Physiology of Stress

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CORTISOL EFFECT ON CELLS 7. Net Effect: increase _____, such as glucose, available to the body 8. Provides more _____ for the body

7. nutrients 8. energy

HYPOTHALAMUS & HORMONE RELEASE 5. NEGATIVE FEEDBACK - Known as the "____ _____" - Receptors for ____ hormone on _____ & _____ cells - _____ releasing factor & intermediate hormone release

- "off switch" - final; hypothalamic; pituitary - Decrease

ADRENAL GLANDS: 1. MEDULLA - _____ layer - Produces?

- anterior - epinephrine; norepinephrine

HYPOTHALAMUS & HORMONE RELEASE 4. FINAL HORMONE - Travels in _____ - Binds cells w/ a _____ receptor or ____ the cell membrane - Alter cell _______ or gene _______ (example: protein production)

- blood - specific; crosses - metabolism; transcription

TOP-DOWN CONTROL 1. AMYGDALA - Key structure in ____ - Involved in initiating ____ ____ - Damage to the amygdala can diminish ____ ____ - Sensory information can travel to the amygdala before reaching ______ - Projects to the _____ by using _____ as a _____

- fear - stress response - fear response - consciousness - hypothalamus; CRH; neuotransmitter

HYPOTHALAMUS & HORMONE RELEASE 3. ADRENAL/PERIPHERAL GLAND/ORGAN - Secretes the ____ _____ (such as cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, etc.)

- final hormone

HYPOTHALAMUS & HORMONE RELEASE 2. PITUITARY - Secretes ______ hormones - Stimulates the _____ _____, including the adrenals, testes, ovaries, etc. - _____ hormones --> _____ gland --> secretion of _____

- intermediate - peripheral glands - Intermediate --> adrenal --> cortisol

TOP-DOWN CONTROL 2. HIPPOCAMPUS - Critical structure in ____ _____ - Has a role in the ______ of the HPA axis ---> ____ receptors in the hippocampus

- memory consolidation - inhibition ---> cortisol

TOP-DOWN CONTROL 3. PREFRONTAL CORTEX - Can ____ the effects of stressors - Associated w/ ____-___ ____ - Types of brain activities that involve _____ or _____ other areas of the brain (thinking logically, making decisions, etc.)

- modulate - higher-level cognition - controlling or managing

ADRENAL GLANDS: 2. CORTEX - _____ layer - Produces?

- outer - cortisol

HYPOTHALAMUS & HORMONE RELEASE 1. HYPOTHALAMUS - Secretes _____ _____ - Stimulates the ____

- releasing hormones - pituitary

PITUITARY GLAND: 1. ANTERIOR lobe A. Synthesizes its ____ ____ B. Hormone release is controlled by the ____ C. Produces its ____ _____ D. Has a ___ ____ ____ with the hypothalamus

A. OWN hormones B. hypothalamus C. own hormones D. blood vessel connection

PITUITARY GLAND: 2. POSTERIOR lobe A. _____ & _____ hormones made in the hypothalamus B. Does NOT _____ hormones of its own C. Hormones: ______ & ______ D. Has a ______ _____ with the hypothalamus

A. Stores & released B. create C. Oxytocin & Vasopression D. neuronal connection

AUTONOMATIC NERVOUS SYSTEM A. SYMPATHETIC: involved in " _____ or _____ " response - RAPID ______ change - Involves _____ release --> Including:

A. fight; flight - metabolic - cathecolamine --> epinephrine (adrenaline) & norepinephrine (noradrenaline)

3. IMMUNE SYSTEM A. A little ____ than the rest of the systems B. Time is usually ____-___ C. When the stressor doesn't ___ ____, this system can be ____ too

A. later B. minutes-days C. go away; inhibited

2. HPA AXIS A. Works in ____ B. Involves _____ _____ C. More WIDESPREAD: results are in more _____ lasting changes compared to the SNS

A. minutes B. hormone release C. long

1. SNS A. Activates in ___ (almost ____) B. Prepares body to act ___ C. ___ response D. ___ release

A. seconds (immediately) B. IMMEDIATELY C. short D. neurotransmitter

2. PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM A. Somatic: ______ actions A. Example? B. Autonomic: ____ actions (automatic) - usually necessary to ____ B. Examples?

A. voluntary A. walking B. involuntary - survive B. stuff that we don't think about for it to happen (breathing, digestion, respiratory, cardiovascular

ENDOCRINOLOGY: NEURAL RESPONSES 1. Are of the "_____" stress response 2. Are _____, of ____ action 3. Involve ____ responses to stressors

1. "visceral" 2. faster; shorter 3. immediate

HPA AXIS B. Anterior Pituitary 1. Releases _____


1. Hypothalamus releases 2. Anterior pituitary releases 3. Adrenal cortex releases

1. CRH 2. ACTH 3. glucocorticoid hormones (cortisol)

HPA AXIS A. Hypothalamus 1. Releases ______ 2. Tells the ____ to _____ a hormone

1. CRH 2. pituitary; release


1. Cardiac 2. Gastrointestinal 3. Psychosomatic

HPA AXIS D. Feedback 1. _______ bind to receptors in ______ & ______ 2. _____ CRH and ACTH production 3. Feedback occurs when the threat is _____ 4. If the threat is ______, there is ____ negative feedback mechanism, which leads to _____ levels of cortisol in the blood

1. Glucocorticoids; hypothalamus; pituitary 2. Decreased 3. gone 4. constant; NO; increased

1. Cascade of secretion responses: Brain --> peripheral glands?

1. Hypothalamus --> pituitary --> peripheral glands

Each kidney consists of 2 glands called the?

1. Medulla 2. Cortex


1. Somatic 2. Autonomic

What are the 3 major systems?

1. Sympathetic nervous system 2. Hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal (HPA) system 3. Immune system

HYPOTHALAMUS & PITUITARY GLAND 1. Hypothalamus communicates w/ the ___ lobe of the pituitary gland by secreting ____ hormones into ___ ___ that travel to the ___ pituitary

1. anterior; releasing; blood vessels; anterior

NEUROTRANSMITTERS 1. DO NOT go into the _____ 2. Act _____

1. bloodstream 2. locally

HORMONES 1. Travel in the _____, while _______ DO NOT 2. Are made and secreted by _____ _____ 3. Act all throughout the _____ 4. Can have ___-_____ and ___-____ effects

1. bloodstream; neurotransmitters 2. endocrine glands 3. body 4. far-reaching; long-lasting


1. central 2. peripheral

Characteristics of SYMPATHETIC 1. ____ pupil 2. _____ flow of saliva 3. _____ heartbeat 4. _____ bronchi 5. _____ peristalsis and secretion 6. Conversion of ____ to _____ 7. Secretion of _____ and _____ 8. _____ bladder contraction

1. dilates 2. inhibits 3. accelerates 4. dilates 5. inhibits 6. glycogen; glucose 7. adrenaline; noradrenaline 8. inhibits

CORTISOL EFFECT ON CELLS 1. Breakdown _____ & _____ 2. Initiate _____ 3. Increase ____ ____ levels 4. Decrease ______ effects 5. ____ the body from storing away more glucose 6. Prompts the utilization of stored _____ (_____)

1. fats & proteins 2. gluconeogenesis 3. serum glucose 4. insulin's 5. Prompts 6. glucose (glycogen)

Characteristics of PARASYMPATHETIC 1. Stimulates ____ of saliva 2. _____ heartbeat 3. ___ bronchi 4. _____ peristalsis & secretion 5. Stimulates ____ of bile 6. ____ bladder

1. flow 2. slows 3. constricts 4. stimulates 5. release 6. contracts

HPA AXIS C. Adrenal Cortex 1. Releases ______ hormones, such as ____ 2. Receptors for cortisol can be activated by a ____ ____ _____

1. glucocorticoid; cortisol 2. negative feedback mechanism

1. The posterior pituitary does NOT make its own ______ 2. Hormones that get released from the posterior? 3. Order?

1. hormones 2. oxytocin & vasopressin 3. hypothalamus --> posterior --> into peripheral gland

HYPOTHALAMUS 1. _____ ____ center of the _____ system 2. Mostly controls the _____ of hormones from the ____ ____ - primarily thru the use of ____ ____

1. master control; endocrine 2. release; pituitary gland - releasing hormones

ENDOCRINOLOGY: ENDOCRINE RESPONSES 1. Are primarily ____ 2. Are _____, of _____ action 3. Involve _____ response

1. metabolic 2. slower; longer 3. prolonged

HYPOTHALAMUS & PITUITARY GLAND 1. Hypothalamus sends ___ and ___ to the ____ pituitary via ___ that extend from the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary

1. oxytocin; vasopressin; posterior; neurons

Hormones released into the bloodstream from the anterior pituitary are produced where?

Anterior pituitary

AUTONOMATIC NERVOUS SYSTEM B. PARASYMPATHETIC: involved in "_____ and ____" - Energy ______ --> Example? - Reduction in ______ activity - Complete _____ of _______ (antagonistic way)

B. "rest, digest" - conservation --> relaxing on the couch after eating a large meal - metabolic - opposite; sympathetic

Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement about the stress response? A. Neurons in the sympathetic nervous system use norepinephrine as a neurotransmitter B. The adrenal cortex secretes cortisol C. The anterior pituitary secretes corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) D. More than one of these is correct

C. The anterior pituitary secretes corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH)

HPA AXIS cascade?


The stress response of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis includes a cascade of neuroendocrine responses. The order of this cascade of responses is?

CRH, then ACTH, then cortisol

Hormones released into the bloodstream from the posterior pituitary are produced where?


Norepinephrine can act as?

a neurotransmitter + a hormone

FLIGHT-OR-FIGHT RESPONSE: prepares body for ____


TOP-DOWN CONTROL: _____ of HPA axis is influenced by processing in higher brain structures


CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM consists of the ______ and ____ ___

brain spinal cord

The PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM _____ the _____ to skin, muscles, organs (this system is everything else aside what is in the CNS)

connects CNS

What is the last step in the stress response?


HPA RESPONSE: provides ____ for ____ ____

energy prolonged action

ENDOCRINOLOGY: On average, ______ responses can have a LONGER LASTING effect compared to ____

hormonal neurotransmitters

PITUITARY GLAND: directly controlled by the _____ 1. Consists of an _____ and ______ lobe

hypothalamus 1. anterior; posterior

ADRENAL GLANDS: located just above the ____


HYPOTHALAMUS controls the ______ ____ - thru the hypothalamus' ____ ____ - Hypothalamus hormone --> tells the ___ ___ to ___ its hormones

pituitary gland releasing hormones pituitary gland; release

HORMONES: ____ molecules that act over long ____

signaling distances

AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM: involves _____or _____ activity, in which both are _____ all the time

sympathetic parasympathetic active

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