PM Ch.12, Project Management Final Exam +

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Iterations are short time frames (time boxes) that typically last from __________.

1-4 weeks

The traits of successful project managers include all of the following EXCEPT A. Pessimist B. Proactivity C. Effective communication skills D. Effective time management E. Personal integrity


What does the acronym BATNA stand for? A. Best alternative to a negotiated agreement B. Be able to negotiate an agreement C. Better ability to negotiate an agreement D. Best ability to have a negotiated agreement E. Better agree than no agreement


When building a stakeholder map, a project manager should include all people or groups who meet all of the following criteria except which one? A. Those who have a low level of interest in the project B. Those whose agreement or approval are required for project deliverables C. Those whose cooperation is necessary to complete the project D. Those who have a positive attitude toward the project E. Those who oppose the project and may block its completion


When considering principled negotiation, keeping focus on the issues even when people become upset, frustrated, and even angry is an example of A. Separating people from the problem. B. Being honest and forthright. C. Focusing on interests, not positions. D. Inventing options for mutual gain. E. Using objective criteria.


Which of the following is NOT a reason to have a BATNA? A. It increases the chance that you will win the negotiation B. It gives you the power to walk away C. It can reduce how dependent you are on the other party D. It increases the likelihood of coming to a win/win agreement E. It is a good defense against unreasonable win/lose negotiators


Which of the following is part of the traditional approach to managing contracted relationships? A. Structured communications B. Long-term commitment C. Total company involvement D. Shared risk E. Mutual trust


"Trust can actually encourage disagreement and conflict among team members." Explain why this would be the case. A. People are more willing to share their opinions and challenge each others ideas B. The goal is not to score interpersonal points but rather do what is best for the team and the project C. All responses should not be consistent with the vision D. It may force them to overlook the information from the customer

A and B

What does the exchange model of influence suggest you do to build cooperative relationships to compete a project? A. Provide services and resources to others in exchange for future resources and services B. Find out what you can offer others that is of value to them C. Build a negative "bank account" with those upon whom you are dependent D. Identity ways you can out-compete others

A and B

What is true of the traditional project management approach concerning project scope and technology? A. Traditional project management relies heavily on upfront planning B. Traditional project management requires that project scope and technology are predictable C. Traditional project management implies that good planning and execution avoid the need for corrective action, regardless of scope D. Traditional project management is just as effective when project scope and technology are not well known

A and B

What is the difference between managing and leading a project? A. Leading involves recognizing the need to change course B. Managing involves motivating the team to overcome obstacles C. Managing is about formulating plans and objectives D. Leading is about putting out fires and maintaining the course

A and C

Why is it important to build a relationship before you need it? A. Building a positive credit allows you to tap into relationships when you need help B. Its is not, you should build relationships when you need them C. People are likely to be more cooperative if they know you D. People are more likely to respond to your requests when they view you as intimidating based on past contacts

A and C

How does a Kansan board work? A. It shows the workflow of an individual or project team B. A white board with three columns and sticky notes are the most common tools used C. It erases blocks once they have been removed D. It displays the amount of work remaining

A, B, D

What is true of iterative, incremental development (IID)? A. The scope of the project evolves over time B. Each iteration is a mini-project C. One disadvantage is frequent demonstrations D. The product is first demonstrated to stakeholders at the end of the project E. One advantage is early section of defects

A, B, E

What is true concerning the traditional role of a project manager (PM) and a scrum master? A. The SM facilitates the scrum process and resolves impediments at the team and organizational level B. The SM has direct authority over the work C. The SM is more of a coach than a manager D. The PM develops the project plan E. The SM is much more dominant than a PM

A, C, D

Which of the following are among the skills associated with being and effective project manager? A. Skillful political B. Pessimism C. General business perspective D. Low emotional intelligence E. Effective time management

A, C, E

__________ represents a fundamental shift away from the traditional plan-driven project management approach by adopting a more experimental and adaptive approach to managing projects.

Agile project management

Outsourced projects are susceptible to conflicts since people are unaccustomed to working together. Which of the following is a primary control mechanism for dealing with and resolving problems? A. Arbitration B. Escalation C. Collaboration D. Mediation E. Regulation


Principled negotiation emphasizes developing win/win solutions while protecting yourself against those who would take advantage of your forthrightness. Which of the following is NOT one of the key points of principled negotiation? A. Use objective criteria when possible B. Be honest and forthright C. Focus on interests, not positions D. Separate the people from the problem E. Invent options for mutual gain


The following are differences between the partnering approach and the traditional approach to managing contracted relationships EXCEPT A. Mutual trust forms in the partnering approach where suspicion and distrust are prominent in the traditional approach. B. Contracts establish long-term commitments in the partnering approach while single project contracting is normal in the traditional approach. C. Access to each other's organization resources is available in the partnering approach but limited in the traditional approach. D. Risk is shared jointly among partners in a partnering approach but is transferred to the other party in the traditional approach. E. The partnering approach entails significant time and energy while a handshake is satisfactory in the traditional approach.


Ultimate success of the project is determined by A. Whether the project was completed on time. B. Whether the customer is happy. C. Whether the project meets specifications. D. Whether the project was under budget. E. Whether the project served the purpose it intended.


Which of the following is suggested as the best target for a customer satisfaction ratio? A. 1.00 B. 1.05 C. 1.10 D. 1.20 E. 1.50


Which of the following models/methods is not an agile method? A. Scrum B. Waterfall C. Extreme programming (XP) D. RUP (Rational Unified Process) E. Crystal Clear


Why are extensive training and team building activities important when managing contracted relationships? A. Extensive training and team building activities are not worth the effort because people issues will usually work themselves out over time B. So team members are provided with a theoretical understanding of the barriers to collaboration as well as the skills and procedures to be successful C. So conflict management processes can be put into place D. So teams can still function together when co-location is not important for project success E. So teams can identify difficult individuals and keep their distance during the project


What can a project manager do to avoid some of the pitfalls of a highly cohesive project team? A . Discourage functional conflict B. Be proactive in reducing isolation C. Be aware that a highly cohesive team may lead to problems D. Personally show that one is part of the team, and not so much a part of the organization

B and C

What differences would you expect to see between the kinds of influence currencies that a project manager in a functional matrix would use and the influence a project manager of a dedicated project team would use? A. The project manager in a functional matrix has more formal authority over the participants and the project B. Project managers in a functional matrix compensate foe their lack of formal authority by exercising informal influence C. The dedicated project manager is responsible for assigning project work D. A project manager in a functional matrix will have greater access to position-related currencies

B and C

What is true of a self-organizing team and a conventional project team? A. In a traditional project team, the members are responsible for managing their own work B. Both kinds of teams share a common goal C. Both kinds of team rely on collaboration D. In a self-organizing team, the project manager plans and controls work

B and C

Why should a project manager emphasize group rewards over individual rewards? A. Most project work is an individual effort B. Recognizing individuals can distract from team unity C. Group rewards encourage team cohesion D. Group cohesion can be enhanced by competition

B and C

What are the differences between the five-stage model of team development and the punctuated equilibrium model? A. The punctuated equilibrium model asserts that effective project groups evolve in a predictable manner B. The five stage model includes forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning C. The five stage model asserts that groups do not naturally evolve into an effective team D. The punctuated equilibrium model argues that groups encounter a mid-point crisis

B and D

What are the elements of an effective project vision? A. The project leader must take a passive role to achieve the vision B. The vision must make strategic sense C. One must be able to communicate the vision to others D. The vision should inspire others to give optimal effort

B, C, D

What factor would promote the successful adoption of Agile PM methodologies like Scrum? A. An organization with a history of strong project performance B. A group that values transparency, and the open sharing of good and bad news C. An individual who excels with autonomy D. An individual who has a low tolerance for uncertainty E. A project with a high degree of uncertainty regarding either scope or technology F. A project in which customer interests are complex and not easily represented

B, C, D, E

Customer satisfaction can be quantified by A. Perceived performance divided by actual performance. B. Actual performance divided by expected performance. C. Perceived performance divided by expected performance. D. Actual performance divided by perceived performance. E. Expected performance divided by actual performance.


Disadvantages of outsourcing project work may likely include all of the following EXCEPT A. Increased conflict. B. Coordination breakdowns. C. Increased costs. D. Loss of control. E. More internal morale issues.


In regard to outsourcing, the MOST effective way to avoid problems with schedules and deadlines is to A. Develop detailed schedules. B. Hold frequent status reviews. C. Add a penalty clause to the contract. D. Hold frequent conversations with the outsourcer. E. Build extra time into the schedules that the outsourcer is not aware of.


Key practices in the partnering approach to managing contracted relationships include A. Single project contracting. B. Risk being transferred to the other party. C. Access to each other's organizational resources. D. Structured communications. E. Independent project teams.


Long-term partnerships will provide all the following EXCEPT A. Improved communication. B. More efficient utilization of resources. C. Reduced communication requirements. D. Lower administrative costs. E. Improved innovation.


The following are ways a project manager can manage a customer's expectations and perceptions EXCEPT A. Avoid the temptation to oversell the virtues of the project to win approval. B. Make sure to develop a well-defined scope statement. C. Delay communicating problems that you feel can be resolved without involving the customer. D. Share significant risks that might disrupt project execution. E. Make sure that customer interactions are handled in a competent and professional manner.


When considering principled negotiation, revealing why you are trying to achieve something instead of demanding what you want or need is an example of A. Separate people from the problem. B. Be honest. C. Focus on interests, not positions. D. Invent options for mutual gain. E. When possible, use objective criteria.


When considering traditional versus agile project management, all the following are part of the traditional project management model EXCEPT A. Fixed scope B. Deliverables C. Continuous design D. Low uncertainty E. Conventional project teams


When interacting with the customer, it is important that the project manager A. Show the customer your knowledge on the subject by using technical terms. B. Speak slowly and in precise terms. C. Speak the language of the customer. D. Allow only one person from the project team to communicate with the customer. E. Ask the customer to repeat important details.


When you call your Internet provider to solve a technical problem and you end up talking to a technician in India or Romania, you have just experienced A. Telecommunications. B. Partnering. C. Outsourcing. D. Service shift. E. Bilingual customer service.


What are the unique challenges to managing a virtual project team? A. The virtual nature of the team increases trust beyond what is normal B. Informal socializing can lead to distractions C. Building good communication is more difficult D. Developing trust is more difficult

C and D

What is the difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict on a project? A. All conflict on a project is dysfunctional B. If project members feel dissatisfied with each other, it is dysfunctional C. As long as the conflict enhances project performance it is considered functional D. Conflict is only considered dysfunctional if it distracts from project performance

C and D

When would it be appropriate to hold a formal team-building session on a project? A. Formal-team building sessions should only be used at the outset of the project B. Formal team building sessions should be used once a problem develops C. Formal team team building sessions may be used when new members join the project D. Formal team building sessions should be used when they will enhance the team's performance

C and D

Why is it critical to keep the project sponsor informed? A. The project sponsor is prohibited from using influence to defend the project but may help in other ways B. The project sponsor may attack the project if not kept informed C. The project sponsor is a powerful ally D. Project sponsors need to be kept informed so that they can defend the project

C and D

Why is trust a function of both character and competence? A. You are likely to follow someone who has the best of intentions even if they have a track record of failing to get things done correctly B. Either character or competence alone is likely to endanger trust C. People must have confidence in the other person's abilities and competence D. You are unlikely to follow someone who is quite competent if you believe they are only looking out for what is best for them

C and D

For some agile projects, __________ are established, which is the maximum budget that should not be exceeded in the development of a given product or service.


While agile project management does not consist of one set method, most methods are based on similar principles. Which of the following agile project management principles would be described when teams reflect, learn, and adapt to change, and when project work updates the plan?

Continuous improvement

__________ define the scope of the project, and ultimate project success rests in their satisfaction.


Advantages of outsourcing project work may likely include all of the following EXCEPT A. Shortened project duration. B. Reduced costs. C. Higher level of expertise. D. Reduced conflict. E. Increased flexibility.


Mathematically, customer satisfaction is a function of the extent to which perceived performance exceeds expectations. A customer satisfaction ratio of .95 indicates that a customer is A. Very satisfied. B. Slightly satisfied. C. Neutral—expectations were met. D. Slightly dissatisfied. E. Very dissatisfied.


Project success or failure often is reliant upon the contributions of all the following groups of stakeholders EXCEPT A. Customers B. Suppliers C. Contractors D. Competitors E. Top management


Successful firms are very careful in selecting the work to be outsourced. If expectations and requirements are fuzzy or open to debate, working together can become very difficult. The following are ways to clarify requirements and procedures EXCEPT A. Make sure that different firms' project management systems are integrated. B. Contract only work with clearly defined deliverables with measurable outcomes. C. Establish who has access to certain information through robust safeguards. D. Make sure communication is well structured and interactions are managed to avoid confusion. E. Document your requirements.


The result of team building among the project's participants that states their common goals for the project as well as the procedures that will be used to achieve these goals is a A. Signed contract. B. Legal partnership agreement. C. Project plan. D. Partnering charter. E. Responsibility matrix.


What is the fundamental difference between a fixed-price and a cost-plus contract? A. On fixed-price contracts partnering is used while it is not used for cost-plus contracts B. On fixed-price contracts macro estimates are used while micro estimates are used for cost-plus contracts C. No scope changes are made on fixed-price contracts while scope changes are allowed for cost-plus contracts D. On fixed-price contracts the cost is set in advance while for cost-plus contracts it is established after the project is completed E. On fixed-price contracts contractors are used while on cost-plus contracts no external contractors are used


When considering principled negotiation, both buyers and sellers relying on the blue book to establish price parameters of a used car would be an example of A. Focusing on interests, not positions. B. Inventing options of mutual gain. C. Being honest and forthright. D. Using objective criteria. E. Separating the people from the problem.


When considering principled negotiation, when one person identifies options that are of low cost to them but of high interest to the other party, this is an example of A. Separate people from the problem. B. Be honest. C. Focus on interests, not positions. D. Invent options for mutual gain. E. When possible, use objective criteria.


When considering traditional versus agile project management, all the following are part of the agile project management model EXCEPT A. Flexibility B. High uncertainty C. Embrace change D. Design up front E. Self-organizing teams


Which of the following is NOT a key to successful partnering relationships? A. Mutual trust B. Jointly shared risk C. Total company involvement D. Independent project teams E. Long-term commitment


Which of the following is NOT an advantage of establishing a long-term partnership? A. More efficient utilization of resources B. Reduced administration costs C. Improved innovation D. Risk is eventually transferred to the other party E. Improved performance


Which of the following is not one of the four value statements of the agile manifesto? A. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools B. Working software over comprehensive documentation C. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation D. Established cost and duration over unpredictable cost and duration


Mapping ____________ helps identify those on whom the project depends for success.


The largest source of tension between project managers and upper management typically comes from..

Differences of perspective

Best practices in outsourcing project work include all the following EXCEPT A. Well-defined requirements and procedures. B. Training and team-building activities. C. Well-established conflict management processes. D. Frequent reviews and status updates. E. Short-term, no-pressure outsourcing relationships.


The outer ring in the network of relationships for project managers includes all of the following EXCEPT A. Other organizations B. Customers C. Vendors/suppliers D. Government agencies E. Administrative support


The transferring of business functions or processes to other companies has traditionally been known as A. Subcontracting. B. Downsizing. C. Partnering. D. Joint venture. E. Outsourcing.


When negotiating, the tendency is to want to win! Why is this not a good approach when managing contracted relationships? A. This approach inhibits the degree of trust and cooperation needed for the alliance to work B. A noncompetitive approach can bring about functional conflict C. This approach can cause dysfunctional conflict to rise and negotiations to break down D. Because people have to continue to work together after negotiations E. All of these are reasons a competitive approach to negotiation should not be used when managing contracted relationships


Which of the following is NOT an element of good negotiation? A. Be hard on the problem, soft on the people B. Conflict on a project can be good C. Negotiation is not a contest D. Seek first to understand, then to be understood E. Avoid dealing with unreasonable people


Which of the following is NOT one of the aspects of leading by example? A. Priorities B. Ethics C. Urgency D. Cooperation E. Power


Which of the following is not a name given to key roles of the scrum process? A. Development team B. Scrum master C. Self-organizing team D. Product owner E. XP master


Which of the following is the BEST way to ensure that cohesion and cooperation are not undermined and the parties involved will be satisfied when the project is complete? A. Long-term outsourcing relationships B. Good negotiation practices C. Well-established conflict management processes in place D. Frequent review and status updates E. Fair and incentive-laden contracts


Which of the following is true in regard to negotiation when managing projects? A. It is a competitive contest B. Each negotiator should win as much as he or she can for his or her side C. If project managers are not able to win negotiations, they will not be seen as effective leaders D. Success is measured by how much is gained compared to the other party E. It cannot be viewed as a contest


In place of a product WBS, Scrum uses product __________ as deliverables.


__________ is the Agile principle where the project team uses business-driven prioritization of requirements and features.

Focus on Customer Value

During which stage of team development do team members establish ground rules and try to find out what behaviors are acceptable and what performance expectations are?


In terms of commonly traded organizational currencies, being involved in a task that has a large significance and having a chance to do something important and do it well are examples of ______-related currencies.


A well-defined project that encounters no significant surprises would require little...


Managers spend the majority of their time outside their offices in the ________ style of management.


Which of the following is used at Hewlett-Packard for building relationships with key players that will determine a project's success?


________ occurs when the whole is less than the sum of its parts.

Negative synergy

A high school basketball coach has noticed that some close relationships have formed as well as feelings of camaraderie and shared responsibilities for the team's success. Which stage of development is the team in?


When project managers have a can-do attitude and when they are able to maintain a positive attitude during a dismal day and keep others' attention positive as well, they are demonstrating ___________.


_________-related currencies stem from the project manager's ability to enhance others' positions within the organization.


The __________ is the customer's prioritized list of key features desired when the project is completed.

Product backlog

Scrum uses __________ as deliverables.

Product features

Scrum relies on three key roles. A person who acts on behalf of customers to represent their interests and who is responsible for ensuring that the development team focuses their efforts on developing a project that will fulfill the business objective of the project is called a...

Product owner

At the end of each sprint, the team demonstrate the actual work product increments they have built to the __________ and __________ as part of a Sprint review.

Product owner, other relevant stakeholders

The closest relationships in a project network of relationships are between the project manager and...

Project team members

A key to being able to effectively persuade superiors is...

Providing loyalty

To provide greater clarity to business ethics, many companies and professional groups...

Publish a code of conduct

_________-related currencies have more to do with strengthening the relationship with someone than directly accomplishing the project tasks.


The meeting meant to reflect on how well the previous sprint went and identify specific actions that can improve future sprints is called a sprint _________ meeting.


Agile methods can be used on larger scale projects in which several teams are working on different features at the same time. In practice this condition is called...


__________ is the Agile principle that describes project team members deciding amongst themselves what should be done and who is best suited for it on the team.


A product innovation manager for a manufacturing company has recently noticed some disturbing behavior among team members. Recently the team has exhibited a high degree of conflict over who will control the group and how decisions will be made. Which stage of development is the team in?


__________-related currencies come directly from the project manager's ability to contribute to others' accomplishing their work.


Using Scrum methodology, specific features are created according to four distinct phases during each sprint. The last phase includes the __________ and documentation of the feature.


Which metaphor best captures the role of a project manager?

The conductor of an orchestra

The key to exercising influence is...

To build trust

The __________ method assumes essential requirements can be defined up front so the software can be designed, built, tested, and released once at the end.


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