Phycology Midterm

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According to the law of__________, there is a tendency to perceive a series of points or lines as having unity.


Brad was surprised to learn that Ameer did not belong to the National Honor Society because he always seemed to hang out with other members of that organization. This is best explained by the principle of the law of__________.


Cochlear implants contain microphones that sense sounds and electronic equipment that transmits sounds past damaged hair cells to stimulate the auditory nerve.


Frank was temporarily blinded by the flash from the camera. The perception of being "blind" is best explained by a(n) __________.


Genetic components do not contribute to an individual's sensitivity to basic tastes.

By absorbing light from certain segments of the spectrum and reflecting the rest

How do pigments gain their colors?


Humans can detect the odor of 1 one-millionth of a milligram of vanilla in a liter of air.

Binocular cues

If you look at a painting on the other side of the room with first your right and then your left eye, the images look virtually identical. However, if you place your index finger in front of your nose one eye at a time, the two images look very different from one another. The phenomenon is an example of which distance cue?


Kinesthesis is about motion and perception. In kinesthesis, sensory information is fed back to the brain from sensory organs in the joints, tendons, and muscles.

auditory nerve

The axon bundle that transmits neural impulses from the organ of Corti to the brain is known as the__________.


When we think of the eye as the camera to the world, the photosensitive surface is called the lens, which contains photoreceptors called rods and cones.

It refers to the ability to mentally manipulate or move objects

Which of the following best describes psychokinesis?

To increase the pressure of the air entering the ear.

Which of the following is a function of the middle ear?


Which of the following is a new basic taste that was recently added to the primary taste qualities?

Visual perception

_____ is the process by which we organize or make sense of the sensory impressions caused by the light that strikes our eyes.

visible light

the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that stimulates the eye and produces visual sensations is known as _____.


Shannon is observing a painting. She perceives one object in the painting as a two-dimensional circle and another object as a three-dimensional sphere. Which of the following monocular cues can account for this effect?

complementary colors

The colors across from one another on the color wheel are labeled__________.

Size constancy

Two identical model cars are parked at the far end of a parking lot. You are able to determine that one of the cars is closer to you than the other because it appears to be slightly larger, even though you know it is the same as the other. This is an example of which perceptual cue?

negative adaptation

When Darren first started working in the poultry plant, he found the smell from the chickens to be overwhelming. However, he gradually became accustomed to the smell, and now it no longer bothers him. This scenario illustrates an instance of _____.

They refer to neurons that fire in response to specific features of sensory stimuli.

Which of the following is true of feature detectors?

Distant objects stimulate smaller areas on the retina than nearby ones.

Which of the following statements is true of depth perception?

It is determined by exposing individuals to progressively stronger stimuli until the minimum stimuli the person can detect is found.

Which of the following statements is true of the absolute threshold?

Due to the principles of perceptual organization

Why do the two lines in the Müller-Lyer illusion appear to be of different lengths even though they are the same length?


_____ is a monocular cue for depth based on the coming together of parallel lines as they recede into the distance.

Weber's constant

_____ is the fraction of the intensity by which a source of physical energy must be increased or decreased so that a difference in intensity will be perceived.

The gate theory.

Amy accidentally hit her elbow against the edge of a wall. Amy's mother rushed to her and rubbed the affected elbow. Amy's pain subsided. Which theory would best explain this incident?

Sensory adaptation

At the start of the exam Bobbi did not notice any distracting sounds. As time passed she became more and more aware of the ticking clock on the wall. What is this an example of?


Active touching means continuously moving your hand along the surface of an object so that you continue to receive sensory input from the object.

vestibular sense

Andy is a professional skydiver. During his freefall, he is able to automatically sense his body's position in relation to the earth's gravity without really having to look around him. This allows him to adjust his position appropriately during his fall to regulate his momentum. The sense that is illustrated in this scenario is the _____.


As part of a study in auditory perception, students were made to listen to a low-volume music track. When they first put on their headphones, they almost couldn't hear anything. But as they became more attentive, the sound gradually became clearer. This is an example of _____.


Brad was surprised to learn that Ameer did not belong to the National Honor Society because he always seemed to hang out with other members of that organization. This is best explained by the principle of the law of__________.


Cones allow us to see in black and white, while rods provide color vision. Cones are more sensitive to dim light than rods are.


Despite being blind, Brian has never had a problem with performing day-to-day activities. He has been able to accurately judge the position and motion of his body parts, and thus, he is able to perform activities such as walking and eating quite normally. Which of the following senses is illustrated in the scenario?

biological; psychological

Dr. Mickie studies the perception of sensory stimuli by utilizing signal-detection theory. This theory involves the interaction of physical, _______ and ______ factors.


Early in the 20th century, Gestalt psychologists noted certain consistencies in the way we integrate bits and pieces of sensory stimulation into meaningful wholes. This group of rules is referred to as the laws of similarity.

The frequency theory appears to account only for pitch perception between 20 and a few hundred cycles per second.

In the context of auditory perception, which of the following statements is true?

The law of common fate.

Jeff observed a quick succession of cars moving together on the road. His first thought was that they were all a part of a convoy of some sort. Which law of perceptual organization best explains Jeff's assumption?


Pitch and loudness are two psychological dimensions of sound. The pitch of a sound is determined by its frequency, or the number of cycles per second as expressed in the unit hertz (Hz). The loudness of a sound is expressed in decibels (dB).


The difference between sensation and perception is that sensation, or the stimulation of our senses, is an automated process resulting from sources of energy (light and sound) or the presence of chemicals (as in taste and smell), while perception is an active process in which sensations are organized and interpreted to form an inner representation of the world.

decibels (dB)

The loudness of a sound is expressed in _____.


The oval window transmits vibrations into the inner ear, the bony tube called the__________.


The thin, light sensitive membrane that lies at the back of the eye and contains the sensory receptors for light is the ____.


The__________adjusts or accommodates to an image by changing its thickness.

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