through the effect

A premise is

a reason given to justify a conclusion

By what instrument does the shepherd turn invisible in Glaucon's account of the Ring of Gyges?

a ring

A subconclusion is

a statement that is both a premise and a conclusion

Every agent, in acting for an end,

acts for a good.

Every agent

acts for an end

What are the two kinds of analogy Aquinas uses to prove the relation of creature to Creator?

analogy of greater or lesser degrees as between substance and accident, Analogy of being--where one thing receives its being and definition from another, like the creature from the creator.

What is the mean between envy and spite?

appropriate indignation

Happiness is the

best, noblest, and the pleasantest thing.

Human happiness consists in

contemplating God

Since happiness is activity of the soul in accordance with virtue, what is the highest virtue?


What is the mean between cowardliness and rashness?


How our actions are performed

develop our states.

What is the mean between slow-tempered and quick-tempered?


This Vision of God, the beatific vision, fulfills

every desire

What would the lawless tyrant call his lawlessness?


What is the mean between stinginess and wastefulness?


What are the three classes of goods? PICK 3

goods of the soul, external goods, goods of the body

What does everyone agree is the chief human good, but about which their conceptions may differ?


Goods can either be PICK 2

helpful and useful means to happiness, necessary conditions of happiness

A premise is [________] if it is assumed by an argument but not explicitly stated.


Contemplation is the

highest activity, most pleasant activity, most continuous activity, most self sufficient activity

Since happiness is activity of the soul in accordance with reason and virtue over a complete and self-sufficient life, what must Aristotle study?

human virtue

Socrates argues that he has what kind of wisdom?

human wisdom

By the end of the section, does Socrates demonstrate that Simonides' conception of justice is adequate or inadequate?


Pleasure or pain in a person's actions

indicates whether he/she is virtuous or vicious.

A fallacy

is a mistake in reasoning

Man's ultimate happiness

is not in this life

A hidden premise

is part of an argument that is not explicitly stated

What kind of appetites would the tyrant follow?

lawless ones

What is the mean between niggardliness and tastelessness and vulagarity?


A charitable interpretation

makes an argument or statement seem as strong or reasonable as possible

An uncharitable interpretation

makes an argument seem particularly weak or unreasonable

What is the second objection to proving God's existence?

natural principle

What is the source of the city?


Does happiness consist in an act of the will or of the intellect?

of the intellect

What must philosophers know?

patterns, which are the basis of poetry

Does Socrates think that its better to persuade or seem to persuade?


Which of these is not an ornament of the soul?


What is the characteristic activity of man, male and female?


A premise is [________] if it provides some reason to think the conclusion is true.


A premise is [________] if it is reasonable for the argument's audience to believe it.


A descriptive statement

says something about how the world is, was, or would be under certain circumstances

A normative statement

says something about what should or shouldn't happen or about what is good or bad

A principle of charity

says, roughly, that you should interpret arguments and statements in a way makes them as strong or as reasonable as possible

While the tyrant calls his lawlessness freedom, what is it in reality?

slavery to the Passions

A fact is

something that is true, whether known or not

Is virtue a state, capacity or feeling?


A set of premises is [________] if, taken together, they justify us in accepting the argument's conclusion.

strong enough

All things

tend to be like unto God.

A conclusion is

the claim that a chain of reasoning leads to

God is

the end and governor of all.

What is greater than justice?

the form of the good

What is the second pattern that poets must follow?

the gods are not sorcerers who change themselves, nor do they mislead us by telling lies in word or deed.

What kind of happiness is Socrates interested in?

the happiness of the individuals, not the city.

What must the politician understand?

the human soul

Aristotle is looking for the something between excess and deficiency in human action. What is that called?

the mean

Which of the following shows Justification by Perception?

"because I saw it with my own eyes"

Which of the following shows Justification by Definition?

"because that's what the words mean"

Which of the following shows Justification by Authority?

"because the expert said so"

Which of the following shows Justification by Testimony?

"because the witness said she heard a loud bang"

Which of the following shows Justification by Reasoning?

"because there are a number of convincing reasons for it"

Which person participates in being more?

the person whose rational element of the soul rules the appetitive and spirited elements.

Pleasure or pain in a person's activity indicates

the person's states

With what kind of pleasures should a man be seriously concerned?

the pleasures of learning

What is the mean between the insensible and the intemperate?

the temperate

What is the end of every intelligent substance?

to know God.

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