PreAPCS Exposure Java

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

All bytecode files end with what suffix?


All Java programs end with what suffix?


What ASCII range is used for the "standard set of characters"?


Exactly how many bytes are in a kilobyte?


What ASCII range is used for the "extended set of characters"?


How many different combinations of "on" and "off" are possible with 8 "lightbulbs"?


What is a "nibble"?

4 bits

What is the ASCII code for a capital A?


How many different combinations are possible with 2 bytes?


How many bits are in a byte?


What is an applet?

A java program that executes inside a web page.

What was the first computer bug?

A moth stuck in the relays of the Mark-II.

What is an application?

A program that executes stand-alone

Define the word "program".

A set of instructions to achieve a specified goal

Who is considered "The Mother of Programming"?

Ada Lovelace

What does ASCII stand for?

American Standard Code of Information Interchange

Is a protractor digital or analog?


What is the name of the translator used by Assembly Language?


What language uses commands with mnemonic names and hexadecimal numbers?

Assembly language

What is "bit" an abbreviation for?

BInary digiT

If you have important information saved on a disk, what should you do to protect against the possibility of losing this information?

Back up the data

What number system do you use?

Base 10

What number system does the computer use?

Base 2

What number system is typically used to display memory addresses?


What is the "exposure equation"?

Bewilderment + Exposure = Obvious

The CPU is essentially the _______ of the computer.


What type of code is created by a Java compiler?


If you were to compare the executing of a Java file with the UN, how would "bytecode" fit in with the UN analogy?

Bytecode is English

What secondary storage device is coded with areas that reflect and absorb laser light?


What was the first programming language designed for business?


What does CPU stand for?

Central Processing Unit

Who invented the first general purpose computing machine?

Charles Babbage

What is a "low-level" language?

Close to computer language

What is a high-level language?

Close to human language

Which program is larger, a compiler or an interpreter?

Compilers are much larger.

Explain the difference between an interpreter and a compiler.

Compilers translate the entire file and then execute. Interpreters translate each line and execute each line.

List 2 of Grace Hopper's accomplishments.

Developed program translators and Developed COBOL

What type of information allows you to make a precise copy of the original?


When a metal is a "semiconductor" that means it allows you to precisely control the flow of what?


Why do we not simply use English, or any other human language, to program a computer?

English is too ambiguous

What was the first commercially successful programming language?


What is Blaise Pascal famous for in Computer Science?

He built the first numerical calculating machine.

Who invented a machine used for the US Census and later founded a company that eventually became

Herman Hollerith

What is really the cause of most "computer errors"?

Human programming error or data input error

What does HTML stand for?

Hyper Text Markup Language

What company created the first personal computer to be considered a true business computer and not just a toy for playing games?


What does IDE stand for?

Integrated Development Environment

How much does it cost to download Java from Oracle?

It is free

List 2 benefits with using Java on a web page?

It is secure and it is interactive

How is the Unicode system different from ASCII?

It uses two bytes and adds many characters

Compaq released its first computer back in 1982. It was known for two firsts. What are these?

It was the first portable computer, and the first computer to be 100% compatible with an IBM-PC.

What is the name for the interpreter that takes the bytecode and then executes the program?


What does JDK stand for?

Java Development Kit

What does JVM stand for?

Java Virtual Machine

What was special about Jacquard's Loom?

Joseph Jacquard invents flexible cards that are punched with information in such a manner that it is possible to program how cloth will be weaved. It was one of the first examples of programming.

Who was the first programmer of the Mark-I?

Lt. Grace Hopper

What company created the first operating system for IBM, and eventually became bigger than IBM?


What is Morse Code based on?

Morse code is based on a series of short and long signals.

What is the main board in a computer, with all the primary computer components, called?


Can a website be written entirely in Java?


Does the computer understand bytecode?


Early computers used vacuum tubes. How much information did one vacuum tube store?

One bit

What company bought Sun Microsystems in 2009?


What do computers use today to store information?

Planar transistors on microchips

Explain why programming in machine language is undesirable.

Programming is 1s and 0s is very tedious and problematic.

What kind of chip stores temporary information for the computer?


What kind of chip stores permanent information for the computer?


What does RAM stand for?

Random Access Memory

What does ROM stand for?

Read Only Memory

Iron Oxide is the technical term for something we use to store information on a disk. What is the more common term?


What are computer chips made out of?


What company created Java in 1995?

Sun Microsystems

What were the first 2 video games?

Tennis for Two and Spacewar!

Which stores more information, gigabytes or terabytes?


What 3 things do you need to write a Java program?

Text editor, compiler and interpreter

What was the first electronic digital computer and when was it invented?

The ABC in 1940

What computing device was invented in 3000 B.C. and is still used today in some parts of the world?

The Abacus

What was the commercially successful personal computer?

The Apple II

What was the first commercially successful computer with the mouse/windows technology?

The Macintosh (Mac)

Jack Kirby invented something back in 1958 which eventually lead to the development of microchips. What did he invent?

The Planar Transistor

What was the first computer that a company could actually purchase?


Which has more power? The cheapest cell phone made today, or the $10,000,000 ENIAC computer from 1946?

The cell phone

What is bytecode?

The intermediate code generated by the Java compiler

What does Java use an interpreter for?

To translate and execute bytecode

What eventually replaced the vacuum tubes?


Java does not use ASCII. What does it use instead?


What was the first wide spread software to be sold?


Back in 1946, what would a programmer have to do to program the ENIAC?

Walk inside the computer.

When is a programming language considered to be platform independent?

When a program created on one computer can execute on all other computers.

Who invented the Slide Rule?

William Oughtred

Can Notepad be used to write a Java program?


Can a website contain multiple applets?


Can the Java compiler be accessed from the Command Prompt?


List 2 problems with copying another student's lab and turning in as your own.

You do not learn & It is not ethical

How is writing a computer program different from writing an essay?

You have to follow very precise rules of writing

Explain why the United Nations "2-step translation" process requires fewer translators than a "1-step translation" process.

You only need 1 translator for every language and English.

Java uses a _______ to translate the program source code created by the programmer into _______.

compiler bytecode

Refer to the previous question. Java then continues and uses an _______ to translate the _______ into executable _______ line by line.

interpreter bytecode machine code

Finish this sentence. The secret of Morse code is the fact that electricity can be...

turned on, and it can be turned off.

In what 3 ways are computers superior to human beings?

· Computers are faster · Computers are more accurate · Computers do not forget

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