Precision nutrition Intro: What is good nutrition (workbook)
What are some of the major consequences of a chronic negitive energy balance?
All Non-survival instincts shut down, reproductive, metobolic and brain function impaired
What foods have a high nutrient density?
Bright or dark fruits & vegetables, lean meats and high fiber foods
What is nutritient density?
Food sthat are high in nutrient value per calorie content
What are the major limiting factors to the success of your clients?
Genetics, Physical Activity, Psysiology, Mindset, Nutrition
Long term dietary habits should be based on the intersection of what three goals?
Improved Body composition, Improved health and improved performance
What are some of the major consequences of a chronic positive energy balance?
Increased weight, Decreased body composition, Plaque buildup in the arteries, high Blood pressure, insulin Resistance, Cholesterol Increase
What is Medical Nutrition Therapy?
Nutrition advice designed to treat conditions and illness
What is the purpose of an Ergogenic aid?
Physical or mental performance enhancer
What foods have low nutrient density?
Sugar, soda, white flour, ice cream
What does the phrase "Energy Balance" represent?
The balancy of Energy in and Energy out at a cellular level
Does focusing exclusively on body composition when making nutrition choiceslead to improved health? Why?
They can lead to a detriment, Dieting can lead to too much restriction which can lead to poor health
What foods have high calorie density?
cookies, crackers, butter, bacon
What is calorie density?
high calorie intake per weight of food
Why does calorie density matter?
high nutrient and high calorie foods will help people put on weight and bulk up in a healthy manner
Why doesn nutrient density matter?
high nutrient dense foods make it harder to over eat, you feel fuller longer, get more vitamins and minerals
Why is outcome based decision making one of the most critical factors in successful long term nutrition?
outcome based decision making is objective and results oriented. If your actions are not providing an actual, measurable result, you can change your actions
What foods have a low calorie density?
vegetables, broth, fruits, chicken