Poetry test

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"Her early leaf's a flower" is an example of what type of SOUND DEVICE?


"Her hardest hue to hold" is an example of what type of FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE?


"Her hardest...hue...hold" to hold is an example of what type of SOUND DEVICE?


"So Eden sank to grief" is an example of what type of FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE?

What is the first line in the poem?

"Stop all the clocks"

stanza one contains and example of apostrophe- identify it.

"oh do not ask what is it"

written to a child?

- doesn't have anything to offer (but should because he is the parent) - my love is always there - similes compare things that can easily be understood by a child



Who are the 3 speaker of AIWOOE?

-the lover - the clocks - the narrator

How many stanzas are in the poem "I Am Offering This Poem"?


What is the fog compared to

A cat

What does Prufrock expect to have dropped on his plate

A question

What does the simile in line 3 indicate?: "Like a patient etherized upon a table"

A sense of helplessness

Her hardest hue to hold

About 10 days then hardens off and becomes solid green

Her early leaf's a flower

An apple blossom begins as a flower

So Dawn goes down to day

Beautiful sunrise turn into an ordinary day


Definite and blunt opening.

What is this poem's theme?

Deflating love

What does line 46 mean?: "Do I dare disturb the universe?"

Do I step out of my comfort zone?

Because the speaker is unclear "you" who never replies the narrative technique is

Dramatic monologue

From which period was this from?

Early period

Describe Prufrocks personality

He is part of a high social class He is insecure and doesn't think he's desirable at all and he's shy, timid

"nodding by the fire"

Her own passion and personal fire has been extinguished, now the only warmth she feels is from an external source

What does the repetition of the phrase "there will be time" represent?

His hesitation and delay; he is putting off rejection

What is the first stanza talking about? When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

How the person (Maud Gonne) will take down the book of poems and have a private moment of contemplation

what literary device is used in this poem?


'Take down this book'

Imperative tone, through gentle. Could Yeats be referring to his own works ?

What is the second stanza talking about? How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true, But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face;

It becomes more public and the scene shifts to what made her so attractive to the many

What is the third stanza talking about? And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

It deals with the consequences of her rejection and the imagery compares the small fire of warmth of old age with the far off but brilliant 'stars' that Love has gone to

What does the scythe represent in "The crowds harvest the wheat"?

It is a symbol of death, and it is a symbol of impending mortality

What is this poem poking fun at?

Love, because no matter how great our love is, we will always be outlasted

So Eden sank to grief

Mankind kicked out of paradise, "the loss of innocence"

What were the two sources of love, and how were they different?

Many men loved her, and one man loved her. Many loved her beauty with love false or true, but only one man loved the pilgrim soul in her

Nothing gold can stay

Nothing young, precious, innocent, good, or golden lasts forever

second person


"The crowds harvest the wheat" - what is the meaning of this quote?

People come and go frequently, and wheat is cut down with a scythe

Title 'When You Are Old'

Projecting into the future. It is the Use of 2nd person creates immediacy and also a sense of warning.

Name the speaker of the poem


explain the significance of the inclusion of Dante's Inferno as the epigram?

Prufrock is going through his own version of hell

What does the line "with a bald spot in the middle of my hair" mean?

Prufrock is very sensitive about his appearance and worries that others judge him negatively

What does lines 1-5 mean?: Let us go then, you and I, When the evening is spread out against the sky Like a patient etherized upon a table; Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,

Prufrock issues his invitation to an unspecified "you" to go with him to a specific place

'Soft look' 'Shadows deep'

Reference to her beauty and mystique when young.

'Loved' 'Love'

Refers to her many admirers, thosee that loved her looks and her vivaciousness.

What mood is created by such images as "restless nights" "cheap hotels" "sawdust restaurants" and streets that resemble an argument

Scary quality and he's in the slums

As ideas and feelings seem to rise at random in this poem the narrative structure is

Stream of consciousness

But only so an hour

The blossom becomes a leaf or fruit (Dark Green)

what does "Nature's first green is gold" mean?

The early spring gold green leaves

'False or true' 'One man' 'Pilgrim soul' 'Sorrows' 'Changing face'

The fickleness of 'many' who may have loved her is contrasted to the 'one man' who loved the deeper elements of her, her passion, commitment and her sorrows.

Then the leaf subsides to leaf

The gold green leafs turn to solid green

What does lines 6-14 mean?: Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells: Streets that follow like a tedious argument Of insidious intent To lead you to an overwhelming question ... Oh, do not ask, "What is it?" Let us go and make our visit. In the room the women come and go Talking of Michelangelo.

The images of a drab neighborhood of cheap hotels and restaurants, where Prufrock lives in solitary gloom

I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.

The persona knows that it is true love because the person made them remember again what love is. And to show their gratitude, the persona is willing to give up everything for that person, even their life.

I love thee to the level of everyday's Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.

The persona loves the person to the point that they need them as much as they need the sun during the day and candle-light during the night.

I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.

The persona remembers the passion they used to have as a child, and now they're ready to ignite it again for their love. These lines can also be related to young love/ first love: having so much faith and expecting that it will last.

I love thee freely, as men strive for right. I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.

The persona wants their love to be free (and they're willing to take risks, if there are any, to be free) and pure (meaning simple - true love does not mean gifts, rewards)

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace.

The persona's love for the person has no limit, and it's so big that it reaches the depths of death and heights of heaven

What is the first line saying?

There is a common theme of time and clocks

What do clocks represent in this poem?

They represent the fact that our time on Earth is limited and our existence does not really matter that much

What does the repetition of "loved" emphasize?

This is looking at the past and that she was a loved woman

What subject occupies Prufrocks mind



Use and repitition of 'and' creates a sense of movement and action. However, when combined with adverbs such as 'slowly', the action is somewhat ambiguous.

'Nodding' 'Grey' 'Sleep'

Verbs such as 'nodding' and nouns such as 'grey' and 'sleep' combine to create an image of an elderly person reflecting on their life.

Who wrote "As I Walked Out One Evening"?

W. H. Auden


What does "Nature's first green" refer to?

some change happens quickly

What does Frost FIGURATIVELY mean when he says "But only so an hour"?

spring is precious

What does Robert Frost mean when he says that "Nature's first green is gold"?

change will happen

What is the theme of the poem?

What does "one-night cheap hotels" mean?

Where lovers meet in secret

Who wrote this poem?

William Butler Yeats

to what is the smoke and fog compared to in lines 15-22 emphasizing Eliot's tendency to linger and hesitate outside the party?

a cat

what does the lover compare the girl to?

a flower

stanza 3

a lot of imagery

Read the excerpt from the poem "I Am Offering This Poem." I am offering this poem to you, since I have nothing else to give. Keep it like a warm coat when winter comes to cover you, or like a pair of thick socks the cold cannot bite through, What literary device does the author use in the third line of the excerpt?

a simile

Read the excerpt from "I Am Offering This Poem." and in the corner of your drawer, tucked away like a cabin or hogan in dense trees, come knocking, and I will answer, give you directions, and let you warm yourself by this fire, rest by this fire, and make you feel safe In these lines, the poet uses

a simile to suggest that the poem is valuable.

Read the excerpt from the poem "I Am Offering This Poem." I am offering this poem to you, since I have nothing else to give. Keep it like a warm coat when winter comes to cover you, or like a pair of thick socks the cold cannot bite through, In third line of this excerpt, the poet compares his poem to

a warm coat

identify 2 technical aspects in line 1.

altered syntax, caesura

"in wilderness life becomes when mature"

as you grow older

In "I Am Offering This Poem," the repetition of the phrase "I love you" at the end of every stanza

emphasizes that the poem is a symbol of the speaker's love.

what two poems were quatrains that we read?

girls x3 As I walked out one evening

Read the excerpt from "I Am Offering This Poem." Keep it, treasure this as you would if you were lost, needing direction, in the wilderness life becomes when mature; The speaker compares life with wilderness to suggest that there is no map for life. This reinforces the theme that a poem is a valuable gift, by showing that a poem can offer


"pot full of yellow corn to warm your belly"

his heritage

"I'll love you till the ocean is folded and hung up to dry" is an example of what?


the women aren't talking of Michelangelo, specifically. what are they actually talking about?

men more sophisticated than Prufrock.

iambic pentameter


Elizabeth Browning

one of the most prominent English poets of the Victorian era; her poetry was widely popular in both Britain and the United States during her lifetime

"The muttering retreats" is an example of what poetic device?


lyric poem

poem form

what is a 4 line stanza called?


"I love you"


Read the excerpt from "I Am Offering This Poem." It's all I have to give, and all anyone needs to live, and to go on living inside, when the world outside no longer cares if you live or die; remember, I love you. In the first two lines of the excerpt, what literary device calls attention to the idea that poetry and love are all anyone needs to survive?


mountains or woods (suggested by the text)


provide an example of tactile imagery in lines 20-22.




What is Auden trying to get across in AIWOOE?

that our time on earth is limited

In "I Am Offering This Poem," the simile "or like a pair of thick socks / the cold cannot bite through" reinforces the theme that a love poem is one of the most valuable gifts one can give by showing

that the poem can offer warmth and protection.

What are the clock saying about time?

that time is watching and time always wins, it is something no one can conquer

after reading the poem, what irony is suggested by its title?

the title is "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock", but Prufrock's problem is finding love and talking to the women.

loving sincere


"when the world outside no longer cares if you live or die; remember i love you"

when things are tough, remember i love you no matter what

his lover

who is he addressing

epistolary poem

written in form of a letter

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