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Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

What do the Good Samaritan Laws do?

Provide reasonable protection against lawsuits and encourage people to assist others during an emergency, however laws vary state to state.

What do you look for in a scene survey/ size up

are dangerous hazards present? how many people are involved what happened? what is your first impression about what could be wrong with the person are there bystanders available to help

How do you perform a primary assessment (person is alert and responsive)

make eye contact, introduce yourself, and get consent to help - ask what happened and where do you hurt - scan body for any severe bleeding, if found then control it - If the person is severely injured call 911 or ask a bystander to call Have the person move to a comfortable position (lying down or leaning against a stable object)

according to the National Emergency Number Association what percentage of people in the US and Canada are covered by some type of 911 service

over 98 percent

What do you do after a DOTS test

perform a SAMPLE history

what do you do if the person is only gasping

position the person onto his or her side and monitor breathing

what are the goals of first aid providers

preserving life, alleviating suffering, prefenting further illness or inujry, and promoting recovery.

When finding what is wrong with an alert. and responsive person, what assessments do you perform

primary, secondary (DOTS head to toe look for a medical tag, SAMPLE)

what is the first step during a scene size up or survey

look for hazards, if there are dangerous hazards present stay away and call 911 as soon as possible you are more important than the person you are treating.

what is the second step of a scene size up or survey

look for how many people are involved?

What do you do after you check for severe bleeding

look, ask feel, for DOTS. In most cases involved checking only the chief complain and a complete head to toe exam is unncessary. Look for a medical identification tag which can sometimes help identify what is wrong with the person

what is the poison control center number


what are the steps in the role of a first aid provider

1. recognize the emergency 2. decide how to help 3. before helping, taking the appropriate actions 4. determining what is wrong with the person 5. giving the first aid

How do you clean up a blood spill

1. wear PPE 2. Wipe up blood with paper towels 3. spray or wash area with 1 part liquid blean in 9 parts of water and let it air dry 4. Dispose of materials in a bioharzard container. 5. when finished, wash hands.

Body fluids like saliva, blood and stool can sometimes carry disease producing germs, what are some examples of diseases that can be transferred

AIDS/HIV Hepatitus B and C Tuberculosis (airborne) meningitis

What is the ACEP

American College of Emergency Physicians

What is the second step if you decide you want to help.

Ask for consent, if the person agrees then you can give first aid, If your help is refused and the injuy or illness is serious, call 911.

how can you use bystanders to help you while performing first aid

Bystanders may help by telling you what happened calling 911 while you help the person depnding upon with their relationship with the person the person could a. provide ou with the persons medical history b. inform you whether the. person has been ill c. calm the person

What are less commonly used PPE

CPR breathing masks with a one way valve, eye protection like goggles, face shields, hand washing.

What do you do if a person is unresponsive

Call 911 and position person faceup on a firm, flat surface if the person is unconscious, tap and shout check their breathing at the same time as responsiveness, get eye level with chest and look at face and chest put head on chest and listen for any abnormal sounds Feel chest rise look for severe bleeding

How do you decide whether to drive the person to the hospital or call 911

answer the 5 questions made by the ACEP, if you answer yes to ANY of them you should call 911

What does SAMPLE stand for

Signs and symtoms (chief complaint) allergies medications pertinent past medical history last oral intake events leading up to the illness or injury

What is the first step after you have recognized an emergency and have decided to help

Size up the scene

What do you do if there is soap and running water for handwashing

Wash contact area with soap and running water, if eyes, nose or inside of mouth were exposed rinse with lots of water if at work tell your supervisor, otherwise contact your personal physician

What conditions (in general) have to apply to be under the protection of Good Samaritan laws

You are acting with good intentions you are providing care without expectation of compensation you are acting within the scope of your training and knowledge You are not acting in a grossly negligent or reckless manner

What is considered a fast heartbeat

above 120-150 bpm

What should you do during a primary assessment (person is alert)

ask what happened scan the body for severe bleeding, if found control it if the person is severely injured, call 911 or ask a bystander to call it. move the person to comfortable position if the person is unconscious, tap and shout check their breathing at the same time as responsiveness, get eye level with chest and look at face and chest put head on chest and listen for any abnormal sounds Feel chest rise look for severe bleeding

how can you prevent disease transmission

avoid contact with blood and other body fluids by using PPE. (gloves, goggles, breathing devices.)

what do you do if someone is not breathing

begin cycles of CPR. CAB 30 chest compressions an airway open two breaths continue CPR until an AED and or EMS arrives

What do you do if severe bleeding exists?

call 911 if not already doen and control it.

What do you do if you are unsure about one of the 5 ACEP questions

call 911, it is better to be save and call 911 when in doubt

what is dots

deformities, open wounds, tenderness, and swelling

what is the third step of applying first aid when you have decided to help someone

depending on the seriousness of the injury or illness and circumstances, either call 911 for EMA or take the person to a medical facility. If you are in a commercial building then another option is to contact the companies emergency response team or security staff

What is the most common type of PPE

disposable gloves

What do you do when you call 911

do whatever the dispatcher says, you may need to write it down do not hangup until the dispatcher tells you to do so, stay with the person needing help until ems arrives

what do you do if you are cleaning up a blood spill and there are no biohazard containers available

double bag in plastic bags

What is the third step of a scene size up or survey

form a first impression of the person, is he or she 1. Injured or ill 2. Responsive or. unresponsive? 3. Breathing normally? talking? 4. Bleeding severely look for lues about. what might have caused the injjury or the illness

What are negligent actions when giving first aid

giving substandard care withholding care when you have a legal duty. to act causing injury or harm exceeding your level of training abandoning the person, starting care and then stopping or leaving without ensuring that a rescuer with the same or higher level of training will continue to care for the person

What are the types of consent

informed: tell the person that you are trained and what you will be doing, ask if you can help implied: assume consent for an unresponsive or incompetent person for children: consent must be obtained from a parent or legal guardian unless unvailable, then implied consent can be assumed

What is the highest tier in the inujry pyramid (least common)

injuries resulting in death

what is the second highest layer in the pyramid (second least common)

injuries resulting in hospitalization

what is the second lowest in the injury pyramid (second most common)

injuries resulting in treatment in emergency departments and physician offices

what is the lowest tier on the injury pyramid (most common)

injuries treated by first aid providers

what are the 5 ACEP questions

is the condition life threating? could the condition get worse on the way to the hospital? If you move the person, will it cause further injury? does the person need the skills or equipment of EMS would distance or traffic cause a delay in the person getting to the hospital

What does Enhanced 911 do

it allows the dispatcher to see the callers phone number and address if the call is placed on a landline, cell phones however only provide the general location and because of this you should know your exact address or location to give to the 911 dispatcher

What does Find it, fix it mean

it strresses the idea that you cannot provide first aid unless you know what is wrong, most injured people do not require a complete assessment, most of the time you will only need to ask the person about their chief complaint

what do you do if you are looking for what is wrong with a person and they are unresponsive when you want to run a SAMPLE history

look for a bystander or family member that could answer these questions.

what is the fifth step of a survey sizeup

look for bystanders, are there any?

what is the fourth step of a scene size up or survey

look for clues about. what might have caused the injury or the illness

How do you remove gloves

take one hand, pull off the glove by pinching on the outside near the riset and then pull it off so it. is inside out and ball up the glove that is remove, then hook your finger on the inside of the other glove with your barehand DO NOT touch the outside and remove glove. Dispose in a biohazard container

What. do you do if the person is not old enough to give consent.

try and obtain the permission of a parent or legal guardian before giving first aid. If a parent or legal guardian is not present you can legally assume you have this persons help to help his or her child

What do you do if there is no soap or running water for handwashing available

use an alcohol based hand cleaner, rub your hands until they become dry If at work tell your supervisor otherwise contact your personal physician

how do. you wash your hands

wash your hands with soap and running water, use warm water when available rub all hand surfaces together for 15 to 20 seconds rinse off soap with running water dry your hands with a clean towel or paper towel `

What do you do if there is PPE available

wear it, if gloves are not available, put your hands in plastic bags, After use wash your hands even if you wore gloves

How do you call for medical care

when calling 911 speak slowly and clearly, be ready to give the dispatcher the following info the persons location (exact location, room if you are in a building or a floor) The phone number you are calling from and your name a brief account of what happened number of people needing help any special conditions on the svcene a description of the persons condition and what is being done

when are you required to help an injured or ill person

when you have a legal duty, when your employment requires it in your job description preexisting relationship exists such as parent child, teacher student, driver passenger, But even if you aren't, helping the injured or ill is a moral obligation

What do you do if the person is unresponsive

you can legally assume he or she would accept your help under the good samaritan law

What should you do if during an assessment the chief complain involves an illness

you will not be able to diagnose the exact cause of the illness. Instead, determine if it serious enough to require medical care. A medical identification tag can sometimes help identify what is wrong with a person. If the person requires medical care, pass along the information you find during the assessment to the EMT personnel or health care providers

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