POL 101 Final

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Which statement about the legality of marijuana is most accurate?

Despite remaining illegal under federal law, more than half of the states have legalized medical marijuana and a handful have legalized recreational marijuana.

The requirement that persons under arrest be informed of their right to remain silent is known as the __________ rule.


Which of the following statements about the 1964 Civil Rights Act is most accurate?

The 1964 Civil Rights Act addressed, to varying degrees of success, discrimination in public accommodation, segregation, and discrimination by employers.

Which of the following is the best description of the Barron v Baltimore ruling on the issue of the Bill of Rights in 1833?

The Bill of Rights originally limited only the national government but not state governments.

Why did the British government tell John Adams that they would not negotiate treaties related to Revolutionary War disputes with the national government?

The British claimed that there was no point negotiating with the national government under the Articles of Confederation given that it was unable to enforce existing treaties.

What does the supremacy clause assert?

The Constitution and all laws made under it are superior to any state laws.

Which of the following is true of Brown v. Board of Education (1954)?

The Court outlawed de jure segregation.

Which of the following statements best describes the impact of the Fourteenth Amendment?

The Fourteenth Amendment forced state governments to abide by almost every provision in the Bill of Rights, but the process took over 100 years.

Which of the following statements about high school students and freedom of speech in public schools is most accurate?

The Supreme Court has ruled that speech by high school students can be constitutionally regulated under certain circumstances.

Which of the following best describes how to distinguish civil rights fromcivil liberties?

Unlike civil liberties, civil rights place positive obligations on the government to take action.

What constitutional clause affirms that national laws and treatise, made under the authority of the Constitution, are the supreme law of the land?

the supremacy clause

Only one-third of the Senate is up for re-election during any single election year because the framers believed that

this was a way to make the Senate resistant to popular pressure.

According to Harold Lasswell, politics is:

who gets what, when, and how

The framers of the U.S. Constitution intended to create a presidency capable of

withstanding excessive democratic popular pressure by making it subject to indirect election through the electoral college.

If an employee's manager issued an explicit or strongly implied threat that submission to sexual demands is a condition of the employee's job, it would be an example of

"quid pro quo" harassment.

The belief that we can do or say anything we want is an example of the myth of:

Absolute or complete liberty

Based on the chart in the lecture, which of the following is TRUE regarding pay for women, Blacks & Hispanics?

All of these are true

Which of the following were used in southern states during the Jim Crow era to deny African Americans their voting rights?

All these answers are correct.

Which of the following statements concerning political values in the United States is MOST accurate?

American values often conflict with each other in practice.

Fear that a strong national government would abuse its power was espoused by the


Which group was not permitted to immigrate to the United States from the late nineteenth century until the 1940s?


According to Roesler's lecture, using the EFO ideological model, which of the following favor government involvement in maintaining order? For example, requiring school uniforms and making abortion and marijuana illegal?


______ has proven harder to correct than ______.

De facto segregation; de jure segregation

Which of the following statements best summarizes Americans' belief in equality?

Few Americans have embraced the ideal of equality of results, but most share the ideal of equality of opportunity and political equality.

"Due process of law" is generally defined by the ________ amendments.

Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth

The full faith and credit provisions of the U.S. Constitution would require that the state of Kansas:

Honor a divorce granted in California

The original (unamended) Constitution (stemming from the Connecticut Plan) provided for which of the following:

House of Representatives apportioned by the number of free inhabitants plus three fifths of the slaves and a Senate consisting of two members from each state selected by the state legislatures

Why is the Supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison important?

In this case, the Court authorized itself to declare laws passed by Congress unconstitutional.

The Supreme Court's ruling in McDonald v. City of Chicago was important because:

It determined that Second Amendment rights should apply to the states, not just the federal government.

In the Dobbs decision of 2022, what did the Supreme Court rule regarding abortion?

It overturned Roe v Wade and ruled that there is no constitutional right to an abortion.

Which of the following best summarizes Americans' political knowledge?

Most Americans know little about how politics works or what current issues are under debate.

Which of the following was the most widely shared principle among the founders in 1787?

Power must be used to balance power.

Which of the following statements best describes the history of American federalism?

Since the Founding, there has been considerable debate about the allocation of responsibilities between the states and the federal government.

"State governments experiment with different policies to find measures that best meet the needs and desires of their citizens." This quote best reflects which of these statements?

State governments can be viewed as laboratories of democracy.

On Jan 6, 2021 Donald Trump held a rally to protest his losing the 2020 elections. The rally was set near the Capitol building and just before Vice President Mike Pence and Congress were about to certify Joe Biden's election victory. Trump and his fellow speakers lied to the crowd, falsely claiming the election was stolen and demanded that Congress block Joe Biden from being president despite the fact that every judge and election official (including Republicans who support Trump) ruled that the election was free and fair. Trump said things like "We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore" and "I hope Mike is going to do the right thing... Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election." Rudy Giuliani told the crowd "Let's have trial by combat." Trump thanked supporters when they chanted: "Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump!"Within minutes, his supporters attacked the Capitol, smashing windows and doors and injuring 140 Capitol police. Some chanted "Hang Mike Pence" and built a gallows and rope from which to hang him. Is Trump's speech and rally protected by the First Amendment?

Probably not. Political speech is not protected when it is likely that immediate harm will result from the speech.

Which of the following best summarizes the Supreme Court's ruling in Brown v. Board of Education?

Racially segregated schools can never be equal and therefore violate the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

Which of the following does NOT reflect Madison's (& other founders') view on the legislative process?

The framers did not want the national government to be able to function.

Estelle Griswold provided birth control information to married couples, in violation of Connecticut law which banned birth control. Which of the following most accurately reflects the Supreme Court ruling in this case?

The law was declared unconstitutional since it violated the zone of privacy found in the third, fourth and fifth amendments.

Ultimately, why did the Articles of Confederation fail?

The national government they created was insufficiently powerful to deal with the crises of the times.

Which of the following statements is true about the Three-fifths Compromise?

Under this compromise, five slaves would count as a total of three people in apportioning seats in the House of Representatives.

James Madison would generally agree with all of the following statements regarding factions EXCEPT that:

They always constitute a minority of the people

Police would MOST likely be required to use a warrant if they wanted to collect evidence from

a house

Based on the history of Supreme Court decisions on affirmative action, which of the following university admissions policies would be most likely to survive a constitutional challenge?

a policy that considers race as one factor among many in an attempt to achieve a diverse student body

An agreement between the people and their leaders in which the people agree to give up some liberties so that other liberties are protected is called

a social contract

The federal system can best be defined as

a system of government in which power is divided between a national government and lower levels of government.

Which of the following comes closest to describing the political system favored by the American founders?

a system of representative democracy in which the ability to vote for elected representatives would be limited to the middle and upper classes

An amendment to the US Constitution may be proposed in which of the following ways?

a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress

Which of the following is the best definition of due process of law?

the right of every individual against arbitrary action by national or state governments

The Antifederalists argued that the powers of the national government should be limited by

adding a bill of rights to the Constitution to limit the government's power.

Which is correct regarding Muslims in America?

all of these are correct

Which is true regarding voter turnout?

all of these are correct

The Bill of Rights was written because

anti-Federalists demanded one as the price of ratification of the Constitution.

In the 2003 case of Lawrence v. Texas, the Supreme Court overturned the state's

antisodomy law.

Based on the Harvard Justice Project clip, according to Locke, legitimate democratic governments CANNOT

arbitrarily take your property

t is important for Americans to have political knowledge so that they will

be better able to assess their own interests when making political choices.

In the NLRB v Jones Laughlin Steel Company ruling, the Supreme Court ruled that companies involved in manufacturing are engaged in interstate commerce. Why is this significant for the growth of national power?

because it allowed Congress to regulate a large part of our economy

Why does Roesler argue that the mask debate could demonstrate inconsistency? Remember we're discussing the EFO model.

because it seems that the mask debate reflects a choice between freedom and order (FO line), which seems to suggest conservatives should favor government intervention

Which of the following is FALSE regarding traffic stops in Missouri?

black drivers whose cars were searched were more likely to have contraband (illegal substances) than white drivers

The Constitution SPECIFICALLY grants Congress the power to do all of the following EXCEPT:

charter a national bank.

Urging young men to resist the draft during World War I was considered a violation of the ____ by the Supreme Court.

clear and present danger test

The Federalists believed that the powers of government could be limited by

creating an internal system of checks and controls within government.

Imagine a neighborhood in a suburb that is known for its strong school system. Ninety-five percent of homes in the neighborhood are currently owned by White individuals. This is an example of

de facto segregation.

Easy question from the ch3 lecture: Which of the following is NOT an example from the lecture of an issue that relates to Federalism?

declaring war

In August of 2022, the people of Kansas went to the polls and voted on whether to change the constitution to allow abortion to be criminalized. Kansans voted to keep abortion rights in the constitution. As discussed in the lecture, this is an example of

direct democracy

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) was important because it

established the supremacy of the national government in all matters affecting interstate commerce.

The 1961 case of Mapp v. Ohio established the ____ rule for illegally seized evidence.


The 2001 No Child Left Behind Act

expanded the federal government's authority over public education.

The __________ of the First Amendment protects an individuals right to believe and practice whatever religion she or he chooses.

free exercise clause

Oliver Wendell Holmes believes that "the right to swing my fist ends where your nose begins" represents the tension between

freedom and order

According to the textbook, when was the era of dual federalism?

from the ratification of the Constitution until the New Deal

Block grants are designed to

give the states considerable discretion in how money from the federal government is spent.

In DC v Heller (2008), the Supreme Court created a new constitutional right which

guaranteed individuals the right to bear arms

The significance of the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was that it

guaranteed women the right to vote.

The video clips on school lunch spending from the chapter 1 lecture

illustrate that politics is often about setting priorities

The Shays' Rebellion

illustrated the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.

The necessary and proper clause of the Constitution establishes the

implied powers of the national government

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is a policy by Barack Obama that

instructs immigration officials to take no action to deport law-abiding individuals who entered the United States illegally as children.

Based on the lecture and/or the Daily Show interview of Richard Beeman, the 14th Amendment Due Process clause was "revolutionary" because

it applies the Bill of Rights to the states, not just the federal government it applies the Bill of Rights to the states, not just the federal government

The 1996 Welfare Reform law is an example of New (sometimes called "Conflicted" or "Regulated") Federalism because

it reduced the restrictions on how states spend grant money

The full faith and credit clause of the Constitution requires

the states to honor each other's public acts and legal decisions.

Rand Paul, a candidate for the Presidency in 2016, blasted NSA surveillance of Americans saying that "What you do on your cellphone is none of their damned business." In May of 2015, he spent 11 hours on the Senate floor blasting the USA Patriot Act as too much big government.Which two of the four ideologies listed in the EFO model would share Paul's support for freedom (oppose "big government" taking liberty in the name of order/security)?

liberals & libertarians

Cities, states and counties that have declared themselves "sanctuaries"

limit their cooperation with the national government's attempts to enforce immigration law.

American democracy rests on the principle of

majority rule with minority rights.

Under the original, unamended Constitution, the only person(s) elected directly by the people was/were:

members of the House of Representatives.

Donald Trump threatened to sue the New York Times for defamation because they published allegations by 20+ women that he sexually assaulted them. If he did sue, is it likely that would Trump win? Why?

no, because Trump would have to prove that the women were lying and that the paper showed total disregard for the truth

A state university claims eminent domain to take the private property of nearby neighbors and convert it into university housing. This use of eminent domain could be

permissible because the state is taking land from a private owner and transferring it to another as part of a redevelopment program.

As illustrated in the Plessy decision, for the first hundred years after the ratification of the 14th Amendment, the Supreme Court interpreted the equal protection clause to:

permit a system of segregated social facilities.

When Alaska passed a law in the 1970s that gave state residents preference over nonresidents in obtaining work on oil pipelines, this law violated the ________ clause.

privileges and immunities

A student council elected by the student population is an example of:

representative (indirect) democracy.

A woman is trying to buy birth control at a pharmacy, but the pharmacist refuses to sell her birth control on religious grounds. He opposes birth control because he believes that sex before marriage is a sin and that the only purpose of marriage is to have children. Which right is the pharmacist infringing upon?

right to privacy

Affirmative action

seeks to redress past injustices by making special efforts to provide access to employment and education opportunities.

The process by which the Supreme Court has expanded specific parts of the Bill of Rights to protect citizens against states as well as federal actions is called

selective incorporation.

In a decision on the Affordable Care Act, the Supreme Court ruled that

state governments could decline to expand Medicaid coverage without losing their existing Medicaid funds from the federal government.

Over the course of American history, the federal government has grown ____ compared with the states.


Anthony Romero (on the Colbert Report interview) objected to President Obama's policy of _________________ as a violation of Due Process.

targeted killings of American citizens overseas

The extra point analogy illustrates what about "politics"?

that changing the rules can affect the outcome

The rights of the disabled not to be discriminated against in employment and access to public businesses is guaranteed by

the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

What was Madison referring to when he wrote that "a double security arises to the rights of the people"?

the fact that the Constitution protects the rights of the people through both federalism and the separation of powers

Tyranny of the majority means

the majority will threaten the rights of the few.

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