Theology quiz 2

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A formal introduction to a larger body of text. The Gospel of John begins with a famous prologue that connects Jesus (The Word) with God the Creator "In the Beginning"


A manifestation or embodiment of something. In Christianity it means God takes on human flesh in the form of Jesus. "The word was made flesh..."


A person who takes care of sheep. In Luke's gospel the angels' announcement (The Messiah is born) is made to the shepherds and they go to see the infant Jesus (with Mary and Joseph) in Bethlehem.


A process by which an official count of the population is made. In Luke we read that Joseph took Mary near the end of her pregnancy to Bethlehem (to be enrolled -counted in the census) because that was the city of Joseph's ancestry.


A word that means a command or order of the will. In Luke's gospel, Mary's fiat "Let it be done unto me" is directed to the angel Gabriel after she understands the message regarding God's plan to make her the mother of Jesus. Her fiat is her "Yes" to God.


A word that means a song or a hymn. There are two canticles recited in the Gospel of Luke, the Canticle of Mary and the Canticle of Zechariah. These joyous songs give glory to God from the two people he whom angel Gabriel visited.


A word that means someone is promised to another for a future marriage . Mary and Joseph were betrothed to each other. In ancient Judaism, this meant they were essentially engaged - basically married but not yet living together in intimacy.


Also known as Wise men (sometimes referred to as kings), who followed a star from the East to Bethlehem in Matthew's Gospel searching for a newborn king. Ancient prophecies regarding the birth of a great king in Bethlehem. They visited King Herod first and then proceeded to find the Holy Family in Bethlehem. There they found Mary and the baby Jesus and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.


An extended family tree or list of one's ancestors. Matthew begins his gospel with the genealogy of Jesus, connecting his lineage through Joseph back to King David and further still to the great patriarch, Abraham. The linage gives Jesus' birth the spiritual weight of the great figures in salvation history.


An old man and priest of the Temple of Jerusalem. Husband to Elizabeth. In Luke, Zechariah is visited by the angel Gabriel and told that Elizabeth will give birth to a son (John) despite her many years of being barren. Zechariah is steuck dumb for the duration of the preganacy (for his doubt)


An older woman, wife to Zecharaih, cousin of Mary. In Luke, she is blessed with a pregnancy despite being barren for a long time. She becomes the mother of John the Baptist.


Anna the Prophetess who lives at the Temple day and night. She also sees the infant Jesus and is overcome with joy upon encountering the messiah. She immediately becomes an evangelist - proclaiming the good news about Jesus.


Both Luke and Matthew mention that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, a town in the region of Judea. Luke tells more details about the "no room in the inn" and the birth taking place in a stable. Matthew simply mentions a "house" in Bethlehem.

King Herod

Controversial Kid of Judea ( under Roman supervision) known as Herod the Great (mainly for his building projects such as restoring the Temple of Jerusalem). In Matthew's gospel his jealousy and cruelty are depicted in the order to massacre the infant boys of Bethlehem.

Gold, frankincense and myrrh (symbolism)

Given by the Magi. The gold suggests His royalty and wealth as King of the Jews and Lord of lords. Frankincense, they saw His divinity also used in prayer rituals as a burnt offering to God-references Jesus as eternal King. The myrrh represented His humanity and to the fullest extent because myrrh suggests death and burial. All of these gifts show Jesus as King, God, and Man. Myrrh was used for burials or funeral rituals back in the day. Symbol of mortality (death). This represents the humanity of Jesus who will die the death of a human being before being raised from the dead to take his throne in the eternal kingdom.

Flight to Egypt

In Matthew's gospel, Joseph was warned in a dream NOT to return to Nazareth yet. Instead, he should escape King Herod's evil intent on killing the child Jesus and so he took Mary and the baby to Egypt for safety.

Slaughter of the Innocents (infanticide)

Infanticde is the systemic killing of newborn children. In Matthew's gospel, King Herod orders the infactide of all baby boys in Bethlehem. This places Jesus (the New Moses) in the tradition of Moses from the book of Exodus, who survived the infanticee of Hebrew babies decreed by the Pharaoh. Jesus survives because of Jesus's swift decision to flee to Egypt after his dream.

The Word

John's way of describing Jesus as the Sacred "Voice/Wisdom" of God Spoken at Creation.

"Gloria in excelsis Deo"

Latin phrase that translates to "Glory to God in the highest..." This is the beginning of the angel's proclamation to the shepherds outside of Bethlehem.

John (infant)

Miracle baby of Zechariah and Elizaebth (thought to be barren until then). Zechariah is told to name the baby John and that he will grow to become a fiery prophet like Elijah and lead many people back to God. (Born 6 months before Jesus).


One who has not had sexual relations with another. Considered pure. Mary was a virgin at the time of Jesus' conception because it was due to the power of the Holy Spirit that she became pregnant. The virgin birth fulfills an Old Testament prophecy and stresses the miraculous and unique nature of Jesus' entry into humanity.


The archangel or messenger of God described in Luke's gospel. The angel brings messages from Heaven to Zechariah and Mary, announcing God's plan

Joseph (New Testament)

The carpenter from Nazareth whom God chooses to be Jesus' earthly / adopted father. In Matthew's gospel, Joseph plays a prominent role as the protector of Mary and one who is visited by an unnamed angel in his dreams. The dreams serve as God's revelation and guidance for Joseph and the Holy Family.

Jesus (infant) - the name Jesus

The name Jesus (Yeshua) means "God saves." Mary (in Luke) and Joseph (im Matthew) are each told that they are to name their future son, Jesus. He will grow to become the messiah and savior of the world according to Christian theology.


The name means "Friend of God or "Lover of God." Luke addresses his gospel to Theophilus, who may be a historical person or a general name for anyone interested in deepening the understanding of faith in Jesus Christ.


The old man in the Temple (at the time of Jesus' circumcision and presentation to the Lord) who has been waiting to see the messiah his whole life. Now he can "die in peace" once he sees Jesus and the Holy Family. He also warns Mary that a sword will pierce her heart, foreshadowing the pain she will experience when her son is put to death.


The town where Mary and Joseph live and where she is visited by the angel Gabriel. After Jesus's birth in Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph will eventually raise Jesus in Nazareth. Jesus will be called a Nazorean.


The young, virgin woman from Nazareth whom God chose to be the mother of the messiah, Jesus. She is visited by Gaberial. Mary will take Joseph as her husband. Mary, Joseph and Jesus will form "The Holy Family" together.

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