Poli Sci 2320 Inbody Final Review

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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is primarily responsible for administering the __.

Endangered Species Act

5. The main reason that government gets involved in addressing a public problem is to

Ensure that the general "public good" is maintained and protected

Which of the following agencies has primary responsibility for implementing environmental laws in the United States?

Environmental Protection Agency

25. Federal subsidies that are only given to dairy farmers who own more than one hundred cows may raise concerns about the __ of the policy.


25. Which of the following policy analysis criteria would be used if a fair and just evaluation were a concern?


72. Which of the following policy analysis criteria deals with whether a policy has a fair process or policy outcome?


81. A difficult and relatively infrequent type of policy analysis that systematically examines conflicts and concerns about policy alternatives from the standpoint of values and rights is referred to as

Ethical analysis

39. Federal cabinet departments and major agencies such as the CIA and EPA are found in which branch of government?


54. The ____ consists of White House staff and other offices such as the Office of Management and Budget that assist the president in implementing public policy.

Executive Office of the President

Which of the following acts required the EPA to register the pesticides used commercially in the United States?


99. Which of the following is an example of outcome equity mentioned during class?

Federal minimum wage standards

52. The trend of decentralization of government in the United States transfers policy authority from ____to ____?

Federal to state

33. ________ is our system of government in which the federal government shares authority with states and local governments in areas of public policy.


51. In the United States both the national and state governments have authority to enact laws and policies. This system is known as ______________?


47. The Senate allows its members more freedom to debate policy issues than the House. In some cases, Senators talk for hours in hopes of influencing a bill or blocking its passage. This is called a


Opponents to school prayer often cite the __ to support their protests.

First Amendment Establishment Clause

Which federal agency is responsible for testing and approving medical devices?

Food and Drug Administration

21. In order to choose which policy options (such as sanctions or public education) are better than others to reduce cell phone use, policy analysts might use the criterion of efficiency. What question would they ask related to efficiency?

For what we invest, which of these options is likely to do the best job of reducing cell phone use?

83. A local government is interested in planning for certain services for older adults as the baby boom generation ages. The agency develops estimates of the number of older adults who will be living in the area in 2015, 2020, 2025, and 2030.


2. ____ refers to the institutions and political processes through which public policy choices are made.


1. Public policy is best defined as

Government action taken in response to a public problem

9. Which of the following conduct different kinds of policy analysis that is often very helpful to the policy-making process?

Government agencies. Interest groups. Think tanks (All of the above)

26. ____ involves making more minor or modest policy changes.

Incremental decision making

4. Making modest changes in policy is known as what?

Incremental decision making

12. Which of the following illustrates an operational measure of the safety of a community?

Index crime rates, such as violent and property crimes. Automobile crashes per capita. How safe residents report that they feel on a survey (All of the above)

10. The governing context affects how policy decisions are made. This context refers to

The federal system and separation of powers

15. Which of the following statements best illustrates the rational-comprehensive approach to decision making?

The government collected data about illegal immigrants (geographic location, type of employment, and how they got here) and then developed a comprehensive new policy tailored to their findings.

34. Regulating is defined as

The government requiring certain activities be done, and if not, assessing penalties

77. Regulating is defined as

The government requiring certain activities be done, and if not, assessing penalties

76. Evaluative criteria are

The important aspects of the policy proposal on which you will make comparisons

41. Which reason explains the growth in the size and complexity of government over the past hundred years?

The nation's social problems have become highly complex. The government has taken on an expanded role in regulating many areas of our lives. The government's provision of social welfare programs has grown (All of the above)

16. Which of the following is an example of data that could be collected to study the root causes of poverty?

The number of students that drop out of high school

55. One of the biggest differences between a cabinet-level department (agency) and an independent regulatory commission is that

The president may not remove a commissioner of an independent regulatory commission because of policy disagreements

32. Policy analysts study the nature of the problem. Which statement below best defines what this refers to?

The severity, scope, and causes of the problem

40. Which of the following illustrates an operational measure of the safety of a community?

Index crime rates, such as violent and property crimes. Automobile crashes per capita. How safe residents report that they feel on a survey (All of the above)

Members of the United Nations Security Council include all of the following EXCEPT


16. A(n)______ occurs when the public has incomplete information in order to make a decision or the decision is complex and difficult for the average citizen to know how best to proceed. The government may then create policies to protect them.

Information failure

79. The _____theory of policymaking emphasizes the formal and legal parts of governmental structure.


81. Political systems theory explains policymaking as a process of

Interaction between the government institutions and the larger social, economic, and cultural context in which they operate

58. The federal court system plays a vital role in policymaking by

Interpreting the policy decisions made by other agencies of government

Who is the top recipient of U.S. foreign aid?


32. _____ refer to informal clusters of organizations and individuals (working in both government and the private sector) that are deeply involved in a certain area of focus and share specialized knowledge, communication patterns, and power structures within that area of focus.

Issue networks

60. Formerly called iron triangles, ____ are informal groupings of interest groups, congressional subcommittees, and an executive agency that are less likely to be influenced by public opinion since they typically work closely together out of the public eye.

Issue networks

28. Understanding the system of government is important for students of public policy since

It enables us to assess constraints on policy development and the opportunities that exist within the system to develop solutions through policy

20. A good which can be ______ is one in which one individual's consumption of the good does not interfere with another individual's consumption of the same good.

Jointly consumed

59. The _____ branch of the federal government is more constrained in its ability to make policy due to the fact that it cannot apply political views and must anchor their work in the law or precedent.


This law, passed following the 9/11 attacks, increased the ability of the U.S. government to use surveillance techniques to find potential terrorist activities.


What agency administers the federal food stamp program?


35. _____ are federal requirements placed upon state governments without any financial support for implementation.

Unfunded mandates

44. Conflict between states and the federal government can be caused by ____, in which the federal government place new rules about government services that must be provided by states, but did not provide funds to cover the new costs which might be incurred

Unfunded mandates

36. Government policy actors are defined as

Units or agencies of government that are involved in the policy making process

58. In the early 1990s, the state of Wisconsin pilot tested a variety of welfare reform programs such as Workfare and Learnfare. These programs helped the federal government reform its major welfare program in 1996.

Use of real world situations to develop policies

The GI Bill was instrumental in the decision of tens of thousands of veterans to attend college after __.


29. When the U.S. government was formed, which three cabinet-level departments existed?

War, Treasury, and Foreign Affairs

88. Attaining the goal of economic growth may make ____ more acceptable to the general public, since the public's own earnings may be increasing.

Welfare and other redistributive programs

22. In order to choose which policy options (such as sanctions or public education) are better than others to reduce cell phone use, policy analysts might use the criterion of liberty. What question would they ask related to liberty?

Which of these options will least restrict people's freedom and choice?

98. With regard to effectiveness of public policies, which of the following is the most common complaint regarding government programs?

Lack of effectiveness

54. A city that encourages citizens to serve on a community sustainability advisory panel so that they will develop greater awareness and engagement is using a ____ policy tool.


69. Legitimation is the stage of policymaking where

Legal force is given to a policy proposal and the public accepts the policy

65. Not every state has laws that require motorcyclists to wear helmets even though they have been shown to reduce the severity of injuries in the event of an accident. States without these laws have weighed the criterion of ___ more strongly than effectiveness.


43. Examining books, journals, and reports regarding a particular problem or solution represents the use of the ____ technique of collecting information.

Literature review

56. Interest groups often attempt to influence policymakers and public policy through


97. In terms of salience and conflict, health care legislation, such as the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), would fall under which category below?

Low Salience, High Conflict.

73. Some analysts try to predict how likely a policy issue will be placed on the agenda for action. Policy issues that have ______ have the best chances to be placed on a public agenda.

Low conflict and high saliency

17. Negative Externality and Information Failure are both examples what?

Market failure

4. ________ are economic justifications for why government becomes involved in societal problems.

Market failures

The __ provided assistance to rebuild Europe after WWII.

Marshall Plan

Which government program provides medical insurance for the elderly and the disabled?


__ is based on the idea that teachers should receive pay raises based on successful student performance.

Merit pay

What act helped to develop the U.S. land-grant college system?


5. Which best describes the approaches being taken by states to address the problem of cell phone use by drivers?

Most states have banned text messaging by drivers, but states have done a variety of things with regard to cell phone use while driving

What test does the NCLB Act require schools to administer?

National Assessment of Education Progress

The __ is primarily responsible for federal health science research.

National Institutes of Health

17. Which of the following is most likely to conduct political forms of policy analysis?

National Rifle Association

Which of the following agencies is the most secretive of the intelligence agencies, working on the cutting edge of intelligence data analysis?

National Security Agency

19. Which of the following are examples of pure public goods?

National defense, air, public parks

When the Environmental Protection Agency adopts regulations that force power plants to take into consideration the actual costs to deal with pollution and the health problems it causes, what type of market failure is the EPA addressing?

Negative externality

In 2002 President Bush signed the __, which reauthorizes some federal funding for elementary and secondary schools.

No Child Left Behind Act

42. Which creative thinking tool begins with an analysis of the status quo as a baseline?

No-action analysis

82. Which government office is in charge of monitoring how other agencies conduct cost-benefit analyses?

Office of Management and Budget

38. ____ are observable ways to define a problem.

Operational measures

86. A college student could be working as a waiter and earning $20,000 annually. However, he is attending college and forgoing that income. This is an example of the ____ to attend college, a cost that the student hopes will be worth the investment in the long run.

Opportunity cost

1. Analyzing problems, studying possible policy alternatives, and evaluating the efficiency or effectiveness of policies are examples of what?

Policy analysis

12. A systematic and organized way to evaluate problems, policy alternatives, or the effectiveness of government programs is referred to as:

Policy analysis

6. A systematic and organized way to evaluate problems, policy alternatives, or the effectiveness of government programs is referred to as

Policy analysis

73. Which statement best describes the relationship of policy analysis to the policy process model?

Policy analysis supports the policy process at several points by increasing understanding of problems and possible solutions

45. Because of greater decentralization of policymaking to the states, it has become more important that states have strong ____, or the ability to make effective and efficient policies.

Policy capacities

34. ____ refers to the ability of a government to address its problems effectively through public policy.

Policy capacity

56. ____ refers to the process of the government choosing which specific policy instruments will be used to address a public problem.

Policy design

72. In the U.S., the final stage of policymaking, referred to as ___, often gets little attention. Rather, our governments spend much more of their efforts on the ____ stage of policymaking.

Policy evaluation/policy formulation

71. During the ____ stage of policymaking, legislators rely on policy analysts to develop and study possible policy alternatives for them to consider.

Policy formulation

61. Ideological differences and high levels of partisanship in Congress have produced ____ in regards to changing national immigration policies.

Policy gridlock

67. The policy-making stage during which money is spent, regulations are adopted, and the policy is carried out is called

Policy implementation

74. _____ are tools, approaches, or methods that policy makers have available to use in order to formulate a policy.

Policy instruments

94. Kingdon's ____ refers to three independent sets of activities related to problems, policy proposals, and politics that may converge and bring a public issue onto the agenda.

Policy stream

3. Being committed to specific policy values and goals, as well as ideological and partisan agendas, is known as the ____________ approach to policy analysis.


8. The ideology of individual members of Congress is an example of the ____ context that affects the development of


9. The popularity or relative power of a political party, pressure exerted by interest groups, and the influence of third parties (such as the Tea Party) are examples of the ____ affecting how decisions are made by government.

Political context

19. Which of the following policy analysis criteria is used if the acceptability of a particular alternative to interest groups, the general public, or politicians is a concern?

Political feasibility

22. Which of the following criteria for analyzing public policies examines how government officials appraise the acceptability of a particular alternative or solution?

Political feasibility

66. Many individuals recently urged President Obama to reform health care by setting up a single payer system like the Canadian system. In developing his health care reform plan, the president ruled out that option early using the criterion of ____, because it was likely to be "dead on arrival" in Congress.

Political feasibility

24. The Cato Institute and the Heritage Foundation often use ____ to promote a preferred policy.

Political policy analysis

13. The United States saw an increase in environmental legislation in the 1970s due in part to pressure from environmental groups. This represents what type of rationale for government intervention?

Political reasons

97. Which of the following constitute types of policy analysis?

Political. Professional. Scientific (All of the above)

3. ____ has been defined as "who gets what, when, and how," or the exercise of power in making decisions of public


15. Education is often cited as something that benefits more than just the person getting the education; it benefits society in a number of other ways. This is called:

Positive externality

57. Many school districts hire out private businesses to maintain school buildings or provide school lunches. In this case, the districts are using which policy tool to meet their needs?


70. Policy analysis is used most heavily during which stages of the policy-making process?

Problem analysis, policy alternative development, and policy evaluation

18. Think tanks study problems and alternatives in order to help policymakers make decisions. The type of policy analysis typically conducted by think tanks is called


79. ____ focuses on analyzing policy results and outcomes.

Program evaluation

96. A ___ tax is one in which the rate of taxation is higher for individuals who earn higher incomes.


90. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration spells out the kinds of things that business and industry must do to protect workers. This is an example of what type of policy?

Protective regulation

28. The purpose of policy analysis is

Provide information and impartial assessments of options to aid the policy-making process

18. The only type of good for which there is no market failure, and the government need not intervene to prevent it.

Pure private good

41. Indicators of sustainability refer to ___ data that attempt to measure a community's progress toward the goal of sustainability.


Which of the following acts was intended to regulate existing hazardous waste disposal practices?


80. The ____ theory of policymaking draws heavily on economics to explain the actions of voters and also of elected officials as attempts to maximize self-interest.

Rational choice

14. ____ involves defining the problem, indicating goals and objectives to be sought, considering a range of alternatives, and evaluating each alternative before recommending a particular solution.

Rational decision making

95. An entitlement program refers to

A program for which people are eligible based on their economic status or age

35. Market incentives as tools or instruments of policy are defined as

A special category of taxing or imposing fees to encourage consumers or companies to change behavior

30. The case of immigration reform illustrates the importance of ____ .

A strong problem analysis

63. When determining how to respond to rising energy costs, policymakers assessed the likely environmental, health, and safety impacts of energy exploration, development, and use. This is an example of

Applying risk assessment approaches to analyze policy options

49. The policy design tools that rely on the premise that most people will behave because they have been told to do so are known as

Authority tools

51. The National Park Service (NPS) issues a limited number of backpacking permits at some parks. What type of policy tool is this?


37. When developing policy alternatives to address a problem, the policymaker should examine ____, which refer to how well the policy has worked in a state, pilot test, or other smaller-scale attempt to implement it.

Real-world or parallel situations

62. When developing policy alternatives to address a problem, the policymaker should examine ____, which refer to how well the policy has worked in a state, pilot test, or other smaller-scale attempt to implement it

Real-world or parallel situations

75. A(an) ____ instrument of public policy collects revenues from one group and spends it on services for a different group.


91. These types of policies have "winners" and "losers," in other words, some groups benefit at the expense of others.


92. A(an) ____ instrument of public policy collects revenues from one group and spends it on services for a different group.


89. The authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to issue radio and television broadcasting licenses is an example of a ____ policy


29. Which of the following best defines the rational-comprehensive approach to policymaking?

Rigorous, complete analysis of the problem and the likely impacts of proposed policies

74. ____ refers to the policy analysis method that assesses the potential for harm that might result (to people or to the environment) if potential hazards should occur.

Risk analysis

13. A ____ approach to policy analysis focuses on understanding the underlying conditions that are causing a public problem, while the ___ approach focuses more on how to alleviate shorter term symptoms of the problem.

Root cause/proximate cause

92. The __ is a measure that represents the average change in price over time of a market basket of consumer goods and services.


49. _____ of the federal government are headed by a secretary appointed by the president and have many subsidiary agencies.

Cabinet-level departments

50. Agencies that fall under the domain of the executive branch of government include

Cabinet-level departments, independent regulatory commissions, and independent executive agencies

Which of the following organizations administers trade agreements among about 150 nations and settle conflicts over trade disputes?

World Trade Organization

Nevada's __ is one site currently being considered as a nuclear waste repository.

Yucca Mountain

95. The Americans with Disabilities Act is an example of

a block grant

Arguably, the increase in the number of people using managed care has led to:

a decrease in the rate of increase in health care costs

96. The Women's, Infants, and Children (WIC) program is an example of

a redistributive public policy

44. Governments may invest in training programs for their own staff or for the public. This policy design tool is referred to as

Capacity-building tools

43. An increase in the use of ____ by the federal government led to greater cooperation and decentralization between states and the federal government.

Categorical and block grants

59. Toll roads require motorists to pay for the use of the roads. Local or state governments that have toll roads are using which policy tool?

Charging fees

President __ was a significant actor in reforming federal welfare programs.


Which of the following presidents experimented with streamlined rulemaking and more collaborative decision making in response to business concerns about environmental policies?


23. The "tragedy of the commons" when individuals attempt to maximize their use of __ without regard to their degradation or depletion.

Common pool resources

The environmental problems of Love Canal, New York, are often referred to as a catalyst in the passing of what law?

Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act

60. President Obama's health care reform plan included funding for many pilot projects and special studies that will be used to select future policy options to use on a more widespread basis. The funding of these efforts is an example of the policy tool called __.

Conduct research

70. ____ refers to the availability and reliability of technology needed for policy implementation.

Technical feasibility

With the passage of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program became:

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

46. Which of the following information sources would provide an overview of a subject or problem that would be a good place to begin the process of policy analysis?

The New York Times

86. What is the president's major forum for agenda setting and stating the coming year's priorities?

The State of the Union Address

57. Which statement summarizes the structure of the federal judiciary? It is made up of

The Supreme Court, Circuit and Federal District Courts, and various specialty courts

37. Policy gridlock often occurs due to

The checks and balances set up by our Constitution. High levels of partisanship with strong lobbying. The complexity of problems (All of the above)

27. The case of health care reform exemplifies

The constitutional structure of the U.S. government often makes policymaking difficult

91. What is the difference between the national deficit and the national debt?

The deficit is the yearly amount government expenses exceed revenue. The debt is the accumulation of the deficits over the years.

The Clean Air Act of 1990 provided for the use of market mechanisms (buying and selling of pollution permits) to combat which of the following environmental problems?

acid deposition

The Supreme Court has consistently ruled __ school-sponsored prayer.


In June 2003 the Supreme Court ruled that the use of affirmative action in college admissions is:

allowable to some extent

20. To reduce drivers' cell phone use, should state governments institute sanctions such as tickets or fines? Or should they try to educate drivers on cell phone use? These are examples of which part of the policy analysis process?

Construct policy alternatives

93. The economic goal of stable prices is typically measured using the

Consumer Price Index (CPI)

84. Policy analysts can estimate the value of a human life through ____.

Contingent valuation methods

52. Local governments often hire nonprofit organizations to provide some of the services government provides, such as treatment for drug addiction or maintenance of trails. These are examples of __.

Contracting out

62. In U.S. clean air and water programs, the federal government establishes quality standards and provides funds, while the states are responsible for implementation. This is an example of ____ federalism


Social Security payments are increased each year based on the:

cost-of-living increase

Since the end of WWII, U.S. foreign policy has NOT relied on what type of strategy?


According to 2007 U.S. census data, about one in __ citizens live in poverty.


Increases in the corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards are applicable to which of the following aspects of energy policy?

energy conservation and efficiency

Social Security would typically be categorized as what type of federal spending?


Analysis of "boutique" health care is often conducted using what criteria?


Traditionally, individuals paid for each doctor's visit, test, and exam separately. This is called:

fee-for-service health care

The __ provides coupons to purchase food to ensure that nutritional requirements are met.

food stamp program

In recent years, the approximate number of uninsured Americans was:

forty-five million

A primary criticism of the NCLB Act is that the federal government did not provide enough __.


The lowering of such national barriers to trade as tariffs has facilitated the rise of __.


100. In relation to sensitivity analysis, higher sensitivity equates to

greater impact

It could be said of U.S. health care that the country:

has some of the world's finest facilities, but overall health is not as good as it should be

The U.S. health care system is best characterized as a:

hybrid system of public and private care

What does the Gini coefficient measure?

income inequality

Partisan conflict over environmental policies __ in the 1980s and 1990s.


The EPA is a(n) __.

independent executive agency

100. The passage of a bill requiring minimum building codes would be described as responding to which of the following market failures.

information failure.

The term "third-party payers" is often used to describe __.

insurance companies

A form of health care that promotes personal choices such as diet, exercise, and the cessation of smoking is called:

lifestyle and wellness activity

Coming to an agreement as to what makes a quality teacher makes adopting __ policies difficult.

merit pay

Policy studies of students who attend charter schools show __.

mixed results in regard to student performance and improvement

In most cases, Social Security beneficiaries receive __ money they contributed to the fund in taxes.


In a single-payer health insurance system, the __ is generally responsible for payments.

national government

Until the 1970s, the federal government was not significantly involved with energy policy, with the exception of what area?


According to 2007 U.S. census data, about how many of those living in poverty are children?


HIPAA and COBRA are programs that help citizens deal primarily with what aspect of health insurance?


Public education is primarily financed through:

property taxes

Social Security is what type of policy?


The issue of airline security must take into account examination of the balance between:

risk reduction and cost.

Which policy allows parents to send their children to any public school in a particular area?

school choice

Recent changes to Social Security mean that individuals can retire with full benefits at:


Most of the innovations in health care policy have been produced at what level of government?


Traditionally, ____ played the biggest role in educational policy in the United States.

state and local government

Public money can be provided to parochial schools as long as it is used to:

support secular purposes

__ is defined as economic growth that is compatible with natural environmental systems and social goals.

sustainable development

__ is often defined as the unconventional use of violence for political gain.


99. Some have described the original Constitution of the United States as a "pro-slavery" document. An example of that would be

the 3/5ths clause.

All of the following are key presidential advisers on issues of foreign policy except

the Attorney General

TriCare is a health insurance program for those who are in __.

the military

The United States has supported public education since:

the nation's beginning

Which of the following environmental policies has the broadest global impact?

the openings in the stratospheric ozone layer

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires that:

the public be allowed to review environmental impact statements

98. Federalism can be described as

the sharing of power between national, state, and local governments

The owner of a small company is told that she must install equipment to prevent emissions. She determines that she cannot afford to do so and must therefore go out of business. What does this situation best represent?

the trade-off between the environment and economics

Social Security is currently a pay-as-you-go system, meaning that:

today's Social Security revenue pays for current Social Security beneficiaries

By the year 2040, it is estimated that only __ workers will be paying for each Social Security beneficiary.


About __ of employers offered health insurance in 2008.


Which of the following is a "means-tested" program?


Foreign policy relates to all of the following issues EXCEPT:

welfare reform

One of the biggest concerns regarding renewable energy is:

whether it can be produced efficiently (comparable cost)

Today, most college degrees are awarded to __.


85. Being stuck in traffic imposes ____ on drivers because they could be doing something more productive with their time.

An opportunity cost

7. Which is the correct sequence in the policy analysis process?

Analyze problem, analyze policy alternatives, develop criteria, assess

75. Cost/benefit analysis is a useful tool in policy analysis. It can be used to

Analyze the efficiency of various possible policy alternatives

The Social Security tax is capped at about what level?


In July 2009, the federal minimum wage increased to ___ per hour.


The United States spends about __ percent of its budget on foreign aid.


Overall, public schools receive about __ percent of their total revenue from the federal government.


When was the "environmental decade" of federal legislation?


The Clean Water Act of 1972 sought to make all surface waters "fishable and swimmable" by __.


The Department of Homeland Security was created in __.


The highest quintile (20%) of the U.S. population earns about __ of the total income in the country.


23. Policy analysts that propose policies which align with mainstream public values are taking an approach to policy formulation known as _____.

Adhering to consensual norms

80. ____ deals with the likelihood that an agency or department can implement a policy well.

Administrative feasibility

26. Passage of the _____ exemplified the complex interplay of the two houses of Congress, the president, interest groups and politics in the making of policy

Affordable Health Care Act of 2010

The United States sent troops to __ in what the military called Operation Enduring Freedom in October 2001.


68. The policy-making stage in which public needs are selected for consideration by a legislative body of government is

Agenda setting

84. The policy-making stage during which new issues are identified as problems for government to address is called

Agenda setting

66. Which of the following best describes the sequence of the policy-making process presented by the Kraft/Furlong policy process model?

Agenda setting, policy formulation, policy implementation, policy evaluation

Where is ANWR?


Which of the following organizations is most likely to raise issues and concerns regarding the potential violations of civil liberties and rights that have occurred in response to the 9/11 attacks?

American Civil Liberties Union

87. An example of ____ is farmers, agricultural equipment makers, and bureaucrats at the U.S. Department of Agriculture working together to promote particular policies

An advocacy coalition framework

42. Growth in the size of government has led to

An emergence of a large employment sector and a time-consuming policy-making processes

55. Cities that use "visioning" exercises to get citizens to think about what they desire for future development in their community are using ____ to compare policy alternatives.

An ideal situation

Part __ of Medicare covers physician charges, diagnostic tests, and other charges besides hospital stays.


53. Since the U.S. Congress is ____, the House of Representatives and the Senate must agree on policy actions before these policies can go forward.


63. Federal ____ grants for community development activities give states and local governments an amount of money to conduct the activities with more flexibility to determine how the money is spent.


45. ____ involves finding solutions to a problem by spontaneously sharing ideas without initial regard to practicality or feasibility.


__ is a specific concern for school districts given the current system of financing public education through taxes.


30. In the past, the policy-making relationship between states and the federal government was called ____, since there was clear separation of policy responsibility between the two levels.

Dual federalism

78. This "cousin" of cost-benefit analysis does not attempt to assign dollar values to potential benefits, but instead assumes they will occur and looks for the cheapest way to achieve them.

Cost-effectiveness analysis

7. "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," the defense policy regarding homosexual individuals serving in the military, was repealed in 2011 since the public has become more open to it. This is an example of a change in which context of public policy?

Cultural context

Federal support for K-12 education has occurred primarily through the ___.

Elementary and Secondary Education Act

64. The ___ theory of policymaking focuses on the role of experts and leaders in formulating public policy.


90. In general, increasing levels of unemployment will lead to __ government revenue and __ government expenditures.


31. Problem definition involves

Defining and measuring the scope of a societal problem. Political influence on how the problem is framed. Conducting or reviewing research that documents a societal problem (All of the above)

27. Policy analysis that puts a priority on citizen involvement and alignment with public opinion emphasizes

Democratic political processes

The most recent cabinet-level agency created to deal with issues of terrorism and security within the borders of the United States is the ____.

Department of Homeland Security

77. This term is used in cost-benefit analysis when discussing what the value of future benefits are today:

Discount rate

88. Which of the policy typologies identified by Lowi refers to the situation where government spends money to provide grants or programs without regard to where the money will come from to pay for it?


What policy is a refundable federal income tax for low-income working individuals and families?


Patients were given greater ability to sue health insurance companies for denial of care through what act?


6. A recession is likely to affect the policies that Congress and the President adopt to stimulate jobs. This is an example of which context affecting the development of public policy?

Economic context

87. The economic policy goal of ____ refers to policies that are designed to increase productivity, commerce, sales, employment, and the general pace of activity within the economy.

Economic growth

33. The policy instrument of _____ refers to government attempts to convey important information to citizens in order to influence their behavior.


48. Public service announcements on television or radio represent what form of government policy tool?


76. The policy instrument of _____ refers to government attempts to convey important information to citizens in order to influence their behavior.


64. Nearly every policy proposal is concerned with the criterion of ______.


68. Do federally funded abstinence-only programs actually prevent teenage pregnancy? This is a question that relates to the _____ of that policy alternative.


24. The decision of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) not to adopt ergonomics rules because the costs for businesses to comply outweighed the benefits of reducing repetitive motion injuries was based on the analysis criterion of __.


67. With the scarcity of government resources in the past several years, the evaluative criterion of ___ has become more and more important.


71. Which of the following policy analysis criteria looks at the achievement of goals in relationship to the costs to achieve them?


36. The U.S. government administers the Medicare program. Which of the following describes the type of policy tool being used in this situation?

Government management

94. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009) attempted to stimulate economic growth primarily using which economic policy tool?

Government spending

83. ____ portrays public policy as the product of a continuous struggle among organized interest groups.

Group theory

46. Compared to the past, the public is more accepting of business regulation such as the regulation of market failures. This acceptance has led to

Growth in the size and power of government

This health care option attempts to change the assumption of health care by providing prepaid care:


Which of the following combinations of saliency and conflict provide the greatest opportunity for an issue to be placed on the government's agenda?

High saliency, low conflict

53. In an attempt to change the behavior or attitudes of citizens, government leaders often use ____ policy tools, which refer to making public addresses or speeches to exhort citizens to do something


Homeland security and terrorism issues have been linked and discussed in which of the following public policy areas?

Immigration, transportation, nuclear energy

38. The U.S. has made many small, targeted changes to environmental policy, economic policy, and health care policy over time. This is called ____ policymaking


89. For the past several years, the federal budget has ____.

Run a deficit

In recent years Congress has had trouble extending the __ program, which provides insurance to children in poverty.


2. Researchers and academics conduct research to develop a rigorous and in depth understanding of public problems and policy alternatives. This approach to policy analysis is __________.


8. The ____ orientation/approach to policymaking often involves peer-reviewed research using controlled studies.


31. _____ refers to the checks and balances that our Constitution sets up among the three branches of government.

Separation of powers

48. The Constitution gives each branch of government a different role in policymaking in the U.S. This sharing of responsibility by our government is known as:

Separation of powers

50. When the government encourages you to buy a home by allowing you to take an interest deduction, it is using which policy instrument?

Taxing and spending

65. When the government encourages you to buy a home by allowing you to take an interest deduction, it is using this form of action:

Taxing and spending

__ is the largest expenditure for a domestic program in the United States.

Social Security

11. The aging of the baby boom generation has led to growing interest in reform of government programs such as Medicare and Social Security. Similarly, immigration policy is in the forefront due to the influx of immigrants to the U.S. These are examples of the ___ influencing policy.

Social context

69. In some states, legislators may be more likely to propose laws allowing gay marriage than in other states. Gay marriage is more _____ in the states that pass such laws.

Socially acceptable

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was developed in response to the threat of aggression from whom?

Soviet Union

The creation of the Warsaw Pact was instituted by ____.

Soviet Union

11. Which of the following illustrates an operational measure of school quality?

Standardized test scores

39. Which of the following illustrates an operational measure of school quality?

Standardized test scores

40. States demonstrate a wide variety of policy capacities. This refers to the fact that

State governments vary greatly in their ability to create good policy

47. Providing direct payments or benefits to individuals is an example of


61. Policy tools that are focused on either increasing the availability of a good or on reducing the need for that good would be looking at a problem from which perspective?

Supply and demand

82. _____ refers to the occasion when the public is aware of and discussing an issue even though politicians may not be discussing the issue.

Systemic agenda

93. Government will manage a problem if

There is not a private solution available to address the issue

10. A growing sector of private organizations that conduct policy research often used by government policymakers are called

Think tanks

78. Market mechanisms as tools or instruments of policy are defined as

Those that rely upon the laws of supply and demand to influence the behavior of individuals or corporations

21. Cable television services are an example of a __.

Toll good

When first developed, major federal environmental policies primarily used what type of tools to achieve their objectives?

command-and-control regulation

Advocates of school voucher plans argue that __ will lead to better-quality schools.


Generally, public support for the U.S. military actions in Iraq has:

decreased over time.

The primary intent of the 1996 welfare reform law was to:

directly link welfare benefits to recipient responsibility

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