Practice Makes Perfect Blood

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Question 48: The platelet release reaction is initiated by platelets binding to exposed collagen in a broken membrane.


Question 9: Name the cell (the small dot).


Question 3: Name the cell.

-Red blood cell

Question 16: The circulatory system helps to maintain normal body temperature.


Question 6: Blood would clot more slowly in an individual with 100,000 platelets/mm3.


Question 54: What substances are needed to produce red blood cells?

-Vitamin B12 Iron Folic acid - all of the choices are correct

Question 22: The most common type of anemia is __________.

-iron-deficiency anemia

Question 40: What is the blood type of this person

AB -

Question 76: What is the blood type of this person?


Question 75: What is the condition of having low blood oxygen levels?

ANSWER: Hypoxemia - Hypoxemia is defined as a decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood whereas hypoxia is defined by reduced level of tissue oxygenation. It can be due to either defective delivery or defective utilization of oxygen by the tissues.

Question 72: A person with Rh− blood will normally have antibodies against Rh present in their blood.


Question 74: What substances are needed to produce red blood cells?

ANSWER: Vitamin B12...Folic acid...Iron

Question 73: Which of these blood types carries no antigens?

ANSWER: blood type O

Question 77: Polycythemia would be induced by ________ in the blood.

ANSWER: decreased

Question 70: The reason a liver patient shows systemic edema is due to: ANSWER: decreased albumin production or decreased osmotic pressure of the plasma

ANSWER: decreased albumin production or decreased osmotic pressure of the plasma

Question 71: Which hormone is produced by the kidneys to stimulation production of red blood cells by the bone marrow?

ANSWER: erythropoietin

Question 78: Individuals with an increased hematocrit would likely be anemic


Question 60: Which one of the following represents the proper sequence of hemostasis?

vascular spasm, platelet plug formation, coagulation

Question 51: A decrease in the oxygen-carrying ability of the blood, for any reason, is a condition known as ________.

- anemia

Question 43: Which blood type contains the A antigen only?

- blood type A

Question 15: Which blood type(s) can a person with blood type O receive?

- blood type O

Question 37: Transportation functions of the circulatory system include ________.

- carrying absorbed products of digestion - carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide- carrying metabolic waste- carrying leukocytes- All of the choices are correct.

Question 27: The reason a liver patient shows systemic edema is due to:

- decreased albumin production or decreased osmotic pressure of the plasma

Question 57: An elite marathon runner would likely benefit from increased oxygen carrying capacity in the blood from the use of ______, which would serve to __________.

- erythropoietin; increase red blood cell formation

Question 47: The final protein that forms a blood clot is __________.

- fibrin

Question 1: The process of blood cell formation is __________.

- hematopoiesis - /he·ma·to·poi·e·sis/ (-poi-e´sis) the formation and development of blood cells. extramedullary hematopoiesis that occurring outside the bone marrow, as in the spleen, liver, and lymph nodes.

Question 42: What part of a red blood cell binds and transports oxygen?

- hemoglobin

Question 5: The circulatory system is able to provide regulation of other body systems by circulating __________.

- hormones

Question 44: Edema would be induced by all of the following EXCEPT ________.

- hyperthyroidism

Question23: Which of the following might trigger erythropoiesis?

- increased EPO stimulated by hypoxia

Question 10: With a patient that is administered an injection of erythropoietin (EPO) you would expect to see ________.

- increased hematocrit

Question 46: Eryhrocytes ________.

- lack a nucleus and most organelles

Question 4: What does it mean to be a universal recipient? A person with the blood type known as the universal recipient ________.

- lacks the ability to produce antibodies for any donor blood type

Question 65: Jordan works in a hematology lab and processed a blood report showing 22,000 white blood cells/mm3 of blood for a patient. He suspects this patient has a bacterial infection leading to ________.

- leukocytosis

Question 26: What multinucleate cell gives rise to thousands of anucleate fragments known as platelets?

- megakaryocyte

Question 49: Is this hematocrit reading normal, anemic or polycythemic for a female?

- normal

Question 59: A patient has a large portion of his stomach removed during a weight reduction surgery. Following this procedure, he experiences fatigue and is short of breath upon exertion. His surgery most likely resulted in __________.

- pernicious anemia

Question 61: Life at a high altitude, where less oxygen is available, can lead to increased red blood cell known as ________.

- polycythemia

Question 8: Having no nucleus, a biconcave shape, and the function of gas transport would describe a __________.

- red blood cell

Question 24: Where does hematopoiesis occur to produce new red blood cells?

- red bone marrow

Question 39: An immature RBC which still contains some endoplasmic reticulum is called a(n) ________.

- reticulocyte

Question 62: Anemia is common in individuals with renal failure because:

- the kidneys release erythropoietin that stimulates bone marrow

Question 56: Erythroblastosis fetalis occurs when __________.

- the mother has Rh− blood and the fetus has Rh+ blood

Question 14: Iron is transported in the blood by the protein __________.

- transferrin

Question 33: The average functional lifespan of an RBC is ________

-100-120 days

Question 12: A hematocrit of 30% would be acceptable as a normal value for a 25-year-old person.


Question 69: What blood type is this person.


Question 7: An important plasma protein that contributes to the osmotic pressure of blood is ________.

- albumin

Question 30: Decreased liver protein synthesis would cause the amount of __________ and __________ in the blood to be decreased.

- albumin; fibrinogen

Question 50: Hemophilia is __________.

- an X-linked trait

Question 58: A hematocrit of 30% usually means that, in the sample of blood analyzed:

- 30% of the blood volume is red blood cells

Question 45: What is the hematocrit reading on this sample?

- 39

Question 21: A normal red blood cell count is in the range of __________ /mm3.

- 4.23-5.98 million

Question 52: A normal hematocrit for women would be __________.

- 40%

Question 29: How much blood does the average-sized adult have?

- 5 liters

Question 55: A normal red blood cell count would be:

- 5 million per μL

Question 17: What is the stimulus for the release of erythropoietin?

- All of the choices are correct.- Decreased blood oxygen levels- Low amount of hemoglobin- Low RBC count

Question 35: An 82-year-old man presents with fatigue and pallor. His hemoglobin is 7.8, hematocrit is 23.1, leukocyte count is 1,750, and platelet count is 68,000. What is the most likely diagnosis?

- Aplastic anemia

Question 41: Which antigen(s) are present in the plasma of a person with type B+ blood?

- B and Rh

Question 67: John has blood type B. In an emergency, John could receive which of the following blood types?

- B or O

Question 2: Pernicious anemia develops if there is a vitamin __________ deficiency.

- B12

Question 64: Molly has blood type A and her daughter has blood type B. Why can't Molly donate blood to her daughter?

- Blood type B contains anti-A antibodies, which will agglutinate with Molly's type A blood.

Question 68: Which blood vessels have the highest cross-sectional area?

- Capillaries

Question 20: Which part of the red blood cell can bind to oxygen?

- Heme part of hemoglobin

Question 13: Which organ secretes erythropoietin?

- Kidneys

Question 18: What type of antigens are present in Type O blood?

- Neither A nor B

Question 11: Mary has type AB blood. Which type of antibodies is present in her plasma?

- Neither anti-A nor anti-B

Question 53: Name the cell (the small dot).

- Platelet

Question 66: Name the cell

- Platelet

Question 19: Which of the following conditions is characterized by high red blood cell counts?

- Polycythemia

Question 32: How does the circulatory system function in a protective role in the body?

- Prevents blood loss through clotting- All of the choices are correct.- Delivers leukocytes to areas of inflammation and infection- Leukocytes fight infection

Question 28: Name the cell.

- Red Blood Cell

Question 34: Name the cell.

- Red blood cell

Question 25: Blood would clot more slowly in an individual with 90,000 platelets/mm3.

- True

Question 31: If blood was only serum, it would lack the ability to stop bleeding when necessary.

- True

Question 36: People who live in Denver (high altitude) have increased hematocrit values.

- True

Question 63: If blood was only serum, it would lack the ability to stop bleeding when necessary.

- True

Question 38: The major plasma protein is __________.

- albumin

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