Praxis 5546

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Rebecca is a 9-year-old student who receives instruction in a third-grade inclusion classroom. She has been diagnosed with ADHD and a specific learning disability in reading. Rebecca is very impulsive and shouts out answers and interrupts others when they are speaking. She easily forgets concepts taught in class and has difficulty completing assignments on time. Rebecca is learning to keep her desk organized and to remind herself to bring in her homework. She prefers to work by herself yet close to the teacher. Which of the following is most likely to help Rebecca solve multistep word problems in mathematics? A.Encouraging Rebecca to use hands-on manipulatives to model word problems B.Repeating instructions verbally for Rebecca on how to solve word problems C.Providing Rebecca with a checklist of the steps to follow when solving word problems D.Giving Rebecca a talking calculator to help her solve word problems

A Encouraging Rebecca to use hands-on manipulatives to model problems provides an opportunity for her to use multiple senses while focusing on what she is doing.

Multiple disabilities

A child with multiple disabilities has more than one condition covered by IDEA. Having multiple issues creates educational needs that can't be met in a program designed for any one disability.

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

A federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds from the US Department of Education. Gives parent certain rights with respect to their child's educational record Rights transfer to student when they turn 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Due Process Rights: *Inspect any and all records of their child *Challenge the accuracy of the records *Require consent prior to the release of identifiable data

According to IDEA,students with disabilities have a right to which of the following? A.A free and appropriate public education B.Admission to a private school using federal funds C.A guaranteed spot on a school's sports team D.One-to-one support throughout the school day

A.A free and appropriate public education

Which of the following classroom arrangements best provides accessibility to materials and workstations for a student who uses a wheelchair? A.Arranging open shelving at eye level and setting up workstations in an open corner B.Designating seating patterns at workstations that remain stationary for extended periods of time C.Setting up workstations with deep drawers in the center of the room with access from all sides D.Placing computer workstations and open bookcases in long rows along one wall of the classroom

A.Arranging open shelving at eye level and setting up workstations in an open corner

A sixth-grade teacher wants to understand students' values and beliefs before beginning an upcoming unit. Which of the following assessment strategies is most appropriate? A.Asking students to complete open-ended questions about values and beliefs B.Having the class debate their personal views on values and beliefs C.Completing group posters about values and beliefs D.Taking a pretest on common values and beliefs

A.Asking students to complete open-ended questions about values and beliefs

Ms. Johnson reflects on her unit on the founding of the American colonies: "The students in the class who are in special education performed poorly on the test, which indicates that they did not understand the content, even though I spent several class periods reviewing for the test. I need to find a way to assess the students as we progress through the unit and not just at the end." Which of the following types of assessments will best allow Ms. Johnson to monitor students' ongoing progress? A.Formative B.Standardized C.Diagnostic D.Authentic


Ms. Jackson currently serves special education students by providing instructional support in English language arts, mathematics, and science. One of Ms. Jackson's students is Billy, a fifth-grade student with a learning disability who is failing math and science. Ms. Jackson plans to schedule an IEP meeting to discuss Billy's failure to learn the grade-level math and science curriculum. Which of the following is the most important first step for Ms. Jackson to take? A.Providing the parents with a meeting date, time, and place for them to accept well in advance of a proposed meeting B.Scheduling the IEP meeting with the school secretary, who keeps the master calendar for the principal C.Sending an e-mail, requiring a response, to each member of the IEP team inviting them to the IEP meeting D.Contacting the parents by telephone to discuss the procedures that will be followed at the IEP meeting

A.Providing the parents with a meeting date, time, and place for them to accept well in advance of a proposed meeting

Which TWO of the following are essential components of a special education teacher's well-prepared lesson plans? A.Student learning objectives and instructional resources B.Teaching responsibilities of IEP I E P team members C.Schedules for related services provided to students in the class D.Assessment instruments to measure student progress toward goals E.Guidelines for professional development as a special education teacher

A.Student learning objectives and instructional resources D.Assessment instruments to measure student progress toward goals

A fifth-grade student was hurt in a car accident and now has difficulty with memory, paying attention, and processing information. Which of the following IDEA categories is most appropriate to include on the student's IEP? A.Traumatic brain injury B.Intellectual disability C.Specific learning disability D.Other health impairment

A.Traumatic brain injury

Which of the following strategies is most likely to increase motivation for a student with ADHD to be successful in school? A.Varying the rate and length of activities B.Lowering expectations for work completion C.Removing recess as a consequence for incomplete work D.Using verbal reminders to begin activities

A.Varying the rate and length of activities

Ms. Murphy analyzes data from both formal and informal assessments before writing the goals for a student's IEP. Which of the following is the most important question Ms. Murphy should keep in mind while writing the goals? A.What does the evidence imply about the student's knowledge and skills? B.Which assessments were used to monitor the student's learning over time? C.Was the student administered an equal number of formal and informal assessments? D.When was the data in support of student self-assessment first and last collected?

A.What does the evidence imply about the student's knowledge and skills?

Which THREE of the following are shared responsibilities between the general education and special education teachers in an inclusion classroom? A.Writing lesson plans B.Writing IEP goals C.Developing behavioral intervention plans D.Delivering instruction E.Adapting materials

A.Writing lesson plans D.Delivering instruction E.Adapting materials

According to IDEA,in order to be eligible for special education services, a school-age student must have a... A.disability and a need for an individualized education program B.sound public school attendance record over the past year C.need for some accommodations and equal access to education D.documented need for temporary medical care as prescribed by a pediatrician

A.disability and a need for an individualized education program

During whole-group activities, Jubal, who has autism spectrum disorder and an intellectual disability, hides in the closet. His teacher, Ms. Winter, plans an intervention. She will first have Jubal stand outside the closet during an activity and watch the other students. Then she will have him do the activity by himself near the closet. She will continue to move him closer to the group until he is participating with the group. Ms. Winter is planning on using an intervention strategy best known as A.shaping B.reinforcement scheduling C.applied behavioral analysis D.time sampling


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

ASD is a developmental disability. It involves a wide range of symptoms, but it mainly affects a child's social and communication skills. It can also impact behavior. A developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction, generally evident before age three, that adversely affects a child's educational performance. Other characteristics ...repetitive activities, stereotyped movements, resistance to change in daily routines, unusual responses to sensory experiences.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990 (IDEA)

Added two new Disability Categories: *TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) *AU (Autism) Defined Post Secondary Transition services Required transition plan no later than age 16, included as part of the IEP to coordinate with activities and interagency linkages to promote the student's movement to post school functions, such as independent/community living, employment, post secondary education/vocational training

Orthopedic impairment

An orthopedic impairment is when kids lack function or ability in their bodies. An example is cerebral palsy.

A sixth-grade student with a mild intellectual disability receives special education services and supports for an orthopedic impairment. Which of the following specialists can best help the student improve range of motion and make progress in climbing stairs independently? A.Orientation and mobility specialist B.Physical therapist C.Occupational therapist D.Adapted physical education teacher

B . A physical therapist is responsible for increasing gross motor skills, such as walking, climbing, and range of motion, as well as increasing strength and agility, and provides assessment in all these areas.

A student with an auditory processing disorder has difficulty learning new material in an inclusive mathematics class. Which of the following teaching strategies is the most appropriate way to support the student's learning? A.Providing the student with material written at a lower reading level B.Pausing often when presenting concepts to the student C.Reducing the amount of assignments that require the student to copy text D.Teaching the student to ask questions in class

B A student with an auditory processing disorder requires extra time to interpret what is being heard. The teacher can support the student by pausing between concepts, increasing wait time, and presenting material visually.

A special education teacher is writing the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP) for a student's IEP meeting and plans to use an informal assessment to evaluate the student's reading behavior. Which of the following assessments is best for the teacher to use? A.An oral, picture-based multiple-choice quiz B.A running record on a teacher-chosen book C.A set of standards-based benchmark questions D.An awareness-of-print-conventions checklist

B.A running record on a teacher-chosen book

According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) , which of the following is required in an Individualized Education Program (IEP) ? A.A daily class schedule for each term of the school year B.A statement of present levels of academic achievement and functional performance C.A team-based behavioral intervention plan to replace the problem behavior D.A school calendar with the dates of parent-teacher conferences

B.A statement of present levels of academic achievement and functional performance

Which of the following is the best example of a formative assessment that a middle school English teacher can give on a book currently being read in class? A.A multiple-choice test that covers the entire book B.A test asking for a summary of a chapter in the book C.An essay describing how the main character grows D.A partner presentation that covers the main idea of the book

B.A test asking for a summary of a chapter in the book

Which of the following best represents an accommodation for a fifth-grade student with a mild intellectual disability who has difficulty with writing short responses? A.Decreasing the length of the expected response B.Allowing the student to respond orally to the task C.Providing the student with an alternative activity D.Asking the student to respond using illustrations

B.Allowing the student to respond orally to the task

A second-grade student with a mild intellectual disability is not mastering the academic skills currently being taught in the classroom. Which of the following strategies is most likely to help the student succeed? A.Increasing instructional time in the specific subject areas B.Collecting data and appropriately adjusting instruction C.Encouraging parents to seek outside tutoring D.Providing additional homework for more practice

B.Collecting data and appropriately adjusting instruction

Felicity, a ninth-grade student who has been classified as having a specific learning disability, is in an inclusion English class. The class will be starting a new novel next week. The special education teacher wants to preteach the novel's vocabulary words. Which of the following student activities is most appropriate for the teacher to use to best support Felicity? A.Watching an animation of the vocabulary words B.Completing semantic maps for the vocabulary words C.Acting out each vocabulary word D.Coloring pictures that depict each vocabulary word

B.Completing semantic maps for the vocabulary words

A sixth-grade student with a learning disability receives science instruction in an inclusive classroom with the support of a special education teacher. The student is earning poor grades on assessments, not participating in class, and struggling to complete assignments. Which of the following strategies is most appropriate to help address the student's needs? A.Exempting the student from assessments B.Differentiating the student's instruction C.Giving the student additional homework D.Assigning an individual paraprofessional to the student

B.Differentiating the student's instruction

A special education teacher is instructing second-grade students on a new math skill. Which of the following activities is the best way for the teacher to check for student understanding during guided practice? A.Asking students if there are any questions after they receive instruction and watch the teacher solve several sample problems B.Having students write their answer to a sample problem on a card that they hold up when they are ready for a class discussion C.Giving students ten problems to solve independently and later checking their answers to determine which students need reteaching D.Suggesting that students circle all problems on a worksheet that they do not understand and want to solve with a peer tutor

B.Having students write their answer to a sample problem on a card that they hold up when they are ready for a class discussion

Which of the following characteristics of students with a mild intellectual disability has the most detrimental effect on their ability to develop basic reading skills in school? A.Limited social skills B.Limited language skills C.Limited adaptive behavior D.Limited attention span

B.Limited language skills

A kindergarten student with a mild intellectual disability has a hearing impairment caused by damage to the inner ear. The student is most likely to have difficulty with which of the following? A.Gross motor skills B.Oral language development C.Fine motor skills D.Visual perception

B.Oral language development

Which of the following is most likely to increase the motivation level for a second-grade student with ADHD who has trouble completing assignments on time? A.Talking to the student about the importance of completing assignments B.Rewarding the student each time the assigned work is complete C.Seating the student away from peers to increase focus on the assigned task D.Providing the student with a progress monitoring chart to keep track of assignments

B.Rewarding the student each time the assigned work is complete

According to IDEA, which of the following must occur within 30 calendar days of a student being classified with a disability? A.The parents must receive a written report of evaluation results. B.The IEP team must meet to develop a program for the student. C.The school board must decide on an educational placement. D.The student must receive a hearing, vision, and speech screening.

B.The IEP team must meet to develop a program for the student.

Which of the following is a proactive strategy that is most effective for parents to use during their child's IEP meeting? A.Accepting the fact that conflicting points of view are often expressed B.Using personal statements to express a clear point of view about issues C.Understanding the roles and responsibilities of the special education teacher D.Setting the child's goals and objectives for learning and full participation

B.Using personal statements to express a clear point of view about issues

A student classified with a learning disability is retained in fourth grade. The parent files a due process complaint on the basis that the student's IEP was not followed. According to IDEA , the local education agency must A.consult the school district's attorney within five days to determine the best course of action B.respond to the parent within ten days, specifically addressing the issues raised in the complaint C.consult the special education director within five days to evaluate the merits of the complaint D.convene an appropriate committee within ten days to consider promoting the student to fifth grade

B.respond to the parent within ten days, specifically addressing the issues raised in the complaint

Elementary and Secondary Education Act (No Child Left Behind Act) 2001

Based on 4 principles *Accountability for results (report annual yearly reports for all students) *local control and flexibility (accountability) *Expanded parental choice (failing school 2 consecutive years) *After 3 years in a failing school child eligible for supplemental education services *Use of research-based instruction that works (teacher development) Title 1 Funding-targeted resources to help with access for disadvantaged students

A fifth-grade special education teacher is introducing the concept of simplifying fractions using common factors to a collaborative math class. After the lesson, the teacher wants to determine which students will require more guided practice. Which of the following strategies is most appropriate for the teacher to use to assist students in evaluating their own level of understanding? A.Asking students to simplify several fractions as a warm-up exercise during the next class B.Giving students time to write in their journal about what they learned in class C.Asking students to fill out a rubric on an exit slip as they leave the classroom D.Giving the students a homework assignment relating to simplifying fractions

C A rubric used as an exit slip would allow students to evaluate their own level of understanding as unsure, moderately proficient, or confident in their own abilities, letting the teacher know which students require additional practice.

A second-grade student who started receiving special education services at the age of 3 was recently reevaluated. The results of testing indicate that the student has an IQ score of 70, poor expressive communication skills, and difficulty performing daily-living skills. The deficits affect the student's ability to complete age-appropriate tasks. Which of the following categories best defines the student's disability? A.Specific learning disability B.Other health impairment C.Intellectual disability D.Autism spectrum disorder

C According to the scenario, the student has an IQ of 70 along with adaptive behavior deficits. These are characteristics of an intellectual disability.

A third-grade student with a moderate intellectual disability has difficulty remembering how to read the numbers and the hands on a clock face. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step for the teacher to take? A.Planning a project in which students will create their own clocks B.Providing real-life examples of the importance of telling time C.Completing a task analysis for telling time using forward chaining D.Giving a pretest to determine which prerequisite skills are missing

C Task analysis is an evidence-based practice that helps students master multistep skills. Forward chaining has students practice and master each step individually before being expected to complete the full process on their own.

A student is able to successfully complete a target behavior 90 percent of the time without receiving a token. A special education teacher can best support maintenance of the behavior by using which of the following? A.An extinction strategy B.Discrete trial training C.An intermittent reinforcement D.Pivotal response treatment

C.An intermittent reinforcement

An eighth-grade student is classified as having a specific learning disability. To prepare for the student's annual IEP review, the team considers assistive technology equipment that would benefit the student. Which of the following is the best first step in that process? A.Observing increased laptop usage in the classroom B.Asking the student what type of assistive device is preferred C.Collecting information about the possible needs of the student D.Addressing multiple modalities used to teach academic content

C.Collecting information about the possible needs of the student

Ms. Jackson currently serves special education students by providing instructional support in English language arts, mathematics, and science. One of Ms. Jackson's students is Billy, a fifth-grade student with a learning disability who is failing math and science. To address Billy's failing grades, it is most important for the IEP team to do which of the following? A.Ensure that the math and science teachers have a copy of Billy's IEP B.Confer with the special education coordinator to discuss Billy's status C.Consider whether Billy's IEP goals are appropriate or need to be amended D.Meet with Billy's parents to assure them that Billy will not be held back a grade

C.Consider whether Billy's IEP goals are appropriate or need to be amended

Which of the following is most appropriate for the IEP team to consider when developing the IEP goals for a second-grade student who is eligible to receive special education services? A.Developing goals based on parental input and preferences for their child's career growth B.Developing goals that focus on enrichment activities to increase the student's self-confidence C.Developing goals that are based on assessment data and the student's current academic and functional levels D.Developing goals that are based on the district curriculum and followed by all students at the same grade level

C.Developing goals that are based on assessment data and the student's current academic and functional levels

Mr. Sandy is a special education teacher whose students are constantly moving around the classroom during seatwork time to look for their folders. Which of the following suggestions will best help Mr. Sandy organize his classroom? A.Setting rules with students and posting a consequences chart B.Creating a chart for students to earn rewards for on-task behaviors C.Establishing fixed locations for students to access supplies D.Arranging desks to group students who are on task together

C.Establishing fixed locations for students to access supplies

A mathematics teacher asks students to solve an equation, write the answer on a sticky note, and place the note on the door as they exit. Which of the following best describes the type of assessment the teacher is using? A.Adaptive B.Authentic C.Informal D.Diagnostic


A second-grade student who started receiving special education services at the age of 3 was recently reevaluated. The results of testing indicate that the student has an IQ score of 70, poor expressive communication skills, and difficulty performing daily-living skills. The deficits affect the student's ability to complete age-appropriate tasks. Which of the following categories best defines the student's disability? A.Specific learning disability B.Other health impairment C.Intellectual disability D.Autism spectrum disorder

C.Intellectual disability

Which of the following is most characteristic of an evidence-based assessment? A.It involves subjective procedures. B.It is based on few studies of practice. C.It provides reliable and valid data. D.It is based on randomized control studies

C.It provides reliable and valid data.

Ms. Jackson currently serves special education students by providing instructional support in English language arts, mathematics, and science. One of Ms. Jackson's students is Billy, a fifth-grade student with a learning disability who is failing math and science. Which of the following is the most appropriate way for Ms. Jackson to help Billy with math and science? A.Assessing Billy's math and science skills at the end of each unit of study B.Giving Billy additional homework assignments to practice math and science skills at home C.Preteaching Billy new vocabulary to be used in math and science classes D.Scheduling after-school tutorials in math and science with a parent volunteer

C.Preteaching Billy new vocabulary to be used in math and science classes

Which of the following environmental factors has the most positive impact on the development and achievement of a student diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder? A.Varying the student's daily routine to prevent boredom B.Using a microphone to enhance the teacher's voice during instruction C.Providing visual cues to communicate during activities and routines D.Discouraging the student's use of sensory comforts to regulate anxiety

C.Providing visual cues to communicate during activities and routines

There is a wide range of diversity among the students in a third-grade class. Several students complete reading assignments quickly and must wait for other students before the teacher can move on. Other students have difficulty following directions and completing assignments. The teacher can best meet the needs of the students in the class by occasionally using which of the following collaborative-reading strategies? A.Reading aloud and inviting the students to join in B.Making smaller words from letters in longer words C.Setting up class-wide peer-tutoring partnerships D.Assigning students to study-skills groups

C.Setting up class-wide peer-tutoring partnerships

Which of the following is a possible limitation of having classroom teachers collect Response-to-Intervention data for a school psychologist? A.Teachers may view instruction and data collection as an add-on that can only be handled by a specialist. B.Teachers may selectively attend to information that confirms a label while neglecting other information. C.Teachers may not be adequately trained to execute the research-based assessment tools required to collect accurate data. D.Teachers may prefer to use informal methods based on personal teaching styles to collect data.

C.Teachers may not be adequately trained to execute the research-based assessment tools required to collect accurate data.

A middle school student, classified as other health impaired due to a diagnosis of ADHD, has recently received several disciplinary referrals for inappropriate behavior. Which of the following is the most appropriate strategy the special education teacher can use to gather data about the student's behavior? A.Discussing recent changes in the student's behavior at an IEP meeting B.Reading the behavior comments on the student's progress report C.Having the student role-play appropriate behavioral responses D.Observing the student's behavior across settings


Rebecca is a 9-year-old student who receives instruction in a third-grade inclusion classroom. She has been diagnosed with ADHD and a specific learning disability in reading. Rebecca is very impulsive and shouts out answers and interrupts others when they are speaking. She easily forgets concepts taught in class and has difficulty completing assignments on time. Rebecca is learning to keep her desk organized and to remind herself to bring in her homework. She prefers to work by herself yet close to the teacher. Which of the following is the most appropriate instructional strategy that the special education teacher can use to best support Rebecca in the classroom? A.Providing opportunities to complete tasks with others B.Incorporating the use of assistive technology in assignments C.Incorporating the use of homogeneous small groups in class D.Reviewing previous lessons and relating them to new material

D One of the best ways for students with ADHD to learn new material is to review what they have previously learned and relate it to new material, thus making a connection between the two.

Chloe, a fourth-grade student with an intellectual disability and poor fine-motor skills, receives daily reading instruction in the resource room. The special education teacher plans to assess Chloe's comprehension skills on a book that was read to the class. Which of the following accommodations is most appropriate for Chloe during the assessment? A.Providing Chloe with a list of new vocabulary words from the book B.Giving Chloe extra time to answer the questions independently C.Assigning a paraprofessional to interpret the questions for Chloe D.Allowing Chloe to answer the questions orally with some prompting

D.Allowing Chloe to answer the questions orally with some prompting

Which of the following stakeholders must be present at the first IEP meeting for a student who is eligible for special education services? A.A consultant from the transition services agencies B.A parent representative from the local school board C.The director of the district's special education program D.An individual to interpret evaluation results for team members

D.An individual to interpret evaluation results for team members

Andrew is a second-grade student with a mild intellectual disability and a visual impairment who is unable to hold scissors and cut paper independently during projects. Which of the following professionals is best qualified to help Andrew develop his hand-eye coordination? A.A pediatric physical therapist B.An orientation and mobility specialist C.An audiovisual specialist D.An occupational therapist

D.An occupational therapist

Which of the following skills is most appropriate to include in a functional academic curriculum for high school students with mild-to-moderate disabilities? A.Using community resources and services B.Managing one's own emotional state C.Dressing appropriately for the weather D.Balancing a personal spending account

D.Balancing a personal spending account

Which of the following teacher actions is most likely to decrease problem behaviors of a first-grade student with ADHD and increase home-school collaboration? A.Giving the parents access to research-based materials on disciplining children B.Asking the parents to model good behavior at home through role-playing C.Encouraging the parents to work with other parents to plan after-school activities D.Creating opportunities for the parents to participate in planned activities in the classroom

D.Creating opportunities for the parents to participate in planned activities in the classroom

Ms. Smith will have a student in her class with co-occurring disabilities, a physical disability and a learning disability, that make processing printed documents exceptionally difficult. Which of the following is the best presentation accommodation for Ms. Smith to use to support the student? A.Providing additional time to complete assignments B.Assigning a peer to scribe important information C.Supplying technology with speech-to-text software D.Demonstrating key concepts orally and pictorially

D.Demonstrating key concepts orally and pictorially

Which of the following best reflects a practice of culturally responsive teaching? A.Adapting learning outcomes and assessments for students with special needs B.Having students use multimedia technology to learn a second language of choice C.Utilizing outcomes from formative assessments to make adjustments to lesson plans D.Giving students opportunities to choose projects that are relevant to their own lives and experiences

D.Giving students opportunities to choose projects that are relevant to their own lives and experiences

Liam, a student with a language-based learning disability, has lower self-confidence than his peers. Which of the following steps can Liam's teacher take to most effectively improve Liam's self-confidence? A.Hold Liam to the same expectations and standards as his peers. B.Compare Liam's work to that of his peers when he completes a task successfully. C.Highlight Liam's academic strengths rather than his nonacademic strengths. D.Help Liam find new strategies for learning that will help him feel more successful.

D.Help Liam find new strategies for learning that will help him feel more successful.

Which of the following best exemplifies an adaptive skill? A.Listening to a teacher read a book aloud B.Coloring within the lines of a picture C.Throwing a temper tantrum D.Learning how to dress oneself

D.Learning how to dress oneself

Which of the following supplementary resources best helps middle school students manage their assignments? A.Having an additional set of textbooks at home B.Meeting with a peer group to solve problems C.Checking the classroom Web site periodically for updates D.Maintaining a personal daily calendar

D.Maintaining a personal daily calendar

Which of the following behaviors is most typical for a student with autism spectrum disorder? A.Lack of focus and impulsivity B.Inability to react to environmental noises C.Limited strength in all muscle groups D.Resistance to changes in routines

D.Resistance to changes in routines

Ms. Davis, a special education teacher, provides inclusion support in mathematics for students in a fourth-grade classroom. She administers tests in a quiet alternate location for one student with a mild intellectual disability who is easily distracted. Ms. Davis is primarily providing the student with which of the following types of accommodations? A.Scheduling B.Presentation C.Response D.Setting


John is a fourth-grade student in Ms. Kerr's general education classroom. John speaks English and Spanish at home. Based on his classroom performance, Ms. Kerr is concerned that John may have a learning disability. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to assess John for a learning disability? A.Administering a standardized assessment for his adaptive skills B.Reviewing his current and previous academic records C.Analyzing his scores on language proficiency assessments D.Using multiple forms of assessment data for his evaluation

D.Using multiple forms of assessment data for his evaluation

A special education teacher collaborates regularly with a general education classroom teacher to interpret the data from a variety of informal and standardized assessments. To best interpret the data, the teachers should focus on A.strategic planning to incorporate literacy practices during instruction B.the socioeconomic status and gender of the students being assessed C.trends in student achievement over several years of data collection D.student achievement and the effectiveness of instructional practices

D.student achievement and the effectiveness of instructional practices

Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (EAHCA)

Education is considered intellectual property and a right *FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education) *Student Eligibility requires an IEP be created by the Local Education Agency *Due Process and Procedural SafeGuards: -Right to inspect records -Right to challenge Records -Right to be informed when a decision is to be made regarding placement *LRE (Least Restrictive Environment) Nondiscriminatory Assessment Practices **The amendment to this expands out to include handicapped infants and preschool children.

1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Guarantees equal access and opportunity for all people with disabilities *employment *public services *transportation *state and local government services *telecommunications Prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, and all public and private places that are open to the public (state and government)

Is there only one definition for each of the special disability categories?

IDEA provides definitions of the 13 disability categories. They define how states decide who is eligible for services.

developmental disability

Impairment of mental or physical functioning that usually occurs before adulthood and lasts indefinitely a group of conditions due to an impairment in physical, learning, language, or behavior areas. These conditions begin during the developmental period, may impact day-to-day functioning, and usually last throughout a person's lifetime.

The difference between developmental delay and developmental disability

Kids can outgrow or catch up from developmental delays. Developmental disabilities are lifelong, though people can still make progress and thrive. Conditions that can cause developmental disabilities include Down syndrome, autism, fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), and brain injuries.

Intellectual disability

Kids with this type of disability have below-average intellectual ability. They may also have poor communication, self-care, and social skills. Down syndrome is one example of a condition that involves an intellectual disability.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Provides opportunities for children and adults w/ disabilities in education, employment and various other settings Reasonable accommodations as necessary for each student; program accessibility; effective communication with people who have hearing or vision disabilities; and accessible new construction and alterations Illegal to: *Deny Access and/or Participation of activities or programs Discriminate solely on Disability

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) 2015

Replaced No Child Left Behind Gives individual states more control in how they account for student achievement. Addressing disadvantaged populations: -students in poverty -minorities -Students receiving SPED -ELL Annual testing, accommodation provided on high stakes testing for students with IEPS and 504 plans -only 1% of the student population can be given alternative assessment

2004 Reauthorization of IDEA

Requires a summary of academic and functional performance to be given to every student who exits special education by graduating with regular diploma or exceeding the age for special education under state law Special education teachers who teach core academic subjects to students with disabilities must be highly qualified in special education and also be highly qualified in the academic subject that they teach Eligibility criteria for suspected LD/SLD (specific learning disability) must include a variety of assessment tools (MDE) and strategies and cannot rely on any single procedure as the sole criterion for determining eligibility for SPED *prevents overrepresentation by Race and ethnicity *TI (response to intervention) is only one component of the process and determining why a child has not responded to research based interventions requires a comprehensive evaluation

Other health impairment

The "other health impairment" category covers conditions that limit a child's strength, energy, or alertness. One example is ADHD, which impacts attention and executive function. ADD and AH/HD. Diabetes. Epilepsy. Heart conditions. Hemophilia. Lead poisoning. Leukemia. Nephritis.

Specific learning disability (SLD)

The "specific learning disability" (SLD) category covers a specific group of learning challenges. These conditions affect a child's ability to read, write, listen, speak, reason, or do math. Here are some examples of what could fall into this category: Dyslexia Dyscalculia Written expression disorder (you may also hear this referred to as dysgraphia)

Traumatic Brain Injury

This is a brain injury caused by an accident or some kind of physical force.

A school district is conducting its annual Child Find and kindergarten registration. District counselors, diagnosticians, and special education teachers are on hand to assess children to determine whether there is a possible need for special education or related services or both. Which of the following children is most likely to be identified as eligible for early intervention services? A.A 2-year-old child who has a vocabulary of approximately 20 words B.A 3-year-old child whose eyes do not look in the same direction at the same time C.A 4-year-old child who does not know the letters of the alphabet D.A 5-year-old child who is afraid to ride on a swing or come down a slide

a A limited vocabulary in a child who is 2 years of age indicates a likely delay in language development and the need for early intervention services.

Which of the following is the primary reason for conducting a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) on a third-grade student with a mild intellectual disability who frequently engages in negative behavior in the classroom? A.Determining the triggers of the behavior B.Exploring interventions to improve the behavior C.Planning social skills lessons that target the behavior D.Evaluating whether the student needs counseling to address the behavior

a The purpose of a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) is to determine the cause of the student's behavior in particular situations.

Which of the following best identifies the primary role of the special education teacher during the IEP process? A.Developing drafts of academic goals and objectives B.Providing information about independent-living skills C.Administering and interpreting psychological assessments D.Assessing and diagnosing a student's specific learning needs

a The special education teacher is responsible for developing drafts of academic goals and objectives and sharing them with other members of the IEP team.

Mr. Chang is working with a small group of students during a guided practice lesson. Eleanor does not appear to understand the lesson. After reteaching, Mr. Chang begins to prompt Eleanor. Which of the following hierarchy levels is best for Mr. Chang to use initially when prompting Eleanor? A.Visual B.Verbal C.Model D.Physical

a Visual prompts are the least intrusive and the first strategy in the prompt hierarchy levels that teachers should try if a student is unable to complete an assignment. More intrusive levels of prompting can be used as needed.

developmental delay

a noticeable lag in a particular aspect of development refers to a child who has not gained the developmental skills expected of him or her, compared to others of the same age. Delays may occur in the areas of motor function, speech and language, cognitive, play, and social skills. There's no one cause of developmental delays, but there are some risk factors. They include: Complications at birth: Being born prematurely; low birth weight; not getting enough oxygen at birth Environmental issues: Lead poisoning; poor nutrition; exposure to alcohol or drugs before birth; trauma Other medical conditions: Chronic ear infections; vision problems; illnesses, conditions, or injuries that have a significant and long-term effect on kids' day-to-day activities

When an IEP team begins post-secondary transition planning for a student with a disability, which of the following is the most appropriate initial focus? A.Developing classroom activities that support the student's post-secondary goals B.Gathering information about the student's current strengths, needs, and preferences C.Providing opportunities for the student to engage in job shadowing in the community D.Reminding the student's general education teachers to provide suggestions for post-secondary goals

b Gathering information about the student is the basis for defining goals and services to be included in the transition plan.

Rachel is a third-grade student who receives special education services under the category of specific learning disability in reading. She receives mathematics and reading instruction in a small-group, pull-out setting. Which of the following testing accommodations is most appropriate for Rachel when she is taking the end-of-year mathematics assessment? A.Being given a computer adaptive test B.Having the test read aloud to her C.Being provided with frequent breaks D.Having a large-print edition of the test

b Since Rachel has a specific learning disability in reading, she is entitled to have the end-of-year mathematics test read aloud to her. The accommodation must be documented in her IEP.

Which of the following resources is most appropriate for a special education teacher to consult before teaching a small group of students about questioning strategies? A.A general education colleague B.A literacy coach C.A speech therapist D.A library media specialist

b The literacy coach or reading specialist is trained to help special education teachers implement strategies that help students develop literacy skills such as questioning strategies.

A student has multiple disabilities along with hearing and visual impairments, the combination of which causes severe communication difficulties and other developmental and educational needs. The student is most likely to be classified as having which of the following? A.Other health impairment B.Deaf-blindness C.Hearing impairment D.Visual impairment

b The student has such serious auditory and visual deficits that they must be considered together to support a classification of deaf-blindness.

A middle school special education mathematics teacher provides specialized instruction based on each student's IEP. The teacher uses a computer-based assessment program once every two weeks and analyzes the results. The teacher's actions are best described as which of the following? A.Integration of computer-based instruction B.Implementation of progress monitoring C.Revision of student objectives as necessary D.Review of summative assessment results

b The teacher is using an assessment to keep track of how the student is progressing toward individual goals and grade-level objectives.

Several kindergarten students with developmental delays have trouble comprehending picture books that are read aloud to the class. Which of the following approaches is most likely to increase the students' comprehension of the stories? A.Asking the students who-what-why-where-when questions about the story in a clear and simple manner B.Giving the students cardboard cutouts of the characters from the story to reenact their favorite parts C.Having the students draw a picture of a favorite character from the story while listening to a read-aloud D.Providing recordings of the books for the students to listen to in the reading center or to take home

b Using cardboard cutouts of the characters will motivate the students to become engaged with the stories and help them reenact favorite parts of the story.

Kindergartners with autism spectrum disorder often become upset during transitions in an inclusion classroom. Which of the following is the most appropriate way for a teacher to help the students who are upset by transitions? A.Assigning a peer buddy to help students who are distressed during transitions B.Reviewing the current schedule to determine whether transitions can be minimized C.Asking for additional support staff to comfort and guide students during transitions D.Providing each student with a copy of the classroom schedule for review

b When a kindergarten teacher has students with challenging behaviors in the classroom, it is important for the teacher to plan transitions carefully to ensure that there are minimal disruptions while the students are engaged in activities.

According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and at the discretion of the state and local education agency and with appropriate testing, children in which of the following age groups are qualified to receive special education services under the noncategorical designation of developmental delay? A.0-1 year only B.2-5 years only C.3-9 years only D.10-14 years only

c Children aged 3 to 9 can receive special education services under the noncategorical designation of developmental delay.

Which of the following are primary caregivers of young children with cerebral palsy most likely to experience? A.Concern about having future children B.An improved quality of life as a whole C.Strong feelings of isolation D.A more solid spousal relationship

c Parents of children with medically unstable conditions often experience problems such as social isolation, financial difficulty, marital stress, and sleep disruption.

Which of the following is the most appropriate IEP goal for a fourth-grade student who has an intellectual disability and reads at a first-grade level? A.By the end of the second grading period, when given fourth-grade reading material, the student will combine information from two passages to draw conclusions, distinguish between fact and opinion, and make inferences with 75% accuracy. B.By the end of the second grading period, the student will be able to identify and ask questions that are answered in the title and the first paragraph of a fiction or nonfiction passage with 85% accuracy in 3 out of 4 trials. C.By midyear, the student will be able to match spoken words to print, isolate consonant sounds at the beginning of words in context, and identify previously viewed words from text with 100% accuracy on 8 out of 10 trials with familiar text. D.By midyear, when given grade-level reading material, the student will use a graphic organizer to compare characters, settings, and plots from fairy tales with 80% accuracy on 8 out of 10 classroom assignments.

c Since the student is reading at a first-grade level, using phonemic awareness skills to decode and remember words is an appropriate goal.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) states that students diagnosed with an emotional disturbance often demonstrate an inability to A.reason abstractly and perform self-care, social, or physical tasks B.adjust to new routines and relate to people and unexpected events C.learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors D.achieve in school because of limited strength, vitality, or alertness in daily life

c Students diagnosed with an emotional disturbance are likely to have difficulty learning, but the difficulty cannot be associated with intellectual, sensory, or health factors.


concomitant hearing and visual impairments, the combination of which causes such severe communication and other developmental and educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for children with deafness or children with blindness

A student has been unable to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers for over a year and has an unexplained inability to learn grade-level mathematics. The characteristics described are most closely associated with which of the following disabilities? A.Other health impairment B.Specific learning disability C.Intellectual disability D.Emotional disturbance

d A student who has an inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships and an inability to learn falls under the IDEA definition of emotional disturbance.

An eighth-grade student with an intellectual disability has an IEP goal that states that the student will participate in science experiments that use science in everyday applications. The class is currently investigating chemical reactions that produce new substances with different properties. Which of the following activities best meets the student's IEP goal and the class learning objective? A.Providing the student pictures showing how everyday metal items rust when exposed to the weather B.Giving the student a high-interest text that uses science content vocabulary in everyday situations C.Showing the student a science video about cleaning dirty copper pennies with a vinegar and salt solution D.Having the student add baking powder to a batch of pancake batter and note the changes that occur

d Having the student actively participate in adding baking powder to a batch of pancake batter will help the student learn about chemical reactions that occur while cooking. The student will observe that in its dry state, baking powder is totally inert. Once the baking powder is mixed with a liquid, a reaction occurs and bubbles of carbon dioxide are released.

Peter is a third grader who has a difficult time producing written work in class. Besides having poor pencil grasp and handwriting, he has a difficult time visually tracking reading material. Which of the following will best support Peter's needs and ensure his access to the curriculum? A.Providing Peter with audiobooks B.Assigning Peter a scribe C.Allowing Peter to use a voice recorder D.Supplying Peter with a slant board

d The slant board promotes fine and visual motor skills. The angled position of the slant board provides support for holding a pencil appropriately, and reading on an angle will help Peter's visual tracking difficulties.

learned helplessness

the tendency to fail to act to escape from a situation because of a history of repeated failures in the past a psychological condition associated with feelings of lost control, and it creates students who disengage from effort, even if the effort is within reach and will clearly lead to success. This phenomenon develops early. Examples of how learned helplessness may manifest in the classroom include the following: Refusal to accept help, even if the teacher repeatedly offers it Frustration leading to easily giving up Disengagement from effort Lack of motivation Diminished self-worth and self-efficacy (such as providing a myriad of reasons why solutions will not work)

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