Praxis 5039 from teacher 1

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Examples: Chaucer's Canterbury tales, Mallorys le morte d'rthur, everyman, and lyrical poetry such as the cuckoo song

1066 - 1500 Middle English period

Example: Hardees on the western circuit and the convergence of the twain, Shaws pig million, Elliot the love story of J Alfred per frock, Lawrences women in love, Yeats lapis Luxuli Rushdie The Satanic verses, Beckett waiting for godet

20th-century 1900 -

A group of pellets from Boston including Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Albright Wendell Holmes of others. Their poems were often read by the fireside for family entertainment and were memorized by students at school

A RP/fireside poets 19th century

A style of writing that strives to depict life accurately without idealizing or romanticizing it. Authors of this. Include Mark twain and Stephen Crane

A RP/realism 19th century

A movement in the romantic tradition that it that's the idea that every individual can reach ultimate truce through spiritual intuition. Key authors include Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David thoreau

A RP/transcendentalism 19th century

Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, seven thesis, evaluation

Blooms Taxonomy

Examples; Beowulf the wife's lament, and the wonder

British literature timeline - four 50-10 66 old English Anglo-Saxon.

Commonly used in expository or persuasive text paragraphs are organized by either a cause or effect first and then alternately explain the reasons why something happened to

Cause and effect

A person or being in a narrative


Involves reading and rereading portions of text to determine the deeper layers of meaning in it within the text. Readers create a detailed and careful analysis of the text meaning through the analysis of word choice, things, main ideas, and text organization one my also use multiple literary theory such as feminist or Marxist to derive a deeper meaning during close reading

Close reading

While similar to affect with paragraphs alternating Ways people, events, places or things are similar and different

Compare and contrast

(you will need to know the commonly use research-based strategies for instruction which follow below. Is important to note that you will need to identify the strategy site textual evidence to Valby if I wait that use the strategy or determine how ideas are connected to the passage). Identifying important information, predicting and verify, summarizing and notetaking, identifying cause-and-effect, making inferences, synthesizing, and visualizing

Comprehension strategies

The outcome or resolution of a plot in a story


Examples include Jack London's White Fang and the call the wild, frost nothing gold can stay and the road not taken, and stopping by the woods on a snore snowy evening, James Daisy Miller, Washington Square, and parkersenough rope, death and taxes

Modern Period 1900-1945

The study of the structure of words


The structure of a work. What a chair; the sequence of events


The main character or hero of the written work


The study of the meaning in language


The study of language as it relates to society, including race, class, gender and age.


A person who opposes or competes with the main character; often the villain in the story.


Is located in the front portion of the text and list the dates of publication and the publisher this is an important page to know when evaluating the accuracy of time sensitive

Copyright page

WLT - 16 50-1800

Examples: The interesting narrative of the life of old Madame equine, Voltair's Candide, Jonathan Swift Gullivers travels, that shows the narrow road of the interior

Society is viewed as patron article, which privileges culture and economic ass access to men and denies women from realizing their potential. The woman is seen as the "other "and the man is viewed as a domineering "subject quote. As you read or teach the text consider the gender/orientation of the characters,sexual stereotypes that are contradicted or reinforced, and the power relationships and rolls of sexuality and gender. Also think of the opposite gender's reaction or interpretation

Feminist criticism

Are represented in a variety of ways example bold, italics, color, highlighted, under light for a purpose such as to call attention or distinguish chapter titles headings subheadings an important terms


Are features of an informational text that contains important information that readers will not comprehend simply by reading the stories in the text. Raiders must pay careful attention to diagrams, graphs, tables, and charts and be certain to read the accompanying caption

Images and captions

Students need to know the elements of the narrative text you when your students will need to know the features of informational text your students may need direct instructions in the differences between reading different types of pros informational text have specific text features that you want to be able to buy used properly and suggest ways to teach to students. These are the copyright page, fontsglossary, images and captions index, notes, references, and table of contents.

Informational text features

Literally series provide a means to interpret text using different lenses or perspectives one is not better than the other get together they provide the reader deeper understanding enjoyment and newfound critical understanding

Literary theory

A cultural movement led by African-American writers musicians and artists located in Harlem New York City America. Key contributors include Langston Hughes countee Cullen

MP/Harlem Renaissance 1920s

A literary movement that claims to the trailer light exactly as if it were being examined through a scientist microscope. Writers include Theodore Dreiser Jack London and John Steinbeck.

MP/naturalism early 20th century

A movement in art and literature that started in Europe to replace conventional realism with the full expression of the unconscious mind. The poet T.S.Elliott was influenced by surrealism

MP/surrealism 1920s

A narrative text is a story typically comprised of the following elements that tell the sequence of events in fictional and nonfictional account students need to be able to identify patterns of stories be able to analyze this type of text to determine a literal and figurative meanings, make inferences, and determine the textual evidence that supports interpretation.

Narrative text elements

(Common core state standards in English language arts and ligature as well as the ETS praxis English subject assessment test writers love this form of Criticism. )The text is views as existing independently and a close reading of the text reveals meaning background knowledge and outside sources are not used when interpreting the text as you read Ortiz the text you would examine the interaction of words, Figures of speech, and the symbols and analyze how structure is established to create unity and meaning

New criticism/structuralism

Common approach is to note taking include double entry page and SQ3R -Survey question read recite review.

Note - taking

There are three types of informational text number one it notes notes listed at the end of the book or section to provide additional information or citation of the sorts, footnotes similar to the end note but locate in the bottom of the page and side notes notes found in the March of the page often contain keep vocabulary definitions. It notes and put notes are signaled in the text with a superscript number that is raised side notes are signaled usually by bold or colored font in the text and the site no is found in the nearby margin on the same page


A group of American writers including Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac This generation was known for its nonconformity, experimentation with drugs, interested in eastern religions and the rejection of materialism

P CP - the beat generation 1950s

The study of language as it relates to psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to learn language

Psycho linguistics

1500 - 1660


Cooper's Leatherstocking tales the last of the Mohicans the Pathfinder the pioneers and the Prairie, Emerson's nature and self-relianceIrvings Rip van Winkle and legend of Sleepyhollow, Edgar Allan Poe the Raven and other tales of the grotesque.

ALT naturalist period 1828-1836

The declaration of independence the wild honeysuckle the Indian burial ground the power of sympathy the first American novel

ALT revolutionary period 1760-1787

Ben Franklin's poor Richards almanac Edwards the freedom of will

ALT/colonial period 1630-1760

Creating an anticipatory set, also known as set in duction, is an activity at the start of a lesson that is used to set the stage for learning, motivate students, and activate prior knowledge. For example in the lesson to kill a mockingbird you might begin with a primary source documents of trial set during the civil rights movement. Other methods of activating prior knowledge in a lesson include using concrete experience or objects, pretesting, discussions,and anticipation guides

Activating prior knowledge

Involves determining the purposes for pre-reading, reading for understanding during reading, and then evaluating post reading. Strategies active readers employee include but are not limited to highlighting or Mark or making margin notes, writing examples or connections in the margins, checking for understanding for reading for a period of time, writing a brief summary after reading or explaining what you read to another person.

Active reading

Emily Dickinson's poem's life love, and time any time any Herman Melville's Moby Dick, Walt Whitman's oh Captain my Captain, leaves of grass and David throws Walden

American Renaissance Period 1830-1860

Nathaniel Hawthorne the Scarlet letter

American literature timeline Puritan period 1625-1660

May be a pretest, although there are no right or wrong answers. It provides students with the opportunity to respond to and discuss a series of open ended questions or opinion a questions that address various themes, vocabulary words, and concepts that will appear in the upcoming text

Anticipation guide

Opposing elements or characters in a plot. These include person versus person, person versus society, person versus self, person versus nature, person versus fate or God


Deconstructionist believe that we can never know the true meaning of the text because the text is not a discrete whole; rather, it contains contradictions and dear reconcilable meanings. In other words any text has more than one interpretation; therefore, any interpretive reading can only go to a certain point. This is known as aporia in the text. Deconstructed meeting is called a paretic meaning is made possible by the relations to a word or other words with in the bass networks of structures that is language

Deconstruction/post structuralism

Text structure gives details about characteristics actions events etc.


Nonfiction narrative text such as an autobiography or a personal essay you storytelling elements to inform and describe, whereas informational text such as a textbook or on the website inform the reader using clear patterns of organization and different text structures

Differences between nonfiction narrative and informational text

A student draws a line down the middle of the page on the left side they take notes from the reading or lecture. After reading her lecture the student reads the notes and writes his or her reactions, reflections and connections in the right-hand column next to the corresponding information on the left

Double entry notebook page

The study of language as it relates to culture; frequently associated with Minority linguistic groups within a larger culture


WLT - 19th century

Examples include Russo's confession go to Faust Hugos oats and ballads Tolstoy award peace and Anna Karenina

WLT- 100 C.E.- 1650 medieval and early modern world

Examples the New Testament of the Bible the Koran Dantes inferno the song of Roland tale of the Genji Machiavelli's the prince Martin Luther speech at the diet of the worms and Don Cotee

World literature timeline Beginning's - 100 C.E.ancient world

Examples the epic of Gilgamesh Hebrew Scriptures teachings of Confucius Buddhist text creation miss homers the Iliad Vergils do you need Plato's the republic

Seven researched based Strategies 1.Using trade books, electronic text and the Internet 2. Using non-print materials such as film, music, art and advertisements 3. Teaching students to improve their personal and professional digital literacy 4. Creating authentic literacy experiences 5. Connecting students prior knowledge and interest with text 6. Reading aloud excerpts to students 7. Selecting quality text another lesson materials

Fostering reading appreciation and motivation to learn

Is where readers find the definitions of terms; is found in the back section of the text


Is a notetaking guide use before during or after reading a text. Examples are concept map, somatic feature analysis, matrix, then diagram, cause-and-effect, cycle map, sequence, problem and solution, and continue them.

Graphic organizers

This time. And events of the others times are central to understanding the text the focus is on the social, economic economic, political, cultural, and intellectual climate of the time. Consider to what degree western literature is privileged and how other cultures are depicted by the author. This lens examines issues of colonization and imperialism. rejects underrepresented peoples as others and honors the fact that people may exist into cultures at the same time

Historical criticism/postcolonial

Is located in the back section of the text and contains the page numbers wear readers can locate major concepts, ideas, things and or series. This section is organized alphabetically


The formal study of the structures and processes of language linguistics drive to describe language acquisition and language in general


Society is viewed by social class and assumes that each societies concepts, beliefs and values are affected by economic and class structures. Examine the following as you read who has the power and money; what happens as a result of the differences in social class; the authors social class; the dominant economic or social issues of the authors time.

Marxist criticism

Metacognition is a persons ability to think about and regulate his or her own thinking (on your test you will be expected to not only know what metacognition is but also to identify ways to foster Megan metacognition and self-regulation in your students) ask students what they do before during and after reading, teach students effective strategies to use before during and after reading in your contacts area, asked students to support their statements or responses with examples and site site text citation - ask why. Encourage students to ask and create questions rather than just respond to teach your questions. Allow time in class to discuss not only the content of that your course, but also the thinking process his students are using.model your own metacognition using think aloud teaching methods. And explicitly asked students to reflect on and self excess their thinking and learning


This strategy is when a teacher or capable peers shares his or her thinking while reading. Teachers and capable. Should Mulder comprehension process either in oral or written form the teacher thinks her talk to loud and shares his or her thought process while reading or writing. Reciprocal teaching is a method in which two students take turns reading aloud asking Wayne other questions clarify understandings and making perdition predictions in this waythey're thinking and comprehension process collaboratively. Request receptacle questioning is very similar to receptacle teaching but the teacher works with the whole class taking turns reading aloud etc.


Experimental forms of literary works are honored. Traditional form such as chronicle logical plots and close endings are rejected. Multiple allusions are used are the past, which modernist feel are lost. Postmodernist value the same principles but celebrate literary forms that use fragmentation and do not long for the past. This view requires want to discover the ironies in the textand to honor both the classics and popular which are look for a mix of genres and form to analyze why the author uses fragmentation


Character types include the caregiver, trickster, hero/heroin/villain, or thin, jester etc. Actions in stories include the villains F efforts to create a situation in which the hero must come to the rescue, the hero is tested, the villain is defeated and the hero returns

Narratilogy/ archetypal criticism

A group of poets who wrote in the 1950s including Sylvia Plath Robert Lowell and Anne Sexton

PCP/confessional school 1950s

A character has to battle what appears to be an uncontrollable problem that is attributed to fate or God

Person versus fate, God

A character has a problem with nature: natural disasters, extreme heat or freezing temperatures for example

Person versus nature conflict

A character has a problem with one or more of the other characters

Person versus person conflict

A character has a problem determining what to do in the situation

Person versus self conflict

A character has a problem with an element of society: the school, and excepted way of doing things, or the law for example

Person versus society conflict

The study of the sounds of language and the physical properties


The analysis of how sounds function in a language or dialect


The role of context in interpreting meaning


Examples; Dante Gabriel Rossetti's the house of life, Christina Rossetti's the goblin market

Pre-Raphaelite 1848-1680

Examples Arthur Miller's the crucible, and the death of the salesman; Morrison's beloved; Salinger's the catcher in the rye; Updikes rabbit, run; Sylvia Plath the bell jar and Vidals London

Present contemporary Period 1945 - current

This paragraphs is stab Lish is the problems and it's important that outlines possible solutions problem issue causes as a result solution which leads to and so

Problem solution set

Text is viewed as an expression of feelings, thoughts, and desires of the author. Examine the text for imagery or symbols of repression or expression; consider the psychological theories exhibited by the characters such as denial, guilt, morality, sexuality, obsessive-compulsive, sociopathic, etc.

Psycho analytic criticism

Teachers should use questions to teach students to ask questions of variety of levels is important to note that not only the teacher should be asking questions but students should generate their own questions while reading blooms Texon to me is helpful to construct to guide the population of questions


Examples; Milton's Paradise lost, Herbert's the temple Herricks has Fridays and car rentals and eligible and elegy upon the death of the dean of St. Paul Dr. John Donne

RP - Carolina age 1625-1659

Examples; Shakespeare's 12th night, much ado about nothing, and Richard the third Marlowes Dr. Forster's and the Jewett Malta, and spencers the Faerie Queene

RP - Elizabeth age - 1558-16 03

Examples: Shakespeare's the Tempest, oh fellow, king Lear, Hamlet, McBeth and his sonnets; John Dunn's songs sonnets and elegies; Bacons reports and Johnson's Volpp own and the fox

RP - Jacobean 16 03-16 25

Examples: Miltons the tenure of Kings and mastered magistrates, Hutchinson's memoirs of the life of Colonel John Hutchinson

RP-commonwealth period 16 49-16 60

This criticism examines the readers activity while reading the literary work. Meeting is made through both Anna static and efferent response to text. And a static response demonstrates how to text makes the reader feel think and make connection. And effort response elicits the facts of the text examples plot, character, setting, events in the narrative, and key points in a informational text

Reader response criticism

Is a section where all works used in the text are cited this section can help one determine the quality of researched used to write the text.

References/Work cited page MLA

Major authors; Keats, Byron Mary Wollstonecraft, Mary Shelley John Blake. Don Juan, pride and prejudice songs of the innocents and songs of experience, the vindication of the rights of women, the rhyme of the ancient mariner, she walks in beauty, when we to parted, go to a Grecian urn.

Romantic period 1785-1832

Is a method for note taking while reading a text why that uses schools today the steps are as followed survey question read recite review. Survey: the student previews the chapter to assess the organization of the information. Question: the student examines the chapters heading and subheadings and re-freezes them into questions. Read: the student reads one section of the chapter at a time selectively, primarily to answer the questions. Recite: the student answers each question in his or her own words and write the answers in his or her notes the student repeats this note taking sequence for each section of the chapter. Review: the student immediately reviews what he or she has learned


Involves structural supports to a students in a learning situation the more capable the student becomes with a certain skill a concept the less instructional scaffolding the child will need scaffolding might take the form of the teacher reading aloud a portion of the text and then asking the students to repeat the same portion for example


This organizes paragraphs and Connor chronological order first next last then finally following before after

Sequence structure

The time and place in which a story occurs


Is a way to read text to get the general sense of it, which is helpful to Rubial story informational text structures.


Students are asked to read increasingly complex text as they advancing their education English teachers know that most excessively in the early grades but they will need ongoing instructions on how to study how to read complex texts (research-based strategies are commonly used in the English questions I will be helpful when responding to the praxis English subject assessment test questions)

Study strategies and learning to read

The study of the structure of sentences


Is located in the front portion of the text and list the chapters, sections and subsections in the order they are presented within the text. Page numbers for each section and subsection are provided so that the reader can quickly locate the information they seek. Rather than having to read from beginning to end

Table of contents

There are several research-based strategies to teach, reading comprehension that you want to know for the reading a Lucher section of your test

Teaching comprehension

Teaching a reading across all content areas including English is a hot button issue in school today. Students not only need to learn how to read, but Alma all but must also read to learn. Secondary English teachers must be well-versed in teaching strategies to help students read and interpret text ( in this section you will find an explanation of the key components and research-based teaching strategies for teaching reading in the secondary English classroom)

Teaching reading

Examples: Dryden's the conquest of Granada Alexander feast, Popes the rape of a walk, bunion pilgrims progress and John Locke's two treaties of government

The restoration and the 18th century - 16 60-1785

A key difference between language and dialect is that language is made up several languages and dialect can different can be difficult to distinguish and are often differentiated with respect to status or power

The role at nature of language, dialects and diction

Authors and works; Tennyson Dickens great expectations, and the Pickwick papers, Robert Browning's men and women, Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Orly and the sonnets from the Portuguese, Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre Emily Brontës weathering Heights, Elliotts the mill on the floss and Middlemarch, Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the importance of being Earnest the picture of Dorian Gray

Victorian age 1830-1901

Examples; things fall apart, 100 years of solitude, North, the god of small things, Dubliners, the metamorphosis, diary of a mad man, the ghost sonata,

WLT - 20th century

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