pop health test 2

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A community health nurse is about to make the first home visit to a family based on a referral from the hospital where the high-risk infant was born to an adolescent mother about 6 days ago. The nurse plans to assess the family and home environment and provide anticipatory guidance. On arrival, the mother sleepily answers the door after the nurse rings the bell and knocks several times. The mother lets the nurse in but is not happy to see the nurse. She gets the infant and places him in the nurse's arms, then sits across the room and turns on the TV. Which response by the nurse would be most appropriate? A)"You must be very tired caring for a newborn baby." B)"I wasn't planning to hold the baby. You should hold him, you are the mother." C)"I need to talk to you, so please turn off the TV." D)"How do you feel being a mother at 17?"


A community health nurse is applying an interactional framework to assess a family's health. Which of the following would the nurse do? A)View them in terms of the family's internal relationships B)Look at them from a life-cycle perspective C)Evaluate the members' changing roles and tasks D)Assess them as a social system relating to other social systems


A community health nurse is applying the Behavioral Model for Vulnerable Populations when evaluating a local community. Which of the following would the nurse include as an enabling factor? A)Insurance B)Acculturation C)Knowledge of disease D)Marital status


A community health nurse is part of a disaster response team that is first to respond to an earthquake. The team evaluates the level of destruction and devastation, identifying this as which of the following? A) Intensity B) Scope C) Casualty D) Range of effect


A community health nurse is part of a group working with local and state legislators to expand health insurance coverage for those with inadequate or no insurance. Which outcome would the nurse hope to achieve if the group is successful? A)Increase use of early screenings B)Increase emergency room visits C)Increase episodic care D)Increase disparities in care


A community health nurse is preparing a presentation for a group of local community nurses about measures to help decrease health disparities. Which of the following would be the least effective suggestion? A)Avoiding political involvement in issues B)Working with schools to reduce the dropout rate C)Organizing task forces to raise community awareness D)Holding community meetings to identify needs


A community health nurse is responding to a disaster. Which of the following would most likely be the least appropriate area for the nurse to be located? A) The disaster site B) Triage C) Victim treatment area D) Local hospitals


A community health nurse is working to empower clients of a vulnerable population. Which of the following client behaviors indicates that the nurse is achieving this goal? A)Collaboration with their health care providers B)Demonstration of a reactive focus C)Hesitancy in the use of resources D)Viewing of situations as nonchangeable


A community health nurse is working with a community that is involved with identifying risk factors for program development in case of a disaster. This community is in which phase of disaster management? A) Prevention B) Preparedness C) Response D) Recovery


A community health nurse, visits an 81-year-old newly diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetic who lives alone. The nurse has visited the family three previous times and is visiting early in the morning to observe his client's insulin administration technique. The nurse finds the client depressed over his or her situation one morning. The nurse suggests that together they list positive points about his or her situation and discuss his or her feelings. This is an example of which of the following? A)Strengthening B)Data collection C)Goal-directed questioning D) Measuring family functioning


As part of secondary prevention, the community health nurse engages in crisis intervention to achieve which of the following? A) Reestablish equilibrium to the lives of those involved B) Prevent the crisis altogether C) Involve as many people as possible in the resolution D) Triage clients during the recovery phase of the crisis


When performing triage during a disaster, which color would indicate that the victim is in urgent need of care? A) Red B) Yellow C) Green D) Black


Which of the following statements about disaster planning is most accurate? A) Disaster planning is essential for a community, business, or hospital. B) A disaster plan must be lengthy and detailed. C) A disaster plan should be created by the person responsible for the emergency management of the community. D) It is assumed that all professionals have addressed their personal preparation.


When assessing a community's needs, which of the following would the nurse most likely complete first? A) Familiarization assessment B) Problem-oriented assessment C) Community subsystem assessment D) Comprehensive assessment

A Feedback: A familiarization assessment is a common starting place in evaluation of a community. It involves studying data already available on a community and then gathering a certain amount of firsthand data in order to gain a working knowledge of the community. A problem-oriented assessment begins with a single problem and assesses the community in terms of that problem. It is commonly used when familiarization is not sufficient and a comprehensive assessment is too expensive. A community subsystem assessment focuses on one dimension of community life. It is a useful way for a team to conduct a more thorough community assessment. A comprehensive assessment seeks to discover all relevant community health information.

The community health nurse is determining the health of a community by examining status. Which of the following would the nurse examine? A) Leading causes of death and illness B) Adequacy of health services C) Socioeconomic distributions D) Strengths of the community

A Feedback: Status typically comprises morbidity and mortality data identifying the physical, emotional, and social determinants of health. Physical and social indices include vital statistics, leading causes of death and illness, suicide rates, and rates of drug and alcohol addiction. Social determinants can be identified by crime rates and functional ability level, or by high school dropout rates or average income levels. Adequacy of health services and socioeconomic distributions reflect structure. Strengths of the community involve process.

A community health nurse is engaged in evaluation of a health plan using a formative evaluation. The nurse would focus on which of the following? A) Process during the actual intervention B) Outcomes of the interventions C) Development of performance standards D) Impact on the clients' health

A Feedback: The focus of formative evaluation is on process during the actual interventions. It uses performance standards that are developed to determine what is working and not working. Summative evaluation focuses on the outcome of the interventions and examines the programs' impact on clients' health.

When the nursing student identifies the three dimensions of the health of a community, the nurse educator is aware that the student has grasped which of the following concepts? A) Status/people, structure, and process B) Assessment, policy development, and assurance C) Primary, secondary, and tertiary D) Function, structure, and process

A Feedback: The three dimensions of the health of the community are status/people, structure, and process. Assessment, policy development, and assurance are the three core public health functions. Primary, secondary, and tertiary are the levels of prevention. Function, structure, and process are the descriptions of Human Anatomy and Physiology.

Which of the following would the community health nurse most commonly need to address when planning programs for children withchronic illness? A) Asthma control B) Autism education C) Diabetes regimens D) Seizure control

A) Asthma control

When providing safety education for parents of school-age children, the community health nurse would focus interventions on which ofthe following as the priority? A) Motor vehicle safety B) Water safety C) Fire safety D) Poisoning prevention

A) Motor vehicle safety

A community health nurse is implementing a family planning program near a local inner city's schools. The nurse is engaging whichtype of health service? A) Preventive program B) Health protection C) Health promotion D) Injury prevention

A) Preventive program

local community agencies to provide servicesfor children and adolescents with disabilities. Based on the nurse's knowledge of the most common disabilities affecting this group, the nurse would advocate for which of the following to address the largest group? A) Special education services B) Speech therapy services C) Mental health services D) Mental retardation services

A) Special education services

When working with school districts, which of the following would the community health nurse encourage as the most effective school- based approach to solve the problem ofteenage suicide?A) Suicide prevention programs with direct interventions B) Teachers assessing suicide risk among students C) Promotion of stronger parental control of teens D) Punitive treatment of teens by the school administration

A) Suicide prevention programs with direct interventions

A community health nurse is assisting the local community in preparing a disaster plan. Which of the following would the nurse expect to be addressed? Select all that apply. A) Chain of command B) Routes for transportation C) Triage D) Basic equipment E) Copies of licenses

A, B, C

A community health nurse is preparing a presentation for a community group about possible agents of terrorism. Which of the following would the nurse include as an example of a bioweapon? Select all that apply. A) Mustard gas B) Sarin C) VX gas D) Nerve agents E) Bombs

A, B, C

Which of the following are necessary components of a nurse's personal preparedness? Select all that apply. A) Workplace and community disaster plans have been reviewed by the nurse. B) An individual disaster plan for the nurse's own family has been developed. C) The nurse participated in disaster drills at the workplace and had a family disaster drill to practice what actions to take in the event of a disaster. D) It is not necessary for the nurse to bring copies of their nursing license and driver's license. E) In the case of an actual disaster, the nurse will be able to use equipment made available to them.

A, B, C

Which of the following statements about the structural dimension of the community as client are accurate? Select all that apply. A) Structure of a community refers to its services and resources. B) Community associations, groups, and organizations provide a means for accessing needed services. C) Adequacy and appropriateness of health services can be determined by examining patterns of use, number and types of health and social services, and quality measures. D) Demographic data, such as socioeconomic and racial distribution, age, gender, and educational level, are important indicators of community structure. E) Structure is the most common measure of the health of a community.

A, B, C, D Feedback: Structure of a community refers to its services and resources. Community associations, groups, and organizations provide a means for accessing needed services. Adequacy and appropriateness of health services can be determined by examining patterns of use, number and types of health and social services, and quality measures. Demographic data, such as socioeconomic and racial distribution, age, gender, and educational level, are important indicators of community structure. Status/people is the most common measure of the health of a community

Which of the following are overarching goals for the health of the nation presented in Healthy People 2020? Select all that apply. A) To attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death B) To achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups C) To create social and physical environments that promote good health for all D) To promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages E) Healthy People 2020 does not address the health of the nation but does address the health of individuals.

A, B, C, D Feedback: The four overarching goals for the health of the nation are the following: To attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death To achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups To create social and physical environments that promote good health for all To promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages

Which of the following statements about competent communities are accurate? Select all that apply. A) A competent community is able to collaborate effectively identifying community needs and problems. B) A competent community is able to achieve a working consensus on goals and priorities. C) A competent community is able to agree on ways and means to implement the agreed-upon goals. D) A competent community has no problems. E) A competent community is able to collaborate effectively to take the required actions.

A, B, C, E Feedback: A competent community is able to collaborate effectively identifying community needs and problems. A competent community is able to achieve a working consensus on goals and priorities. A competent community is able to agree on ways and means to implement the agreed-upon goals. A competent community is able to collaborate effectively to take the required actions. All communities have problems.

A community health nurse is engaged in primary prevention activities related to disasters. Which of the following would be examples of appropriate activities? Select all that apply. A) Providing anticipatory guidance B) Practicing an escape plan C) Providing emergency assistance D) Planning disaster drills E) Providing immediate response F) Reducing the degree of disability

A, B, D

A community health nurse is working as part of a health planning team to determine the needs of pregnant teenagers in the community. Which of the following population variables would be important to assess? Select all that apply. A) Rate of growth or decline among those in need B) Health needs and practices of subculture groups C) Geographic placement of proposed health services D) Functions of community organizations E) Social class of the community F) Level of agreement on community goals

A, B, E Feedback: Population variables include size, density, composition, rate of growth or decline, cultural characteristics, social class structure, and mobility. Pregnant teens are a subculture of teenagers. Cultural differences are population variables along with the numbers, social class, and mobility. Health needs vary among subculture and ethnic populations. Geographic placement reflects location. Functions of community organizations and social class reflect the social system.

Which of the following examples of disasters are natural disasters? Select all that apply. A) The Earthquake and tsunami in Japan in 2011 B) The 2008 shootings at Virginia Tech C) The terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001 D) Wildfires that affected California in October 2007 E) The oil spill in the gulf coast in 2010 that threatened hundreds of species of wildlife

A, D

When assessing vulnerable populations, a community health nurse uses a popular model that contains three related concepts. Which of the following would the nurse include? Select all that apply. A)Resource availability B)Relative risk C)Health status D)Housing E)Education


Which of the following things does a nurse who is traveling by automobile to make a home visit need? Select all that apply. A)A full gas tank and well-operating vehicle B)A map that includes the geographic location where the home visit will be made C)A cellular telephone D)A bus schedule E)Exact change


Which of the following are types of health disparities that are due to inequities that can be corrected? Select all that apply. A)Patients feel that they are unable to trust the information given to them and may not follow it as explained. B)Limited access to appropriate level of care C)Poor access to quality care D)Overt discrimination E)Health-damaging behaviors that are chosen by an individual despite health education and counseling efforts


Which of the following vulnerable populations have been subjected to perceived poor quality of care and access to care? Select all that apply. A)HIV-infected persons B)Persons who use illicit drugs C)People of non-White race/ethnicity D)People of White race/ethnicity E)Homeless persons


Which of the following are specific safety measures the nurse should apply when making a home visit? Select all that apply. A)Plan to reschedule the visit if you find a large group of people assembled between you and the client's door. B)Immediately leave the home when family members begin to physically fight with one another. C)Enter the residence before you determine that the family you are intending to visit does live there and is home. D)Travel only in pairs for all home visits. E)If someone approaches you and indicates that they want your nursing bag, throw your bag away from where you are and run in the opposite direction. F)Leave an itinerary of your planned travels, the telephone numbers of families you will attempt to visit and your cellular phone number at your base of operation.


Which one of the following statements about assessment (one of the core public health functions) and how it can be applied to environmental health is most accurate? A) Assessment includes the investigation of health hazards, surveillance of health issues, examining causes, and assessing needs. B) Assessment is least valuable when related to where the person attends school. C) It is not necessary for nurses to have a background in the environmental health sciences. D) Assessment should be limited to the general population and should not include the increased vulnerability of certain groups.

Ans: A Feedback: Assessment includes the investigation of health hazards, surveillance of health issues, examining causes, and assessing needs. With assessment, priority should be given to locations where people spend the majority of their time (home, work, school). Where persons attend school is too limiting as many people do not go to school and the priority should be given to home and work. The ability to perform critical assessments for environmental health requires background in the environmental health sciences. Public health nurses must also be aware of the increased vulnerability of certain groups.

Which of the following are variables that occur in nature and could have a negative impact on humans? Select all that apply. A) The effect of climate change upon weather extremes (droughts, floods, and storms) B) Changes in rainfall and water supply for soil C) Ecology of microbial growth D) Risks for waterborne and food-borne pathogens in drinking water, seafood, and fresh produce because of climate variability E) There is adequate food supply and always will be.

Ans: A, B, C, D Feedback: The variables related to the food supply that occur in nature and could have a negative impact on humans include the effect of climate change upon weather extremes (droughts, floods, and storms); changes in rainfall and water supply for soil; ecology of microbial growth; risks for water-borne and food-borne pathogens in drinking water, seafood, and fresh produce because of climate variability. There are currently food shortages in parts of the world, and this is likely to continue and may worsen.

Which of the following groups of persons have increased vulnerability to environmental hazards to human health related to food? Select all that apply. A) Pregnant women are likely to transmit their exposure to chemicals, pesticides, and toxins to the unborn fetus. B) Persons who have altered immunity are more likely to be affected by food exposures. C) Middle-aged males D) Children are more susceptible to hazards due to their immature gastrointestinal systems and increased food intake per size. E) Adult women who are nonchildbearing

Ans: A, B, D Feedback: Pregnant women are likely to transmit their exposure to chemicals, pesticides, and toxins to the unborn fetus. Persons who have altered immunity are more likely to be affected by food exposures. Children are more susceptible to hazards due to their immature gastrointestinal systems and increased food intake per size. Middle-aged males and adult women who are nonchildbearing are not especially vulnerable to environmental hazards to human health.

A community health nurse is enacting policy development by preparing a presentation for a group of state health officials about the issue of water pollution in the United States. Which of the following would the nurse include? Select all that apply. A) Globally, the availability of clean water is becoming a very serious threat to human survival. B) Water pollutants consist solely of chemicals. C) Recently, there has been an increase in the concern about pharmaceuticals contaminating water supplies. D) All water that is to be consumed is regulated through the EPA. E) The people most vulnerable to serious health problems are the very young, the very old, and the immune-compromised.

Ans: A, C, E Feedback: Globally, the availability of clean water is becoming a very serious threat to human survival. Recently, there has been an increase in the concern about pharmaceuticals contaminating water supplies. The people most vulnerable to serious health problems are the very young, the very old, and the immune-compromised. Water pollutants consist of organic and inorganic chemicals, contamination with microbes, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and insecticides, and radionuclides. The EPA only regulates public water systems.

A public health nurse who uses the upstream approach would likely focus on which one of the following contributors to unhealthy diets in the community? A) Consumer preference for sweet, greasy, and salty foods B) Marketing strategies of fast food businesses C) Busy lifestyles within the community D) Individual acceptance of obesity

Ans: B Feedback: A public health nurse who uses the upstream approach would likely focus on factors that are at the institutional and system level rather than looking solely at healthy lifestyle issues. Consumer preference for sweet, greasy, and salty foods; busy lifestyles within the community and individual acceptance of obesity are lifestyle issues. The marketing strategies of fast food businesses are one root cause of unhealthy diets in the community.

A community health nurse is working with the local health departments to educate the citizens about the effects of radon exposure and its link to possible illness. Which of the following would the nurse identify as being a major health concern associated with radon? A) Skin cancer B) Lung cancer C) Diarrhea D) Cardiovascular disease

Ans: B Feedback: Radon is a leading cause of death from lung cancer. Skin cancer is associated with sun exposure. Diarrhea and cardiovascular disease are not associated with radon exposure.

Which of the following concepts is used by public health professionals to illustrate that the determinants of health interact to affect health? A) Precautionary principle B) Ecological perspective C) Sustainability D) Upstream focus

Ans: B Feedback: The ecological perspective is used by public health professionals to illustrate that the determinants of health interact to affect health. The precautionary principle states that in the absence of clear data that indicates the safety of an action, chemical or material that poses a threat to human health, it should not be used. Sustainability is ìthe ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.î Upstream focus identifies the root causes of disease and manufacturers of illness.

Which of the following statements about an upstream focus is the most accurate? A) The upstream approach does not focus on socioeconomic factors and the environmental origins of disease and health problems. B) The focus of an upstream approach is the institution and system level. C) The upstream approach pertains to the purity of water supplies. D) The focus of an upstream approach is healthy lifestyle issues.

Ans: B Feedback: The focus of an upstream approach is the institution and system level, and not just healthy lifestyle issues. The upstream approach does focus on socioeconomic factors and the environmental origins of disease and health problems. The upstream approach does not pertain to the purity of water supplies.

The nursing student is preparing a report for class relating to Healthy People 2020 and environmental health. Which of the following should be included in this report? Select all that apply. A) The agency that prepared this initiative is the World Health Organization. B) The overall goal is to ìpromote health for all through a healthy environment. C) The document provides instructions for persons in the community regarding how to protect their own health. D) One of the six focus areas is global environmental health. E) The document provides guidance for nurses to identify targets for health.

Ans: B, D, E Feedback: The overall goal of Healthy People 2020 is to ìpromote health for all through a healthy environment.î The document does provide guidance for nurses to identify targets for health (not instructions for individuals). The six areas that are focused on include outdoor air quality, surface and ground water quality, toxic substances and hazardous wastes, homes and communities, infrastructure and surveillance, and global environmental health. The agency that prepared this initiative is the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

A community health nurse is presenting an in-service for a group of other community health nurses about ecological perspective of environmental health. Which of the following would the nurse incorporate into the program when describing this concept? A) The study of governmental and private sector regulations of the environment B) A technological view of strategies for preventing illness and injury C) Identification of not only the physical environment but also the social and cultural factors that exist for populations D) The role of the community health nurse in preventing injury, disease, and illness

Ans: C Feedback: The ecological perspective identifies not only the physical environment but also the social and cultural factors that exist for populations. Nurses who display this type of approach provide a more comprehensive level of care. It is not a study of the governmental and private sector regulations, a technological view, or the nurse's role in preventing injury, disease, and illness.

The core public health function of policy development related to environmental health includes which one of the following? A) Policy development is best left to legislators. B) To be an effective advocate for change, it is only necessary that the nurse speak out. C) There are many ways for public health nurses to participate in policy development related to environmental health. D) Public health nurses are public servants and therefore cannot advocate for public policy.

Ans: C Feedback: There are many ways for a public health nurses to participate in policy development related to environmental health that start with the nurse being informed about the hazards in the community, existing legislation that protects people in the community, and governmental and nongovernmental groups in communities that can be partners in the efforts to protect health. They may write letters to their legislators, inform community members, and write letters to the editors of local newspapers and periodicals. Nurses can also present testimony at public forums or hearings. Policy development is not best left to legislators. It is important for nurses to advocate for policy development to care for the environment. Public health nurses are public servants and that is why they must advocate for policy development that favors the environment.

When applying the ecological perspective to environmental health, a community health nurse integrates which of the following concepts as most essential? A) Primary prevention is limited in this area. B) The need for foresight in designing innovations C) No one factor can be viewed in isolation. D) Implications of scientific advances are fully understood.

Ans: C Feedback: With the ecological perspective, no one factor can be viewed in isolation. The preventive approach involves all three levels of prevention, of which primary prevention is the most important. This approach also requires foresight in designing innovations and involves implications associated with the unprecedented advances in science and technology.

15. An instructor is reviewing the evolution of environmental health and the development of various agencies designed to protect health. As part of the review, the instructor includes the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), describing its primary goal as which of the following? A) Identify and address world health issues B) Protect occupational safety and health C) Monitor food and drug production and availability D) Set standards and monitor and enforce environmental protection

Ans: D Feedback: The EPA was established for the purpose of standard setting, monitoring, and enforcement of environmental protection. The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies and addresses world health issues. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) protects occupational safety and health. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for monitoring food and drug production and availability.

When the public health nurse uses an upstream approach to improve heart health, the nurse would examine which one of the following factors? A) Unhealthy diets B) Decreased physical activity C) Smoking tobacco D) Lack of safe places to exercise

Ans: D Feedback: The upstream approach focuses on the factors at the institutional and system level rather than looking at healthy lifestyle issues. Healthy diets, increased physical activity, and smoking cessation are all healthy lifestyle issues. The root causes of the decreased physical activity would include lack of safe places to exercise.

During a community program about food safety, a participant asks, I know it is important to use safe food practices to avoid microbial contamination, but what other possible risks are there with our food supply? Which response by the nurse would be most appropriate? A) Nothing is more of a problem than food-borne illness. B) Risks occur only at food production and not handling or consumption. C) Radiating food is something that really doesn't occur in the United States. D) A recent concern has been raised about genetically modified foods being marketed.

Ans: D Feedback: There are many possible risks to the food supply, some even having more serious effects than food-borne illness. Risks occur at all points from food production to food consumption. Radiating food does occur in the United States. A recent concern has been raised about genetically modified foods being marketed. Genetically modified foods may interfere with the safety of food for human consumption and also questions about the ecological impact and sustainability have been raised.

A community health nurse arrives at a family's home. Which of the following would behaviors by the nurse would be nontherapeutic? A)Maintaining eye contact with the family members B)Paging through paperwork for information C)Sitting on the furniture near the family members D)Placing car keys in the nurse's carryall bag


A community health nurse determines that it is time for teaching a family about health promotion activities when they say which of the following? A)"Is there a place we can go for the medicine?" B)"It's time we do something about eating right." C)"When are you coming back to visit?" D)"Our grandchildren visit every summer."


A community health nurse is working with a community that is involved with improving community and individual reaction and responses, so that the effects of a disaster are minimized. This community is in which phase of disaster management? A) Prevention B) Preparedness C) Response D) Recovery


A community health nurse responding to a disaster is involved with caring for the bodies of the casualties who have died. Which of the following would be an appropriate method for documentation? A) Making a note on the triage tag B) Using a toe tag for identification C) Placing the name on a casualty list D) Recording the name on the victim's body


A community health nurse working as a part of a disaster response team is told that the disaster is classified as a multiple-casualty incident. The nurse would interpret this to mean which of the following? A) There is more than 1 but less than 10 casualties. B) The number of casualties is between 2 and 100. C) Casualties number over 100. D) There are too many casualties to count.


A community health nurse working with a group of vulnerable clients is focusing on empowering them. Which of the following would be most effective? A)Keeping the clients to a firm schedule of visits B)Viewing the clients as active partners in the process C)Having the clients cut through bureaucratic red tape D)Focusing on the clients' limitations


A group of ten people from the commune in the hills come into town dressed in robes and have their faces covered. They have weapons hidden in their clothing and begin entering the three banks in town to rob them. These actions can be classified as which of the following? A) Natural disaster B) Terrorism C) Casualty D) Adventitious crisis


After teaching a class about the factors that contribute to disasters, the instructor determines that the teaching was successful when the students identify which of the following as the agent? A) Population's age B) Radiation C) Level of preparedness D) Flood-prone location


After teaching a group of students about factors associated with vulnerable populations, the instructor determines the need for additional teaching when the students identify which as a factor? A)Homelessness B)Acute illness C)Income D)Immigrant status


After teaching a group of students about the socioeconomic gradient in health, the instructor determines that the students understand the concept when they state that the relationship between social class and health is which of the following? A)Direct B)Inverse C)Positive D)Unequal


The nurse educator knows that the nursing student has grasped the concept of self-evaluation when the nursing student makes which one of the following statements? A)It is important for the family to evaluate itself. B)It is important for the nurse's growth and effectiveness as a community health nurse. C)Evaluations by others are not helpful. D)Individuals can always see their own strengths or flaws.


When describing primary prevention activities that would occur in the preparedness phase of a terrorist attack involving biologic weapons like smallpox or anthrax to a local community group, which of the following would the nurse include? A) Investigating outbreaks to determine source B) Administering vaccines C) Screening suspected cases D) Treating persons who have been infected


When would the nurse expect the response phase of a disaster to occur? A) When no disaster is expected or anticipated B) Immediately after the onset of the disastrous event C) Long-term phase occurring after the disastrous event D) Prior to the disastrous event


Which of the following federal agencies would a community health nurse expect to be contacted to assist with a disaster in the United States? A) American Red Cross B) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) C) WHO's Emergency Relief Operations D) Pan American Health Organization


Which of the following would a community health nurse use when conducting an outcome evaluation? A)Organization B)Family progress C)Timing D)Performance


Which of the following would be most appropriate for community health nurses to encourage when helping communities cope with the anxiety associated with terrorism? A) Maintaining high levels of alertness and fear B) Spending time with children and young people C) Spending more time indoors D) Keeping a fear journal


Which one of the following is a principle that guides and enhances family nursing practice? A)The nurse should expect that the family will be normal and will not change. B)The nurse should start where the family is at the present time and not the ideal level of functioning. C)The nurse should focus on each family member individually. D)The nurse should evaluate the family based on consistency with traditional family patterns.


Which one of the following statements about relative risk is most accurate? A)Lifestyle, behaviors, and choices do not relate to relative risk. B)Relative risk refers to exposure to risk factors identified from a substantial body of research. C)Relative risk means that if a risk exists, the illness or adverse event will occur. D)Any factor that is likely to cause increased risk is considered relative risk.


Which one of the following statements is true regarding social capital? A)Social capital includes investments in individuals' capabilities and skills. B)Social capital includes marital status and family structure. C)Social capital includes jobs, income, housing, and education. D)Examples of social capital are education and job training.


Which one of the following statements is true regarding the socioeconomic gradient of health? A)The behavior of smoking is lowest among those who have low income and low educational levels. B)The socioeconomic gradient of health has been found in populations around the world. C)All persons who have a low socioeconomic status will develop particular health problems. D)The socioeconomic gradient of health is universal.


Which time after the disaster would be the ideal time for this to occur? A) Within 18 hours B) 1 to 3 days C) 4 to 6 days D) 7 to 10 days


When completing a community assets assessment, the community health nurse would gather information about which of the following? A) Key informants B) Strengths of the community C) Specific problem of the community D) Overall life of the community

B Feedback: An assets assessment focuses on the strengths and capacities of a community rather than its problems. Key informants are important sources of information with a comprehensive assessment. Information about a specific health problem is gathered during a problem-oriented assessment. Information about an overall view of the community and its life is gathered with a familiarization or windshield survey.

During which stage of the health planning process would the community health nurse create a plan? A) Assessment B) Analysis and design C) Implementation D) Evaluation

B Feedback: During the health planning process, a community health nurse creates a plan during the analysis and design stage, which correlates to the planning phase of the nursing process. Assessment involves data collection, interpretation, and goal setting. Implementation involves how to operationalize the plan and a design for monitoring progress. Evaluation involves examining the costs and benefits, judging the potential outcomes, modifying the plan, presenting the plan to the sponsoring group or agency, and obtaining acceptance.

A community health nurse obtains data about the community from primary sources, including which of the following? A) World Health Organization B) Community members C) State health department D) Other community health nurses

B Feedback: Primary sources of information include community members, including formal leaders, informal leaders, and community members, and can frequently offer the most accurate insights and comprehensive information. Information gathered by talking to people provides primary data, because the data are obtained directly from the community. The World Health Organization is an international source of information. State health department is a state source of data. Other community health nurses as well as health team members, client records, community health (vital) statistics, census bureau data, reference books, and research reports are secondary sources of information.

The community health nurse is assessing the health of a community by reviewing the dimension of process. Which of the following is true of this dimension? A) Process of a community refers to its services and resources. B) Process reflects the community's ability to function effectively. C) It usually consists of morbidity and mortality data. D) It refers to the physical, emotional and social determinants of health.

B Feedback: Process reflects the community's ability to function effectively. Structure of a community refers to its services and resources. Status/people dimension usually refers to the morbidity and mortality data and the physical, emotional, and social determinants of health.

When applying community development theory, which of the following would most likely be considered the agent of change? A) Clients B) Nurse C) Families D) Community leaders

B Feedback: When applying community development theory, the agent of change is most often the community health nurse who is considered a partner rather than an authority figure responsible for the community's health. Clients, families, and community leaders would be the care recipients.

A community health nurse is teaching a group of parents about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Which statement by the parents would indicate the need for additional teaching? A) "We probably will need to give him medication to help him in school." B) "We need to keep him away from foods that have additives in them." C) "This condition is most likely due to problems with genes and nerve receptors."D) "We'll be alert to the possibility of more injuries and accidents."

B) "We need to keep him away from foods that have additives in them."

A community health nurse is providing immunizations to school-age children at a local health department. At which age would the nurse expect to administer the first dose ofhuman papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine? A) 9 B) 11 C) 13 D) 15

B) 11

When preparing a program about substanceabuse prevention for adolescents, the community health nurse would focus on which substance as the most frequently used? A) Marijuana B) Alcohol C) Ecstasy D) Ketamine

B) Alcohol

A community health nurse is working with local schools to help address teen pregnancy. The nurse would focus interventions on whichof the following? A) Better use of contraceptives B) Decreased sexual activity C) Improved parenting skills D) Proper nutritional habits

B) Decreased sexual activity

A community health nurse who is participating in a nutritional screening program with school-age children measures their body mass index (BMI). The majority of children fall within the 45th to 65th percentile for their age. The nurse would classify thesechildren as which of the following? A) Underweight B) Healthy weight C) At risk for overweight D) Overweight

B) Healthy weight

When preparing a program to address violence among school-age children and adolescents, the community health nurse integrates knowledge of which of the following? A) Teen females commit homicide more frequently than teen males. B) Homicide is the second highest cause of death for all adolescents. C) Adolescents account for less than one half of all firearm injuries treated. D) Serious youth violence is unrelated to drugs and guns

B) Homicide is the second highest cause of death for all adolescents.

Which of the following statements aboutchildren's health status and academic achievement are most accurate? A) All health problems that can affect learning and achievement in school-age children are preventable. B) Physical and emotional health can affect academic achievement in children and adolescents. C) Only behavioral health problems can affect learning and achievement in school-age children. D) Poverty is one health problem that does not affect learning and achievement in school-age children.

B) Physical and emotional health can affect academic achievement in children and adolescents.

When working with community groups to develop appropriate programs for adolescent health promotion, the nurse integrates knowledge of the Healthy People 2020 objectives, keeping in mind that many of theobjectives address which of the following? A) Self-esteem improvement B) Risk-taking behaviors C) Control of disease D) Behavioral issues

B) Risk-taking behaviors

A community health nurse suspects that a client who was a victim of a disaster 3 months ago is experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder. Which of the following would the nurse expect to find? Select all that apply. A) Diminished startle response B) Hypervigilance C) Feelings of detachment D) Flashbacks E) Full range of affect

B, C, D

A community health nurse constructs an eco-map for a family based on the understanding that this tool is useful for which reason? A)Family relationships over three or more generations are depicted. B)The ecological system of a family's neighborhood is charted. C)It was originally devised to depict the complexity of the client's story. D)Directions for gathering data about neighborhoods are provided.


A community health nurse is attempting to empower a family to become independent. Which of the following would be most appropriate? A)Focus attention on the problem areas B)Do for the family what they cannot C)Emphasize the family's strengths D)Reinforce positive traits


A community health nurse is evaluating a population for socioeconomic resources. Which of the following would the nurse address? A)Quality of care provided B)Access to health care services C)Educational opportunities D)Adequacy of health care providers


A community health nurse is working with people who experienced a tornado and have been forced to leave their homes to escape the effects of a disaster. The nurse would identify these people as which of the following? A) Indirect victims B) Refugees C) Displaced persons D) Casualties


After teaching a group of students about agents associated with chemical warfare, the instructor determines that additional teaching is needed when the students identify which as an example? A) Explosives B) Nerve agents C) Anthrax D) Jet fuel


During a home visit and assessment of an infant and new mother, the nurse determines that the infant looks healthy. The mother asks several questions and listens attentively. One question she asks is whether the nurse is going to visit her again. Which response would be most appropriate? A)"Your baby looks healthy. You should not have any further questions." B)"The agency limits the number of visits I can make; I will let you know." C)"I plan to visit again. What would you like to accomplish at the next visit." D)"I can come weekly for the next 16 weeks, and then a staff nurse will visit."


During a home visit, a client asks the community health nurse to take his or her shopping to purchase some of the food items he or she needs for his or her diet. Which response by the nurse would be most appropriate? A)"I can't, I'm going in a totally different direction." B)"You need to find some other way to get to the store." C)"I'll help you find a way to get to the store." D)"Use the foods you have in the house and shop next week."


The nurse is using the epidemiological triad to explain the factors contributing the disaster. Which one of the following statements about the environment factors that contribute to disasters is most accurate? A) The environment is the natural or technologic element that causes the disaster. B) The environment is the human being who experiences the disaster. C) Factors that could potentially contribute to or mitigate a disaster are environmental. D) Examples of environmental factors that cause a disaster are high winds of a hurricane and the lava of an erupting volcano.


When providing secondary prevention activities for individuals experiencing psychological consequences of a disaster, which of the following would the nurse do as a generic approach? A) Providing situational support for stress relief B) Conveying warmth and concern for the client C) Teaching about expected emotional reactions D) Reunifying family members who were separated


Which of the following would a community health nurse use to define vulnerable populations? A)Those persons with higher mortality rates B)Individuals with lower life expectancy C)Those with increased risk for adverse health outcomes D)Individuals with chronic illness


Which of the following would be least helpful to a novice community health nurse working with vulnerable populations who is feeling overwhelmed and somewhat guilty about his or her personal situation as compared to his or her clients? A)Setting up an community agency clothing drive collection B)Working for changes in community attitudes C)Sending a personal donation to an agency in the area D)Remaining grounded


Which of the following would be most important for a community health nurse to do first when working with vulnerable populations? A)Helping them to make choices B)Guiding them to think things through C)Getting them to interact with the nurse D)Providing honest feedback


As part of an orientation for a group of newly hired nurses for a community agency, a community health nurse emphasizes which of the following as crucial? A) Cyclic nature B) Client focus C) Interaction D) Flexibility

C Feedback: Although the nursing process is cyclical, deliberative, flexible (adaptable), client focused, and need oriented, interaction is an essential first consideration for community health nursing. All steps of the nursing process depend on interaction.

When the nursing student identifies the concept of community as client as which of the following the instructor knows that the student has grasped this concept? A) The community is comprised of individual clients. B) The community is comprised of families. C) The community is a group or population of people as the focus of nursing service. D) The community cannot be a client. Persons who are hospitalized are patients.

C Feedback: The concept of community as client refers to a group or population of people as the focus of nursing service.

A community health nurse involved in assessing community health needs is planning to get a group of approximately 10 similar individuals together to obtain information about opinions on first pregnancies. The nurse is using which assessment method? A) Survey B) Community forum C) Focus group D) Descriptive epidemiology

C Feedback: The nurse is using a focus group, similar to the community forum or town hall meeting in that it is designed to obtain grassroots opinion. Focus groups usually have only a small group of participants, usually 5 to 15 people and the members chosen for the group are homogeneous with respect to specific demographic variables. A survey involves a series of questions, often to provide a broad range of data. Community forum is a qualitative method to obtain community opinions; the members typically represent all segments of the community involved with the issue. Descriptive epidemiologic studies examine the amount and distribution of a disease or health condition in a population by person, place, and time.

Nursing students in a community health nursing course identified toxic waste disposal to be a major problem in their community. The most cost-effective type of community assessment to determine the extent of the problem and the resources available to handle it would be a A) familiarization assessment. B) community subsystem assessment. C) problem-oriented assessment. D) comprehensive community assessment.

C Feedback: The problem-oriented assessment is commonly used when familiarization is not sufficient and a comprehensive assessment is too expensive and not needed and a subsystem assessment is too narrow to determine the extent of the problem.

A community health nurse is working with the local health department on screening for sexually transmitted infections. Which of the following would the nurse identify as themost common? A) Syphilis B) Gonorrhea C) Chlamydia D) Herpes simplex virus

C) Chlamydia

A community health nurse is speaking to a group of parents of incoming college freshmen students who will be living in the dormitories. The focus of the program is on the college health program, health issues, and immunizations. Which immunization would the nurse most strongly encourage the students to receive if they have not received itpreviously? A) Varicella virus vaccine B) Human papilloma virus vaccine C) Meningococcal vaccine D) Influenza vaccine

C) Meningococcal vaccine

A community health nurse is engaged in a community-wide program for promoting nutrition in adolescents. Which of the following would lead the nurse to target the program to adolescent girls? A) Girls eat larger quantities of food than boys. B) They are more physically active than boys. C) They have a tendency to diet inappropriately. D) They are more conscious about food nutrients.

C) They have a tendency to diet inappropriately.

Which of the following measures would be most appropriate for a community health nurse to include when developing programs toaddress childhood obesity? A) Encouraging television watching for about 3 hours per day B) Suggesting that families eat less meals together at home C) Urging participation in physical activity for 30 minutes per day D) Limiting the intake of unsaturated oils in cooking

C) Urging participation in physical activity for 30 minutes per day

A community health nurse is presenting a program to a local elementary parent-teacher association on the topic of pediculosis. The nurse determines that the group needs additional teaching when they identify which of the following as a likely mode oftransmission? A) Coming into contact with an animal B) Combing hair with another's comb C) Using a towel of an infected child D) Sleeping in a friend's bed who had lice

Coming into contact with an animal

A community health nurse is describing social capital and its impact on populations to a group of local community leaders. Which of the following would the nurse suggest as a way to improve the social capital of the community? A)Better job training B)Improved educational programs C)Expanded employment opportunities D)More community organizations


When a community health nurse is conducting a family assessment on an assigned family, which of the following would be most appropriate? A)Use quantitative data only to maintain and preserve objectivity B)Interview one family member to avoid confusion and repeated information C)Use a checklist format, completing the tool in the family's presence D)Make several visits and accumulate data from all family members


When assessing a family, which of the following would lead the nurse to question the health of a family? A)Role relationships are inflexible. B)Coping is actively attempted. C)Family members communicate regularly. D)The family lacks regular links with the broader community.


When assessing a population's vulnerability, which of the following would the community health nurse identify as a predisposing factor? A)Social support networks B)Crime rates C)Transportation D)Living conditions


When assessing a vulnerable population's relative risk, which of the following would the community health nurse identify most likely as contributing to this risk? A)Well-balanced diet B)Up-to-date immunizations C)Enabling factors D)Exposure to abuse


When describing the causes of vulnerability to a group of students, which of the following would the instructor include? A)Vulnerable populations are fairly similar across the nation and globally. B)Statistics about vulnerable populations are highly accurate. C)The most important causative factor is race or ethnicity. D)Many of the factors and conditions suggest vulnerability overlap.


When planning for a home visit, which of the following would be most helpful to ensure a successful home visit? A)Documentation in a timely manner B)Summarizing the main visit points C)Providing incidental teaching D)Scheduling an appropriate visit time


Which of the following would a community health nurse include when describing the differential vulnerability hypothesis? A)Exposure to risk factors affects the population's social and human capital. B)Everyone is at risk because of stressful events occurring in life. C)A risk for a negative outcome increases with lower education and income levels. D)Certain groups are impacted by stressful events more than others.


Which of the following would be most appropriate for the community health nurse to do first when planning an initial home visit to a family? A)Obtain the basic supplies that will be needed B)Gather appropriate educational materials C)Contact the family via telephone D)Review the referral information


Which one of the following has a negative influence on family health and individual health? A)The level at which a family functions significantly affects the individual's level of health. B)A healthy family fosters individual growth and sustains members during times of crisis. C)Family patterns dictate whether members participate in their own health care. D)Individuals can obstruct the family's health and families can obstruct individual family members' health.


While making a family health visit, an older relative who is visiting has been drinking and becomes verbally abusive and increasingly loud. Which action by the community health nurse would be best? A)Continue the visit with caution B)Suggest the relative go in another room and take a nap C)Ask the sober family members to take the visitor home D)Terminate the visit, making plans for another visit


When developing community diagnoses, which of the following would the community health nurse do? A) Focus primarily on deficits of the community B) Use broad statements to guide a range of interventions C) Employ a revised nursing diagnosis format D) Substitute the terms client, family, group, or aggregate for the word patient

D Feedback: Community diagnoses should include statements about the strengths of the community and possible sources for community solutions, as well as the community's weaknesses or problem areas. In addition, they should portray a community focus, include the community response, and identify any related factors that have potential for change through community health nursing. These may also include wellness diagnoses, which indicate maintenance or potential change responses (due to growth and development), when no deficit is present. Diagnoses statements should be narrow enough to guide interventions and use the standard nursing diagnosis format.

A community health nurse avoids focusing care on illness and health problems, considering clients as which of the following? A) Aggregate B) Agent C) Community D) Total system

D Feedback: It was proposed by Mundinger and Jauron that the use of nursing diagnoses in the community could be formulated by substituting the terms, client, family, group, or aggregate for the word patient. Community health nurses look for evidence of all kinds of needs that relate to or influence a client's levels of wellness. Needs cover the whole span of the health-illness continuum and the total person, family, group, aggregate, population, or community—the total system. Not all clients are communities. They may be individuals or families. Not all clients are in the category of groups, aggregates, or populations. A client can be an individual or a family. When using the epidemiological triad, there are three components: host, agent, and environment. A client would be considered the host. An agent is a factor that causes or contributes to a health problem or condition.

When building a coalition, which of the following would the community health nurse do first? A) Conduct a community assessment B) Identify key players C) Identify potential members D) Define goals and objectives

D Feedback: Steps to coalition building include defining goals and objectives, conducting a community assessment, identifying key players or leaders, and identifying potential coalition members.

Which of the following would a community health nurse expect to assess in the adolescentpopulation with an eating disorder? A) High levels of peer support B) Clear sense of self C) Feelings of being in control D) Distorted body image

D) Distorted body image

A community health nurse is working with a group of school nurses to develop interventions for a 10-year-old girl exhibiting signs and symptoms of school refusal. Which of the following would be most appropriate? A) Limiting parent involvement in the school B) Exposing the child rapidly to the classroom C) Keeping the child at home for a while D) Providing relaxation training

D) Providing relaxation training

Which of the following programs would be least effective to institute for a community of school-age children who are experiencingdental caries? A) Ensuring that the drinking water is fluoridated B) Having the school to institute a fluoride rinse program C) Encouraging the parents to get their children's teeth sealed D) Advising parents to encourage the children to brush once daily

D)Advising parents to encourage the children to brush once daily

A community health nurse is collecting data about the family's demographics. Which of the following would the nurse include? Select all that apply. A)Dietary patterns B)Housing C)Climate D)Socioeconomic status E)Education of members F)Ethnicity


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