Photoshop Gmetrix
match the term
B A Sh Sm
the color space used when printing
match the correct filter layer option
P A T Sh Sm
Adobe programs can often be used in conjunction with each other on one project. Which of the following are advantages to linking your Photoshop files in InDesign? (Choose two)
adjustment layers are recognized, and layers can be turned off and on
what is the effect of flattening an image in adobe photoshop (choose two)
all visible layers are, and a smaller size file
which of the following are advantages to using smart objects layer (choose two)
apply nondestructive transform, and apply nondestructive filters and be able
create new group name it sky layers. Assign the three layers to the group and collapse the group.
click create a new group > double click change name to sky layers > hold shift and click all three > drag them into group > click arrow next to group name and collapse it
Change the unit of measurement of the stage rulers to be inches
click edit > hover over preferences > click units > in preferences next to ruler choose inches > click ok
Print the image and ensure that the color handling option is set to photoshop manages colors.
click file menu > select print > in "photo shot print settings" change the color handling to photoshop manages colors > click print
hide the recent colors in the swatches panel
click on the swatches panel to make it active > click swatches panel menu and select recent colors
load the selection called Apple to create a layer mask that revels the Apple selection so that the white background shows through
click select menu and choose load selection > click drop down next to channel select apple > in the layer menu hover over layer mask and click reveal selection
Load the selection called Eagle to create a non-destructive layer mask that reveals the Eagle selection so that that cloud background shows through it
click select menu and choose load selection > select eagle in channel > in the layer menu hover over layer mask and click reveal selection
display the rulers change measurements into pixels
click view select rulers > press edit then preferences then units > drop down select pixels next to rulers
which of the following statements are true regarding vector masks (choose two)
create a sharp-edged shape, and created with either pen
unlock background layer and rename it to red panda
double click bg > for name erase 0 type red panda > press ok
unlock background layer and rename Sky Clouds
double click layer > rename 0 to sky clouds
valid benefit of flattening an image
flattened images are smaller
View the guides and lock them so they can't be moved.
in the view menu, hover over show, and select guides > click lock guides
Make it so objects will snap to all options available
in the view menu, hover over snap to and select all
change the opacity if the sign on layer one to 90% and change the blending mode to hard light
select layer 1 > at the top of the layers panel, change the opacity to 90% > click the layer blending mode drop-down and select hard light
use styles preset to change the blue rectangle to use the puzzle
select the layer with blue rectangle > open the styles panel > select the puzzle image style
Use Styles presets to change the purple circle to use the Blue Glass (Button) style.
select the layer with purple circle > open the styles panel > select blue glass button style
show rulers
select view menu > choose rulers
Define color gamut
the range of colors that can be displayed by any given advice
Which path would you follow to add new colors to an existing swatch library?
window > swatches menu