Political Associations before INC

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All India untouchability League, 1932

(later Harijan Sevak Sangh) Mahatma Gandhi Founding president- Ghanshyam Das Birla 1. After Poona pact 2. HSS of TN headed by A. Vaidyanatha Iyer >>1939- entered Meenakshi temple, Madurai

Indian League, 1875

Sisir kumar ghosh @ Calcutta Nationalism among Indians

Anti-Compromise Conference, 1940

Subhash Chandra Bose 1. Forward Bloc + Kisan Sabha 2. to launch Worldwide struggle against Imperialist rule

Zamindari Association (Landlords society)

1838 Dwarkanath Tagore, Prasanna kumar tagore, radhakant Deb, ramkamal sen, B.C.Mitra 1.1st org of Bengal with distinct political objective

British India Society

1839 William Adam (associate ofRRR) 1. secure welfare and advancement of all classes 2. NP- ' British India Advocate'

Radical Democratic party,

1940 Dissolved in 1948>> Radical Humanist Movement M.N.Roy General secretary- V.M. Tarkunde 1. radical Congressmen>>to engage India in WW II 2. Trade Union wing of RDP= Indian Federation of Labour 3. Did NOT supported Industrial strike that took place at that time 4. '22 theses': principles of radical Democracy

Madras Native Association, 1

849 Founder Prez Guzulu Lakshminarasu Chetty 1.as platform to for educated Indians to protest against injustice 2. Petitions to British parliament>> eventually resulted in curbing EIC's power 3. The Crescent- 1st Indian owned NP in Madras by G.L.Chetty

All India States peoples' conference, 1927

Aka Praja Mandals From 1939>>>president>>NEHRU till 1946 1. conglomeration of political movements in pricely states 2. INC distanced itself until 1939 3.Imp role in state integration after independence

All India Depressed Class Federation/Cong.

B.R. Ambedkar 1. demanded seprate electorates 2. opposed by M.C. Rajah

Amitya Sangha 2. Samata samaj sangh

B.R. Ambedkar 1. serve down trodden in every aspect 2. safeguard civil rights of untouchables

National Planning Committee, 1938

By- Subhash Chndra Bose On advice of - Meghnad Saha Chairman- Nehru (M. Visveswaraya step down on Saha's advice)

East India Association, 1866

Dadabhai Naoroji @London 1st prez: Lord Lyveden1. Discuss Indian que and influence public opinion in Britain 3. Superseded London India Society 2. Now- royal society of India

British Committee of INC

Dadabhai Naoroji Planned session of INC in London in 1892>> but elections in Britain in 1891

Bombay Provincial Working Class party, 1933

Followers of M.N.Roy President- A.A.Alwe General secretary- R.A.Khedgikar Estd socialist state

Indian Liberal Federation, 1919

Founder & Prez: S.N.Banerjee Tej Pratap sapru, V. S. Srinivasa Sastri, M. R. Jayakar 1. Moderates who supported Monford reforms 2. Boycotted simon commission>> No Indian members

Bengal British India Association, 1843

George Thompson 2. Prominent Member: Ram Gopal Ghose, Peary Chand Mitra 1. Bengali Intellectuals 2. But Loyal to British Rule

Deccan Sabha, 1896

Gokhale and Ranade 1. Rival of Poona Sarvajanik sabha (due to difference with Tilak on Age of consent bill)

Indian Independence League, 1928

Indian nationalist in S. E. Asia Tarak Das 1. formed 1st Indian National Army under Mohan Singh 2. All Malayan Indian Independence league Nedyam Raghavan

Indian Association, 1876

Surendranath Banerjea and Anand Mohan Bose In opposition of BIA 1. superseded Indian league 2. forerunner of INC 3. organized All India Conference in 18834. Dadabhai Naoroji- member

Congress Socialist Party 1934

J.P., Ram manhar Lohia, Acharya Narendra Dev, Ganga sharan sinha First president: Acharya Narendra Dev Secretary: J.P1. 1934 within INC (Due to anti- Gandhi +increasing influence of Left bloc within INC) 2.1936: Communist joined as part of Popular frontstratergy 3.Sessions: with INC sessions membership: membership of INC required 4.Groups joined: Anushilan samiti + HSRA>>(later formed Revolutionist Socialist Party,1940)5. Bose &Nehru: Did NOT joined 6. 1948- merged with Kisan Mazdoor Praja Party to form Praja Socialist Party (PSP)

Bombay Asso OR Bombay Native Asso, 1852

Jagannath Shankerseth, Naoroji Fursungi, Bhau Daji Lad, Dadabhai Naoroji 1. 1st political organization in Bombay Province 2. 1st President: Naoroji Fursungi

All India Depressed class league. 1935

Jagjivan Ram Political mobilization of Dalits

Mahila Rashtriya Parishad, 1928

Latika Ghosh- Secretary Prabhavati ghosh- president 1. by Subhash bose's support during Anti Simon comm movm 2. Aim: Swaraj + status of woman 3. used religious context to mobilise woman

Indian National CONFERENCE

Surendranath Banerjee and A.M. Bose 1.1st - 1883 2nd- 1885 (in asso with National Mohammadan Association and the British Indian Association)

United India Patriotic Association 1888

Syed ahmad khan and Raja Shiv Prasad Singh of Benares 1. Rival of INC

Madras Mahajan Sabha 1884

M. Viraraghavachai, B. Subramaniya Aiyer, P.Anandcharlu 1st Prez: P. Rangaiah Naidu Secretary: R. Balaji Rao 1. Dev close relation with INC from 1920s 2. Organised salt satyagraha in CDM

All India Depressed class Association, 1928

M.C. Rajah NOTE- M.C.Rajah was first to organize depressed classes under Exclusive organization in 1926

Poona sarvajanik Sabha 1867

M.G.Ranade, S.H. Chiplunkar, Ganesh Vasudev JoshiSecretary in 1890: Gokhale1.Bridge betn govt and people + peasants rights 2. Later dominated by Tilak>> Gokhale left 3. Submitted petion in 1875 to house of commons demanding Direct representation in British Parliament

1. Hindustani prachar sabha, 1942 2. Dakshin bharat Hindi prachar sabha, 1918 3. Mazoor-Mahajan Sabha or Textile Labour Association, 1916

Mahatma Gandhi (Prez of DBHPS till death) Note: First pracharak of DBHPS- Devodass Gandhi (Son of Gandhi)

Hindustan Seva Dal, 1923

N. S. Hardikar First Prez- NEHRU 1. Originated after Flag satyagraha in Nagpur, >> as part of INC 2. Renamed>> Congress SD 3. as militia>> thus opposed by many congress man 4. Imp role in Civil Disobedience Movement

Independence for India League, 1929

Nehru, Bose President- S. Srinivasa Iyengar 1. dissatisfaction with Nehru report 2. demand of poorna swarajya

Bombay Presidency association 1885

Pherozshah Mehta, Badruddin Tayyabji, K.T. Telang 1. To oppose Lytton reactionary policies + Illbert bill problem 2. BPA + MMS + IA >> delegation to England in 1885

London India society 1865

Pherozshah Mehta, Badruddin tayyabji, W.C.Bonnerjee, Manmohan Ghose Superseded by EIA

British Indian Association, 1851

Radhakant Deb- Prez Debendranath tagore- secretaryNP- Hindu Patriot - Madhusudhan roy (later H.C. Mukherjee) 1. Amalgamation of Landlords' society + Bengal British India association 2. some of demands included in charters act, 1853 3. supported EIC in 1857

Bangabasha Prakasika

Sabha 1836 ASSOCIATES of RRR (as he died in 1833)

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