Physical Science 1300

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0.01 m

of the following which is the longest-1000ft, 500m, 1 km, 1 mi

1 mi

According to Kepler's third law, the speed that a planet travels in its orbit around the sun depends upon the planet's mass


Astrology has been used to make consistently accurate predictions about the future


The SI unit for power is the joule


The SI unit for time is the minute


The laws and theories of science represent the ultimate truth about our physical universe


The study of physical science includes topics in the world of human events such as politics and economics


When first proposed, a scientific interpretation is usually called a theory


why is gravity considered a fundamental force whereas the force a bat exerts on a ball is not

gravity is everywhere, but hitting a ball deals with electromagnetic force, which isn't the same as gravity

law of gravity

holds everything in the universe together

when first proposed, a scientific interpretation is called a


what is the difference between a hypothesis and a law?

hypothesis is the scientific interpretation. Law is the general rule to which the data seems to conform(what)

According to Richard Feynman, is science an unreliable guide to the natural world?

it is self-correcting by being open to change in light of new evidence

Ptolemaic system fulfilled the requirements of a scientific theory because

its explanations of celestial motions, based on observations, resulted in testable predictions

what is the difference between a law and a theory

law states a regularity or relationship, theory tells us why

does the sun or the moon have the greater influence in causing tides


ptolemaic system

no longer considered valid, earth stationary

Spring tides

occur when the sun and moon are in line with the earth

The time is takes a planet to make one complete trip around the sun is called the planet's



planet closest to the sun

what are heavenly bodies that shift their positions regularly with respect to the stars


in this system, the earth is stationary at the center of the universe

ptolemaic system

an imaginary line joining a planet with the sun is known as its


what is the nature of science

science is a living body of knowledge, not a set of unchanging ideas

Newton's discovery of the law of gravity was dependent upon

the development of the copernican system of the solar system


the object in the sky that apparently moves least in the course of time

what is the basic difference between the ptolemaic and the copernican models

the ptolemaic model has the earth as the center, the copernican model has the sun as the center.

the principle known as Occam's razor states that

the simplest scientific explanation for a phenomenon is most likely to be correct

When observable evidence does not agree with a scientific theory

the theory must be modified or discarded

The modern version of the copernican system is considered to be correct because

there is direct evidence that the earth rotates and planets revolve around the sun

why are scientific models so useful

they are a simple version of reality

Kepler's laws of planetary motion are explained by Newton's discovery of the law of gravity


Scientists study nature by using both direct and indirect methods


The great advantage of SI units is that their subdivisions and multiples are in steps of 10


scientific law

usually states a regularity of relationship that describes how nature behaves in a certain specific way



a european driving from Paris to Brussels finds she has covered 291 km. How many miles is this?

180.7 miles

a person is 180 cm tall. what is the equivalent

5ft 11 inches

what must be your location if the stars move across the sky in circles centered directly overhead


discovered the law of gravity

Isaac Newton

discovered the planet Neptune

Johann Gottfried Galle

discovered the three laws of planetary motion

Johannes Kepler

what are regularities that the planets obey as they move around the sun

Kelpler's Laws


Kepler modified the copernican system by showing that the planetary orbits are this shape

what describes the attraction all bodies in the universe have for one another

Newtons'Law of Gravity

Proposed that the earth rotates on its axis and, along with the other planets, revolves around the sun

Nicolaus Copernicus

believed the earth was stationary at the center of the universe

Ptolemyof Alexandria

Danish astronomer whose measurements of planetary motion resulted in revision of the copernican system

Tycho Brahe

scientific method

a continuing process


a new scientific idea

what does a year correspond to in terms of observations of the sun and stars

a year is defined as the time needed for the sun to make a circuit of the stars


an apparent pattern of stars in the sky

scientific law or theory is valid

as long as it is not contradicted by new experimental findings


caused by both the sun and moon

in the following pairs of length units, which is the shorter: inch, centimeter? yard, meter? Mile, kilometer?

centimeter, yard, kilometer

in this system the orbits of the planets are in what shape


groups of starts name after objects, animals, people, or mythological beings


this is supported by observational evidence

copernican system

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