Physio Psych Ch. 13 Human Communication and Lateralization (TEST 3)

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*Corpus Callosum - __________ cerebral commissure* Transfers learned information from one hemisphere to the other When cut, each hemisphere functions independently


The Commissures Corpus callosum is the __________ commissure in the brain Also have the..... In split brain usually just cut _______ & ______

largest Hippocampal, massa intermedia, optic chiasm, anterior and posterior commissure callosum and massa intermedia

Case studies of _____ ______ patients have been used to study What happens when the connections are severed? Much studied in ________ when the Corpus Callosum is severed

split brain epileptics

Sperry and Myers Experiment Four Groups of Cats:

-normal -Cut chiasm and callosum -Cut chiasm -Cut callosum

________ _______ connect the 2 halves of the brain

Cerebral commissures

Can still use: ____________ words - noun, verb, adjective, or adverb that conveys meaning


Acquired Dyslexia - ________ Deep or phonological dyslexia - __________ procedure lost, cant sound out unfamiliar words Can still pronounce familiar words pulled from memory Cannot pronounce nonwords or uncommon words or words with abstract meaning

Deep phonetic

*Functional brain imaging* ______ or _______used to see which half is more active when doing a language test


Right hemisphere *Spatial ability* Better at matching _____ with _______ (left brain is more ____________, while right is just faster response)

3-D image with 2-D parsimonious

Someone comes in 1936, studied _____ split brain patient - no one remembers. Then ____________ does this later with 2 patients, and people pay attention, found the broca's area, where on the ______ lobe is the auditory cortex.

40 Paul Broca left

*Developmental Dyslexia* Is a widespread problem English-speaking children ____-___% -___-___ times higher in boys than girls Many brain differences identified, not one single brain pathology occurs for all cases

5.3-11.8 2-3

Genetic component (~_____%) - yet the disorder is also influenced by culture Twice as many __________ speakers are dyslexic than __________ - due to English being more complex English: _____ phonemes - spelled _________ different ways Italian: ____ phonemes - spelled _____ different ways

50 English Italian 40 1120 25 33

Determining which hemisphere is dominant *Sodium amytal test* _____________ one side and check for language function


Results in Loss of: __________ Words - prepositions, articles, or other words that conveys little of the meaning of a sentence but are important in specifying its _________ structure Examples - a, the, some, in or about

Function grammatical

__________ of Function Major differences between the function of the left and right cerebral hemispheres


Have difficulty if they don't follow rules Examples: have, lose, and steak

Pronounce like: cave, hose and beak

_______ hemisphere statistical superiority -Spatial ability -emotion -musical ability -Some memory tasks ______ hemisphere - superior in controlling ipsilateral movement -Controlling own left and right side

Right Left

Functional Brain Imaging and Language fMRI study looking at reading as a whole *Bavelier study* __________ reading vs control periods (where they silently named strings of ____________)

Silent consonants

Each hemisphere can learn independently Split-brain cats with one eye patched Learn task as well as controls no memory or savings demonstrated when the patch was transferred Intact cats or those with an intact corpus callosum or optic chiasm learning transfers between hemispheres

Similar findings with split-brain monkeys

Commissurotomy in Human Epileptics Commisurrotomy limits convulsive activity -many never have another major convulsion ______ and ______ (did some ______ making of the monkeys) developed procedures to test split-brain patients

Sperry & Gazzaniga film

The Split Brain ______ and ______ and the cats Studying split-brain cats transect _____________ and ___________ so that visual information can't cross

Sperry and Myers corpus callosum and optic chiasm

Acquired Dyslexia - __________ Two procedures for reading aloud -Lexical - using ________ info about words -Phonetic - ________ it out

Surface stored sounding

Deficits of Wernicke's Aphasia Recognition problems *Pure _______ Deafness* -They have the ability to hear, but are unable to _________ what is being said to them -Can read lips and have someone write it out and they can understand caused by damage to _______ temporal lobe that feeds into Wernicke's area

Work understand superior

*Broca's Aphasia* A form of expressive aphasia characterized by: _______________ (dif with grammar like word endings or order) ______________ (recall names of everyday objects) and extreme difficulty in speech ___________

agrammatism anomia articulation

*Circumlocution* A strategy by which people with anomic aphasia finds ________ ways to say something when they are unable to think of the most appropriate word


Attributed to ____________ and other sensorimotor deficits -Caused by damage to neural circuits of the ___________ layer and _______ -Although also various subtle visual, auditory, and motor deficits are commonly seen -But sometimes they are not. Are these deficits the primary problem - do they cause the dyslexia?....

attentional magnocellular LGN These deficits cannot account for all aspects of the disorder

Cognitive Neuroscience Approach to Language Language-related __________ are mediated by activity in brain areas involved in the specific cognitive processes required for the behaviors Brain areas involved in language have other __________

behaviors functions

Areas of activity were tiny and spread out Active areas varied _________ subjects and _________ subjects (variation in same person's areas lighting up) activity was widespread

between within

*Autotopagnosia* Inability to name your own ____________ or identify body parts that another person names -Caused by damage to left ________ lobe

body parts parietal

Deficits of Wernicke's Aphasia Comprehension Problems *Transcortical sensory aphasia* -A Speech disorder in which a person has difficulty _____________ speech and producing _________ spontaneous speech, but can _________ speech -Caused by damage to the ___________ language area - outside of Wernicke's area

comprehending meaningful repeat posterior

Sometimes problems more than just production problems Say "the cow kicked the horse" - they would struggle with this -indicating they have a problem with more than just expression, but also _____________


*Wernicke's Area* - important in ____________ of words and the production of ______________ speech -A region of auditory _________ cortex on the left temporal lobe of humans

comprehension meaningful associated

*Wernicke's aphasia* A form of aphasia characterized by poor speech _________ and fluent but _________ speech

comprehension meaningless

*Aphasia -* deficit in language ___________ or _________ due to brain __________ (on left lobe) usually on the left hemisphere

comprehension production damage

*Arculate Fasciculus -* connects Broca's and wenickes's -Damage-> _________ aphasia Comprehension and speech normal Unable to _________

conduction repeat

Cognitive Neuroscience Approach and Dyslexia *Dyslexia* - reading difficulties not due to some other _________ *developmental dyslexia* -apparent when __________ to read (not able to read at same level of others) *Acquired dyslexia* - due to _______ damage

deficit learning brain

Cats are presented with ____________ task (circle or square), when press circ. Button when presented with circle, get reward. Then you blindfold one of the cat's eyes _________ is cats with no commisure cut

discrimination Control

Testing Split-Brain Patients Grandpa's projector that can switch slides rapidly -person sits a certain _______ from the screen (there is a correct distance) They have to focus on dot in middle, flash spoon in left visual field and apple into the right. Apple is seen on ______, spoon on ______. They then have to tell you what they saw on each side or pull it out from behind the thing

distance dot left right

For many functions the hemispheres ____________ Where are differences, these tend to be ________ Lateralization of function is statistical, not absolute Right hemisphere has some __________ abilities

do not differ minimal language

Broca's area - left inferior prefrontal cortex damage leads to _______ ________

expressive aphasia

Right hemisphere *Emotion* better at perceiving ______ expressions and mood


*PET (glucose uptake) and naming* - Damasio et al. (1996) 3 categories of images: Activity while judging image __________ subtracted from activity while naming

famous faces, animals, and tools orientation

*Anomic aphasia* Aphasia characterized by difficulty in _________ words The Speech of patients with this aphasia is fluent and grammatical, and their comprehension is excellent


A Better Approach to Lateralization Broad categories are not lateralized - but__________tasks may be Each broad cognitive processes is composed of individual _______ _______ -it is these individual cognitive elements that may be lateralized Now researchers are focusing on the lateralization of the individual cognitive elements -working with cognitive psychologists which isolate these cognitive elements

individual cognitive elements

Found normal English and Italians use different parts of their brains when reading -English - left _______ temporal and _________ lobe -Italian - left _________ temporal lobe Although in dyslexics both groups displayed the same pattern of abnormal PET activity when reading: -Below normal activity in the ___________ region of the temporal lobe

inferior frontal superior posterior

Antecedents of the *Wernicke-Geschwind Model* *Language localization* - _____________ organization of language circuitry Broca's area - ___________ Damage --> __________ aphasia - __________ comprehension, speech is meaningful but awkward - takes a long time to get out Wernicke's area - __________ Damage --> ________ aphasia - __________ comprehension, speech sounds normal but has no meaning - *'word salad'*

intrahemiphiric production expressive Normal comprehension receptive Poor

The part of the _______ temporal lobe areas activated by naming varied slightly by the category From anterior to posterior - respectively Faces = ________ Animals and tools = ___________ Activity seen well beyond Wernicke's Area

left anterior posterior

Cerebral Lateralization of Function - Review Aphasia and apraxia associated with damage to _______ hemisphere Language and voluntary movement seem to be more controlled by one half of the brain -On the________ -Suggests that one hemisphere is __________, controlling these functions

left left dominant

When patch is on right eye, the _________ brain learns the task 100% When you have at least one of the commissures left, you can switch the patch, and the task will ___________ (right brain learned something too With the guys with _______ commissures cut, the left brain can get up to 100%, switch patch to left eye, and the right brain has to _________ the whole task

left remain at 100%. both relearn

Where's the damage? Deep Dyslexia - extensive damage to _______-hemisphere language areas Indicating that phonetic procedures are distributed in the left frontal and __________ lobes How is it that lexical abilities are spared? -Lexical abilities may be housed in left language areas that are spared -Lexical abilities may be mediated by the ________ hemisphere Evidence for both exists

left temporal right

*Surface dyslexia* - __________ procedure lost, can't recognize words Can still do _________ procedure If the word or nonword is __________ with common rules of pronunciation Examples: Words: fish, river, and glass; Nonwords spleemer and twipple

lexical phonetic consistent

Right hemisphere *Musical Ability* Better at perception of _____________ (in those Dichotic listening tasks)


Apraxia of speech - impairment in the ability to program movement of the _________, _______, and ___________ required to produce the proper sequence of speech sounds

movement tongue, lips, and throat

Apraxia - difficulty performing ___________ when asked to do out of context (if someone just said step over that, and they would have trouble, but if they were walking normally, they would just step over it) also due to damage on the left


Evaluation of the Wernicke-Geschwind Model Can it predict the deficits produced by damage to various parts of the cortex? -Surgery that destroys only broca's area has _____ lasting effects on speech (x) -Removal of much of Wernicke's area does _____ have any lasting effects on speech (x) -Electrical stimulation - indicated language ___________ left hemisphere (x) Some argue that failure to support the model is due to __________-related reorganization -all people going in for surgery have preexisting problems that could be confounding results

no not all over pathology

*Dichotic listening* Report more digits heard by the dominant hemisphere (___________ear) -*Trailer* with __________ sounds playing in each ear

opposite different

Now agreement that dyslexia - is a disturbance of ____________ processing -representation and comprehension of speech sounds - __________(2004) Argues the first stage of the disorder is ____________ errors in the auditory areas around the ________ fissure Errors well documented -One _________ associated with Dyslexia is involved in neural migration In some individuals the cortical abnormalities extend back to the ____________ and _________ layers

phonological Ramus development lateral gene Magnocellular and LGN layers

*Left angular gyrus* - ___________ to Wernicke's area Damage -> __________ (inability to read) and __________ (inability to write) Language related to _________ information

posterior alexia agraphia visual

Right Hemisphere Some types of cognitive tasks -*Two light task* - One on top and one on bottom, they come on ____________, but the top one comes on more, there is no ___________, you are supposed to pick which one comes next) -Left brain tries to interpret order (intact individuals and L-hemis of split brains try to find pattern, and only correct about ______ of time) -Right brain maximizes response (watches for a little bit, and then just picks the top so _____ correct)

randomly pattern 60% 80%

Disorders of Reading and Writing Pure Alexia loss of ability to _________ without the loss of ability to ________ -cannot read _____ _____writing -Due to brain damage in the ____________ of the occipital lobe and posterior end of the ______________ Also known as pure word blindness or alexia without ___________ Agraphia = cannot write

read write their own visual cortex corpus callosum agraphia

*Conduction aphasia* An aphasia characterized by the inability to __________ words that are heard but the ability to speak normally and comprehend the speech of others Caused by damage to the ______________ -A bundle of axons that connects ________ area with _________ area

repeat Arcuate fasciculus Wernicke's Broca's

Direct connection between Wernicke's and Broca's area allows the transcortical sensory aphasiacs to ________

repeat without understanding

Speech Laterality, Handedness, and Sex *Dextrals*:_______-handers *Sinistrals*: ________-handers _________-hemisphere dominant in almost all dextrals and most sinistrals Sinistrals there is more variability -Females may use ________ hemispheres more often for language tasks than men do -less lateralized

right left Left both

brain areas involved in language are likely to be __________, widely distributed, and specialized


Multiple types of developmental dyslexia possibly multiple causes Differences in brain ___________ could be due to reading problems, not the cause of difficulties


Hemispheres of Split-Brain Patients *Function Independently* Present a picture to the right visual field (left brain) -left hemisphere can _______ you what it was -Right hand can _______ you, left hand can't Present a picture to the left visual field (right brain) -Subject will report that they ________________ what it was - _______hand can show you what it was, right can't

tell show do not know Left

When you hear question (green track) - info comes through ear, then ________, stops at __________ auditory to interpret sound, to wern. _________ what words mean, then goes through ________________ to broca's area, coordinating what response will be, then over to primary _________ to coordinate lips to say it This is Wernicke/Gershwind's Model

thalamus primary Comprhending articulat fasciculus motor

Speech comprehension Recognizing and Comprehending words are two different things *Comprehending* - is __________ the meaning of the word *Recognition* is a __________ task You can recognize a word but not understand it's meaning Comprehension involves _________ more information from memory

understanding perceptual adding

Reading written words, go through eye, thalamus, primary _______ cortex, you start to interpret lines, goes to _______________ where you begin to comprehend the words, then over to wernicke's and the same path as above from here This is Wernicke/Gershwind's Model

vis angular gyrus

The neural activation responsible for the analysis of *printed* words: Begins in the _______ cortex and spreads to the base of the _______ lobe -including the visual word-form area (__________) and then to the inferior ___________ cortex

visual temporal VWFA frontal

2 Procedures that can happen at Sight of word: -*Whole word recognition* (if word is known) whole word reading -> control of speech -> saying the word Or -*Letter Recognition* (if word is not known) -> Phonetic coding (sounds of letters) -> phonetic reading -> Control of speech -> saying word


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