Plant Diseases
Stem Rot
Cause: Species of soil-inhabiting fungi such Rhizoctonia, Fusarium and Pythium. In many cases, the disease is a continuation of seedling blight. Spots of various sizes occur on the stem, at or near the soil level and on the roots.
Powdery mildew
Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that affects a wide range of plants. Powdery mildew diseases are caused by many different species of fungi in the order Erysiphales, with Podosphaera xanthii (a.k.a. Sphaerotheca fuliginea) being the most commonly reported cause
Rusts are plant diseases caused by pathogenic fungi of the order Pucciniales. An estimated 168 rust genera and approximately 7000 species, more than half of which belong to the genus Puccinia, are currently accepted.
Tospovirus (INSV and TSWV)
Tospovirus is a virus family that includes Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV) and Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV).
Root Rot
a condition found in both indoor and outdoor plants, although more common with indoor plants with poor drainage. Rots roots usually caused by over watering.
Downy Mildew
fungal disease of leaves and sometimes pods/seeds; yellowing leaves, white fungal growth on underside of leaves
Botrytis - Gray Mold
fungus; dark gray growth on plant; spores spread through wind or water
fungus; occurs in excessively damp conditions, in particular young seedlings; stem tissue on the seedlings may have black water-soaked lesions at the soil line
Leaf spot (Black)
most caused by fungus, some bacteria; black spots on leaves