Planning Your FB Campaign

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When showing ads, Facebook tries to balance these two things:

- Creating value for advertisers by helping them reach and get results from people in their target audiences. - Providing positive, relevant experiences for people who use the Facebook Products.

What are the different ways that you can create ads in Ads Manager, depending on your business goals?

- Guided Creation (newbies): You select an ad objective at the campaign level, specify delivery preferences at the ad set level and input creative at the ad level. - Template (experienced) that can be populated later with ad objectives, ad set details and ad creative. - Duplication: creates copies of existing campaigns, ad sets or ads, which you can then edit. - Import/Export: allows advanced Facebook advertisers to bulk upload and download ad details and creative.

The first time you use Ads Manager, you'll choose which creation workflow to use. What are the options?

- Guided creation walks you through all choices at the campaign, ad set and ad levels, including your audience, budget and creative. When finished, you'll have a complete campaign. - Quick creation allows you to fill in minimal details, such as your campaign's name and objective, in any order. You can edit and complete your campaign later. Note: You'll default to whichever option you last used, but you can switch between workflow options.

What are some factors FB bases your relevance score on?

- How well your ad is performing - Positive feedback (for example, app installs, clicks, video views) we expect from people who see your ad - Negative feedback (for example, if someone clicks "I don't want to see this" on your ad)

How do you access Delivery Insights?

- The notification you receive in Ads Manager when there's a sudden shift in results, spend or cost per result for an ad set. - The link labeled See Delivery Insights that appears when you hover over the Delivery column at the ad set level. In Ads Manager, select the campaign name. All the ad sets linked to this campaign will appear. Note that you can only access Delivery Insights metrics for active ad sets that have been live in past 7 days, have at least 500 impressions and have been running for at least 5 days. When you view ad sets in Ads Manager, you should be able to see which ad sets experience delivery volatility.

Business Manager

helps organizations securely share essential data, resources and visual assets with external vendors and ad agencies.

Creative Hub

is a place to discover, create and share ad mockups. You can test concepts in Creative Hub, then send them to Ads Manager to purchase and deliver them.

A smaller share of budget spent in the ____ ____ typically results in a higher share of budget spent on stable performance and a lower cost per results.

learning phase

The more relevant FB predicts an ad will be to a person, the ___ it can cost the advertiser to show the ad to that person


Close and Save to Draft

lets you save your progress and return later to complete your work.

Audience Size indicator

tells you how many estimated ad impressions your budget will pay for.

What does "ad spend" mean?

the actual amount you paid for those ads.

Each time one of your ads appears after winning in the auction, the delivery system learns more about what?

the best people to target, times of day to show the ad and placements and creatives to use. The more an ad appears, the better the delivery system optimizes the ad's performance.

What is a budget?

the maximum amount you're willing to pay for delivery of the ads contained in that ad set per day. You submit your budget at the ad set level.

What is the account spend limit?

the maximum you're willing to pay for all ads for all time across your ad account. You set your ad account spending limit at the ad account level. If you try to change this more than 10 times in an hour, you'll have to wait an hour before you can attempt it again.

What is an optimization event?

the number of times your ads achieved the outcome your ad set is currently optimized for, based on your chosen conversion window.

Who can can add or remove people from an ad account, and manage roles and permissions from the Ad Account section?

Ad account admins

What sections does the Ad Managers settings contain?

Ad accounts Pages Payment Settings Notifications

What can you find and do in the Payment Settings?

Add or edit payment methods, set a top-level spending limit on the ad account and find out when your next billing date is. This is also where you can view your current balance and opt to pay it before it's due.

Certain targeting options, such as Special Ad Audience and Custom Audience, may only be available through ______ ______.

Ads Manager

What happens if you change the currency type or timezone?

Ads Manager will create a new and separate ad account for your campaign

Estimated Reach

Ads Manager will tell you how many people are likely to see your ad based on the budget you select.

What happens if your ad is rejected?

Ads must follow our Advertising Policies. If your ad isn't approved, you'll receive an email that explains why. You're welcome to edit the ad and resubmit it for review.

How do linked web pages affect user value?

Ads that link to web pages with poor user experience (ie. slow load times or poor content) will likely carry low user value.

When do ads leave the Learning Phase?

After they receive approximately 50 results within 7 days

Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO)

All campaigns use this and it automatically and continuously makes the most efficient use of your budget spending so that you get the best overall results at a cost that aligns with your bid strategy.

What are Core Audiences?

Are new audiences you create manually within an ad set. Targeting options include location, gender, age, language, interests and behaviors.

The delivery system consists of what three key components?

Auction, Pacing Controls, Advertiser Controls

What types of placement options are there?

Automatic Placements or you can choose your own through the "Edit Placements" option.

How does FB determine the signals for user value?

Based off how people interact with organic and paid content, as well as ad quality and post-click experience.

If you plan to operate multiple ad accounts, we recommend using _____ _____ to link those accounts. This will help coordinate your efforts, teams, data reporting and creative assets.

Business Manager

Setting a daily or lifetime budget is at what level?


What three levels is the FB Ad creation process broken into?

Campaign> Ad Set> Ad

What types of ad formats are there?

Carousel, image, video, slideshow, collection

If any of your ads are targeted to a US audience and offer credit, employment or housing opportunities, you'll need to:

Choose the correct category for your campaign. This is an important part of following Facebook's Advertising Policies. These types of ads are considered Special Ad Categories, and the audience selection tools are limited to help protect people on Facebook from unlawful discrimination.

What type of closing options do you have?

Close and Save to Draft or Close without Saving

What does Pacing Controls allow/do?

Gives FB the flexibility to get you the best available results for your goals. We adjust your bid (or which auctions your ad enters) based on how much budget and time are left for your ad set. Similarly, they may increase how much budget they spend if there's an opportunity to get several optimization events with costs aligned with your bid strategy. They may also decrease how much budget is spent if there are few available optimization events with costs aligned with your bid strategy.

What to do if you feature third-party branded content in your ad and want to tag them?

If you'd like to tag the Facebook Page that owns the rights to that content, you can update your advanced features to allow this. This is also where experienced advertisers can connect online and offline conversion events with an ad.

How to review and troubleshoot delivery volatility?

In the Delivery Insights dashboard, you'll see tabs for Activity History, Auction Overlap and Audience Saturation. Here, you can review how the design of your ad set may have affected your ad set's delivery and how you can make adjustments.

What is Delivery Insights and its purpose?

It gives you a comprehensive look into your ad set's performance. The dashboard metrics provide data and guidance to help you interpret fluctuations in performance and decide what to do about it.

What does high user value indicate for an ad?

It means your ad is relevant to your target audience, which helps boost its Total Value ranking in the ad auction.

What is the learning phase?

It's when the delivery system hasn't learned enough for performance to stabilize. It occurs when you create a new ad set or make a significant edit to an existing ad or ad set. Ad sets exit the learning phase when their performance stabilizes.

What are advertiser controls and what do they do?

Its the advertiser inputs that guide FB's auction and pacing systems. These inputs include values and parameters you specify for your audience, budget, bid, placements, schedule and optimization event

What does the Quick Creation workflow allow?

Large advertisers or agencies to frame campaigns while waiting for final creative and text. It's a good option for experienced advertisers who want the flexibility to complete campaign steps out of order. It allows you to draft all three elements simultaneously or create new ad objects within an existing campaign or ad set.

Instant Experience

Marketers can add this to some ads based on the objective they select. This fullscreen post-click experience, optimized for mobile, encourages playful exploration and interactions within the ad itself.

What do Facebook auctions do?

Match the right ad to the right person at the right time. That way, advertisers reach people receptive to their ads, while people see something that interests them.

What types of ad placement options are there?

News Feed Stories In-stream Search Messages In-article Apps and sites

Where can you manage how Facebook informs you of activity on your ad account and set a primary email address?

Notifications in Ad Account Settings

What options do you set at the Ad set level of the Ad creation process?

Options you set at the ad set level reflect your priorities around delivery, such as: - Target audience - Placements - Budget - Schedule - Optimizations (bid strategy)

In ________ _______, admins can set a spending limit for the entire ad account and select how to purchase Facebook ads, with these options:

Payment Settings - By credit or debit card - Through PayPal - Directly from an online banking account - With a Facebook ad coupon (if you're eligible)

What is a lookalike audience?

People with similar characteristics to people who've engaged with your ads or Page by using information from your Custom Audiences or saved audiences.

If you make edits to a campaign at any level, ad set or ad, you will need to do what in order for it to actually reflect the changes?

Press the review and publish button

When you consistently hit the billing threshold, what will Facebook do?

Raise the threshold limit, so your account is charged less often. If your ads don't reach the threshold amount, we'll just bill you at the end of the month.

Estimated action rates

Represents how likely FB thinks someone will do the desired action (optimization event) that you wants like clicking on the website or installing an app. They base this off the person's previous actions and your ad's historical performance data, helping deliver your ads to the people most likely to give you the result you care about.

If you run in-stream video ads, or ads on Audience Network or Instant Articles, you can:

Restrict the types of content that your ads appear alongside. (ie, excluding categories like gambling and mature content)

Ad Accounts Settings allow you to do the following

Set up or edit the name of your ad account, choose your currency, enter a business name, address and tax ID number, and specify whether you're purchasing ads on behalf of a business or an agency. This is where you can set an ad attribution window, which tells Facebook how long someone's actions should be attributed to an ad after they've seen or interacted with it.

Estimated Daily Results

Shows the number of people in your audience we estimate you'll reach out of the total number of people in your audience who are active on the selected platforms each day. This depends on factors like your bid and budget. This tool predicts potential results in the auction. With this information, you can adjust your daily budget to see predictions for your campaign's potential reach and outcomes before you commit to a budget.

Accelerated delivery

Spends budget as quickly as possible by entering every opportunity under your bid cap into the auction. This favors quick spend over maintaining your cost per result. With accelerated delivery, it is possible to exhaust your budget before your scheduled campaign ends. Advertisers with bigger budgets who want to reach people quickly or with time-sensitive campaigns should consider using accelerated delivery.

What options do you set at the Campaign level of the Ad creation process?

The business goal you want the ad to achieve is your ad objective, this might be Brand Awareness or Catalog Sales. Every ad set and ad within a single campaign shares the same ad objective. You will also choose the buying type

Your payment schedule and some optimization options may vary based on:

The campaign objective and placements you select.

What happens if you change something within the Ad Set level?

The changes will apply to the affiliated ads within the Ad set.

Cost per Click

The cost an advertiser pays each time someone clicks the ad. Example: If you want to increase traffic to your website, you'll most likely focus on getting clicks on your ads. You can use cost per click bidding, or CPC, to make sure that the people who click on your ads go directly to your website. This type of bidding works well for goals in the consideration phase. For example, if Jasper's Market wants more customers to check out its products online, it could consider CPC bidding.

Cost per mille (CPM)

The cost an advertiser pays for every 1,000 clicks on an advertisement. Example: If you want to increase awareness for your business, you'll most likely focus on getting impressions. You can use CPM bidding to put your ad in front of your audience. For example, if Jasper's Market just launched a new line of organic sodas, they would focus on how many views they get from potential customers to increase awareness of their new product.

Cost per conversion/acquisition (CPA)

The cost to acquire a customer who takes action (for example, makes a purchase, installs an app and so on). Example: If you're focused on getting a customer to take action (make a purchase, install an app and so on), then you may consider cost per acquisition, or CPA, bidding. This bidding strategy works well for goals in the conversion stage of the marketing funnel. For example, if Jasper's Market wants to encourage shoppers to download its new app, it can consider using CPA bidding to increase app downloads.

Once your ads wins auction based on Total Value, what happens?

The prices paid are based on the Total Value of the advertisers below you. When the price on the bids is based on those of the advertisers below you, it make it easier to find the bid that will deliver the best results.

How is FB auctions different from other traditional auctions?

The winner isn't the ad with the highest monetary bid. All ads on Facebook compete against each other, and our system selects the ad that creates the most total value as the winner. AKA the more relevant we predict an ad will be to someone, the less it should cost you, the advertiser, to show it to them.

How can advertisers utilize block lists?

They can create block lists of apps, publishers, websites and Facebook Pages where they don't want their ads to appear. Remember that these types of restrictions will limit the number of places where people can see your ads.

What types of access does a Page Analysts have?

They can view ads and access reports

What types of access does a Page Advertiser have?

They can: View ads Create and edit ads Access Report

What types of access does a Page Admin have?

They can: View ads Create and edit ads Edit Payment method Manage page role and permissions Access Report

What is a Custom Audience?

This audience lets you securely input your customer data or use Facebook engagement information to reach people you already have a relationship with. For example, people who've visited your website, provided their contact details or liked your Facebook Page.

Campaign Spending Limit

This is done at the campaign level and all ads within that campaign will stop running once the limit is reached.

What is a split test?

This occurs at the Campaign level, it lets you test ad sets against each other to understand which strategies give you the best results.

What is Special Ad Audience?

Using existing information you have about the people you want to reach to create a new audience with similar online behavior. It's like a Lookalike Audience, but adjusted to comply with the audience selection restrictions associated with your campaign's Special Ad Category and our Advertising Policies.

There are a few differences between the browser and app experiences for Facebook Ads Manage, what are they?

When you access Ads Manager in a browser, you can create an ad using any of our 11 ad objectives. The app offers a smaller selection of ad objectives. But, the app also allows you to upload images to your ad directly from your Instagram account.

How does choosing a budget and scheduling work on FB ads?

You can set a daily or lifetime ad budget, and a start and end date for your ad set. Putting this data in will help give you an estimated reach.

What should you do if your feel you ad was wrongfully rejected?

You have the option to appeal the decision.

Can you explain the advertiser bid and what it may include?

You tell FB your cost goals with your bid strategy, and FB bids for you to help you meet that goal. This may include a bid cap (for the lowest cost bid strategy) or cost target (for the target cost bid strategy) to guide our bidding.

What options do you set at the Ads level of the Ad creation process?

You will choose the ad format and provide the creative and text that people see on Facebook. This includes your ad's headline, content, photo or video assets and destination URL. You will also connect the ads to a FB page and IG account that you manage

Ad accounts operate within a single currency. If you operate internationally, what will you need to do?

You'll set up a new ad account for each currency you use to purchase Facebook ads. You can change your preferred currency by creating a new ad account operating with a different currency, or by changing the currency in Ad Account Setup, below Ad Accounts in your settings.

What does turning on automatic placements do? Why consider it?

You're telling Facebook to show your ad on all placements available for your settings on Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network and Messenger. Using automatic placements may help you find a wider audience and reach more people.

The formula that determines the winning ad in an auction

[Advertiser Bid] x [Estimated Action Rates] + [User Value] = Total Value


a looping video ad composed of up to 10 images or frames extracted from a video, to which you can add transitions and music


a primary video or image with four smaller images in a grid-like layout


a scrollable sequence of 2-10 images or videos


a single photo or graphic

The Facebook ____ ____ is designed to maximize advertiser value and optimize the consumer experience

ad auction


an ad anchored by a single video

The _______ _________ may vary depending on which ad objective you select,

available placements


cost per thousand impressions: the total amount spent on an ad campaign, divided by impressions, multiplied by 1,000.

Standard delivery is designed to spend your budget evenly over the duration of the campaign using a method called ____ ____. What does this method do?

discount pacing With this method, we essentially lower your bid to a level that will just spend your budget over the campaign duration so that you can capture more opportunities at more efficient costs.

How is eCPM calculated if the goal is clicks?

eCPM = (Advertiser bid per click) x (estimated click-through rate) x 1,000

How is eCPM calculated if the goal is actions (besides clicks)?

eCPM = (advertiser bid per action) x (estimated click-through rate) x (estimated conversion rate)* x 1,000 Actions may include video views, mobile app installs, website conversions and Page post engagements.

How is eCPM calculated if the goal is impressions?

eCPM = Advertiser bid per impression

Regardless of which action you choose to optimize for, we convert all advertiser values to an ____ ____ to allow us to rank ads with different optimization goals and bids.

estimated CPM (eCPM)

Through what can set to ensure you'll be automatically charged each time you hit a certain spend, and receive another bill at the end of the month for any outstanding balance?

A billing threshold

What audience types are there?

Core Audiences, Custom Audiences, and Lookalike Audiences

You can include or exclude people from your audience based on what?

Demographics, location, interests and behaviors. For example, you could display ads to everyone who lives within 20 miles of a major city, but exclude people who live in the city itself.

What happens if you change something within the Campaign level?

Each ad set and ads within it will apply those changes as well.

What is a relevance score and how is it used?

FB assigns your ad a relevance score, which estimates how well your ad is resonating with the people you want to reach. This is important to the user value The higher your ad's relevance score, the better it's considered to be performing. The score ranges from 1 to 10. A 1 indicates low relevance and 10 indicates high relevance. FB shows a relevance score after your ad receives more than 500 impressions.

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