Phyl 141 Ch 12 and Ch 13

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Attacks of pain along the entire course or a branch of a sensory neuron is called


The ansa cervicalis nerve originates from the _________ plexus.


Which nerve in the cervical plexus divides into superior and inferior roots? A transverse cervical B supraclavicular C phrenic D lesser occipital E ansa cervicalis

E ansa cervicalis

If a spinal cord transection occurs at spinal cord level C4-C5, the function of the ____________ will be retained.


Regarding spinal cord injuries, paralysis of the upper limb, trunk, and lower limbs on one side of the body is called


Which of the following are origins of the obturator nerve? Select all that apply. A. L3 B. L4 C. L5 D. L1 E. L2

L2, L3 and L4

Which of the following are origins of the femoral nerve? Select all that apply. A. L4 B. L1 C. L5 D. L3 E. L2


When serotonin binds to a receptor, it causes ________ -gated channels to open.


Action potentials

Long-distance communication

Nerves to and from the lower limbs originate from the ________ enlargement.


The femoral nerve originates from the ________ plexus.


The iliohypogastric nerve originates from the _______ plexus.


Numbness, tingling, and pain in the palm and fingers is indicative of damage to the ____ nerve.


Spinal nerves C1-C5 comprise which plexus? A sacral/coccygeal B lumbar C cervical D brachial

C. cervical

There are _____ pair(s) of thoracic nerves.


Both glutamate and GABA are considered amino acids that can also function as neurotransmitters. Which of the following is a true statement about these molecules? A Glutamate is excitatory and GABA is inhibitory. B Glutamate is inhibitory and GABA is excitatory. C Glutamate is used in the PNS and GABA is used in the CNS. D Glutamate is used in the CNS and GABA is used in the PNS. You selected A : Glutamate is excitatory and GABA is inhibitory. got it correct

A Glutamate is excitatory and GABA is inhibitory.

If a medication prevented the flow of K+ out of a neuron, which of the following would be the result? A The neuron would not repolarize. B The neuron would repolarize too quickly. C The neuron would depolarize too quickly. D The neuron would not depolarize.

A The neuron would not repolarize.

The lateral gray horns contains the A autonomic motor nuclei B somatic motor nuclei C ascending tracts D descending tracts

A autonomic motor nuclei

Cerebrospinal fluid is found A between the pia mater and the arachnoid layer B above the dura mater C between the dura mater and the arachnoid layer D beneath the pia mater

A between the pia mater and the arachnoid layer

A patient with no sensation on the back of their neck would probably have damage in part of which plexus A cervical B brachial C sacral/coccygeal D lumbar

A cervical

Which of the following tracts controls handwriting skills A corticospinal B spinocerebellar C lateral vestibulospinal D tectospinal

A corticospinal

The largest nerve coming from the lumbar plexus is the A femoral nerve B sciatic nerve C obturator nerve D tibial nerve E ilioinguinal nerve

A femoral nerve

A partial transection of the cord on either side is called a A hemisection B complete transection C spinal shock D cross section

A hemisection

Which spinal nerve branches serve the intercostal spaces and anterior skin of the trunk? A intercostal B rami communicantes C meningeal D anterior (ventral) ramus E posterior (dorsal) ramus

A intercostal

Spinal nerves L1-L5 comprise which plexus? A lumbar B brachial C sacral/coccygeal D cervical

A lumbar

Which spinal nerve branches supply the vertebrae, vertebral ligaments, blood vessels of the spinal cord, and meninges? A meningeal B intercostal C anterior (ventral) ramus D posterior (dorsal) ramus E rami communicantes

A meningeal

Which of the following would occur if someone had an accident and completely severed the spinal cord at C2? A respiratory arrest B damage to intercostal nerves resulting in paralysis of the intercostal muscles C loss of movement in the cervical region of the neck D loss of movement in the lower limbs E loss of sensation in the skin over the anterior and posterior region of the neck

A respiratory arrest

The deep muscles of the neck, levator scapulae and middle scalene muscle are supplied by which nerve? A segmental branches B transverse cervical C auricular D ansa cervicalis

A segmental branches

The gracilis fasciculus and the cuneate fasciculus comprise the A spinothalamic tract B rubrispinal tract C posterior column D anterior column

A spinothalamic tract

Identify the ipsilateral reflex responsible for maintaining muscle tone A stretch B tendon C crossed-extenson D patellar

A stretch

When extending your leg you stimulate the muscle spindles and initiate a A stretch reflex B tendon reflex C withdrawal reflex D flexor reflex E crossed extensor reflex

A stretch reflex

A second-messenger system can be a part of the mechanism by which a neurotransmitter works through a(n) A metabotropic receptor B ionotropic receptor C reuptake receptor D axonal receptor

A : metabotropic receptor

Which of the following nerves are responsible for flexion and adduction of hip muscles? Select all that apply. A obturator nerve B iliohypogastric nerve C ilioinguinal nerve D femoral nerve E lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh

A Obturator nerve D. Femoral Nerve

During the relative refractory period, which of the following is true? Select all that apply. A Voltage-gated Na+ channels are in their resting state. B A larger-than-normal stimulus is required to initiate an action potential. C Action potentials may occur in rapid-fire succession. D Voltage-gated K+ channels are open.

A, B, D

Epilepsy is often treated with carbamazepine, which makes fewer of inactivated voltage-gated Na+ channels available to open by stabilizing them. How is this helpful for an epileptic patient? A Carbamazepine keeps neurons less excitable. B Carbamazepine makes neurons more excitable. C Carbamazepine increases neurotransmitter binding. D Carbamazepine prevents neurotransmitter binding.

A. Carbamazepine keeps neurons less excitable.

When the trigger zone is stimulated A an action potential is propagated down an axon B ligand-gated Na+ channels open C production of neurotransmitters is initiated D the dendritic extensions depolarize

A. an action potential is propagated down an axon

Which of the following is a type of cell in the central nervous system that can propagate an action potential? A neuron B Schwann cell C oligodendrocyte D astrocyte

A. neuron

The "chemical" part of a chemical synapse is a(n) A neurotransmitter B receptor C channel D ion

A. neurotransmitter

When the voltage-gated Na+ channels are inactivated, the neuron is in a/an ____________________refractory period and cannot propagate another action potential no matter the strength of the stimulus.


Which of the following characterizes Erb-Duchenne palsy? Select all that apply. A forearm pronated B wrist flexed C adducted shoulder D arm medially rotated E wrist drop F elbow extended

All except wrist drop

Divergent circuits allow A the postsynaptic neuron to distribute impulses to a single postsynpatic neuron B a single presynaptic cell to stimulate several postsynaptic neurons C the postsynaptic neuron to receive impulses from several different source D the postsynaptic neuron to receive impulses from a single sources

B a single presynaptic cell to stimulate several postsynaptic neurons

The epidural space is located A between the dura mater and the arachnoid layer B above the dura mater C between the pia mater and the arachnoid layer D beneath the pia mater

B above the dura mater

Muscles and structures of the upper and lower limbs are supplied by the A meningeal branches B anterior ramus C gray horn D posterior ramus

B anterior ramus

The disorder 'foot drop' is caused by damage to which nerve A lateral plantar B common fibular C pudendal D medial plantar

B common fibular

The outermost covering of a spinal nerve is the A fascicle B epineurium C endoneurium D perineurium

B epineurium

Which of the following results in the occurrence of Brown-Sequard syndrome? A spinal shock B hemisection of the spinal cord C spinal compression D shingles E complete transection of the spinal cord

B hemisection of the spinal cord

A crossed extensor reflex allows you to A withdraw your leg B maintain your balance C autonomic D extend your toes

B maintain your balance

Which of the following are destroyed during Wallerian degeneration? Select all that apply. A dendrites B myelin sheath C cell body D axon E synapse

B myelin sheath D axon

An individual loses the ability to adduct their leg. Identify the nerve affected A ilioinguinal B obtruator C femoral D lateral cutaneoius

B obtruator

Which nerve from the cervical plexus stimulates contraction of the diaphragm? A supraclavicular B phrenic C median D transverse cervical E sciatic

B phrenic

The area of the spinal cord that contains only sensory axons is the A anterior root B posterior root C anterior gray horn D posterior gray horn

B posterior root

Which plexus has the greatest distribution? A cervical plexus B sacral plexus C lumbar plexus D brachial plexus

B sacral plexus

Which nerve from the cervical plexus serves the skin over the superior portion of the chest and shoulder? A transverse cervical B supraclavicular C phrenic D ansa cervicalis E lesser occipital

B supraclavicular

Which brachial plexus nerve supplies the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle and most muscles of the hand? A musculocutaneous B ulnar C radial D median E axillary

B ulnar

Ligand-gated voltage channels are most likely responsible for which of the voltage changes described below? A voltage movement from -55 mV to +30 mV B voltage movement from -70 mV to -55 mV C voltage movement from +30 mV to -70 mV D voltage movement from -70 mV to -90 mV

B voltage movement from -70 mV to -55 mV

Which of the following spinal nerves contribute to the formation of the sacral plexus? Select all that apply. A T12-S4 B S1-S4 C L4-L5 D L1-S4 E L3-L5

B and C = S1-S4 and L4-L5

Which of the following nerves originate from L2 in the lumbar plexus? Select all that apply. A iliohypogastric nerve B lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh C ilioinguinal nerve D obturator nerve E femoral nerve

B, D, and E. Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh obturator nerve and femoral nerve

How many pairs of cranial nerves are there in the human body? A. 18 B. 12 C. 24 D. 6

B. 12

Multiple sclerosis symptoms include weakening muscles and double vision. Why are these likely to occur? A The immune system stimulates phagocytosis of PNS axons. B Hardening of myelin sheaths slows action potential transmission. C Neurons are stimulated to fire asynchronously from part of the brain. D The brain is deprived of oxygen on a regular basis due to ischemia.

B. Hardening of myelin sheaths slows action potential transmission.

During the depolarization phase, which ion is primarily flowing into the cell to raise the membrane potential? A. Cl- B. Na+ C. H+ D. K+

B. Na+

Which of the following are origins of the great auricular nerve? Select all that apply. A C1 B C2 C C4 D C3 E C5

C2 and C3

The opium poppy has been used for thousands of years as a psychoactive agent that mimics naturally-produced opioid peptides. Which of the following is true about the opium poppy? A Opium poppy can prevent memory formation. B Opium poppy can cause pain relief. C Opium poppy can be used to treat schizophrenia. D Opium poppy can increase depression.

B. Opium poppy can cause pain relief.

Identify the tracts consisting of axons that carry impulses from the brain. Select all that apply. A ascending B descending C motor D sensory

B. and C. Descending and motor tracts

The ______ membrane potential of the cell is maintained by leak channels and the Na+/K+ ATPase pump. A depolarizing B resting C graded D action

B. resting

The median nerve originates from the __________ plexus.


The radial nerve originates from the ______ plexus.


The spinal nerves responsible for the contraction of the diaphragm and breathing are A C1-C3 B C4-C5 C C6-C8 D T1-T2

C C6-C8

Neureglin-1 is a glycoprotein that is required for Schwann cell maturation. Which of the following processes would be impossible without neureglin-1? A action potential transmission B dendritic depolarization C PNS regeneration D neurotransmitter release

C PNS regeneration

Which of the following spinal nerves do not enter into the formation of a plexus? A C1-C5 B C6-T1 C T2-T12 D L1-L5

C T2-T12

Which spinal meninx is avascular and composed of collagen and elastic fibers? A pia mater B dura mater C arachnoid mater

C arachnoid mater

Spinal nerves C5-C8 and T1-T2 comprise which plexus? A cervical B lumbar C brachial

C brachial

Which structure fuses the arachnoid layer with the inner layer of the dura mater? A epidural space B conus medullaries C denticulate ligament D gray matter

C denticulate ligament

When Cl- diffuses across the plasma membrane of a neuron, it will have net movement A equally into and out of the neuron B out of the neuron C into the neuron D neither into nor out of the neuron

C into the neuron

The type of reflex arc that involves more than two types of neurons and more than one CNS synapse is a/an A somatic B autonomic C polysynaptic D monosynaptic

C polysynaptic

Curare is an antagonist of acetylcholine that preferentially binds to acetylcholine receptors in the neuromuscular junction and blocks them from opening. Therefore, the mechanism of action for curare is to A induce depolarization of skeletal muscles B induce repolarization of skeletal muscles C prevent depolarization of skeletal muscles D prevent repolarization of skeletal muscles

C prevent depolarization of skeletal muscles

Pulling your hand away from a hot stove is an example of a/an A autonomic reflex B cranial reflex C spinal reflex D somatic reflex

C spinal reflex

The spinal nerves responsible for the movement of the subclavius muscle A C7-C8 B C8-T1 C C5-C6 D C1-C3

C. C5-C6

A patient with no sensation in the left thumb and hand would probably have damage to which of the following plexuses? A thoracic B cervical C brachial D sacral

C. brachial

Which of the following have a higher concentration outside a neuron than in the cytosol? Select all that apply. 1. amino acids 2. Cl- 3. K+ 4. phosphate 5. Na+

Cl- and Na+

What occurs when the spinal cord is severed, cutting all motor and sensory tracts.

Complete transection

Which nerve in the lumbar plexus is present in only about 10% of the population? A iliohypogastric nerve B ilioinguinal nerve C genitofemoral nerve D accessory obturator nerve E obturator nerve

D accessory obturator nerve

Thoracic outlet syndrome is associated with which plexus? A cervical B thoracic C lumbar D brachial

D brachial

The spinal cord terminates at the A filum terminale B coocyx C lumbar enlargement D conus medullaris

D conus medullaris

The optic (II) nerve emerges from the brain; therefore, it is a type of A somatic nerve B enteric nerve C spinal nerve D cranial nerve

D cranial nerve

An individual is unable to contract their extensor digitorum brevis of the foot muscle. The nerve that is most likely damaged is the A medial plantar B superficial fibular C lateral plantar D deep fibular

D deep fibular

When the neuron is at -90 mV instead of at -70 mV, the neuron is said to be A resting B depolarizing C repolarizing D hyperpolarizing

D hyperpolarizing

Individual fascicles in a nerve are surround by which of the following? A neurilemma B epineurium C endoneurium D perineurium

D perineurium

A virus that produces paralysis by destroying cell bodies of neurons in the anterior horns of the spinal cord characterizes A areflexia B neuritis C meningitis D poliomyelitis

D poliomyelitis

Spinal nerves L4-L5 and S1-S5 comprise which plexus? A brachial B cervical C lumbar D sacral

D sacral

Which of the following can result due to damage to the sciatic nerve of the sacral plexus? A foot drop B loss of function along the anterolateral aspects of the leg and dorsum of the foot and toes C equinovarus D sciatica E calcaneovalgus

D sciatica

In the brachial plexus, the long thoracic nerve supplies the A deltoid muscle B lattisimus dorsi muscle C teres major muscle D serratus anterior muscle E subscapularis muscle

D serratus anterior muscle

The lumbar plexus supplies A a small area of the skin in the coccygeal region B the buttocks and perineum C the shoulder and upper limbs D the external genitals and part of the lower limbs E the skin and muscles of the head

D the external genitals and part of the lower limbs

The cervical plexus supplies A a small area of the skin in the coccygeal region B the external genitals and part of the lower limbs C the shoulder and upper limbs D the skin and muscles of the head E the buttocks and perineum

D the skin and muscles of the head

Where is the threshold for action potential generation in most neurons? A -70 mV B +30 mV C 0 mV D -55 mV

D. -55 mV

Simple series circuits allow A the postsynaptic neuron to receive impulses from a single sources B the postsynaptic neuron to distribute impulses to a single postsynpatic neuron C the postsynaptic neuron to receive impulses from several different source D a single presynaptic cell to stimulate a single postsynaptic cell

D. a single presynaptic cell to stimulate a single postsynaptic cell

Which of the following would decrease saltatory conduction of action potentials in the PNS? A a virus that attacks oligodendrocytes B a medication that blocks ligand-gated Cl- channels C a medication that blocks ligand-gated Ca2+ channels D a virus that attacks Schwann cells

D. a virus that attacks Schwann cells

How many axons are present in a single neuron? A four or more B three C two D one

D. one

A change in the chemicals that enter the nose would be received by A spinal nerves B enteric plexuses C motor neurons D sensory receptors

D. sensory receptors

Which sacral plexus nerve supplies the gastrocnemius, plantaris, popliteus soleus, and tibialis posterior muscles? A superficial fibular B superior gluteal C common fibular D tibial E pudendal

D. tibial

The common fibular and tibial nerves are bound together and form the A pudendal nerve B obturator nerve C superior gluteal nerve D perforating cutaneous nerve E sciatic nerve

E sciatic nerve

The innermost layer of the spinal meninges is the _____ mater.


The virus responsible for poliomyelitis is called


Wrist drop is indicative of damage to the ______ nerve.


What are used to diagnose disorders of the nervous system or locate a spinal cord injury.


The Schwann cells of the PNS help form a/an ____________tube that directs new axonal growth after an injury.


The largest nerve in the body is the _______ nerve.


All monosynaptic reflexes are ipsilateral. True OR False


Epilepsy can be caused by which of the following? Select all that apply. A hypoglycemia B tranquilizers C meningitis D hypotension E brain damage

all of the above

Dorsiflexion of the foot plus eversion is known as


Graded potentials

short distance communication

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