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Developing out of the Ego; Serves as conscience


Science is based only on the _____

available evidence

meaning a 'subject or interest"


accomplishing a particular mission or technological objective

Mission-Oriented Research

The universe is heliocentric, or sun-centered and the Earth is merely one of several planets revolving around the sun is concluded by _____ using mathematical formulas.


was a Polish mathematician and astronomer who studied in Italy


The process by which organisms with variations most suited to their local environment survive and leave more offspring

Natural Selection

produces organisms with different structures than their ancestor, different niches, and new habitats.

Natural Selection

is the study that explains human behavior.


was considered more of an art rather than a science.


"reality principle" - tries to satisfy id impulses while minimizing punishment & guilt


It controls voluntary motion and self- reservation behavior


It controls voluntary motion and self-reservation behavior


They calculated the time by means of waterclock

Egyptian Civilization

Good fitness: Reproduce Low Fitness:

Few offspring/extinction

Plough, lathe, mills and pumps, spinning wheel

First-wave technologies

who ordered the construction of the famous "Hanging Gardens of Babylon" and the Isthar Gate?


•the slow and gradual process by which living organisms have changed from the simplest unicellular form to the most complex multi-cellular forms that are existing today.


6 Scientific Processes (ODCCMMIFAAA)

Observing Describing Comparing Classifying Measuring Making inference Identification Formulation Application Assessment Acceptance

They adopted the Sumerian sexagesimal system of counting in units, Ziggurat and cuneiform.


the oldest surviving law in the world. It is the earliest existing legal text

Code of Ur-NAmmu

Unconscious impulses that want to be gratified, without regard to potential punishment


Science is a kind of human cultural activity which is practiced by people known as _____


Sarah knew she could steal the supplies from work and no one would know about it. However, she knew that stealing was wrong, so she decided not to take anything even though she would probably never get caught.

Super Ego

The "moral principle" of our personality which tells us right from wrong our conscience

Super ego

5th evolution of societies

Synthesizing and Recycling Societies

Computers, fibre optics, artificial intelligence

Third-wave technologies

Fitness is a result of


a method of mathematical analysis


Nicolaus Copernicus presented the ______, where he said that the sun is the center of the solar system.

heliocentric theory

The Egyptian writing was in the form of pictorial symbols known as ______, representing individual objects or actions.


The World's first writing system is called


measurement and use of water-power.


made up of assorted botanical, zoological and mineralogical ingredients

materia medica

Egyptians wrote with ink and brushes on paper made of ______

papyrus reeds

Marie Curie and Pierre Curie discovered _________in 1898.


ancient region bordering the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (Southern Iraq)


Another calendar was based on the phases of the moon, consisting of how many days?

29 and ½ days

3rd evolution of societies

Agricultural and Mining Societies

argued that matter was composed of countless tiny particles, each made of dominant substances such as water mixed with other random substances.


who studies the heavens to record time, calculate distances/directions, forecast the seasons and predict annual flooding of the Nile river?

Ancient Egyptians

practical application

Applied Research

performed experiments which led him to discover the laws of lever and the pulley; invented hydrostatics and discovered the concept of gravity


proved the importance of critical observation and systematic means to identify and classify organisms.


the science of studying the position of celestial bodies.


Isaac Newton invented _______ as a method of mathematical analysis


Studied medicine at Edinburgh, theology at Cambridge; developed the biological theory of evolution that explains how modern organisms evolved over long periods of time through descent from common ancestors

Charles Darwin

Thoughts and perception

Conscious level

Only a small portion of our mind is accessible to us

Conscious mind

•like the top of the iceberg, only a small portion of our mind is accessible to us.

Conscious mind

a set of word pictures depicted in symbols made of triangular marks.


The Medieval period is also known as

Dark Ages

In 1543, Copernicus published a book that made him two conclusions

De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres)

He formulated the Periodic table

Dmitri Mendeleev

Sally was thirsty. However, she knew that her server would be back soon to refill her water glass, so she waited until then to get a drink, even though she really just wanted to drink from Mr. Smith's glass.


located in the Northeastern part of the African continent, a desert country thriving on an agricultural economy.


According to _____ nature was a mixture of four elements: earth, fire, air and water.


deals with the distribution of various forms of energy such as solar panels, wind turbines and hydrothermal.

Energy Technology

design and fabrication of tools, instruments, devices and machines

Equipment Technology

Dark Age fueled a great deal of scientific research because of technology needed for navigation (T/F)

False (Age of Exploration)

comprising the pre-industrial technologies which are labor-intensive, small-scale, decentralized and based on empirical rather than scientific knowledge.

First Wave Technology- Agricultural Age

Copper, bronze, iron, glass, ceramic, paper

First-wave technologies

Printing, books and letters, messengers

First-wave technologies

Traditional agriculture, animal breeding, herbal

First-wave technologies

Wood and charcoal, wind power, water power

First-wave technologies

Ability to survive and reproduce in a specific environment is called _________


The philosophy of new science, a new way of doing science using what is known as the scientific method advocated by?

Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes

gaining new knowledge

Fundamental/Basic Research

also discovered that objects fall at the same speed regardless of weight.

Galileo Galilei

was an Italian astronomer who built upon the scientific foundations laid by Copernicus and Kepler.

Galileo Galilei

contained announcements of the Roman Empire to the people, made metal or stone tablets and then publicly displayed.


5 branches of science (GCPBA)

Geology; Chemistry; Physics; Biology; Astronomy

A force that kept planets in their orbits around the sun, also caused objects to fall towards the earth


is an archipelago in the Southeastern part of Europe; Known as the birthplace of western philosophy.


"Father of Greek Medicine". First to regard medicine as a science apart from religion


These are social considerations that changed the course of science and technology

Historical Antecedents

Fire is used by

Homo erectus

1st evolution of societies

Hunter and Gatherer Societies

"pleasure principle" unconscious impulses that want to be gratified, without regard to potential punishment.


A hungry baby cried until he was fed.


Original Core of an Individual personality; Biological Driven


The first 365-day calendar was possibly devised by


4 Technology Processes (ICPT)

Identification, Conceptualization, Production, The use of phase

It is defined as the phenomenal process in the transfer of doing work by human hands and feet to the use of machines.

Industrial Revolution

refers to complex technological innovations from 1750 to 1895 characterized by the substitutions of machines for human skill and machine power for that of human and animal bringing a shift from handicraft to manufacture and marking the birth of modern economy.

Industrial revolution

based on machines that collect, store, process, retrieve, transmit and utilize data or information.

Information technology

Brilliant minds responded to the call of the times and created things that could make life easier for the people.

Intellectual Revolution

It has been established that most, if not all, of the discoveries and inventions in science and technology during each time period were due to human needs and wants

Intellectual Revolution

After Brahe's death, his assistant, the German astronomer and mathematician __________, used Brahe's data to calculate the orbits of the planets revolving around the sun.

Johannes Kepler

Whose finding help explain the paths followed by man-made satellites today?

Johannes Kepler

He made the first car in 1885.

Karl Benz

Proposed that the use or disuse of organs caused organisms to gain or lose traits over time.


these are devices, medicines, procedures and systems designed to preserve, repair, maintain, reproduce and improve living systems

Life technology

•Natural Selection: Nature chooses Artificial selection:

Man chooses

Planning, organization, coordination and control of social activities

Management technology

4th evolution of societies

Manufacturing and Processing Societies

extraction, fabrication, processing, combination and synthesis of materials

Material Technology

Newton published his scientific ideas in his book

Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

Wheeled vehicle made of solid wooden wheels on axles now regarded as the greatest mechanical invention of all time

Potter's wheel

Memory and stored knowledge

Preconscious mind

material that is unconscious, but can be easily brought into awareness. Moves back & forth easily between conscious & unconscious.

Preconscious mind

an ancient Greek astronomer taught that the Earth was the center of the universe


postulated the geocentric theory of the universe


was perceived to be the strongest political and social entity in the west; Considered to be the cradle of politics and governance.

Roman Empire

Seeks to improve society; informs technology


System of knowledge of the natural world gained through the scientific method.


Theories, principles and laws


any systematic knowledge or practice


explores for the purpose of knowing


is complex system of people, skills, facilities, knowledge, material or physical resources and technologies devoted and directed to the inquiry into and understanding of the natural world,


organized body of knowledge gained through research


is used to refer to the great intellectual achievements of science from sixteenth to seventeenth century marking a radical change in the assumptions attitudes and methods in scientific inquiry

Scientific Revolution

was the golden age for people committed to scholarly life in science but it was also a deeply trying moments to some scientific individuals that led to their painful death or condemnation from the religious institutions who tried to preserve their faith, religion and theological views.

Scientific Revolution

These are usually capital-intensive technologies and are essentially based on the classical principles of classical physics, chemistry and biology.

Second Wave technology

comprising the industrial technologies which were developed since the time of industrial revolution until the end of World War II.

Second Wave technology

Coal, oil, hydroelectric power, geothermal power

Second-wave technologies

Engines, motors, turbines, machine tools

Second-wave technologies

Mechanized agriculture, surgery, antibiotics, food

Second-wave technologies

Steel, aluminium, dyes, plastics, petrochemicals

Second-wave technologies

Typewriter, telephone, radio, telegraph, TV

Second-wave technologies

using the number 60 as base, system of counting and a form of place notation.


2nd evolution of societies

Shifting and Farming Societies

An Austrian Neurologist who became fascinated with studying hysteria.; Father of psychoanalysis

Sigmund Freud

He used math to prove the existence of gravity

Sir Isaac Newton

was an English scholar who built upon the work of Copernicus and Galileo

Sir Isaac Newton

was the most influential scientist of the Scientific Revolution

Sir Isaac Newton

Demands more science; benefits from technology


an organized group of people associated as members of a community


people in general thought of as living together in organized communities with shared laws, traditions and values


means more than just staying alive. It means reproducing and passing adaptations on to the next generation


Demands more science; makes life easier to society


explores for the purpose of making something useful from that knowledge


is the use or application of scientific knowledge for a specific goal or purpose


Father of Philosophy, taught that nature was composed of or convertible into water

Thales of Miletus

who perfected geometry, as a single logical system?


comprising the post-industrial or the high technologies which are called science-intensive since they are based on the modern scientific knowledge of the structures, properties and interaction of molecules, atoms and nuclei

Third-Wave technology

Hydroponics, artificial organs, genetic engineering

Third-wave technologies

Laser tools, micro processors' robots

Third-wave technologies

Polymers, semiconductors, liquid crystals, superconductors

Third-wave technologies

Solar cells, synthetic fuels, nuclear fusion

Third-wave technologies

In 1798, he noticed that people were being born faster than people were dying

Thomas Malthus

According to Darwin, individuals with the most favorable adaptations are more likely to survive and reproduce. (T/F)


Before 1500, the Bible and Aristotle were the only authorities accepted as truth. (T/F)


From Malthus' theory of supply and demand, Darwin reasoned that if more individuals are produced than can survive, they will have to compete for food, living space and other necessities of life. (T/F)


Individuals with the most favorable adaptations are more likely to survive and reproduce. (T/F)


It was Copernicus that proposed the idea that the Earth revolved around the sun, and not vice versa... The sun was the center of the Universe, not the Earth. (T/F)


Most scholars supported Copernicus's theory. (T/F)


SCIENCE drives TECHNOLOGY by making new technology through scientific breakthroughs (T/F)


Science cannot make conclusions on faith, opinions, etc. (T/F)


The Scientific Revolution develops as an offshoot of the Renaissance. (T/F)


The history of science is filled with numerous examples of scientific knowledge changing over time. (T/F)


Thomas Malthus observed that most organisms produce many more offspring than survive. (T/F)


Translation of the works of Muslim scholars opened the minds of European thinkers to new scientific knowledge (T/F)


•The Copernican conception of the universe marked the start of modern science and astronomy. (T/F)


Danish astronomer who provided evidence that supported Copernicus' heliocentric theory

Tycho Brahe

Het up an astronomical observatory. Every night for years he carefully observed the sky, accumulating data about the movement of the stars and planets.

Tycho Brahe

Fears, unacceptable secual desires, violent motives, irrational wishes, immoral urges, selfish needs, shameful experiences

Unconscious level

is completely outside of our awareness (could produce anxiety if made conscious).

Unconscious mind

Mountain of god, served as the sacred place of their chief god.


Any heritable characteristic that increases an organisms ability to survive and reproduce in its environment is called


Science is?


in which the Earth is at the center was supported during the Middle Ages.

geocentric model

and the _______ theory was supported by the Church

geocentric theory

Most scholars rejected Copernicus's theory, because ________

it went against Ptolemy and the Church

Galileo assembled the first telescope which allowed him to see?

mountains on the moon and fiery spots on the sun.

Scientist was formerly called ____

natural philosophers and savants

Science is limited to the _____

natural world and natural explanations

The three main types of limits on technology are?

natural, economic, and ethical

Science is limited by ______

personal bias

One of the greatest inventions during the Middle Ages was the _____ of Johannes Gutenberg

printing press

The earliest Egyptian calendar was based on

regular appearance and disappearance of Sirius the brightest star in their horizon which coincide with the annual rise and fall of the Nile river.

Science come from the Latin word means KNOWLEDGE?


if more individuals are produced than can survive, they will have to compete for food, living space and other necessities of life

struggle for existence

meaning "art or craft"


Technoloy comes from the Greek words?

tekhne and logia

Samuel F.B Morse invented the _____ in 1837.


a great wonder not only because it is considered to be the first true city in the world

the City of Uruk

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