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What decisive step was later taken by Machiavelli?

"All morality is a construction" Control people and maintain power

What was the "spectrum of philosophy and theology" in the 13th century to which Thomas was responding?

1-reason is not accessible to everyone 2- youth need wisdom before reason attains it. They need revelation 3. Margin of error

What is "synderesis"?

A part of natural law see slide, basically the same as a conscience

What does Thomas describe as the ultimate end or purpose of rational beings, including humans,

Action and contemplation Contemplate god and do good!

How does The Republic address the concerns of Equality by Default?

Addresses there needs to be a hierarchy for there to be virtue

What kind of activity does Aristotle introduce in very first chapter of the Nichomachean Ethics that points toward the idea of moral virtue?

Any Activity that is intrinsically good

How was Aquinas's philosophy used to justify papal supremacy?

Aquinas stated that the spiritual ruled over the political using Aristotelian logic, leading the pope to claim supremacy over the government.

What are the five regimes Plato analyzes? How does the third give way to the fourth? And the fourth to the fifth?

Aristocracy-rule of wise TImocracy-rule of honorable Oligarchy-rule of the rich (they stop teaching and start instant gratifying) Democracy-rule of the poor (the democrats don't have discipline to fix problems) Tyranny-rule of the tyrant

What, for Leo Strauss, are the essential features of "Athens"? of "Jerusalem"?

Athens: Heavens higher than man knowledge only accessible to a few, reason is self sufficient Jerusalem: Purpose to creation, man is end, knowledge from god, pride is mans downfall. Obedience is path

How does RCH describe "the Essence of Aristotle" - that is, of Aristotle's ethical teaching?

Balance of wisdom and consent

What question is the "two swords" doctrine supposed to address?

Balancing political and religious authority

In what opposite ways do the Bible and Plato's Republic resolve the tension between the family and the city?

Bible-family builds city Republic- City is what matters city= ends family=means

Why is magnanimity the crown or consummation of the moral virtues?

Cause it means you are great and you know it

How is man a "political animal"?

Cause we have speech and deliberation

What three LDS "myths" regarding the Great Apostasy does Noel Reynolds reject?

Caused by outside persecution Caused by greek philosophy The great and abominable church=catholics

What does the New Testament teach concerning the relationship of Christianity to the religion of the Jews? (See slide: "Judaism and Christianity")

Christianity makes it accessible to everyone.

Compare the relation between the citizen and the philosopher in the classical, Stoic, and Epicurean views.

Classical: equilibrium Stoic: Self sufficient/ no community Epicurean: Philosopher is just another citizen

How do democrats view justice? Oligarchs? How are both wrong?

Democrats -Defense of freedom Oligarchs- Defense of property True justice-virtue

Why cannot this ultimate purpose be understood in the same was as it was for Aristotle? How does Thomas describe the divine intellect itself

Divine intellect incarnated in Christ

How does pure classical logic (e.g. Pangle) debunk the glory of Abraham's sacrifice (the Akeda)?

Either he knew it was gonna be good for him or it was dumb. No faith ALl fathers dedicate their sons to a cause

What is Lucretius's view of nature? Why is this good news?

Everything is material, Atomistic, we all gonna die.

What is moral virtue?

Finding moderation between the two extremes.

According to Thinking Politically, what alliance or "fit" is a key obstacle to holistic education today?

Freedom and science

What tension is apparent in Aristotle's account of courage?

Good for community to give your life but bad for you

What is Socrates' assessment of democracy?

Good for diversity, philosophers and progress, bad for stability Fourth place because impossible without honor and virtue

What three competing notions of complete goodness does Aristotle leave us with?

Good o soul O city O cosmos Each impossible to conceive without comparison to others

What is Thomas's central insight?

Grace perfects nature

Contrast Greek Virtue with Christian virtue.

Greek=Good Christian=Charity

Where does Aristotle begin his inquiry into ethics - that is, what are the first starting points or bits of evidence that he uses to approach his subject. And why, according to RCH & P. Manent, must any sound moral theory begin this way?

Has to start with Noble opinion!!! You can't conceptualize higher things w/o graspable things

Why does he hold the Platonists above all other pagan philosophers?

He likes that philosophy is connected with morality and accept a higher moral standard

What is the first principle of natural law? What hierarchy of human inclinations underlies the natural law?

Helps self preservation accessible to reason

In what two ways must salvation be universal, according to Augustine?

Horizontal and vertical salvation city and soul

Name and define the four kinds of law.

Human Law- Laws that have been made Natural Law- Law accessible by reason Eternal Law- Everything Gods law that govern Divine Law- Gods revealed law

What are the two poles between which human existence - even philosophy - is suspended?

Human freedom- possession of changeless good

What tension is till apparent in Aristotle's account of magnanimity?

If you know you are awesome, you can verge on pride

How does Aristotle respond to Socrates' argument that the only sin is ignorance?

Ignorance is a choice, and even people with knowledge do bad things

In what way is Aristotle's approach to truth like Plato's? In what way different?

It accepts that truth is timeless Aristotle says truth is embodied in perceptible reality (not just for philosophers)

According to Philippe Beneton, what happens to "freedom" when it is divorced from all higher meaning?

It becomes freedom from things instead of for things. It subverts itself

What can reason know, and what can it not find out for itself, about God?

It can know gods creation but not him.

What positive knowledge does Socrates claim in The Apology?

It is bad to do something you know is bad

How is Stoicism both less and more "political" than classical political philosophy?

It is less political cause it situates virtue within a somewhat vaguly imagined cosmopolis of not broadly applied less cause geared toward individual More cause rather than anchored in soul its anchored in honors and duty It is more political cause it is not anchored in good but anchored in tangible ideas- ideas that can be attained by political action.

What is the argument for the theoretical or contemplative life being the best way of life?

It's self sufficient and can be done while doing others. And close to good

What is Lucretius's view of the good life? Is he a hedonist?

Long term pleasure not just sex, drugs, rock n' roll. Not Hedonist- seeking pleasure

Compare Lucretius and Plato on sex and Eros.

Lucretius: Get out your natural urges without complicated relationships Plato: Intellectual love

What significant step toward modernity to Marsilius take?

Marsilius reduces the purpose of politics to the scope of human power

How did Marsilius argue against papal supremacy? Did he return to Aristotle?

Marsilius says Christianity is exploitative and subverts political life. Marsilius naturalizes Aristotle, by severing temporal concerns altogether from the good of the soul.

What is Aristotle's teaching regarding slavery?

Master rule slave as slave rule body

Aristotle's practical teaching can be summed up in what two words?

Moderate Pride

What are the four main topics covered by the ten books of Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics?

Moral Virtue Intellectual Virtue Friendship Contemplation

According to Augustine, is blessed mortality possible?

No because mortality is wretched. There is hope in a blessed immortality after death

How has The Republic answered the notion of equality by default?

Not all pursuits are equal, there is a hierarchy. There is a good!!!!!! Which creates a hierarchy

What is Tocqueville's view of pride in Democracy in America?

Not enough of it! Many petty virtues for that one vice.

How is modern morality different from both Greek and Christian virtue? Does modern morality have an adequate answer to the question, why be moral?

Not grounded in anything!!!!!

What is Augustine's critique of the cyclic theory of the soul?

One day you can become perfected

How does Leon Kass respond (in effect) to this classical logic?

One must release their rational hold to express love.

In what way is Roman transcendence "horizontal"?

Open to all human beings not just philosophers

Thomas' definition of law?

Ordinance of reason for common good created by reason made by authority and promulgated (people know) rule of law If law is not just it's not law

What is Augustine's critique of pagan virtue?

Pagans illustrate virtue as unceasing warfare with vices. The body weights down soul

Who would rule in the best regime? How would philosophers be relevant?

Philosopher king, not practical/realistic- moderated aristocracy

What are Aristotle's 3 types of friendship

Pleasure/Situational, Utilitarian, Charity (you want good for others)

Compare Augustine's view of the nature and purpose of the political community with Aristotle's.

Political community as earthly city- establish peace Aristotle- the city aims at reaching self sufficiency

What science considers the master or architectonic good?

Political science!

Why does Aristotle say that "the friend is another self"? Why may the formula "a friend is another self" be reversed?

Practicing virtue

What are the parts of the human soul? Which part is fulfilled in moral virtue?

Rational soul: Pure reason (contemplative wisdom), Practical Reason (Practical wisdom) Non-Rational soul: Obeys reason (moral virtue) Nutritive (health)

According to RCH's discussion of the two main paths or vectors that have been articulated in Western thought to address the question, Quid Sit Deus, what is the dominant conception of divinity on each vector? And which virtues or aspirations are associated most with each of the two vectors?

Rational, Impersonal, Necessity Contemplation, Pride, Courage Loving, Personal, Redeemer Charity, Justice, Humanity

What fundamental agreement sets Augustine and Aquinas apart from all pre-Christian philosophy?

Reason cant do it alone both converge in divine community

How is his use of the term "peace" ambiguous?

Relationship between pagan city and morality doesn't determine what peace is

Why, later in his life, did Aquinas stop writing?

Revelation that felt like all writing was straw

In what way was Rome an unstable halfway-house?

Rome was a transition between christian rome and secular human progress

How does Socrates refute the claim that the tyrant's way of life is good?

Ruled by unnecessary desires, Soul not in order, BECOMES A SLAVE WITH NO FRIENDS

How is the modern project like and unlike Christianity? What is wrong with this project?

Seeks universal liberation from human condition yet doesn't respect the universality of the soul so it tears down all hierarchies. Take away all claims to higher good.

In what two ways does Aquinas seek to overcome the Augustinian tension between intellectualism and the Incarnation?

Soften the doctrine of the fall and raise up politics so reason doesn't look bad

How is Stoicism related to Socrates' teaching on virtue?

Stoics side with Plato cause society won't get virtuous people.... So the more self sufficient the better

Why is Strauss's view of the dichotomy between Athens and Jerusalem too extreme?

Strauss refuses to see crossover

According to R. Hancock's reading of Aristotle's Politics, what is the most comprehensive and serious choice that can be made?

The choice of good between absolutism and relativism

What marvelous equilibrium was lost when the classical world gave way to the Hellenistic?

The good of the individual and the good of the community

What truth of human longing is reflected in the dynamism of Rome?

The proud possession of virtue The aspiration of some pure goodness beyond grasp

What is Augustine's main complaint against the Platonists?

The whole human needs to be saved not just intellect

How does Aristotle classify regimes?

There's a good side and a bad side to every regime Monarchy-tyranny Aristocracy-olarchy merit to money Polity-Democracy virtuous group-tyranny of majority

What decisive step beyond classical philosophy does Augustine take?

Through christianity he unites good of souls and good of city

What thesis does he state in the preface to the book?

To convince the proud of the virtue of humility

Why do we moderns need to study classical political philosophy?

To pursue an understanding of the question of the good. Three stages of political philosophy, ancient, Christian, modern

Why did Augustine write City of God?

To respond to Roman pagans who thought the Gods had abandoned them

How is Augustine's struggle with Platonism apparent in his speculations on the nature of heavenly felicity?

True happiness is greater than eternal liberation and felicity, He doesn't explain true happiness

What is the significance of the concept of "analogy" in Thomas' thought? What two extremes does this concept aim to avoid? What is his critique in De Potentia of a purely negative theology?

Univosity Equivosity Analogy is bridge

In what decisive way is Stoicism continuous with classical thought? How is this reflected in his comparing friends with leaves on a tree?

Value for good that's inside them good friends are easily found they all have virtue

How does Walter's mother's reaction to his trombone (?) playing in the play/movie "Music Man" help to illustrate the Christian break with classical thought?

Value in skill Christian-theres a value in effort love cause son everyone wins

How does Seneca express the typical Stoic view regarding fortune?

Virtuous human soul is impervious to fortune

What does it mean that natural law is changeable?

We are by nature fitted to improve upon nature. Definitions of justice change in regimes

Can harm come to a good man?

Yes! People are born in lousy circumstances. You need external goods to be happy

How does Aristotle defend the possibility of freedom or "choice"?

You are not depraved as a result of being deprived

Why does Aristotle not expect too much precision in the study of ethics?

You can't be certain about everything.... Prudence judges virtues

Does Aristotle justify the rule of men over women?

Yup. females have reason but not authority

What is the best really practical regime?

polity with elements of aristocracy

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