Physics 1 AP Midterm All Questions - Kiser

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Using the diagram above, which vector best represents the resultant of forces F1 and F2 acting at point P? (diagram of vectors F1 and F2 from the same point)

At what point of the ball's path shown in the figure above is the vertical component of the ball's velocity zero? (diagram of projectile path with points A, B, C, and D)

Point B

A student walks from the door of the house to the end of the driveway and realizes that he missed the bus. The student runs back to the house, traveling three times as fast. Which of the following is the correct expression for the resulting velocity?

-3 velocity of the student

A 2000 kg automobile accelerates horizontally to a speed of 20 m/sec. The increase in its gravitational potential energy is

0 J

A force of 5 N is required to slide a block at constant speed over the dry surface of a table. The block has a mass of 2.5 kg. The coefficient of sliding friction is


An object is observed to have an acceleration of 4 m/sec² when a net force of 2 newtons is applied. The mass of the object is (diagram of car with forces of 2, 1, and 4 on each side)

0.5 kg

A block of mass of M initially hangs at rest at the end of two 1 meter strings of negligible mass as shown on the left diagram above. A kilogram bullet with a mass of m, moving horizontally with a speed of v0 m/s, strikes the block and becomes embedded in it After the collision, the bullet/block combination swings upward, but does not rotate. Once the bullet/block combination reaches an angle θ with the vertical it momentarily comes to rest. Use this information for the next 3 questions Which of these following expressions could be used to find the increase in potential energy of the bullet/block system from impact to the angle = θ? (diagram shows block held by two strings, second diagram shows bullet entering block and pushing it out)

1 - cosθ

A rock with a mass of 10 kg has a weight of 16 N on the moon. What is the value of the acceleration of gravity (g) on the moon?

1.6 m/s²

What is the kinetic energy of the rock just before it hits the ground? (diagram of rock about to move off a ledge)

1/2 (m) (v0)² + mgh

The height to which a 50 kg object must be lifted to increase its potential energy by 5000 J is about

10 m

A ball is thrown at an angle of 30° to the horizontal with speed of 20 m/s. What is the ball's initial vertical velocity?

10 m/s

A ball is thrown with an initial speed of 20 m/s at an angle of 60° to the ground. If air resistance is negligible, what is the ball's speed at the instant it reaches its maximum height from the ground?

10 m/s

A pole vaulter clears 5.00 m. With what velocity does the vaulter strike the mat in the landing area?

10 m/s

A person weighs 500 N when standing still. He observes that he weighs 1000 N on an elevator moving upward. What is the acceleration of the elevator?

10 m/s²

Three forces are acting on an object as shown in the diagram. The object is not moving. Two forces are 2 newtons and 8 newtons. The third force is (diagram of block with forces of 2 and 8 acting on it)

10 newtons

A worker pushes a wheelbarrow with a horizontal force of 50.0 N over a level distance of 2.00 m. If a frictional force of 45.0 N acts on the wheelbarrow in a direction opposite to that of the worker, what net work is done on the wheelbarrow?

10.0 J

A jogger runs 6 blocks due east, 6.0 blocks due south, and another 2.0 blocks due east. Assume all blocks are of equal size. The jogger's net displacement is approximately how many blocks?

10.0 blocks

Which of the following is the speed of the ball at the bottom of the ramp?

100 cm/sec

How from the end of ther amp should the cup be placed on the floor so that the ball will land on the inside of the cup?

100√(2) cm

A ball is thrown at an angle of 30° to the horizontal with speed of 20 m/s. What is the ball's initial horizontal velocity?


A model rocket flies horizontally off the edge of the cliff at a velocity at 50.0 m/s. If the canyon below is 45m deep, how far from the edge of the cliff does the model rocket land?

150 m

The magnitude of the normal force exerted on the block by the plane is most nearly (diagram of block at the top of a ramp)

16 N

A 16.0 kg child on roller skates, initially at rest, rolls 2.0 down an incline at an angle of 30.0° with the horizontal. If there is no friction between incline and skates, what is the kinetic energy of the child at the bottom of the incline?

160 J

In the figure above, the magnitude of the ball's velocity is least at location (diagram of projectile path with points A, B, C, and D)

Point B

In the figure above, at which point is the ball's speed about equal to the speed at which it was tossed (diagram of projectile path with points A, B, C, and D)

Point C

In the figure above, the magnitude of the ball's velocity is greatest at location (diagram of projectile path with points A, B, C, and D)

Point D

Which of the following energy forms is associated with an object due to its position

Potential energy

Which of the following diagrams best shows the direction of the acceleration of the ball at point P?

In the figure above, which diagram represents the vector addition C = A + B? (diagram of vector additions/subtractions with A and B forming C)

Diagram II (C is pointing ↘)

In the figure above, which diagram represents the vector subtraction C = A - B? (diagram of vector additions/subtractions with A and B forming C)

Diagram IV (C is pointing ↗)

A horizontal force F is used to pull a 5 kg block across a floor at a constant speed of 3 m/s. The frictional force between the block and the floor is 10 newtons. The work done by the force F in 1 minute is most nearly

1800 J

A ball is thrown at an angle of 30° to the horizontal with speed of 20 m/s. How long is the ball in air assuming it was thrown from ground level?

2 seconds

One student predicts that the collision will be perfectly inelastic. What would be this student's predicted velocity of mass A after collision? (diagram shows two blocks of mass M about to collide with object A moving at 3x the velocity of object B)

2 v0

The mass of the block is most nearly (diagram of block at the top of a ramp at 37°)

2.0 kg

What is the potential energy of a 1.0 kg mass 2.0 m above the ground?

20 J

The impulse necessary to cause a change of momentum of 20 kgm/sec for a 5 kg object is

20 Ns

A 0.50 kg ball is observed to accelerate at 4000 m/s² as it is hit with a bat. How much force is exerted on the bat by the ball?

2000 N

A block of mass 3 kg slides along a horizontal surface that has negligible friction except for one section as shown above. The block arrives at the rough section with a speed of 5 m/s and leaves it 0.5 seconds later with a speed of 3 m/s What is the magnitude of the work done by the frictional force exerted on the block by the rough section of the surface? (diagram of block traveling over rough and smooth surface)

24 J

What is the kinetic energy of a 0.5 kg baseball thrown at 10.0 m/s?

25 J

A construction worker pushes a wheelbarrow 5.0 m with a horizontal force of 50.0 N. How much work is done by the worker on the wheelbarrow?

250 J

A diver initially moving horizontally with speed v dives off the edge of a vertical cliff and lands in the water at distance d from the base of the cliff. How far from the base of the cliff would the diver have landed if the diver initially had been moving horizontally with speed 2v?


An airplane with a mass of 1.60 x 10^4 kg tows a glider with a mass of 0.80 x 10^4 kg. If the airplane propellers provide a net force of 7.20 x 10^4, what is the acceleration of the glider?

3.00 m/s²

Two perpendicular forces, one of 45.0 N directed upward and the other of 60.0 N directed to the right, act simultaneously on an object with a mass of 25.0 kg. What is the magnitude of the resultant acceleration of the object?

3.00 m/s²

During experimentation, it is found that mass B moves with 2.5 v0 after impact. What would be this student's predicted velocity of mass A after collision? (diagram shows two blocks of mass M about to collide with object A moving at 3x the velocity of object B)

3/2 v0

A 3.00 kg toy falls from a height of 1.00 m. What will the kinetic energy of the toy be just before the toy hits the ground?

30 J

A toy parachutist with a mass of 2.0 kg is dropped off a 20 m roof. After the parachute deploys, the parachutist lands with a velocity of 5.00 m/s. Using the work-kinetic energy theorem, find the energy that was lost to air resistance during this jump.

375 J

A horizontal, uniform board of weight 125 N and length 4 m is supported by vertical chains at each end. A person weighing 500 N is sitting on the board. The tension in the right chain is 250 N. What is the tension on the left chain?

375 N

Two identical objects A and B of mass M move on a one-dimensional, horizontal air track. Object B initially moves to the right with speed v0. Object A initially moves to the right with speed 3v0, so that it collides with object B. Friction is negligible. Express your answers to the following in terms of M and v0. Use this information for the next 3 questions Determine the total momentum of the system of the two objects (diagram shows two blocks of mass M about to collide with object A moving at 3x the velocity of object B)

4 mv0

An object is released from rest on a planet that has no atmosphere. The object falls freely for 2.0 meters in the first second. What is the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity on the planet?

4.0 m/s²

In a lab, a block weighing 80 N is attached to a spring scale, and both are pulled to the right on a horizontal surface, as shown above. Friction between the block and the surface is negligible. What is the acceleration of the block when the scale reads 32 N?

4.0 m/s²

The speed of the ball at Point II is most nearly (diagram of ball on string swinging with point II at the very bottom, Point I on the left, Point IV on the right, and Point III halfway between Point II and IV)

4.5 m/s

In the free-body diagram shown above, which of the following is the gravitational force acting on the balloon? (diagram of hot air balloon)

4050 N

The slope of the "best fit" straight line is most nearly (diagram shows graph with vertical linear plotted points)

5 N/s

A student weighing 700 N climbs at constant speed to the top of an 8 m vertical rope in 10 sec. The average power expended by the student to overcome gravity is most nearly

560 W

There are six books in a stack, and each book weighs 5 N. The coefficient of static friction between the books is 0.2. With what horizontal force must one push to start sliding the top five books off the bottom one?


The magnitude of the frictional force along the plane is most nearly (diagram of block sliding down ramp at 30°)

6 N

A rope of negligible mass supports a block that weighs 30 N, as shown above. The breaking strength of the rope is 50 N. The largest acceleration that can be given to the block by pulling up on it with the rope without breaking the rope is most nearly

6.7 m/s²

A plane 5 meters in length is inclined at an angle of 37° as shown above. A block of weight 20 newtons is placed at the top of the plane and allowed to slide down. The work done on the block by the gravitational force during the 5 meter slide down the plane is most nearly (diagram of block on plane at 37°)

60 J

A student obtains data on the magnitude of force applied to an object as a function of time and displays the data on the graph above. The increase in the momentum of the object between t = 0 s and t = 4s is most nearly (diagram shows graph with vertical linear plotted points)

60 Ns

How much net work is done in moving a 550 N television 10 m across a level floor if the horizontal pulling force was 200N?

6000 J

How much elastic potential energy is stored in a bungee cord with a spring constant of 100 N/m when the cord is stretched to 4.00 m?

80 J

The power used in doing 81 J of work in 9.0 seconds is

9.0 W

In which of the following scenarios is no net work done?

A car travels at constant speed on a flat road

Balls 1 and 2 are each thrown horizontally from the same height above level ground, but ball 2 has a greater initial velocity after leaving the thrower's hand. If air resistance is negligible, how do the accelerations of the balls and the times it takes them to hit the ground compare?

Acceleration- Equal; Time to Hit Ground- Equal

A ball swings freely back and forth in an arc rom point I to point IV as shown above. Point II is the lowest point in the path, III is located 0.5 meters above II, and IV is I meter above II. Air resistance is negligible. If the potential energy is zero at point II, where will the kinetic and potential energies of the ball be equal? (diagram of ball on string swinging with point II at the very bottom, Point I on the left, Point IV on the right, and Point III halfway between Point II and IV)

At Point III

An experiment compares the time it takes to accelerate two carts from 1 m/sec to 2 m/sec. Different amounts of force are tested. The table below lists the results of the experiment. What conclusion is supported by the results of the experiment? (table of cart times)

Cart #1 has half the mass of cart #2

A force of constant magnitude F and fixed direction acts on an object of mass m that is initially at rest. If the force acts for a time interval Δt over a displacement Δx, what is the magnitude of the resultant change in the linear momentum of the object?

F Δt

A block of weight Fg is pulled along a horizontal surface at constant speed v by a force C, which acts at an angle of θ with the horizontal, as shown above. The normal force exerted on the block by the surface has magnitude (diagram of block being pulled up and to the right via string)

Fg - Fsinθ

From the top of a high cliff, a ball is thrown horizontally with initial speed v0. Which of the following graphs best represents the ball's kinetic energy K as a function of time t

Graph is quadratic and has a y intercept > 0

A projectile is fired with initial velocity vo at an angle θo with the horizontal and follows the trajectory shown above. Which of the following pairs of graphs best represents the vertical components of the velocity and acceleration, va and a, respectively, of the projectile as functions of time t? (diagram of projectile fired with θ0 and v0)

Graph of velocity is ↘ and graph of acceleration is → and is negative

The sum of the forces on the object is zero in which of the cases? (diagram of three cases of a linear graph, a zero slope graph, and a quadratic graph)

I and II only

Three forces act on an object. If the object is in translational equilibrium, which of the following must be true?

I only

Which of the following statements applies to the motion of the ball rising and then falling in free fall?

I, II, and III

A force does work on an object if a component of the force

Is parallel to the displacement of the object

The figure above shows a rough semicircular track whose ends are at a vertical height h. A block placed at point P at one end of the track is released from rest and slides past the bottom of the track. Which of the following is true of the height to which the block rises on the other side of the track? (diagram of skate ramp with height H and skater P)

It is equal to h/4

How does an air mattress protect a stunt person landing on the ground after a stunt

It lengthens the stoping time of the stunt person and reduces the force applied during the landing

Which of the following energy forms is associated with an object in motion?

Kinetic energy

An ice skater feels very little force as she moves in a straight line on her skates. According to Newton's first law, which of the following statements about her motion is TRUE?

She must apply force wth her skates to turn or stop

A ball of mass m is suspended from two strings of unequal length as shown above. The tensions T1 and T2 in the strings must satisfy which of the following relations? (diagram of ball suspended by two strings of different lengths)

T1 < T2

If the only force acting on an object is friction during a given physical process, which of the following assumptions must be made in regard to the object's kinetic energy?

The kinetic energy decreases

If the sign of work is negative,

The displacement is in the direction opposite the force

Which of the following is an example of projectile motion?

a thrown baseball

According to Newton's second law, when the same force is applied to two objects of different masses,

The object with greater mass will experience a smaller acceleration, and the object with less mass will experience a greater acceleration

The graph shows the motion of an object moving in a straight line. From the graph, you may conclude that (diagram of Speed vs. Time where line has a slope of zero)

The total force acting on the object is zero

How do the speeds of the ball at the three points compare? (diagram of projectile path with points P, Q, and R)


An object is shot vertically upward into the air with a positive initial velocity. Which of the following correctly describes the velocity and acceleration of the object at its maximum elevation?

Velocity- Zero; Acceleration- Negative

A 2 kg block slides down a 30° incline as shown above with an acceleration of 2 m/s². Which of the following diagrams best represents the gravitational force W, the frictional force f, and the normal force N that act on the block

W points straight down, N points Northwest, and f points Northeast (diagram)

When an object of weight W is suspended from the center of a massless string as shown above, the tension at any point in the string is (diagram of weight suspended by two strings)


A car goes forward along a level road at constant velocity. The additional force needed to bring the car into equilibrium is


In the figure above, the horizontal component of the ball's velocity at A is (diagram of projectile path with points A, B, C, and D)

equal to the horizontal component of its initial velocity

A block of mass 3m can move without friction on a horizontal table. This block is attached to another block of mass m by a cord that passes over a frictionless pulley, as shown above. If the masses of the cord and the pulley are negligible, what is the magnitude of the acceleration of the descending block? (diagram of block hanging over edge attached to another block via string)


A rolling wagon has 50 J of kinetic energy. If the wagon's velocity is doubled, the kinetic energy of the wagon

is increased to 200 J

Three forces act on the cart shown in the diagram. The acceleration of the cart is

to the right at 2 m/s

A skateboarder gets a rolling start along a level sidewalk and jumps down meters to a lower level and rolls on. The time the skater is in the air between rolling off the upper level and touching down on the lower level is (diagram of skater jumping off ledge)

unchanged if the skater gets a faster rolling start

An empty sled of mass M moves without friction across a frozen pond at speed v0. Two objects are dropped vertically into the sled one at a time: first an object of mass m and then an object of mass 3m. Afterward the sled moves with speed vf. What would be the final speed of the sled if the objects were dropped into it in reverse order


A push broom of mass m is pushed across a rough horizontal floor by a force of magnitude T directed at angle θ as shown above. The coefficient of friction between the broom and the floor is μ. The frictional force on the broom has magnitude (diagram of broom being pushed)


Which of the following diagrams best shows the direction of the velocity of the ball at point Q?

A ball is rolled down a ramp and launched horizontally from a lab bench towards a cup that has been placed on the floor. The following pieces of data were collected about the experimental setup. Use this data for the next three questions... How much time is the ball in air before it is in the plane of the top of the cup?

√(2) seconds

How much time does it take the rock to travel from the edge of the building to the ground? (diagram of mass about to fall off a large ledge)


A block of mass m slides on a horizontal frictionless table with an initial speed v0. It then compresses a spring of force constant k and is brought to rest. How much is the spring compressed from its natural length?

√(m/k) (v0)

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