Presidents and Vice Presidents
Andrew Jackson
Who was the seventh President
John Quincy Adams
Who was the six President
John Tyler
Who was the tenth President
Thomas Jefferson
Who was the third President
Zachary Taylor
Who was the twelfth President
John Adams
Who was the second President
Martin Van Buren and John C. Calhoun
Who was Andrew Jackson's vice‐Presidents?
John Adams
Who was George Washington's vice-President?
George M. Dallas
Who was James K. Polk's vice‐President?
Elbridge Gerry and George Clinton
Who was James Madison's vice‐Presidents?
Daniel D. Tompkins
Who was James Monroe's vice‐President?
Thomas Jefferson
Who was John Adams vice‐President?
John C. Calhoun
Who was John Quincy Adams vice‐President?
Richard Mentor Johnson
Who was Martin Van Buren's vice‐President?
Aaron Burr and George Clinton
Who was Thomas Jefferson's vice‐Presidents?
John Tyler
Who was William Henry Harrison's vice‐President?
Millard Fillmore
Who was Zachary Taylor vice‐President?
Martin Van Buren
Who was the eighth President
James K. Polk
Who was the eleventh President
James Monroe
Who was the fifth President
George Washington
Who was the first President
James Madison
Who was the forth President
William Henry Harrison
Who was the ninth President