Physiology Renal Test

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Normal HCO3 range


Normal PCO2 range


Urine is formed in a three-step process: which of the following gives the correct order in which these steps take place in the nephron? A) Tubular secretion, tubular reabsorption, glomerular filtration B) Glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, tubular secretion C) Tubular reabsorption, tubular secretion, glomerular filtration D) Glomerular filtration, tubular secretion, tubular reabsorption

B) Glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, tubular secretion

Presence of which of the following in the urine, even in small amounts, is indicative of a possible problem in the renal system of a patient? A) Sodium B) Glucose C) Creatinine D) Urea

B) Glucose

Which of the following anatomical portions of a nephron connects the Bowman's capsule to the loop of Henle? A) Connecting tubule B) Proximal convoluted tubule C) Collecting duct D) Distal convoluted tubule

B) Proximal convoluted tubule

PTH likes PTH hates

Calcium Phosphate

Parathyroid hormone increases phosphate reabsorption


Renal blood flow is 80 percent of cardiac output

False (25%)

Filter load of glucose increases inversely proportion to the plasma glucose concentration

False (direct)

Approximately 80 percent of plasma that enters the glomeruli is filtered

False -(20%)

Plasma is 3/4 of extracellular fluid and has plasma protein, albumin, and globin

False -1/4

As blood flows through the glomeruli, all the plasma filters into the capsule

False -20%

Interstitial fluid is 1/4 extrcellular fluid and has little protein

False -3/4 vessel is 1/4 extracellular

Each glomerulus is supplied with blood by an arteriole called an efferent

False -afferent

The segment of the tubule that drains bowman's capsule is the distal tubule

False -proximal tubule

Calcium and ____ compete for reabsorption


Calcium likes

Mg and Na

Aldosterone likes Aldosterone hates

Na K

How many nephrons does the average adult human kidney contain (a nephron is the main functional unit of the kidney)?

Roughly 1,000,000

As glomerular filtrate moves through the ascending loop of Henle, the filtrate becomes more dilute: why?

The ascending loop of Henle is permeable to ions but impermeable to water

Acidemia is serum pH below 7.35


Aldosterone is secreted when blood volume is decreased, and increased potassium, it will cause slow increase sodium reabsorption and increase potassium secretion


Alkalemia is serum pH higher than or equal to 7.45


Angiotensin II is secreted when there is decreased blood volume or increased osmolarity. There is fast increase in sodium, H ion, and HCO3


Anti-diuretic hormone is secreted when plasma osmolarity increases and when blood volume is low


Both BUN and serum creatinine increase in blood when GFR decreases


Constriction of the afferent arteriole (sympathetic) cause decrease in GFR


Correction of Respiratory acidosis consists of increase reabsorption of HCO3 and increase excretion of H, NH4


Correction of Respiratory alkalosis consists of decreased reabsorption of HCO3


Correction of metabolic acidosis consists of increased reabsorption of HCO3


Correction of metabolic alkalosis is increased excretion of HCO3


Diarrhea: loss of isotonic fluid so will lead to extracellular fluid volume decrease but no change in osmolarity, or intracellular fluid because osmolarity is unchanged, water doesn't shift between extracellular and intracellular compound


Excessive NaCl will lead to water shift from intracellular to extracellular. intracellular osmolarity increases until it equals extracellular fluid


High dietary potassium increase potassium secretion and low dietary potassium reduce potassium secretion


If the filtered load is greater than the excretion rate than the net reabsorption has occurred


If the filtered load is less than the excretion rate, than net secretion has occurred


In chronic respiratory alkalosis, renal compensation would kick out HCO3 and take in more H


In metabolic acidosis, Renal compensation consists of increases reabsorption of HCO3 and increase excretion of H and ammonium NH4


In metabolic acidosis, renal compensation consists of increased excretion of H ion and NH4 and increase reabsorption of HCO3 to help normalize pH


Infusion of isotonic sodium chloride addition of isotonic fluid will lead to plasma protein concentration and hematocrit decrease because the addition of fluid to the extracellular fluid dilutes the protein and RBCs because extracellular fluid osmolarity is unchanged, the RBCs will not shrink or swell


K sparing diuretics decrease potassium secretion and if used alone, causes hyperkalemia


Most of plasma protein albumin and globulin are excluded from renal filtrate because of high molecular weight


Overproduction or ingestion of fixed acids or loss of base will produce increase in H ion which would cause acidemia


Parathyroid hormone increases calcium reabsorption


Potassium is most abundant intracelluar ion, 2% of total body potassium is in extracellular fluid, but this concentration is very important for nerve and muscle membrane potentials.


Reabsorption is the difference between the amount filtered across the glomeruli capillaries and the amount excreted in the urine


Reabsorption of most useful plasma components like Na, H20, glucose are relatively complete so that the amount secreted in the urine represents very small fraction of filter load


Sodium is reabsorbed along the entire nephron and very little is excreted in the urine, less than 1 percent of the filtered load


The proximal tubule reabsorbs 2/3 (67%) of filtered sodium and H20 more than any other part of the nephron


The renal corpuscle is a filter and contain interconnective capillaries called glomerulus


loop diuretics : increase potassium secretion, increase flow rate through the distal tubule, cause dilution of potassium concentration and cause hypokalemia


Renal Blood flow is directly proportional to the pressure difference between the renal artery and vein, and inversely proportional to the resistance of the renal vasculature

True change in P/R

Which of the following has a rate of urinary excretion (units of solute per unit time) that is always much lower than its rate of glomerular filtration in a healthy adult? a) Glucose b) Potassium c) Urea d) Sodium

a) Glucose

Which of the following is least likely to be present in the glomerular filtrate (the filtrate produced by the nephron before it enters the loop of Henle) of a healthy adult nephron? a) Large molecular weight protein b) amino acids c) glucose d) electrolytes

a) Large molecular weight protein

Which of the following has a rate of urinary excretion (units of solute per unit time) that is almost always identical to its rate of glomerular filtration in a healthy adult? a) sodium b) glucose c) creatinine d) chloride

c) creatinine

The renal system does not play a direct role in regulating which of the following? a) Blood pH b) Blood pressure c) Blood solute concentrations d) Blood temperature

d) blood temperature

Infusion of isotonic sodium chloride addition of isotonic fluid will lead to arterial blood pressure decrease because extracellular fluid decreases

false -arterial blood pressure would increase

Extracellular fluid osmolarity and intracellular osmolaroty are equal at steady state, osmolarity is the solute concentration of a solute


Urea likes


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