pr strategy exam 1

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The first step in any effective public relations plan or marketing communication program is to carefully and accurately __________ the situation facing your organization.

(Analyzing the situation) identify

What are the 3 steps of Phase 1: Formative research?

1. Analyzing the situation (SOP) 2. Analyzing the organization 3. Analyzing the publics

What are the 4 types of publics

1. Customers (clep) 2. limiters 3. enablers 4. producers

In step 2, these are the aspects of what kind of audit? 1. performance 2. niche 3. structure 4. ethical base 5. internal impediments

1. Internal environment (PINES)

What are the 5 stages of development of publics?

1. Nonpublic 2. Latent public 3. Apathetic public 4. Aware public 5. Active public

What are the three basic elements of strategic planning for public relations?

1. explanations that are clear and understandable, drawn from contemporary theory and current practice; 2.examples that help you see the concept in action, drawn from both nonprofit and for-profit organizations; 3. hands-on exercises in both short form and expanded versions that help you apply the process in your own situation.

The 3 basic elements of strategic public relations include: 1. _________ that are clear and understandable, drawn from contemporary _______ and current practice; 2.__________ that help you see the _________ in action, drawn from both nonprofit and for-profit organizations; 3. hands-on __________ in both short form and expanded versions that help you apply the process in your own ________.

1. explanations; theory 2. examples; concept 3. exercises; situation

What are the 5 characteristics of a public? (HIRDL)

1. homogenous 2. important 3. reachable 4. distinguishable 5. large enough to matter

What are the aspects to writing objectives?

1. indicate the PUBLIC addressed 2. indicate the CATEGORY (awareness, acceptance, action) 3. indicate the DIRECTION of the movement your seeking (increasing, maintaining) 4. Indicate the specific EFFECT you want (awareness: either attention or comprehension) 5. Indicate the FOCUS of the specific effect you hope to achieve 6. PERFORMANCE MEASURE (ex: %) 7. TIME PERIOD

What three details of an organization are looked at in step 2?

1. internal environment 2. public perception 3. external environment

What are the 4 evolutionary models in public relations that was created by James Grunig and Todd Hunt (Managing Public Relations-1984)

1. press agentry 2. public information 3. persuasion/advocacy 4. dialogue/relationship-building

What are the 5 characteristics of a public? *

1. situation * 2. organization 3. communication 4. demographics 5. personality preferences

The 5 differences between advertising and public relations. 1. advertising uses a "big bang," while public relations uses a _______ buildup. 2. Advertising is visual; public relations is _______. 3. Advertising reaches a _______ audience; public relations reaches a targeted audience. 4. Advertising favors new lines and extensions; public relations favors ______ brands. 5.Advertising likes old names; public relations likes _____ names.

1. slow 2. verbal 3. mass 4. news 5. new

What are the 4 parts of the external environment audit? *

1. supporters (scoe) 2. competitors 3. opponents 4. external impediments *

The 4 skills the manager's job of STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION PLANNING calls for * 1. _______________ research and planning 2. knowing ________ to make strategic __________ 3. making _____________ from an expanding ____________ of tactical choices 4. completing the process by __________ program ______________

1. understanding 2. how; choices 3. selections; inventory 4. evaluating; effectiveness

What are the 4 skills the manager's job of STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION PLANNING calls for? *

1. understanding research and planning 2. knowing how to make strategic choices 3. making selections from an expanding inventory of tactical choices 4. completing the process by evaluating program effectiveness

In what way does Harris point out that public relations is particularly effective in building brand equity, which is based on the organization's reputation. *

1992 LA riots (none of the McDonalds were touched) *

goals that focus on how the organization connects with its publics.

2. Relationship management goals

A _________ ________ is concerned with management, trends, issues, policies, and corporate structure.

2. Strategic Manager

Who's roles are these examples of? ex: What problems are likely to face the organization over the next several years and how they might be addressed? What is the crisis readiness of the organization? Should senior personnel be offered an advanced level of media training? What should the policies be for tweeting?

2. Strategic Manager

goals that are concerned with getting certain things done.

3. Task management goals

What are steps 4, 5, and 6 of Phase 2: Strategy?

4. Establishing goals and objectives 5. Formulating actions and response strategies 6. Developing the message strategy

audits should be conducted every _______ to _______ years, as well as following a crisis situation.

5; 7

What are steps 7 and 8 of Phase 3: Tactics?

7. Selecting communication tactics 8. Implementing the strategic plan

______percent of corporate and organizational crises began on the inside, most of them because of mismanagement.)


What is step 9: of Phase 4: Evaluative Research?

9. Evaluating the strategic plan

___________ objectives are particularly important amid controversy and in persuasive situations using the advocacy (or asymmetrical) model of public relations.


___________ objectives focus on how people react to information.


These qualities describe what type of objective * 1. Focus on feelings about information 2. Interest 3. Attitude

Acceptance objective *

_________ objectives address a hoped-for response to information and feelings.


__________ objectives can serve not only as persuasive objectives that encourage audiences to act according to the wishes of the organization but also as objectives for building consensus and enhancing the relationship between the organization and its publics.


These qualities describe what type of objective * 1. Focus on response to information 2. Opinion 3. Behavior

Action objectives

For the animal shelter, an _________ public might be the local chapter of a senior citizen organization that is actively encouraging senior citizens to adopt pets.


Discusses or acts on shared issue *

Active public *

An ____________ public for the animal adoption shelter might be people who don't particularly like pets.


To this public, the issue is not significant enough to warrant its attention and/ or the consequences are not perceived as being important.

Apathetic public

Faces issue; knows it; doesn't care *

Apathetic public *

An ________ public for the animal adoption agency may be people who have learned that psychologists believe the companionship of pets improves the quality of life for senior citizens.

Aware public

Shares issue; not organized to discuss or act on it *

Aware public *

These objectives specify what information you want your publics first to be exposed to and then to know, understand and remember.


What objectives are appropriate for transmitting purely functional information, for communicating on noncontroversial issues and for the early stages of any communication campaign?


__________ objectives particularly deal with dissemination and message exposure, comprehension and retention.


___________ objectives deal with information and knowledge.


These qualities describe what type of objective * 1. Focus on information 2. Attention 3. Comprehension

Awareness objective *

What is the Hierarchy of Objectives?


What do these questions relate to? 1. What is the nature & type of each key public? 2. What are the major wants, interest, needs & expectations of each public? 3. What benefits can you offer this public?

Basic planning questions when analyzing publics

What do these 3 basic questions describe? 1. What is the situation facing the organization? 2. What is the background of the situation? 3. What is the significance or importance of the situation?

Basic planning questions when doing step 1: analyzing the situation

What do these questions relate to? 1. Who are the major publics for the organization? 2. Who are the key publics for this situation? 3. Who are the major opinion leaders for these publics?

Basic planning questions when identifying publics

an articulation of the benefit or advantage your product or service can offer this public, or the way you can help satisfy its need or solve its problems.

Benefit statement

Give a brief indication of the advantage of the product/service/idea for each public *

Benefit statement *

Study the public's communication habits, such as the media or communication channels it uses. Identify people who might be credible message sources for this public and who are its opinion leaders. Also indicate whether the public is seeking information on the issue. What characteristic of a public is this?


Study public's media use, communication patterns, credible message sources & level of information activity/passivity *

Communication (characteristic of a public) *

What type of public relations practitioner's roles demands competency in directing research, making decisions, planning projects and campaigns, and solving problems?

Communication Manager

A ______________ ___________'s tasks are often associated with entry-level jobs.

Communication Technician

What type of public relations practitioner's roles include writing news releases, drafting speeches, producing videos, editing newspapers, and organizing displays.

Communication Technician

_____________ ___________ are specialists in public relations and marketing communication who typically perform tasks at the direction of others

Communication Technician

Identify relevant traits such as age, income, gender, etc.*

Demographics (characteristic of a public) *

Edward Bernays engineered the debutante march in New York City's _________ parade in 1929 to make smoking fashionable among _________, enabling Lucky Strike to sell more cigarettes. *

Easter; women*

Who is public relations founding father?

Edward Bernays

What are these 11 elements related to? 1. Goal rooted 2. Public focused 3. Impact oriented 4. Linked to research 5. Explicit 6. Precise 7. Time definite 8. Singular 9. Challenging 10 .Attainable 11. Acceptable

Elements of an Effective OBJECTIVE

Conscience of an organization*

Ethical base*

What do these questions relate to? 1. What is the major competition for your organization? 2. What significant opposition exists? 3. Is anything happening in the environment that can limit the effectiveness of the public relations program?

External environment

have structured roles, such as elected or appointed officials or people who hold a recognized position of authority. *

Formal opinion leaders *

A ________ is a global indication of how an issue should be resolved.


It is a short, simple statement rooted in the organization's mission or vision.


Rooted in organization's mission or vision *

Goal *

What do these 4 things describe? 1. press agentry 2. public information 3. persuasion/advocacy 4. dialogue/relationship-building

Grunig & Hunt - Four models as part of the evolution of public relations (AIPD)

Thomas L. ___________ is a leading proponent of integrated communication, which he calls an outside-in process that begins with an understanding of the consumer publics, particularly their wants, interests, needs and lifestyles.


exert influence simply because they are informed, articulate and recognized leaders on a particular issue. *

Informal opinion leaders *

____________ _________ is the blending of communication functions within an organization designed to make all aspects of communication work together toward common goals, increasing impact at minimal cost. *

Integrated communication *

An organization often will address itself not only to its key publics but also to groups who already are in contact with that public.

Intercessory Public

__________ ______________can serve as an influential bridge between an organization and its publics.

Intercessory Public

Publics influential with key public *

Intercessory Publics*

ex: media is used to reach another public, such as music lovers whom an opera company might identify as one of its key publics. In this case the media, particularly music critics, already have the attention of the music lovers, who presumably read and appreciate the reviews. So the public relations practitioner sets out to inform, interest and impress the critic.

Intercessory public

Obstacles within organization that limit effectiveness of public relations program *

Internal Impediments*

Process by which an organization tries to anticipate emerging issues & respond to them *

Issue management *

What are these six stages a part of? * 1. Identify future issues 2. Research & analyze each issue 3. Consider response options 4. Develop action plan for the best option 5. Implement the plan 6. Evaluate effectiveness of the response

Issue management *(IRCDIE)

a ________ public has low levels of both— little information about a situation and little motivation regarding potential consequences.


What is this an example of? For example, it may invite apartment dwellers to volunteer a couple of hours each week to interact with the animals awaiting adoption from the shelter, giving companionship and exercise to both the animals and the volunteers, creating knowledgeable people who might serve as opinion leaders for others who could adopt a pet and perhaps fostering future adoptions when the volunteers are in a pet-friendly environment.

Latent public

Shares an issue with organization; doesn't recognize situation or its potential *

Latent public *

From this perspective, organizations don't merely do something because they can; rather, they act because managers have determined that doing this particular something will further the work of the organization in some strategic and measurable way. What concept does this relate to?

Management of Objectives (MBO)

the process by which effective and efficient organizations plan their activities. *

Management of Objectives * (MBO)

____________ ____________ focuses more immediately on products and services that respond to the wants and needs of consumers. *

Marketing communication *

____________ ____________ seeks to foster an economic exchange between an organization and its consumers. *

Marketing communication*

It is a viewing point, the nook or cubbyhole that an organization occupies in a position for all to see.


the function or role that makes the organization different from other organizations.


Specialty/function/role that makes organization different*


a group that does not share any issues with the organization and no real consequences exist to or from the organization.


Doesn't share any issue with organization; of no significance to organization *

Nonpublic *

An ________ is a statement of specific outcomes expected for a public, indicating a way to more precisely conceptualize the goal.


What are these 3 examples of? 1. Formal opinion leaders 2. Informal opinion leaders 3. Vocal activists

Opinion leaders

men and women who have a particular influence over an organization's publics.

Opinion leaders

Individuals influential with key public (intercessory individuals) *

Opinion leaders *

Consider public's relationship with organization *

Organization (characteristic of a public ) *

Consider each key public's relationship with the __________— how your ___________ impacts on the public and vice versa. Also consider the visibility and reputation

Organization (characteristic of a public)

Quality of goods & services, viability of causes & ideas (part of the internal audit)*


Consider the psychological and temperamental preferences of this key public. Appraise the relative merits of logical versus emotional appeals. What characteristic of a public is this related to?

Personality Preferences

Consider psychological & temperamental preferences of public *

Personality Preferences *

What are the 4 phases of strategic planning? *

Phase 1: Formative research * Phase 2: Strategy Phase 3: Tactics Phase 4: Evaluation research

What do these basic planning questions describe? 1. What are the goals? 2. What position do you seek? 3. What are specific objectives (awareness, acceptance & action)?

Phase two: Step 4

Process of managing how an organization distinguishes itself with a unique meaning in the mind of its publics *

Positioning *

____________ ____________is a management function that classically focuses on long-term patterns of interaction between an organization and all of its various publics, both supportive and non supportive. *

Public relations *

Assess the public's wants, interests, needs and expectations related to the issue, as well as what it does not want or need. Consider relevant attitudes of the public.

Public relations situation (characteristic of a public)

What type of goal is this an example of? Enhance the relationship between the company and its customers.

Relationship management goal

What type of goal is this an example of? Enhance the hospital's prestige as the leading center for sports medicine.

Reputation management goal

What does ROPE stand for? *

Research, Objectives, Programming, Evaluation *

it considers the organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

SWOT analysis

Assess public's wants, interests, needs & expectations re:issue *

Situation (characteristic of a public) *

____________ _________ is a leading researcher in the role of a relationship-management approach to public relations.

Stephen Bruning

it is the intentional communication undertaken by a business or nonprofit organization, sometimes by a less-structured group

Strategic communication

Phase 2 is _________


inventories organizational resources that can be marshaled for the communication program, such as personnel, equipment, time and budgets.


it reviews the purpose or mission of the organization as it relates to the situation at hand, as well as the role public relations plays within the organization's administration. It also relates to identifying available resources


Purpose/mission of organization; role of public relations *

Structure *

What type of goal is this an example of? Impact public behavior on matters associated with the organization's mission.

Task management goal

____________ ___________ is the strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.

Today's definition of public relations (2012 PRSA)

Phase ______ deals with mapping the course toward your overall destination, deciding both where to go and how to get there.


people who are linked to particular issues and who are known as advocates for their cause. *

Vocal activists *

What is the focus of phase 1, step 2: analyzing the organization?

a candid look at the internal environment (mission, performance, and resources), public perception (reputation), and external environment (competitors and opponents)

1. homogenous 2. important 3. reachable 4. distinguishable 5. large enough to matter What are these characteristics of?

a public

Able to interact & communicate with organization *

accessible* (comm college and potential students)

organizations must be __________ to their publics.


focuses on reactive response to ____________ occurrences.


___________ is the persuasive communication through purchased media to promote a product, service or idea on behalf of an identified organization or sponsor.


The acceptance objective is _________. *


What is the focus of phase 1, step 3: analyzing the publics?

an analysis of each public in terms of its wants, needs, and expectations about the issue; its relationship to the organization; its involvement in communication and with various media; and a variety of social, economic, political, cultural and technological trends that may affect it.

A position statement is the ___________ of how an organization wants to be seen and known, especially vis-à-vis its competition.


an _______________ approach associated with persuasion and advocacy;


People who use a particular communication medium *


Remember: Persuasion isn't necessarily _________: the same principles and techniques that persuades people to buy a product can be deployed on behalf of __________ sexual behavior, nutritional literacy, volunteerism or other social virtues. *

bad responsible

Conclude your analysis of the publics with a __________ ____________

benefit statement

This approach to organizational problem solving tries to identify a benchmark, a specific and measurable standard, against which an organization can compare its own products and services, with an eye toward improving these.

best practice approach

a method of documenting and analyzing the behavior of an acknowledged leader in the field.

best practice approach

An organization's relationship with an audience is usually _______


What is the key to step 2?


What type of research collects what you already know? *

casual research *

What type of research does this describe? Think about the situation. "Pick the brains" of clients, colleagues and other helpful individuals. Interview other people with experience and expertise. Brainstorm alone or with other planners. *

casual research *

issues management involves potential __________.


a situation is a set of ____________ facing an organization.*


The awareness objective is ___________. *

cognitive *

The information you obtain through research will help in planning, but research does not offset the need for _________ _________.

common sense

Integrated communication is this blending of communication functions within an organization designed to make all aspects of communication work together toward common goals, __________ impact at a _________ cost. *

communication; * increasing; minimal

All organizations operate in a ___________ environment.


People/groups who provide similar product/service *

competitors *

The action objective is ___________. *

conative *

issue management does not focus on __________


Effective communication involves ______________ between public relations and marketing.


crisis management is about ________ with crisis.


A _________ is a decision point where choices point to consequences.


The ultimate public relations problem is a ________.


the process by which an organization deals with out-of-control issues. *

crisis management *

use product/service/idea *

customer *

The consumer philosophy has taken hold of all aspects of society, and organizations must answer with a ________ _________response, focusing on benefits for their publics.


"Actions are inherently right or wrong"

deontological approach *

In essence, the ________________ approach says that certain actions are, in and of themselves, good; others, bad.

deontological approach *

The approach to decision making rooted in a standard or moral code *

deontological approach *

a symmetrical model dealing with _________ and relationship-building— feature two-way communication for both dissemination and research/ feedback. *

dialogue *

A recognized organization or formal group *

distinguishable * (jewelry store)

Marketing communication seeks to foster an _____________ exchange between an organization and its consumers. *

economic *

What is an example of a producer?


groups that serve as regulators by setting the norms or standards for the organization (such as professional associations or governmental agencies), opinion leaders with influence over potential customers (such as stockbrokers and analysts) and groups that otherwise help make the organization successful (such as the media).


regulate & promote product/service/idea *


In many planning situations, some of the publics listed as ________ can function as intercessory publics, because they already have the attention and respect of the ultimate public.


Issues exist within a changing __________ and often are the result of conflicting ________ (either different values held by the organization and one of its publics, or a different balance among similar values).

environment; values

Strategic communication operates within a particular ____________, which involves both the ______________ and ________ of people who affect it in some way.

environment; organization; groups

Public relations is particularly effective at brand-building __________...which is based on _________. *

equity; reputation *

Organizational communication adheres to high __________ standards of honesty, accuracy, decency, truth, public interest and mutual good.


Consider whether the organization has a stated ethical ideal, and note if such an ideal is structural to the organization or personal to certain individuals.

ethical base

Obstacles outside organization that limit effectiveness of public relations program *

external impediments

Analyzing the organization begins with a clear _______ on what the organization is, does and aspires to be. (step 2)


What people think about the organization is the key ______ for the public relations audit.

focus (perception)

Markets are like your __________ (you pick them they pick you, not like publics bc you don't pick them, you share a common interest)


Step 4 is establishing ________ and _______ from the research found in steps 1,2, and 3.

goals; objectives

What is the focus of Phase 2, step 4: establishing goals and objectives?

helps you develop clear, specific and measurable objectives that identify the organization's hoped-for impact on the awareness, acceptance and action of each key public.

Some folks say the concept of integrated communication is wrapped in the ___________ of public relations itself. *


Publics are _______________


Sharing common traits & features *

homogenous * (professor)

Your job in this first step of the strategic planning process is to carefully _________ the issue at hand. Come to __________ about whether it is seen as an opportunity or an obstacle, and if the latter, how it might be turned into an __________.

identify; consensus; opportunity

Marketing communication focuses more ____________ on products and services that _____________ to the wants and needs of consumers. *

immediately; respond *

risk management is about __________ threats;


Having significant impact on organization (bottom line) *

important *

Strategic communication is _____________ _____________ undertaken by a business or nonprofit organization, sometimes by a less-structured group.

intentional communication

A public is a group of people that face a common _________, recognizes its __________, and ______ out to do something about it

interest; significance; sets

What do these questions describe? 1. What is the quality of the organization's performance? 2. What communication resources, including budget, are available? 3. How supportive is the organization of public relations activity?

internal environment audit

Each part of the SWOT analysis is looked at from two different perspectives: _______ and _________

internal; external

Abe Bakhsheshy (2003) of the University of Utah defines an _________ as a trend, an event, a development or a matter in dispute that may affect an organization.


a situation that presents matters of concern to organizations


the process by which an organization tries to anticipate emerging issues and respond to them before they get out of hand. *

issue management *

Why is marketing more expensive than public relations?

it relies heavily on advertising

Specific publics to be engaged by organization *

key public *

_________ _________ are the people you want to engage in a communication process.

key publics

Warranting strategic attention & possible use of media*

large enough to matter

Mergers, downsizing and restructuring have led both businesses and nonprofits to seek ways to operate with ______ ________, and the duplication that exists amid the isolation of marketing from public relations often is too great a price for organizations to pay.

lean; resources

Those publics that in some way reduce or undermine the success of an organization (such as competitors, opponents and hostile forces)


reduce use of product/service/idea*


public relations often takes a _________ ________ approach.


What is the focus of Phase 2: Strategy?

making decisions dealing with the expected impact of the communication, as well as the nature of the communication itself.

Today's public relations environment calls for greater skills on the __________ side of communication.


Public relations is a _____________ function that classically focuses on long-term patterns of interaction between an organization and all of its various publics, both supportive and non supportive. *

management 8

Marketing communication and public relations are both?

management functions

Strategic communication is part of an organization's ____________ role and decision-making _________.

management; process

Consumer public with similar demographics targeted for financial interaction supporting the organization's bottom line *

market *

As segments of a particular population, __________ include people with characteristics (age, income, lifestyle, and so on) that can help the organization achieve its bottom line.


A goal is stated in general terms and lacks __________; these will come later, as objectives.


Many ________ changes are affecting the way organizations communicate.


a brief strategic description of the purpose of a company or nonprofit organization, indicated its major publics, and thus guides its decisions and is reflected in its actions.

mission statement

Communication suggested integrating public relations and advertising into a shared curriculum to reflect __________ practices in the field, the PRSA Educational Affairs Committee reacted quickly to oppose such a blending.


What is an NGO

non-government organization

For example, a ___________ for an animal adoption shelter would be people who live in apartments that don't allow pets.


situations are stated as ________


An __________ is a clear and measurable statement, written to point the way toward particular levels of awareness, acceptance or action.


___________ is a statement consistent with an organization's positioning and emerging from the organization's goals.


Statement emerging from organization's goals *

objective *

the public relations situation may be a roadblock, something to be overcome.*


____________ limit the organization in realizing its mission *

obstacles *

Press agentry and public information rely on __________ dissemination of information (Grunig & Hunt models that are part of the evolution of PR)


press agentry and public information— rely on _______-_______ dissemination of information. *

one-way *

They have the potential to damage your organization by limiting its ability to pursue its mission and achieve its goals.


People/groups organized to fight organization*


The public relations situation may be identified as an opening, something to be embraced.*


offers a potential advantage to the organization or its publics*


Public relations is a central and essential aspect of ____________ management


all _________ are either businesses or nonprofits


This involves the quality of the goods and services provided by the organization as well as the viability of the causes and ideas it espouses. The audit looks at this quality both as it is now and as it was in the past. It also considers the level of satisfaction that the organizational leadership has with this quality.


What is the most important aspect of the internal environment?


As a model - _____________ is still utilized by many organizations...many agencies are actually hired by clients because some believe their problems can be solved by gaining support of their ____________. *

persuasion * publics

Grunig (1992) himself notes that many organizations still primarily practice the ________ model. With only ____________ evidence, it seems safe to suggest that most of today's public relations agencies are hired to engage in persuasion on _________ of their clients, who believe their problems can be solved if only they can gain the support of their publics.

persuasion; anecdotal behalf

casual research: _______ the ________ of clients and colleges

pick; brains

What is the focus of Phase 1: formative research?


The _________ process this book presents can be used for persuasion or _________, because each is a strategic activity and each helps practitioners influence behavior and generate consensus.

planning dialogue

A _________ __________ is a general expression of how an organization wants its publics to distinguish it vis-à-vis its competition.

positioning statement

the stronger the organization's visibility and the more ___________ its reputation, the greater the ability it has to build on this positive base.


Issues management deals with _____________ for dealing with potential events;


The mission statement focuses on the organization's __________ circumstances.


The early definitions of public relations focused on __________ ______ and publicity while newer definitions focus on ___________ and relationship building

press agentry; engagement

These are three examples of conducting what type of research? Survey, focus group, content analysis *

primary research *

What type of research relates to collecting new information? *

primary research *

the gathering of original information. *

primary research *

audit should be performed ____________ to developing an important new campaign, _________ rolling out a new product or service or after management changes within an organization

prior; before

The strategy of choice in a competitive environment is __________, two-way communication, in which organizations plan for and initiate relationships with the people important to their success.


An effective practitioner understands a ____________ and manages it to its successful ___________.

problem; conclusion

Positioning is the ________ of managing how an organization ___________ itself with a unique meaning in the mind of its publics— that is, how it wants to be _______ and known by its publics, especially as distinct from its competitors.

process; distinguishes; seen;

create product/service/idea *


T/F (competitor or nah) organizations doing similar things in different areas might better be considered as colleagues and, as such, valuable resources for sharing information and perhaps assistance.

proximity matters (competitor)

A ___________ is a group of people that shares a common interest vis-à-vis an organization, recognizes its significance and sets out to do something about it. *

public *

What do these questions relate to? 1. How well known is your organization? 2. What is the reputation of your organization? 3. How do you want to affect this reputation?

public perception

an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your organization or client. *

public relations audit *

Set of circumstances facing an organization *

public relations situation *

Kasky vs. Nike didn't settle the legal question of where ________ _______ ends and _________ begins

public relations; marketing

Issue management helps the organization interact with its _________.


What are chosen first publics or objectives?


__________ exist in a relationship with an organization even prior to any objectives


The bottom line focuses on an organization's fundamental __________ or mission


Strategic communication has a ___________ and a ________, in which alternatives are considered and decisions are __________..

purpose; plan; justified

Most publics are increasing their expectations for _________ performance and __________ communication.

quality; open

All kinds of organizations are realizing more keenly the need for long-term, mutually beneficial ____________ between the organization and its various publics and market segments.


Organizations are successful to the extent they enjoy a strong ___________, which results from neither accident nor luck


___________ is based on word and deed


____________ is part of the social capital of an organization,


the general, overall and long-term impression that people have of an organization.


How people evaluate information about organization *

reputation *

Invariably, strategic communication is based on ___________ and is subject to eventual _______________.

research; evaluation

involves a careful assessment of the potential impact on both the organization and its publics.

risk management

the process of identifying, controlling and minimizing the impact of uncertain events on an organization. *

risk management *

What type of research relates to researching existing information?*

secondary research *

Using this approach, you will investigate organizational files to learn what already exists on the issue. Search the library for information from books, periodicals and special reports. Check for similar material on the Internet (but be wary about the validity of what you find there). Review and analyze how other organizations handled similar situations. What does this describe? *

secondary research *

What are these three things examples of ways you can search for what type of research? Organizational files, library, Internet *

secondary research *

Note that even in crisis situations, obstacles can be approached as opportunities, if the problem has not been __________-________


a _____________ is a set of circumstances facing an organization. *


While an advantage of this approach is respect for cultural diversity and conflicting values, it has the mirrored disadvantage both of dominance of mainstream culture as well as an inability to judge the basic rightness or wrongness of actions.

situational ethics*/ ethical relativism

"Right/wrong actions are determined by society" describes what approach?

situational ethics*/ ethical relativism*

that actions are ethical to the extent they reflect particular social norms.

situational ethics*/ethical relativism

This is an examples of what? fear of youths. availability of airbags


Alternative term generally similar to public, though sometimes referring to an individual rather than a group *


a ____________ relates to an organization through its potential impact on the organization's mission and objectives, whereas a _________ relates to an organization through its messages

stakeholder; public

Invariably, ____________ _____________ is based on research and is subject to eventual evaluation.

strategic communication

___________ _____________ often is either informational or persuasive

strategic communication

_____________ ______________ operates within a particular environment, which involves both the organization and groups of people who affect it in some way.

strategic communication

What are these 3 basic elements of? 1. explanations that are clear and understandable, drawn from contemporary theory and current practice; 2.examples that help you see the concept in action, drawn from both nonprofit and for-profit organizations; 3. hands-on exercises in both short form and expanded versions that help you apply the process in your own situation.

strategic planning for public relations

_________ is the organization's overall plan.


People/groups who share interests with organization & can further its objectives *

supporters *

A positive aspect of this approach is that it requires practitioners to consider the consequences of their actions. A negative aspect is that it creates a scenario in which the greater good, always difficult to calculate, sometimes is allowed to reign without account for the harm inflicted on the minority.

teleological ethics *

What approach is focused on impact & consequences and "Right/wrong actions produce good/bad results"

teleological ethics *

approach focused more on the impact that actions have on people.

teleological ethics *

rooted in the notion that good actions produce good results. Thus something is judged to be ethical because it generates good consequences. What will produce the greater good for the most people?

teleological ethics *

What is the focus of phase 1, step 1: analyzing the situation?

that everyone involved in the planning process are in solid agreement about the nature of the opportunity or obstacle to be addressed in this program.

What are these 5 characteristics related to? 1. situation 2. organization 3. communication 4. demographics 5. personality preferences

the 5 characteristics of a public

What are these the five stages of? 1. Nonpublic 2. Latent public 3. Apathetic public 4. Aware public 5. Active public

the 5 stages of development of publics

What are these 4 skills associated with?* 1. understanding research and planning 2. knowing how to make strategic choices 3. making selections from an expanding inventory of tactical choices 4. completing the process by evaluating program effectiveness


What do these characteristics describe? - both management functions - Both disciplines identify wants, interests, needs and expectations of key groups of people, and both structure ways to interact and communicate with them. - Both of these disciplines rely on research, and they are rooted in the organization's mission and directed toward its bottom line. - Both share a concern about both the short-term and long-term interests of the organization.

the similarities between public relations and marketing communication

every goal should generate at least ______ objectives, focusing specifically on awareness, acceptance and action.


What is the common purpose of strategic communication?

to build understanding and support for ideas, causes, services and products.

Strategic communication uses multiple __________, drawing from all communication-related disciplines to talk with various groups of people.


T/F a public relations situation can be either a positive or negative:.


What does this example relate to? Pepsi faced an accusation in 1993 that medical syringes had been found in cans of the company's products. Pepsi fought back by issuing video news releases showing how its production process made it impossible to contaminate the product before it left the plant.

turning an obstacle into an opportunity (good pr)

The common purpose of strategic communication is to build _____________ and ____________ for ideas, causes, services and products.

understanding; support

this includes whether people know about an organization, what they know about it and how accurate this information is.


Extent to which organization is known *

visibility *

Perception is based on both _________ and ________

visibility and reputation

a brief strategic description of what the organization aspires to become. (future)

vision statement (step 4)

What are the three types of goals related to step 4?

1. Reputation management goal 2. Relationship management goal 3. Task management goal

goals that deal with the identity and perception of the organization.

1. Reputation management goals

A ________ __________ makes day-to-day decisions on many practical and specific issues.

1. Tactical Manager

Who's role are these examples of? ex: Should they send a news release or hold a news conference? Are they better off with a brochure or a webpage?

1. Tactical Manager

What are the two types of communication managers that have complementary roles within organizations?

1. Tactical Manager 2. Strategic Manager

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